Treatment of TMJ diseases
Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome
The temporomandibular joint is a complex paired anatomical formation that provides horizontal and vertical
Chronic herpetic stomatitis
Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of acute herpetic stomatitis in children
Are you familiar with the feeling of burning and itching on your lips? Or the appearance is unexpected - out of the blue
why do teeth crumble
How to properly care for your teeth during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Indications and contraindications Types After At home Is it harmful? Children and pregnant women
Borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate) for thrush - how to use and reviews
Most women have experienced vaginal candidiasis, also called thrush. This disease affects all patients
Nimesil granules d/susp. for oral administration 100mg pack 2g N9
Release forms and dosages The drug is produced in granules, from which a suspension is prepared for administration
Treatment of candidal stomatitis
Candidal stomatitis in adults: causes, symptoms, treatment
Candidal stomatitis (or oral thrush, or fungal stomatitis) is a fungal infection of the mucous cavity
Photo of teeth in the hands of a dentist
Periodontal disease. Causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention.
How to cure periodontal disease forever? Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis. In the case of periodontal disease,
Is it possible to burn your throat with Miramistin
How to gargle with miramistine? How to properly dilute the solution
Description This drug appeared in the middle of the last century. Previously, he could only be found
Photos of the stages of development of periodontitis in pictures
The danger of periodontitis: why it occurs and how to treat it
From this article you will learn: what periodontitis is - symptoms, photos, anti-inflammatory therapy regimen,
Ointment and gel for gums for inflammation
From this article you will learn: treatment of gums for inflammation - drugs, regimens, remedies
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