First, let's figure out what hydroxyapatite is?

Hydroxyapatite is the main component of bone tissue and hard tooth tissue. Tooth enamel consists of 97% of this mineral, and dentin - 70%.

In our body, by volume, most of all are water, collagen and - yes, yes! - hydroxyapatite.

In 1970, the Japanese company Sangi, having received a patent from NASA, developed an artificially synthesized analogue of natural hydroxyapatite. Toothpaste with medical nano-hydroxyapatite went on sale in the 80s of the last century and worked well. After a series of tests, medical nano-hydroxyapatite was recognized as an anti-caries agent in Japan. In the 2000s, this miracle continued to be improved, achieving even smaller nanoparticles. Until now, Sangi is the largest producer of hydroxyapatite in the world.

In toothpaste, nano-hydroxyapatite does the following:

  • Replenishes lost minerals by remineralizing areas under the enamel that are prone to caries.
  • Treats caries in the “white spot” stage : with regular cleaning, these spots simply disappear.
  • Restores the smoothness and structure of tooth enamel , filling microcracks, damage, fissures, compacting open dentin - the enamel becomes smooth and shiny.
  • Noticeably and quickly reduces tooth sensitivity .
  • Promotes even more effective plaque removal : hydroxyapatite actually sticks to bacteria and plaque particles - tooth enamel appears lighter.

Toothpastes with hydroxyapatite are recommended for pregnant women, children, those who have had whitening, those who have sensitive teeth and generally everyone!

They cost, of course, more than the usual supermarket pastes. However, they are many times more economical: a tiny pea is needed for cleaning - often such pastes do not need to be washed off (you just spit out the foam and that’s it).

There is now quite a wide selection of toothpastes with hydroxyapatite on the market. I will list those that I am closely familiar with.


This is toothpaste from the same Japanese company Sangi. One of the market leaders.

There is a separate pasta for children.

Pasta for adults costs about 2,000 rubles.


Data from a comparative morphological assessment of skin changes from the anterior abdominal wall

  1. Changes in the patients' skin after treatment were observed already at study visit M08 and reached a maximum at study visit M12 and included increased neoangiogenesis in both the superficial and deeper layers of the dermis. Van Gieson staining and Wager staining of elastin fibers showed that the accumulation of coarse collagen fibers and qualitatively changed elastin fibers continued in the extracellular matrix of the skin.
  2. After administration of CaHA diluted in saline, significant increases in collagen type I, collagen type III, and an endothelial marker of newly formed blood vessels were observed by immunohistochemical evaluation. These changes were enhanced after MFU-V treatment.


An American pasta that stands apart. The fact is that it is based on theobromine - an extract of cocoa beans - which stimulates the formation of its own hydroxyapatite crystals. The company conducted many years of research and created a formula that has no analogues in the world. The main researcher, by the way, is Japanese.

This is such a Rolls-Royce in the world of toothpastes.

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