Dental treatment in Heihe: State Hospital, 10 year guarantee!
A person begins to think about health only when the disease makes itself felt. That
Universal patch
Blue hair and a nose ring: why teenagers experiment with their appearance
One of the disadvantages of piercing that everyone has to put up with is pain during the piercing,
Baby teething
Can otitis media occur due to teething?
11/20/2019 The eruption of baby teeth in a child is a gradual process, and it takes approximately 2-3 years,
Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the chin - Dentistry "Line of Smile"
Subcutaneous acne on the chin as a bump, causes and treatment!?
Contents: Possible causes Dental causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes on the chin How to understand that the problem is
Replacing baby teeth with permanent ones: what should parents pay attention to?
Tooth loss is a disease in which, under the influence of negative factors, the integrity of the dentition is disrupted.
Endodontic treatment of dental root canals.
Endodontics is a whole section in dentistry dedicated to methods and techniques of manipulation in the cavity.
How to dye jeans at home. How to paint things blue at home
Household blue is a mixture of dye and starch, which is sold in powder or
What is snot and why does the body need it?
Sphenoiditis (sphenoid sinusitis): symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Like any sinusitis, sphenoiditis can be acute or chronic. A typical symptom of sphenoiditis is
Rodents for babies - all the secrets of an effective device
When a baby starts teething, this can be a reason for parents to
Fluoridation of teeth
Oral diseases in children and their prevention.
Fluoridation of baby teeth. In childhood, caries progresses rapidly. This often leads to loss
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