How to get a Hollywood smile and how much does it cost?

The Hollywood smile shows the well-being of its owner and emphasizes stylish clothes and expensive accessories. It will perfectly complement a beautiful figure and mysterious eyes. And if you do without pretentious words, then Hollywood teeth should be healthy, even and white, this result can be obtained with regular visits to the dentist and the installation of corrective plates.

Hollywood smile: what is it?

The term itself appeared after the victorious march of American cinema around the world. Everyone has seen the alluring smiles of movie stars making brilliant careers in Hollywood. In the thirties of the last century, the famous dentist Charles Pincus became famous for the invention of Hollywood laminates - thin plates attached to the teeth using an adhesive material. After all, screen stars should have something that distinguishes them from the average person. And this was the Hollywood smile.

But this method also had its drawbacks. The most important of them is the insufficient strength of such a structure. With slight mechanical pressure, they could simply fall off the teeth, so celebrities could dazzle with their snow-white smiles only when filming their next masterpiece.

Dental science does not stand still, today technology has gone far and a Hollywood smile made in a doctor’s office has only one drawback - a high price. When creating it, modern materials are widely used - veneers and lumineers.

Why is the bite disturbed?

To create a perfect smile, you need to eliminate defects in the dental system. The most common of them include various malocclusion pathologies. Dental problems arise for various reasons.

For example, due to bad habits in childhood or adolescence. These include breathing through the mouth, sucking the tongue or finger, etc. As for adults, their bite is disturbed due to the loss of teeth.

Changes in the area of ​​posture, neck muscle tone or the so-called “shoulder girdle” also affect the maxillofacial system. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system change the bite. This is also true for the reverse situation.

When the lower jaw moves posteriorly, the tongue often moves into the larynx area. The volume of air inhaled decreases. As a result, the operation of vital systems becomes difficult.

Experts identify many reasons that lead to bite pathologies. Dentistry allows you to eliminate most problems and create a perfect smile, regardless of the condition of your teeth. The main thing is to choose the right clinic. If you are also looking for experienced specialists, our doctors are ready to provide any professional services!

In what cases are veneers and lumineers installed?

The following indications exist for the installation of veneers and lumineers:

  • irregular shape and dark shade of enamel;
  • noticeable aesthetic defects;
  • hypersensitivity of enamel;
  • curvature of teeth.

The doctor decides how many veneers or lumineers need to be installed after analyzing how wide the person’s smile is. If it is closed, then it is enough to install four pads on the opening teeth.

Lumineers are successfully used to restore back and front teeth. When using them, you can correct color, shape, reduce sensitivity, and close small aesthetic defects. These plates have different transparency and many shades. If teeth are excessively worn out or have lost their volume, then lumineers will restore their normal appearance. In addition, worn teeth age a person, so installing plates will restore youth.

When correcting with lumineers, there is no need to grind down the teeth, as this is done when restoring with veneers. They are easily removed, leaving the teeth without any damage. Another important advantage is the long warranty: if a record is damaged, it is usually replaced free of charge. The only drawback of lumineers is their cost.

Hollywood smile with whitening

If a person has beautiful, even teeth that are dark in color, then it is recommended that he visit a doctor and have his teeth whitened using a photo or laser procedure. One visit is enough to become the owner of a Hollywood smile, because such methods lighten the color by three to four tones .

This method can only be used on healthy teeth, without carious pathologies or fluorosis. There should also be no inflammatory processes on the gums. After whitening, all fillings will have to be replaced, as they will be darker in color.

There is also professional oral hygiene, which can be done at the dentist every six months . Many people do not know about this dental service, but it will help you become the owner of Hollywood teeth.

Dental crowns for a Hollywood smile

Dental crowns to create a Hollywood smile are necessary when teeth are very damaged. The installation of such structures with crooked teeth is quite controversial, since grinding is necessary, and if they are healthy, this is not a very right decision. After all, you can get by with installing braces, which, although expensive and time-consuming to install, will solve the problem completely.

The advantage of using this method is the quick creation of the desired effect. Not only the shape, but also the position of the teeth is corrected. But many patients prefer not to use such aggressive methods by installing braces or aligners.

Cristiano Ronaldo, 33 years old

Ronaldo also had problems with his teeth, but not particularly significant ones, mainly related to his bite. To fix it, the football star was forced to wear braces for a while. It is clearly noticeable that after straightening the teeth, the upper lateral incisor was removed and an implant was installed in place of the missing tooth. The most Ronaldo did with his teeth was in-office whitening.

Can orthodontists create a Hollywood smile?

Yes, because the shape of the bite definitely affects how a person’s smile looks . Anomalies cannot be corrected using only lumineers or crowns. In such cases, you will need the help of an orthodontist who will select and install braces. It is not recommended to install plates on a jaw with an incorrect bite, because such a structure can be easily damaged.

There is also a gummy smile, in which you can see more than 0.2 cm of gum. It can spoil the facial expression, making the mouth too open when smiling. To solve this problem, you can use veneering or gum grafting. In some situations, surgical intervention is required.

Correction of a gummy smile

Reviews from our patients

Vladislav Topalov

I want to share a miracle with you. Yes Yes. MIRACLE. In 2021 I had my wisdom tooth removed. If anyone remembers, I wrote about it. Then I had to remove 3 more... and, as always happens, I gave up on it... a year and a half passed and I was told, as in the case of the first one, that I urgently needed to remove another one. And I decided that I was not ready to remove 3 more, one every year and a half. I called Kostya and asked him to delete 3 at once!!! Yes Yes! 3 at once! Under anesthesia. The operation was scheduled for 9.01. That is, yesterday. I’ll say it right away! Both then and now I PAID FOR EVERYTHING. I SHARE with YOU from the bottom of my heart, and not because they are doing something for me for free!!!! I, like 99% of us, am afraid of the dentist. I’m not afraid, of course, because I understand technology, anesthesia, etc.... but I'm afraid. Guys!!! I'M HAPPY! Yesterday, 3 teeth were removed in 15 minutes. Under sedation!!! I slept like a baby! Moreover - NOT A SINGLE SEAMLESS. Nothing hurts today. The face is NOT swollen. You can see it in the photo. I came today to see the doctor. If anyone needs to have their teeth removed - I PERSONALLY tell you - go to Konstantin Vladimirovich! He has GOLDEN hands!! Ahhh yes! I also DO NOT TAKE ANALGESICS!!! Yes, yes, you didn’t think so!!! He removed it so delicately that it doesn’t even hurt. Do you believe this? I'm not very... and all mine too. It is fantastic! Kostya, dear! God grant you health!!! Thank you so much!

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How to make a Hollywood smile?

Many people are interested in how dentists create a Hollywood smile. Charles Pincus suggested using lumineers to create it. Today, such records are manufactured by the only company located in the USA - Cerinate.

Porcelain is used for their production. Modern technologies used in dentistry have made the Hollywood smile accessible to everyone. The plates are produced super thin, they are similar in size to eye lenses, but unlike them they are highly durable. During the creation process, manufacturers focused on the technologies used in the production of veneers and greatly improved them. Lumineers have many advantages:

  • To install lumineers, you do not need to grind down your teeth.
  • They only require one visit to the dentist to secure them, and it is not painful at all.
  • Lumineers have a long service life.

If veneers need to be changed every ten years, then for lumineers this period is twenty years . Their cost is higher than the price of veneers, but they will last a long time.

How to install lumineers

A Hollywood smile is guaranteed when installing lumineers, and for this you must first eliminate all problems in the mouth with the help of a dental therapist . Then the doctor will make an impression of the front teeth and canines, and plates will be made from it that will ideally fit the teeth. An important stage is the selection of enamel shade according to a special scale.

Using a computer program, you can see in advance what your teeth will look like after installing lumineers. Before the final fixation of the plates, plastic analogues are installed; this helps to identify all design flaws and eliminate them in time. When everything is finally adjusted, porcelain lumineers are attached to special cement with high strength characteristics.

The cost of a Hollywood smile

A little about how much a Hollywood smile made with lumineers costs. The main determining factor in the price is the number of plates that will be placed on the teeth.

Many dentists follow the principle - the more onlays are installed, the lower the cost per unit.

How much a Hollywood smile costs depends on the location of the procedure. The more reputable the clinic, the more expensive the cost will be. In Moscow, Hollywood teeth will cost more than in the regions. The price range can be large, so before installation it is recommended to study all offers and choose the best option.

Read more about how much it costs to get a Hollywood smile. The average price of one record is about 30,000 rubles and depends on the current exchange rate of the American currency, since they are produced only in the USA. To this cost you need to add:

  • treatment of all diseases of the oral cavity and teeth in dentistry;
  • removal of tartar and deposits on teeth;
  • making impressions with their preliminary removal from the teeth;
  • fixation of the plates, which consists of grinding the teeth and gluing the onlays with dental glue.

As a result, one lumineer will require a considerable amount, its size depends on the clinic and location of the procedure and can range from 65 thousand to 80 thousand rubles.

Doctors at our clinic

Shmatov Konstantin Vladimirovich

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Shalygin Andrey Viktorovich

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Kim Yulia Vyacheslavovna

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How to keep your teeth the Hollywood way

To maintain a beautiful smile you will need special care:

  1. You need to brush your teeth every day for at least two minutes in the morning and evening.
  2. Find a suitable toothpaste from your dentist.
  3. Use dental floss after every meal.
  4. Change your toothbrush every three months; it is after this period that it becomes bad and unusable.
  5. Visit the dentist every six months for professional dental cleaning.

You should also avoid bad habits that are harmful to your teeth:

  1. No smoking.
  2. Do not chew seeds and, especially, nuts.
  3. Limit your consumption of sweets.

You need to eat more foods containing calcium. When lumineers are installed, it is necessary to use an irrigator, and when wearing braces, follow all the orthodontist’s recommendations, which include the use of brushes and special restorative toothpastes.

Hollywood smile at home

If your teeth are healthy, but have a dark tint, and visiting a specialist is still too expensive, you can use home remedies for whitening. An excellent and proven option is to use soda . You need to apply it to a swab and wipe each tooth with it for several minutes. This will help mechanically whiten the enamel.

It is also helpful to moisten your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide . With regular use of three percent peroxide, the result will be noticeable within two months.

It is worth noting another home remedy - lemon . You can wipe your teeth with a swab containing its juice.

There are many tooth whitening pastes on the market, the use of which should be limited to two months, as they have an excessive effect that damages the enamel.

The use of all these methods is in no way comparable to teeth whitening and lumineering, which is done by a professional dentist, where bad results are excluded.

Demi Moore, 55 years old

Demi Moore could not boast of good teeth in her youth: in early photographs the curvature is clearly visible, the dentition is damaged.
It is even noticeable that in her youth the actress’s front teeth were restored with composite materials. We can safely say that the actress suffered through various periods of her life. The latest photographs clearly show that she was engaged in dental prosthetics: Demi has crowns made of zirconium dioxide. At the same time, the specialist’s work cannot be called ideal: some problems remain unresolved, for example, the bite has not been corrected. But the smile zone is radically different from what it was before.

Exercises for a Hollywood smile

In conclusion, here are some tips to help you learn to smile like screen stars. This requires training, because with such a smile all forty facial muscles work. The following exercises are done every day:

  • puff out your cheeks and slowly release air through tightly compressed lips;
  • tighten your lips, sticking them out a little, and draw “eights” with them in different directions;
  • fold your tongue into a “tube”, holding the tip with your lips, hold it in this position for as long as possible;
  • smile as wide as possible.

Although the cost of a Hollywood smile is high, by looking at the photos of the people who made it, you can be sure that they look amazing. A Hollywood smile rejuvenates the face and makes it incredibly attractive and happy, and you can spend money on it.

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