Diseases of the oral mucosa include not only those familiar to every dentist,
Causes of sores in the mouth Purulent ulcers in the mouth can appear in different ways
Defects in the development of the jaw are a common phenomenon, occurring in nine cases out of ten. Often
Outbreaks of colds often occur in the autumn-winter period and early spring. Such symptoms
The presence of a pip on the tongue indicates the development of a pathology of infectious etiology, requiring immediate treatment. Material
As is known, most species of sharks completely change their teeth several times during their lives, and some
Candidal stomatitis (or oral thrush, or fungal stomatitis) is a fungal infection of the mucous cavity
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
An x-ray is the dentist’s main tool in making the correct diagnosis. However, a conventional orthopantomogram or
A high-quality and rapid wound healing process after tooth extraction depends not only on professionalism