What are beautiful teeth and how to create a “Hollywood smile”?

Every person wants to have beautiful white teeth and a snow-white smile like the stars. We communicate with each other every day and smile at other people while talking.

When a person smiles, it is always beautiful, but often many people are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth.

Luckily, there are many whitening, restorative, and other medical treatments available to help you get the smile you've always wanted.

What teeth are considered beautiful?

How to understand which teeth are beautiful and which are not? Let's look at several criteria for a “Hollywood smile”.


It is generally accepted that enamel that has a snow-white tint is considered beautiful. Many people strive to bring the color of their teeth as close to ideal as possible. But here you also need to be careful, since overly bright white teeth will no longer look entirely natural. So the enamel should actually have a slight tint.


The shape of the teeth should look beautiful in appearance and be symmetrical to certain lines on a person’s face. The smile line along the lower row of teeth becomes a kind of smooth continuation when moving to the lips, and the teeth resemble perspective, from the nearest teeth to the farthest ones in the row. The cutting edge should be slightly transparent, this gives a natural look.

Healthy gums

Don't forget about your gums. After all, no matter how beautiful your smile is, if your gums are inflamed, it will not look aesthetically pleasing. Healthy gums are usually light pink in color, and the gums are symmetrically located on top of the teeth.

Veneers will help you get beautiful teeth

For public figures, beautiful, even white teeth are a professional necessity. Back in the 1930s, Hollywood doctor Charles Pincus came up with temporary restorations that allowed movie actors to have the perfect white smile. These first veneers lasted only a few days of filming, but a start had been made.

Today, there are many types of veneers; what they all have in common is that they help you get the teeth you want in a few days, with virtually no inconvenience. As a rule, they require minimal grinding only within the enamel, and some do not require any at all, and last from 10 to 15 years. In some cases, dentists suggest installing veneers made of composite materials, building up a too narrow, short or chipped tooth and giving it a beautiful shape. The same can be done by installing lumineers, which correct the color and shape of teeth.

Veneers are placed only on healthy teeth. If they have been affected by caries or have undergone other pathological changes, the doctor may recommend placing crowns from modern materials, for example, zirconium dioxide, which allows you to create beautiful teeth by matching the color to the rest of the teeth in the row or changing it at the request of the patient.

For the best result, the orthopedic dentist may suggest stretching the color from dark at the gum to light at the edge, uneven cutting edge and non-ideal arch of the dentition. Then only your doctor can say with confidence whether you have any linings on your teeth or whether this is your natural smile.

Ways to Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

There are many ways to improve your smile, make beautiful, straight teeth, and improve their condition.


One of the most popular ways to make teeth whiter today is whitening. This happens by removing unwanted plaque, after which the enamel is naturally lightened by one or two shades.

Especially if your teeth are naturally beautifully shaped, healthy and strong, but over time they have slightly lost the desired shade, for example, due to frequent coffee consumption, whitening is the ideal option for you to get whiter teeth.

Whitening is not a very complicated procedure; it can be done either at the dentist or at home, but for proper and competent consultation it is always better to first consult a specialist.


There is only one answer to the question why stars have such white teeth and how they whiten them: veneers. Getting veneers is a more serious and expensive procedure than regular whitening. Veneers are special coverings that cover the outer surface of teeth for a more beautiful appearance. After installing veneers, the smile visually looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Veneers help correct many dental imperfections, such as:

  • curvature;
  • unevenness on the surface;
  • plaque;
  • bad enamel;
  • interdental gaps.


Another way to correct imperfections is braces. Wearing braces ultimately gives very good results, although they have to be worn for quite a long period of time.

Anyone can get braces, regardless of age: both children and adults. There are two options for installing braces – external and internal. In the first case, the device is installed on the inner surface of the teeth, in the second case - on the outer side of the dentition.

First of all, when installing braces, the patient undergoes a mandatory examination by an orthodontist. If there is caries, it is subject to mandatory treatment before installation. Also, great attention is paid to the presence of stone, since this can interfere with the correct installation of the bracket.

After treatment is completed, you can proceed to installing braces. This happens in this way: special clasps are placed on each of the teeth separately, which are then connected together by one orthodontic arch. On average, this procedure takes 1 – 1.5 hours.


In addition to braces, you can also install special plates; they can be removable or non-removable. The plate is made individually for each patient based on a cast of his jaw.

The plates are quite easy to use; sometimes, if particularly necessary, they can even be removed, for example, while brushing your teeth or eating. Plates are less noticeable than braces.

But there are also significant disadvantages of such a device: plates do not help in all difficult cases, especially in adults, since they cannot, like braces, shift the dentition over time, restoring the correct shape.

In children, it is sometimes difficult to track the dynamics of treatment, since the ability to remove the plate allows them to do this more often than the doctor recommends. In some cases, if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, wearing such a plate may not give any positive results.


The next alternative option for teeth straightening is mouth guards. They are not as effective as braces, but they can correct minor defects in the dentition. Mouthguards do not damage the gums; they are also made individually for each patient and, importantly, are absolutely invisible to others.

The mouthguards are quite easy to wash, and a person gets used to the device within a few days. The disadvantages of using this method include only the high cost, as well as the fact that mouthguards cannot cope with serious cases of imperfect teeth. In more difficult situations, the patient will need braces.


Another way to solve the issue of oral appearance.

You can resort to a restoration procedure if chips or large stains appear on the surface of the teeth, the enamel is destroyed due to the appearance of caries, or there may be large distances between the teeth.

With the help of restoration, you can restore the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and make your smile more attractive.

This happens by placing a polymer mass into the dental cavity until it takes the desired shape and is restored to a smooth state. If there is severe tooth decay, preliminary installation of a pin will be required.


Dentures are usually used in cases where the patient is missing one or more teeth. Dentures can be removable or non-removable. It is best to discuss the method of prosthetics with your doctor, and then make a decision.

Removable dentures can be removed at will and put on again when needed. Fixed dentures are attached directly to the root or to an implant - an artificial root.

Dental decorations

One of the fashionable trends in the field of dentistry can be considered dental jewelry. Probably everyone, at least once in their life, has noticed rhinestones and other decorations on another person’s enamel that decorate a smile and attract attention.

But, if you suddenly want to install a rhinestone for beauty, this is not always possible: there are several contraindications for such a procedure. For example, if you have caries or any enamel damage, the procedure is contraindicated for you.

You may be allergic to the materials used for jewelry, so you also need to be careful. If you have bite pathology or diseases of the oral cavity, the orthodontist may also refuse you such a procedure. After eliminating all contraindications, you can safely choose the jewelry you like.

Beautiful white teeth with whitening

Sometimes professional cleaning is enough to achieve a positive result. By removing plaque, teeth naturally lighten one or two shades and look cleaner and more expressive. If you naturally have beautiful, healthy teeth, but they have become darkened by frequent consumption of coffee or other coloring products, then whitening is the ideal solution. In order to get beautiful white teeth, today dentists offer many options for carrying out this procedure, from office (salon) to home, so you can choose a method that suits your desires, rhythm of life and financial capabilities.

The cost of a “Hollywood smile”

If you want to have truly beautiful teeth and a “Hollywood smile,” this can always be achieved, because the variety of medical procedures that dentists now perform allows anyone to get the desired smile.

How much it will cost to make teeth like stars, the price of the issue depends entirely on the restoration method and materials. For example, a whitening procedure will cost from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.

The installation of veneers varies depending on the material chosen. For example, installing veneers in the simplest and most inexpensive way will cost 7,000 per one. Don't forget that the “smile line” consists of 8 teeth.

Scarlett Johansson

The cost of getting braces varies depending on the dental practice and the type of braces you choose. For example, the average cost of installing ceramic braces for one row is 40,000 rubles, metal braces will cost an approximate amount of 15,000 rubles.

Restoration of one costs from 1,500 rubles or more, but the cost of prostheses will depend on their type. For example, ceramic crowns will cost approximately 15,000 rubles. Jewelry will cost from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

If you want to revive your smile with a sticker, the cost of the procedure will cost you approximately 500 rubles. A Hollywood smile may not always come cheap, but it's truly worth it.

How do stars make their teeth white? Basic methods

There are only two ways to achieve “Hollywood smiles”:

  1. Orthodontic treatment with braces or aligners, and then teeth whitening.
  2. Veneers are thin ceramic plates that are installed on the outer surface of the tooth (and, as a rule, in the “smile zone,” i.e., only on the front teeth).

Both versions are suitable not only for celebrities, but also for “ordinary mortals”. There is one BUT: unlike ordinary people, celebrities cannot always afford long-term bite correction and “shine” on cameras with braces. As you know, even in the simplest cases, teeth straightening will take 4 or 6 months.

In addition, not everyone has naturally “correct” teeth: we are talking about the shape, length and thickness of the teeth, the level of the gums and other indicators, the combination of which makes a smile attractive (or not).

Tom Cruise preferred the “long” option and at the age of 40 began correcting his bite with braces.

Veneers, unlike braces, can solve the issue of not only an even dentition, but also the shape of the tooth, its length, and also “set” a permanent color that will not deteriorate over time (unlike whitening, which has a temporary effect).

Also, the installation of veneers can be carried out in just a few appointments with a dentist, so many stars choose this particular solution.

What are they made of?

Veneers are ceramic plates that are attached to the outside of the tooth. Veneers are also available in zirconium. These materials help achieve natural transparency and maximum resemblance to “real” teeth.

How are veneers placed?

The installation technology involves grinding the living tissues of the tooth so that the ceramic onlay fits as tightly as possible to the gum, and also does not visually increase (or increase too much) the “final” size of the teeth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of veneers?

  • white and straight teeth in just a few visits to the doctor: quick results;
  • the ability to adjust not only the color, but also the shape of teeth;
  • expensive cost of veneering;
  • veneers will have to be changed every 10-15 years (depending on the quality of installation, materials and other parameters);
  • After the first installation of veneers, there is no turning back: the teeth will be prepared and it will no longer be possible to remove the veneers and walk “as before” with your teeth.

Zac Efron, with the help of veneers, not only removed the diastema (the gap between the front teeth), but also corrected the shape of all the teeth.

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