Asepta toothpaste: unique composition and professional quality

Periodontitis, gingivitis and simply inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, tartar... all these are very common problems in our latitudes: I won’t delve into the reasons, but 60% of people have problems with gums, moreover, they are the cause of the loss of many teeth even more often than caries. The Asepta series from the manufacturer of dietary supplements was created precisely to solve these problems.

Asepta toothpastes

Cleanliness of the oral cavity and the absence of bacteria here is the key and basis for the health of gums and teeth. This is what Asepta pastes do. At the same time, each Asepta toothpaste performs some other important functions. But first things first.

  1. ASEPTA ACTIVE. Paste that actively fights bacteria. Soothes irritated gums and stops the formation of tartar. The paste contains extracts of St. John's wort, sage and calendula. They relieve inflammation and kill germs. Xylitol also soothes gums and strengthens tooth enamel. The enzyme papain stops the development of plaque, dissolving it and stopping the formation of dental plaque;
  2. ASEPTA SENSITIVE. Best friend for sensitive teeth and gums. It contains thermal mud, which perfectly heals, potassium citrate and hydroxyapatite, which remineralize the enamel. It also contains papain, which saves from plaque, and extracts of sweet clover, calendula and calamus, which kill germs and protect gums.
  3. Toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING. Sensitive teeth can be white too! Thanks to the multi-step cleansing system, the paste whitens teeth in one month and does not damage their enamel at all. The composition does not contain aggressive abrasives, antiseptics, fluorides or SLS. But the composition includes papin (read about its action above) and pyrophosphates, which dissolve dental deposits and prevent them from forming again. It also contains potassium citrate and hydroxyapatite, which remineralize even the most fragile enamel. In addition, there are extracts of calamus and eleutherococcus, which regenerate and strengthen sensitive gums and the teeth themselves.
  4. Toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” COFFEE AND TOBACCO. Even tobacco and coffee lovers can boast of a snow-white smile! The special paste for smokers and coffee fans contains highly active abrasives that will help remove traces of tobacco and coffee abuse. There is also a flavor that kills the smell of tobacco and plant extracts (aloe, calamus and lemon oil), which strengthen gums and teeth, and also cope with any bacteria. There is also papain and trace elements (fluoride, zinc, potassium).
  5. "ASEPTA PLUS" REMINERALIZATION. Not only protects gums, but restores fragile tooth enamel. Contains trace elements, thermal mud, hydroxyapatite, which quickly restores weakened enamel. The paste also contains papain plus extracts of eleutherococcus and calendula.

Asepta children's pastes

  1. "ASEPTA BABY" for up to 3 years has a gel texture and protects baby teeth from this type of caries, such as bottle caries, as well as from inflammation in the oral cavity. Contains chamomile and aloe extract, xylitol, calcium lactate and fennel oil. The pleasant taste will make brushing teeth enjoyable for the baby and worry-free for parents.
  2. Paste for children under one year of age is intended for baby teeth. There is no fluoride, SLS or parabens. But the composition contains calcium lactate and xylitol, as well as extracts of witch hazel, aloe and chamomile.
  3. Asepta toothpaste for teenagers protects gums and makes teeth more resistant to bacteria. The main active ingredient is amino fluoride.

The children's series also includes fingertip-shaped wipes for oral hygiene for the little ones.

Balms and gels

They treat and protect gums and teeth when we do not brush them. These remedies can be classified as both preventive and therapeutic. Their spectrum of action is quite wide.

Asepta – adhesive balm for gums

One of the main advantages of the product is its sticky, that is, adhesive, base, which allows the product to remain on the gum for a long time, thanks to which the antimicrobial components work for a long time and reliably. The balm is effective for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis. The balm easily kills all microbes in the oral cavity, relieves any inflammation and removes bad breath and bleeding of the mucous membranes and gums. The product contains menthol and mint, chlorhexidine and metronidazole. Instructions for using Asepta adhesive balm recommend applying it twice a day and not eating after that for half an hour. After brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, be sure to dry your gums before applying. After application, the balm should be moistened with water.

Asepta gel with propolis

A product with a strong antimicrobial effect. It fights effectively not only against periodontitis, gingivitis or stomatitis, but also against trophic ulcers in the oral cavity, as well as sensitivity and irritability of the gums. The product soothes all oral tissues and also strengthens them and capillaries. Prevents inflammatory processes, can be applied pointwise. The active substance (propolis) is a powerful antimicrobial and strengthening agent, accelerates metabolic processes and restores, copes with itching and other unpleasant sensations during inflammatory processes. Instructions for using gum gel with propolis Asepta recommends using it three times a day for two weeks in a row, and not eating or drinking for 30 minutes after application.

Asepta, protective dental gel

Protects against injuries to the mucous membrane when wearing braces and dentures; in case of damage to the gums or mucous membrane, it neutralizes the influence of irritants (such as saliva, acidic drinks or just food). It also helps with painful canker sores and ulcers on the mucous membrane. The good thing about the drug is that it stays on the gums for a long time, which means it provides protection for a long time. The product contains larch polysaccharides and its polymers. The product contains no parabens, antiseptics or dyes. The gel is quite economical and convenient - the pen-shaped packaging allows you to carry it with you and use it at any convenient time. The protective coating quickly relieves pain, and the adhesive base allows it to stay on the gum for a long time.

A little about the manufacturer

Products under the Asepta brand are produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Vertex from St. Petersburg. It was registered in 1999, production processes were launched in 2003.

Now the company's enterprises develop, produce and package solid, liquid and soft dosage forms for use in allergology, gynecology, dermatology, cardiology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, as well as products from cosmetic brands Asepta, Alerana, Ginocomfort, La-Cri, Normaven. In our own research center, we develop and test products that are produced in a modern innovation and production complex.

Product logo

The Asepta brand includes not only toothpastes, but also other products: mouth rinses, propolis gel, adhesive gum balm, a set of oral hygiene products, as well as baby wipes, a vitamin and mineral complex.

Rinse aids

Also needed for oral hygiene. They are able to destroy bacteria and cope with plaque even when you don’t have the opportunity to brush your teeth after dinner or lunch, or apply balm or gel. In addition, they should be used before applying the gel to the gums.

ASEPTA FRESH mouth rinse

The product contains potassium citrate and xylitol, which protect enamel and reduce sensitivity, plant extracts (witch hazel, chamomile and sage), which destroy bacteria no worse than antibiotics, as well as sodium and potassium pyrophosphates, which stop the development of plaque. Mint and lime are needed for fresh breath.

The rinse quickly relieves inflammation and bleeding, and also prevents caries and soothes irritated gums. In addition, it freshens breath and cleanses the oral cavity.

Asepta solution for irrigator

An irrigator is a device that irrigates the oral cavity. Its task is to remove food debris and plaque from areas that are difficult to handle with just one brush. The device improves blood flow in the gums and massages them. The solution intended for irrigators is needed by those who wear implants, dentures and braces, and also suffer from gum inflammation. The solution stops gum bleeding and prevents stone from developing. It perfectly cleanses the oral cavity and stops caries. Removes plaque and food debris from under dentures and braces, relieves inflammation. Use when the need arises to cleanse the oral cavity.

Asepta ACTIVE antibacterial

Relieves inflammation and pain at the same time, an antiseptic that kills germs. It will be an excellent aid in the fight against periodontal diseases. Effective for acute as well as chronic gingivitis and periodontitis, stomatitis, abscesses, toothaches caused by infections, etc. The product contains a very popular and effective chlorhexidine, which easily copes with gram-negative bacteria, as well as gram-positive bacteria, dermatophytes, lipophilic viruses and fungi. The second active ingredient is the analgesic benzydamine, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves pain at the site of the inflammatory process instantly. Suitable for sensitive gums and teeth. Use after meals and immediately before applying Asept gel or balm to the gums.

Vitamin complex

Teeth and gums also need vitamins, and no less than the entire body as a whole. Still, health is inside and no balm will give your teeth and gums everything to become strong.

The vitamin and mineral complex from Asept includes:

  • Calcium coral. Ideal for teeth and gum bones. Needed for the mineralization of periodontal bones and the teeth themselves. One of the most digestible types of calcium;
  • Vitamin D3. Without it, the absorption of calcium is simply impossible, as well as phosphorus. In addition, vitamin D3 is needed for the proper distribution of these substances in periodontal tissues and in the dentin itself;
  • Coenzyme Q10. Source of energy for all cells. As for the gums and teeth, coenzyme is needed here to accelerate the regeneration of gum tissue, and therefore to stop bleeding;
  • Vitamin C. It not only strengthens the walls of capillaries, which affects blood circulation in the gums, but also normalizes their permeability, and also improves the general condition of the periodontium;
  • AT 3. Needed to improve blood circulation in the gums. Also relieves its sensitivity;
  • AT 6. Necessary for normalizing the structure of the oral mucosa and periodontal bone, as well as maintaining good condition of the gums and teeth;
  • B 9. Promotes the growth of bone tissue and accelerates its regeneration and reproduction. Reduces inflammation, renews cells;
  • A. Stimulates the immune system and stops inflammatory processes. As for the gums, vitamin A is needed to increase their resistance to inflammation and infections;
  • Green tea. More precisely, its extract. In addition to its antioxidant properties, it is good because it suppresses the vital activity and reproduction of microbes in the oral cavity. It is also known for its bactericidal properties.

It is best to start vitamin therapy at the very first symptoms of periodontal inflammation, or during periods of “active” vitamin deficiency, that is, in spring and autumn. Take Aspet vitamins one tablet per day. Course – 42 days minimum. Ideally combined with all products from Asept, be it gels, pastes or balms.

In addition to a large selection of tools, the advantage is the ability to choose a set of tools and a course that is suitable specifically for your problem. It is best to buy the products as a whole complex.

Sources used:

  • Hygienic care for inflamed periodontal disease / S.B. Ulitovsky. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2008.
  • Medicines in periodontology. Treatment methods. - M.: Phoenix, 2007.
  • Therapeutic dentistry. In 3 parts. Part 2. Periodontal diseases / Edited by G.M. Barera. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009.
  • Official site

Purposes of product use

Hygiene - help in the treatment of serious pathologies

Thanks to the innovative formulas of Asept products, they can provide the following effects:

  1. Elimination of inflammatory processes, reduction and elimination of bleeding gums.
  2. Ridding the oral cavity of pathogens.
  3. Reduced tooth sensitivity.
  4. Prevention of pathologies of teeth and gums.
  5. Maintaining oral hygiene.
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