Dangerous triangle. Why is the nasolabial area very sensitive?
Cyanosis is a symptom characterized by a blue tint of the skin and mucous membranes, which occurs due to
The largest teeth in the world, which animal has them
The largest teeth in the world, which animal has them?
What kind of animals are there on planet Earth? And toothy, and eared, and tongued animals
The hormone of vigor and stress: how to properly test saliva for cortisol
Currently, medicine has come so far that diagnostic methods have become more accurate, and
Diathesis in children
Hemangioma in children - symptoms and treatment
The problem of allergic reactions is very acute in infants and slightly older children. AND
Blowjob without gag reflex
Muscovite brothers tore out 6 teeth from their girlfriend after “low-quality” oral sex
Many patients of orthopedic dentists after prosthetics talk about how difficult it was for them to get used to
The child's teeth grow in the second row
What to do if the baby tooth has not fallen out, but the molar is growing
If the child’s jaw develops correctly, then the change of teeth occurs as follows: first, the roots of the milk teeth dissolve
Black plaque on teeth - reasons and ways to remove it
Food remains, accumulations of bacteria and saliva form a film that adheres tightly to the enamel, tongue, edge
Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for endoscopy rooms
Endoscopic interventions are minimally invasive, highly informative and effective medical services aimed at diagnosis and treatment
A child’s teeth are growing in two rows: is it necessary to do something?
The order in which baby teeth erupt Every person is different, but it is still important to know how they develop
Top most frequently asked questions to pediatric dentists and orthodontists
Treatment of dental pathologies in children is a complex process that requires extensive practical experience and knowledge.
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