What types of dental veneers are there: what are they made of and what materials to choose

Veneers What to do?
Lumineers Ultraneers Composite onlays Crowns Inlays Decorative onlays Doctors Work Dental onlays are orthopedic mini-prostheses used to restore the aesthetics of the dentition. Dental restoration is usually carried out:

  • for medical reasons (treatment, prevention of dental diseases, reconstruction of lost teeth);
  • in order to restore the aesthetics of a smile.

To satisfy these needs, there are many ways in which dental restoration with onlays is carried out. In this article we will look at the most popular of them.

Types of dental inlays and their scope of application

Article navigation

  1. What are Tabs
  2. Stump and restorative
  3. Differences from a filling
  4. Differences from veneers
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. Advantages
  8. What are the disadvantages
  9. Varieties and materials
  10. Manufacturing and installation
  11. Quality assessment parameters
  12. Are there any complications?
  13. Service life and care
  14. What to consider when choosing
  15. Current prices

Question for a specialist
Destruction of chewing teeth is a big problem for modern adults. Dietary features, the predominance of soft and sweet foods in the diet, and not always high-quality treatment of caries lead to the need for orthopedic restoration. One of the preferred methods is an inlay on the tooth, which will give it beauty and functionality for many years. Next, we will talk about what it is - an inlay for tooth restoration, what it looks like and what it is made of, how it is made, how it is placed and how much it costs.

Pros and cons of removable veneers

These products have both positive and negative qualities. Their positive qualities are as follows. Only they:

  • cover the filed part of the tooth, reduce its sensitivity to temperature changes and other external negative factors;
  • protect teeth from microtraumas that a person can receive while chewing food;
  • make the smile more aesthetically pleasing and attractive;
  • allow the patient to quickly see the result of their treatment and correct it in time.

In addition, these products have several disadvantages. Eg:

  • Food or liquid can easily get under the device, and this often leads to the development of caries. That is why doctors do not recommend that patients delay visiting a specialist. He must quickly remove the temporary veneers and replace them with permanent ones;
  • The installed veneer may crack or break off. This usually happens if a person eats solid foods frequently.

Remember: wearing removable veneers increases the final cost of prosthetics.

What are Tabs

Everyone knows what fillings and crowns are. But when a dentist offers such an option as dental inlays, many people do not understand what this means. Let's figure it out.

Inlays for a tooth crown (or, as they are also called, “onlays”) refer to microprosthetics when it comes to restoring a partially destroyed natural crown. Inlays are an alternative to large fillings and they are needed when, as a result of caries, the top of the tooth is severely destroyed, but it is too early to install a dental crown and cannot be restored with a filling. An inlay is literally a missing piece of tooth that is attached to the remaining walls.


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It is included in the kit

SnapOnSmile veneers are an outstanding development of professional dentists; they allow you to get instant results without expensive, exhausting procedures. They are made of durable plastic that is not felt on the teeth and does not darken from coffee, tea, or coloring liquids. The aligners are easy to remove and have a long service life.

The composition of Snap On Smile is safe, the plastic does not oxidize, the material is biodegradable in the natural environment.

Universal size, suitable for people aged 16 to 60 years.

Removable veneers Snap On Smile are sold in a set containing:

  1. 1 piece of veneers made of thin, durable material.
  2. Convenient container for storing insert aligners.
  3. Instructions in Russian.

Some sets have a double set - for the upper and lower jaw. Check with the manager for their availability. Toothbrush and toothpaste are not included, please purchase them separately.

Differences in purpose - stump and restorative

The topic of today's article is developing around microprosthetic inlays; they are needed to restore a natural crown and are therefore called “restorative”. Restorative ones are attached to the outside of the tooth and are visible to anyone if they open their mouth. In fact, they are alternatives to fillings.

What is an inlay for a tooth under a crown? There is another option for permanent prosthetics - this is the stump type. It is needed not for beauty, but for strength. Stumps, as the name implies, have the shape of a tooth stump. The lower part of the stump tab is inserted into the root canals, and the upper part rises slightly above the gum and serves as a support for the crown or prosthesis. Those. the stump will not be visible, no matter how you open your mouth, because it is always hidden by an artificial crown. But, in fact, it is also restorative, but it replaces not only the apex, but also the dental canals. You can read more about this type in a separate article.

How to put on perfect smile pads correctly?

Having purchased a new product, first of all you need to read the instructions on how to install Perfect Smile veneers. It is extremely important to follow clear instructions to avoid improper placement of the overlays on your teeth and gums, as well as any discomfort.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Norms and timing of teething in infants: symptoms and methods of relief

Instructions for use of Perfect Smile Veneers:

  • Preparation - place the plates in a glass of hot water for several minutes until the white coating becomes transparent;
  • Shaping - we firmly press the veneers to the natural teeth to obtain the required outline of the plate;
  • Hardening - immerse the veneers in cold water for a few minutes until the white coating reappears;
  • Installation - we put on the plates like ordinary plug-in elements.

The versatility of Perfect Smile Veneers lies in the ability to shape the onlays identical to natural teeth.

Only with proper preparation will Perfect Smile veneers last a long time, will not cause inconvenience and wear well: they do not fall out and do not interfere with talking or eating.

Many buyers complain about the poor quality of the product, not knowing how to use veneers correctly. Therefore, we recommend watching a video on how to put on Perfect Smile Veneers:

The importance of following recommendations for installation and operation of overlays is sometimes underestimated. The quality of your future smile depends on the correct preparation and placement of the plates. Placing veneers according to the rules allows you to avoid possible difficulties and save time before an important event.

Differences from a filling

Any filling is installed using the direct method, so it can be placed on the same day you contact a specialist. Filling materials – paste or powder, mixed with liquid before filling. The filling hardens in air and under the influence of a special lamp. And the service life of even the best filling is no more than 3-4 years. Afterwards it will also stand, but you need to check the quality of the fit and its shape - it still shrinks under load.

The inlay is made by an indirect method - in a dental laboratory using casts of the jaws, or more precisely, the patient’s teeth. For such microprostheses, metals, liquid and lump ceramics, blocks of zirconium and aluminum dioxide, as well as composite compositions similar to fillings are used. These microprostheses are installed on the patient ready-made, i.e. fully formed and hardened.

Dental inlays compare favorably with conventional fillings in that they allow you to restore a badly damaged tooth for a longer period of time. For example, if deep caries was discovered, and after its treatment a large cavity formed, it is better to fill it with a microprosthesis, which is created individually in a dental laboratory. This method is more preferable, since saliva may enter when placing the filling, as a result of which the entire treatment process will be ineffective. And the patient himself is not very comfortable spending a long time in the dental chair during the formation and subsequent grinding of the filling. The inlay will also last many times longer than any composite restoration.

What types of veneers are used in aesthetic dentistry: by type of material

The main criterion for classifying overlays is the type of material used. Veneers can be ceramic, made from a composite mixture, etc. All types of overlays differ from each other. The varieties are also installed differently.

Ceramic veneers

Ceramic veneers require indirect prosthetics. They are pre-made in the laboratory and then placed on the patient.

Among the proposals for front teeth, emax veneers are recognized as one of the best. They are as durable as possible and look aesthetically pleasing. Unlike standard ceramic onlays, E-max is made from pressed lithium silicate ceramic. The composition was developed by the leading German company Ivoclar Vivodent.

Cast glass ceramics

Veneers are produced from cast ceramics, characterized by high performance and aesthetic properties. Their performance is superior in comparison with porcelain. The main advantage is that there is no need for preparation.

Hot press ceramics

Veneers of this type are produced using the injection molding method under high temperature. The results are durable microprostheses that are resistant to chewing loads. They are thin and light.

At the same time, the pads are hypoallergenic and more durable. The main disadvantage is the impressive cost.

Traditional feldspar ceramics

Such veneers are made from a special powder obtained during firing and subsequent cooling of the crushed workpiece. The material has high aesthetic characteristics. It is excellent for dental prosthetics, regardless of their location.

Composite veneers

Composite veneers are inexpensive. Their appearance is natural. Overlays are made from a special material that is applied in layers. They are distinguished by ease of installation, but the quality does not suffer from this.

Porcelain veneers (Hollywood laminates)

Porcelain veneers or lumineers are considered one of the main achievements in dentistry. They look like thin plates and are placed on the front of the teeth. The color of the overlay is selected by the patient together with the doctor. Veneers are simply glued on, after etching the surface of the natural tooth to make it rough.

Zirconium veneers with application

These overlays are formed from an alloy with zirconium. The material is highly durable and perfectly compatible with teeth. The effect of its use is excellent. The only negative is the high cost.

Plastic veneers (temporary)

Temporary veneers are used after the enamel has been prepared and impressions have been taken. It takes time to produce permanent overlays. During this period, already ground enamel looks ugly. To hide the defect, temporary overlays are used. They also perform the function of protecting teeth from bacteria, temperature, food and plaque.

Plastic veneers are attached with adhesive and can be easily removed in the dental office.

Removable veneers - they don’t exist

Are there removable veneers? In fact, there are none. The onlays, which appear in advertising every now and then, are attached to 10-12 teeth in a row. They are flat models with imitation gums. They are attached directly to the teeth.

Manufacturers claim that such overlays are suitable for any jaw. In practice, everything looks different.

Differences from veneers - and is it possible to put inlays on incisors and canines?

If we take into account the materials for manufacturing, then both veneers and inlays are, in principle, identical. Besides metal, metal veneers would look too shocking. Although some musical performers wear grills - removable analogues of veneers made of precious metals and stones. Some patients also call veneers ceramic inlays for the front teeth. But here the term “overlays” is still closer, because Veneers are applied to the tooth surface rather than inserted into a cavity.

The main difference is that any veneers are installed only on the anterior side of the frontal zone (incisors, canines and sometimes the first premolar) and serve only to give the smile high aesthetics. You cannot bite off hard food with veneers. And inlays are installed only on the chewing areas of the rows (premolars and molars), and on any side - the chewing surface, the lateral one. And you can chew any food with your teeth using these microprostheses.

Don't know what type of prosthetics to choose?

We will help in the selection, advise where to read more information and compare types of prosthetics.
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These are dental onlays up to 0.5 mm

. They are used to restore the front row of teeth and are installed on both the lower and upper teeth. They are analogues of veneers and lumineers.

To fix ultraneers, teeth are not ground, which is an undeniable advantage. Ultraneers solve the following problems:

  • darkening and pigmentation of enamel;
  • small cracks;
  • unequal shape and size of teeth;
  • large dental gaps.

The service life of ultranir is up to 15 years

. Care - normal daily oral hygiene, professional hygienic cleaning in dentistry regularly.

Indications for use

  • chips of the dental crown are less than 50% - that is, the side walls must remain so that the inlay can be secured. If they are not there, i.e. the crown is destroyed at the root, it is necessary to consider the stump tab,
  • restoration of a natural crown after massive drilling of enamel and dentin in the treatment of caries, when the installation of a composite filling is unreliable,
  • replacing old fillings with more reliable and durable solutions,
  • thin tooth walls and the large cavity they surround,
  • increased sensitivity to chemical and thermal irritants: cold, hot, sour, sweet.

Temporary dental veneers

Before installing dentures, the enamel is subjected to processing, after which it becomes fragile, rough, and sensitivity sharply increases - a painful reaction to sour/sweet foods and cold drinks occurs.

Ceramic veneers are made in 2-2.5 weeks, during which time plastic removable overlays are installed on the teeth. They do not last long, they break/crack quickly, but they perform their function - they provide a cosmetic effect and preserve the aesthetics of your smile. They will protect the ground hard tissues, allow you to restore chewing function, and prevent discomfort from eating.

Contraindications for use

If we take into account all the indications and the location of the installation, then the contraindications look like this:

  • the natural crown is destroyed by more than half,
  • the “nerve” has long been removed from the roots: in this case, the microprosthesis can last much less than the stated period,
  • periodontitis, cysts or granulomas are found at the roots: without treatment, the pathology will continue to develop, which will inevitably lead to the need to remove the onlay and treat the periodontium/bone,
  • if restoration of incisors or canines is required.

What do false teeth mask?

The creation of special veneers is based on American technology. The universal device performs two functions at once. These are liners and veneers. A dental veneer hides defects in real teeth. Improves visual appeal due to its smooth structure. When using a new overlay, the following problems are solved:

  • absence of individual units in the dentition;
  • ugly structure of natural teeth;
  • large gaps;
  • chips resulting from injury;
  • bite defects;
  • enamel with a yellowed or damaged layer.

People are embarrassed to smile when they have these problems. Others see this as signs of indecisiveness and tightness. Due to a dental defect, barriers to relationships with the other sex develop. It is difficult for a person to move up the career ladder. Finding a high-paying position is becoming more difficult. Having bought new veneers for 1290 rubles, a person will instantly solve the problem with his appearance.

Benefits or "success factors"

  • more accurate restoration of the anatomical shape of the dental crown compared to fillings,
  • strength and durability,
  • high aesthetics: when using metal-free ceramics or zirconium/aluminum dioxide, the restoration looks absolutely natural,
  • the inlays do not shrink, do not shrink in size, do not wear down or stain,
  • unlike dental crowns, “onlays” allow you to restore only the destroyed part without grinding down healthy tissue,
  • installation does not require removal of the dental “nerve” if the roots are healthy,
  • the possibility of long-term strengthening of the tooth for subsequent removable or permanent prosthetics,
  • very tight fit to the walls of the cavity: which eliminates the risk of caries under the microprosthesis.

Instructions for use

In addition to the installation instructions, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer's instructions for using the Perfect Smile Veneers design. It is important to store the product correctly and promptly clean it from food residues.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with White dots on the tip of the tongue - ProfiMed

Basic rules when using Perfect Smile Veneers:

  • The pads must be stored in a special container included with the product;
  • The plates should be washed regularly for cleaning and disinfection;
  • It is better to soften the veneers and give them shape immediately before installation;
  • It is not recommended to attempt to use the pads for purposes other than their intended purpose;
  • The plates must not be broken, bent or subjected to other traumatic effects.

When used correctly, Perfect Smile Veneers can last for many years and will not require immediate replacement.

You can wear veneers throughout the day, but at night it is recommended to remove them and wash them.

The product should be washed according to the manufacturer's instructions:

  • Perfect Smile Veneers can only be washed in warm water;
  • It is not recommended to use soap substances intended for hair and body;
  • You should not use devices with solid particles, for example, scrubs, toothbrushes, especially with hard bristles;
  • Avoid using chemicals;
  • It is better to rinse the plates under running water;
  • The product should dry naturally.

The best way to clean veneers is to use warm water and baking soda; you can also use toothpaste or powder, but apply them with your finger. After the procedure, the plates should be lightly blotted with a towel and left to dry in a well-ventilated area.

Popular varieties and what materials they are made from

Orthopedic dentistry has an impressive arsenal of types of inlays for teeth - there are composite, all-ceramic, all-metal, metal-ceramic and zirconium dioxide. Let's take a closer look at them.

Composite and their features

Synthetic or composite inlays are created from the same materials as fillings. They are relatively strong, durable, and fit quite tightly to the walls. The difference from fillings in this variety is that they are created from an impression in the laboratory without the presence of the patient. Such a microprosthesis fits more tightly to the dental walls than a filling. Service life is about 3-5 years.

Made from solid ceramic

A ceramic inlay1 for a tooth is made from solid ceramics, which does not contain metal, which means the product will not cause allergies. It is very aesthetic, in terms of density and external properties it is almost identical to natural enamel. The service life is about 5-7 years. Therefore, ceramic in most cases are optimal for prosthetics.

Made from zirconium dioxide or aluminum

Such products are extremely aesthetic, durable and strong, they fit exactly to the walls of the teeth, thanks to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology (we’ll talk about this a little later). After all, materials, especially zirconium dioxide, are much stronger than ceramics or natural teeth, but the cost of zirconium dioxide/aluminum microprostheses is significantly more expensive than ceramic or composite ones. Service life is from 5-7 years.

It is important to understand that the service life of tabs is actually very conditional. In many ways, how long they last is influenced by the condition of the tooth they are restoring.

Metal and their features

A metal tooth tab is considered an outdated method of prosthetics, since precious or ordinary metals (a combination of nickel, copper, cobalt or chromium) are used here. Materials such as gold, platinum, palladium and silver do not cause allergic reactions, are very durable and strong, adhere well to the tooth surface, but do not look very attractive. Microprostheses made of conventional metals are also not aesthetically pleasing; moreover, they oxidize over time and can cause allergic reactions. The service life depends on the type of alloy, for base alloys it is about 3 years, for noble alloys it is about 7-10 years.

Metal-ceramic microprostheses

Metal-ceramic ones have a base made of ordinary metals or precious alloys and are externally coated with ceramics. This method of restoration is practically not used in orthopedic dentistry, since it has not justified itself in terms of aesthetic and functional properties. You can see how the metal-ceramic inlay should be placed on the tooth in the photo below. Metal-ceramics are very effective for dental prosthetics with crowns covering the entire surface of the tooth, but are not effective enough for partial restoration, that is, for the manufacture of inlays. Service life is about 3 years.


Superthin (0.2-0.3 millimeters) non-invasive aesthetic porcelain plates. The purpose of the installation is to hide defects, straighten the row, and create a snow-white Hollywood smile. Lumineers do not require preliminary preparation; they are installed on the enamel with the application of an adhesive mixture that is insoluble in saliva, they are durable, resistant to chemical/mechanical influences, and ensure ideal closure of the jaws. Installation of ultra-thin permanent products takes 2.5-3 hours, service life is 15-25 years.



  • high aesthetics: the restoration is fixed using a special glue that gives it translucency, like natural teeth;
  • no preparation: the installation process is reversible and does not have a negative effect on the enamel;
  • preservation of shape: lumineers are not subject to external influences, are durable, do not change shape/shade;
  • protect sensitive enamel well;
  • serve 20-25 years.


: long treatment period; dental overlays in the form of lumineers are characterized by a high price.

Manufacturing and installation

How to make a tooth inlay? Let's look at the ways in which modern microprostheses are created:

  • creation by a dental technician manually: the orthopedist takes an impression of both jaws, selects the color of the future “onlay”, after which the dental technician makes it manually in accordance with the impressions, using appropriate equipment for processing the material at each stage of production. This is how composite products are made, partly also ceramics,
  • computer modeling and CAD/CAM milling: a microprosthesis is created using high-tech equipment - first the entire oral cavity is scanned. Afterwards, a virtual model of the future prosthesis is created, taking into account the position of all teeth, and then the prosthesis is made using automated equipment from a single piece of ceramic, zirconium dioxide or aluminum oxide - the most modern, durable and aesthetic materials for dental prosthetics.

The creation of the product may take several days - during this time a temporary filling will be installed, which will protect the treated cavity from destruction and penetration of bacteria.

Before placing the inlay on the tooth, the orthopedist removes the temporary filling, processes the walls of the cavity to roughen it (to ensure better adhesion), disinfects the cavity, and then tries on the finished microprosthesis. If everything fits perfectly, then the “onlay” is fixed in the oral cavity using special dental glass ionomer cement or composites (photo- or chemical curing). The remaining cement is then ground off and the restored crown is polished to prevent bacteria and food debris from accumulating on it.

Snap-on Smile veneers: reviews from real customers

After browsing the Internet and reading forums, we found completely different reviews. Here are some options:

As you can see, opinions are divided. Therefore, just for fun, you can order Snap-on Smile veneers, but don’t get your hopes up.

Positive reviews

Nadezhda 31 years old. I have been trying to fix my teeth since I was a teenager. My side teeth and canines were growing incorrectly. To straighten it out, I had braces installed, but this design did not suit me. The glands made my gums hurt and bleed, and my teeth began to loosen. I had to take it off. There wasn’t enough money for ceramics, so when Snap Smile veneers went on sale, I ordered them without hesitation. The price is reasonable, I thought if they didn’t fit I’d throw it away. But to my great joy, the mouthguard stretches perfectly, does not press anywhere and is practically not noticeable in the mouth. I recommend it to everyone! Vladimir is 33 years old. After the army, my teeth began to turn black and fall out. When 2 teeth fell out on the left side of the front row, I stopped smiling. To insert it you needed more than 100 thousand rubles, but I don’t earn that much yet. Therefore, I temporarily installed Snap Smile veneers. They are very comfortable to wear and quickly mask imperfections. Of course, I will put in teeth, but while I’m saving up money, I’m masking my smile with false veneers. No one realizes that this is an artificial lining.

Negative reviews

Marina is 39 years old. I ordered veneers on Aliexpress. But I couldn't install them. They are huge and don't fit in your mouth. At the same time, they don’t stick at all. I became like a rabbit. In addition, when I tried to speak, they simply fell out. I can't imagine how to eat with them. In general, another Chinese scam!

Quality assessment parameters

High-quality microprostheses must be produced with the highest precision and according to the individual parameters of a particular patient. Therefore, a good prosthesis can be made in 1-3 weeks, which includes not only the production itself, but also modeling, creating a blank, and trying it on to evaluate all the characteristics.

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Before choosing the type and material of a microprosthesis, the dentist must conduct a diagnosis. It also includes an X-ray examination to determine possible pathologies (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.). X-rays are also taken after prosthetics to assess the tightness of the fit to the walls and the absence of air cavities. By the way, during regular medical examinations the dentist can also take x-rays of the restoration - to identify the nuances and pathologies mentioned earlier.

How have dental problems been resolved in the past?

Dental clinics perform thousands of procedures and surgeries to restore teeth. Various techniques are used for this. The vector of events affected the whitening industry. Damaged teeth undergo a “coronation procedure.” Implants are inserted. Complex and expensive veneers are placed. But this is an extremely time-consuming process. The final result directly depends on the qualifications of the attending physician. In any case, the client deposits a considerable amount into the cash desk of the medical institution. But you still have to endure stress.

You should not discount real reviews from office patients who confirm the pain of the operations performed. Disadvantages include the fact that treatment is delayed for a long time. A person is forced to experience discomfort from the situation because he has to come into contact with people with a feeling of inferiority. To put the oral cavity in order, a person had to endure discomfort and pain. In reality, the situation can be resolved in a few seconds. Using new overlay veneers, people get rid of complexes, because the ugly row of front teeth is hidden behind straight teeth.

This is interesting: How to save teeth when they are worn out?

Are there any complications?

The most common complication is the appearance of caries in the deep tissues under the prosthesis. Detachment of the “onlay” from the dental walls, chipping of ceramics or composite (or even the walls around the denture with the development of cervical caries, for example), can also occur. Another possible complication is injury to the antagonist tooth (chip or periodontitis). Complications occur if the following mistakes are made:

  • preliminary diagnosis was incomplete or carious tissue was poorly removed,
  • the patient, while wearing a temporary filling, did not follow the recommendations of the orthopedist and chewed intensively on the prosthetic side,
  • violation of technology when taking impressions, manufacturing, fitting and installation.

Carrying out the procedure

Snap-on-Smile prosthetics is carried out in 1 day and is painless.

  • It all starts with a doctor's consultation
  • Next, you need to sanitize the oral cavity: remove plaque and stone. Caries is removed if present;
  • Taking impressions and 3D scanning. They are sent to the laboratory, where they immediately begin production;
  • The product is manufactured taking into account the anatomical features of the patient. The material used is acetyl crystallized resin, giving the system light weight, flexibility and strength;

The procedure is completed in one day, but before that you need to visit the dental clinic for a preliminary analysis and consultation. The method does not involve the introduction of anesthesia and drilling.

The service life of the Snap-on-Smile prosthesis is 5 years. During its service life, the product can be used as a removable denture. The mouthguard is manufactured in various variations depending on the patient's preferences. So there is a system that is put on both jaws at the same time.

Service life and care

The service life of composite microprostheses is several years; ceramic and “dioxide” ones can reach 10 years. Products made by milling on a robotic machine have maximum accuracy and fit to the tooth, so they last longer than usual. First of all, the service life depends on the health of the teeth, since if caries occurs deep in the cavity, it will be necessary to remove the old “onlay”, treat the tooth and install a new one or (more likely) a crown. To extend the life of dental inlays, do not forget about simple hygiene procedures and regular visits to the dentist - during routine preventive examinations, he will be able to detect damage to the denture, since bacteria and microbes can penetrate under it through cracks and cracks.


Veneers are ceramic plates used to restore the front row of teeth. They are installed on both the upper and lower teeth.

Veneers can eliminate many defects:

  • crooked teeth;
  • enlarged interdental gaps;
  • chips and cracks;
  • pigmentation or darkening of the enamel.

To fix veneers, it is necessary to grind a thin layer of enamel and secure them with special cement, which will securely hold the structure on the teeth. The service life of veneers is up to 15 years

. They do not require special care.

Current prices for microprostheses

How much does a ceramic inlay cost for a tooth? The cost of microprostheses depends on the materials, their quality, the complexity of manufacturing, the qualifications of the orthopedist, dental technician and the equipment of the dental laboratory. The table below shows current prices for different types of microprostheses.

  1. Fishchev S.B., Sukharev M.V., “Ceramic dental inlays and vestibular veneers” / SpetsLit, 2021 – 119 p.

Author: Sambuev B. S. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

Price of dental veneers

The price of the service in our dentistry is determined by the choice of the type/quantity of veneers, the method of prosthetics, the state of health of the oral cavity, the cost of diagnostics, therapeutic treatment, anesthesia, and the doctor’s qualifications.

The most budget option is dental onlays made of composite (5-6 thousand rubles), orthopedic porcelain structures and lumineers will cost more - 20 and 50 thousand rubles.

Code no.Name of proceduresUnit of measurementCost, rub.
703Taking a two-layer A-silicone impression2 000,00
704Removing a two-layer polyester print3 000,00
705Making silicone keys using a wax model3 000,00
708Wax modeling1 500,00
713Fixation of restoration with dual-curing cement2 500,00
718Temporary composite laboratory crown4 500,00
808Inlay/Onlay/Vener (E-max)19 000,00

* The prices indicated on the website are not a public offer. The exact cost of treatment can only be determined at an appointment with a doctor.

Prices for treatment in Moscow full price list

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Article Expert:

Razumenko Evgeniy Gennadievich

Chief physician and founder of the dental clinic. He has been working in aesthetic dentistry for many years, restoring teeth of any complexity with ceramic and composite restorations. Winner of competitions in aesthetic dentistry. Applies CAD/CAM technologies in prosthetics.

Work experience 22 years

Cost and factors that influence it

The simplest and most inexpensive options are stamped models. Their prices start at $10. But high-quality individual grills will cost more. In this case, the cost per 1 tooth will be based on the following factors:

  • creating a model from casts – 1500 rubles,
  • a simple silver item without designer inserts – from 4,500 rubles,
  • chromium-nickel grills without additional inserts – from RUB 4,000,
  • complex silver accessory with engravings and notches – from 5 thousand rubles,
  • applying gold plating to a silver item - about 2 thousand rubles.

The price of making a gold grillz is calculated individually. When calculating the total cost, it is necessary to take into account the taking of impressions, the selected material and decorative elements, the work of the master, and the complexity of the task. A shocking accessory is a great way to complement a bright look and attract attention. But don’t forget that beautiful, healthy teeth and a snow-white smile are always in fashion.

1Crispin B. Modern aesthetic dentistry. Practical Basics, 2003.

Difficulty of choice

The choice of color depends on the number of restorations. For single teeth, it is important to choose a shade so that the restored tooth does not stand out. If the plates cover the entire visible dentition, then everything depends on the wishes of the patient. However, the dentist should explain the main approach to how to choose the color of veneers:

  • Skin, hair and eye color
    must be taken into account . The lighter the skin and hair, the less the teeth, even radically white ones, will stand out.
  • Eyes and teeth
    are the first things people pay attention to. Dentists recommend choosing shades that match the whites of your eyes.
  • The size of the veneers
    plays a role. Ultra-white colors visually enlarge the veneers, so for large teeth it is better to choose natural-colored veneers.

What helps you choose the color of veneers

  • Illumination
    . The room should be adequately lit. Bright light encourages you to choose lighter shades, dim light encourages you to choose darker shades.
  • Removing plaque
    . Professional teeth cleaning lightens them slightly, which affects the choice of shade.
  • Lack of bright colors
    in the area where the selection takes place. Bright lipstick, makeup, and clothing details can disrupt color perception.
  • Wet surface
    of teeth. The shade of moistened teeth is the most accurate.

Large clinics, such as ROOTT MCDI, use digital smile technology - Digital Smile Design

. The patient can see the results of the treatment even before it begins. This makes choosing the color of the overlays much easier and reduces frustration. If there is no such technology in dentistry, then the sample is brought to the teeth and a photo is taken to evaluate the appearance.

Reviews from doctors

Andrey Verkhovtsev, dentist. I recommend Snap On Smile veneers to patients who cannot afford surgeries and metal ceramics. They instantly mask imperfections and allow you to achieve a perfect smile at home. The undoubted advantage of these products is medical polyurethane, which does not cause side effects. If you wear veneers constantly, your bite will improve over time. I recommend removing false teeth at night and treating them well.


  • https://ViniryZub.ru/span-on-smile
  • https://snaps-on-smile.ru/
  • https://hudetdoma.ru/snap-on-smile-semnye-viniry/
  • https://healthico.ru/teeth/snap-on-smile/
  • https://24dentist.ru/vidy-protezov/snap-on-smile-novyj-metod-kachestvennogo-protezirovaniya-zubov.html
  • https://doctorzhak.ru/snap-on-smile.html
  • https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/nesemnyie-p/viniryi-np/ulyibki-s-pomoshhyu-snap-on-smile.html
  • https://otzvs.com/medicine/semnye-viniry-snap-on-smile

How to remove skys

It is not recommended to do this yourself - dental glue is quite strong, so you can damage the enamel. You need to see a dentist - removing the skye takes little time, and the doctor will remove any remaining glue and polish the tooth. Removing a gemstone involves subsequent filling of the hole.

It is also worth noting that if the skyce has come off (even partially), in no case should you use improvised means to secure it. This can harm your teeth and your entire body. It is worth contacting a doctor as quickly as possible to carry out a professional procedure for removing the structure.

Removable temporary veneers: what is the danger of universal caps

Overhead temporary veneers for teeth are called finished products that are actively sold on various Internet sites. Their specialty is versatility. According to manufacturers, onlays are suitable for any type of bite and can quickly restore the beauty of a smile without grinding down tooth enamel.

The advertisement promises: for ideal dental aesthetics, it is enough to buy plastic veneers, adjust the size of the crowns by heating them in hot water and instantly try them on, and fix them on the teeth. Problems with finished products begin very quickly:

  1. Doesn't stick well to teeth. When heated and first tried on, the plastic fits tightly around the teeth, but then it begins to constantly fall out - during a conversation or even just like that.
  2. Allergic reaction. The polymer used in the production of removable veneers often turns out to be toxic - it provokes allergies, stomatitis and other problems.
  3. They don't look good in the mouth. Each person has unique bite characteristics, which the dentist takes into account when making composite or ceramic onlays. Universal products are made for a standard ideal bite and rarely have a natural appearance.
  4. Inconvenient to wear. Since the products do not take into account the structure of the oral cavity, they are often uncomfortable. In addition, they need to be constantly removed before eating, which is why they quickly lose their shape and aesthetics.

If we consider temporary veneers from the dentist’s perspective, then we will talk about special removable onlays. The products are modeled based on the patient’s casts and placed during the production of permanent plates - ceramic, zirconium, porcelain.

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