Furacilin tablets
Furacilin for gargling (how to dilute tablets and gargle)
Furacilin is a proven agent that destroys pathogenic reagents in the oral cavity and oropharynx. He has
Cleaning teeth from stone: techniques and their effectiveness
Dental calculus is one of the most common pathologies. According to statistics, it exists more than
Stages of throat cancer (larynx)
Laryngeal cancer: causes and risk factors
Leukoplakia, erythroplakia and dysplasia How often do malignant tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx occur? Factors
Stomatitis in children. How to identify it and how to cure it
One of the most common childhood diseases is stomatitis: according to statistics,
Toothache radiates to temple
Why toothache radiates to the temple The degree of damage to soft and hard tissues varies.
Increased tooth sensitivity after installation of a filling: causes and solutions to the problem
Filling is a complex of dental procedures that includes the removal of tooth tissue destroyed by caries,
Which filling should be placed on the chewing surface?
Metal fillings Filling teeth with amalgam Amalgam is a medical metal that contains
Modern aspects of the prevention of periodontal diseases
Due to the high prevalence of periodontitis and periodontal disease among all segments of the population, the prevention of these diseases becomes
Technique for preparing a curved root canal using profiles and an NSK endomotor
Endomotor A small electronic device with a tip - an endomotor - allows you to: process even
Acute streptococcal infection of the oropharynx in pediatric practice - problem and solutions
Acute streptococcal infection of the oropharynx in pediatric practice - the problem and solutions Extremely common
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