List of private medical institutions in St. Petersburg available in the compulsory medical insurance system

Compulsory medical insurance

Our clinic "Master-Dent" is included in the Register of medical organizations engaged in medical activities in the field of compulsory health insurance in St. Petersburg. We offer you and your loved ones free, highly qualified dental care in the volume and under the conditions established by the Territorial Program of State Guarantees for the free provision of medical care to citizens in St. Petersburg in therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, and radiology. To receive primary health care in a planned form, citizens whose place of residence is St. Petersburg exercise their right to choose a medical organization by joining a medical organization that provides primary health care. The choice of a medical organization is carried out no more than once a year (except for cases of change of residence or place of stay of a citizen). We invite all residents of St. Petersburg to our dental clinic “Master-Dent”. You can make an appointment with a doctor: - by calling 407-00-16; -by leaving a message on the website; -by personally contacting the Master-Dent clinic. You come to your first appointment with the doctor, having your passport and insurance policy with you. At the Master-Dent clinic, you write an application addressed to the General Director of Master-Dent LLC with a request to join our medical organization to receive dental care under the compulsory health insurance program. We undertake to notify the insurance company of your desire to join our medical organization.

We provide free dental care within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program for therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, and radiology only to the adult population. You can see the full list of services in the section “About our clinic” - Documents. Our address: St. Petersburg, Primorsky Prospekt, building 3 (five minutes walk from the Chernaya Rechka metro station). We work from 9.00. until 20.00.

Reception is carried out by the following specialists:

Zykova Lyudmila Nikolaevna,

Doctor - dentist-therapist of the highest category.

Reception hours: odd numbers 9:00-14:00; Even numbers 15:00-20:00

Savina Irina Sergeevna,


Reception hours: even numbers 9:00-14:00; odd numbers 15:00-20:00

Barbashova Polina Andreevna


Reception hours: odd numbers 9:00-14:00; Even numbers 15:00-20:00

Reshitnyak Natalya Vitalievna

general dentist

Reception hours: Mon., Wed. 15:00-20:00; Tue., Fri. 09:00-14:00

Popova Daria Alekseevna

general dentist

Reception hours: Mon., Thu. 9:00-14:00; Fri. 15:00-20:00

Please check with the administrators for additional appointment times, as they may change.

Compulsory medical insurance policy: what rights does the patient have and what can he count on in the field of dentistry?

All Russian citizens have access to free dentistry under the compulsory medical insurance policy. This document of compulsory health insurance gives the right to receive a large list of services in budgetary municipal institutions and institutions. And this is really a way out for those who are neither ready nor able to spend money on expensive medical procedures in private clinics. Today we will analyze in detail what an ordinary patient can count on with this paper in hand.

What to do before your appointment

To make a visit to the dentist effective and comfortable for children, it is necessary to prepare for it.

To do this, it is important to know a few simple rules:

  • prepare the baby (each mother has her own ways of calming her child);
  • for peace of mind, the child can take his favorite toy with him;
  • choose a convenient time to visit a specialist;
  • prepare documents;
  • be sure to feed the child (the body tolerates painkillers more easily, and salivation becomes less);
  • brush your teeth;
  • take the necessary items, for example, wet wipes, a bottle of water, etc.

In addition, visiting a doctor is not recommended for acute respiratory viral infections, runny nose or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The child must be healthy and as calm as possible.

Where to go with problems that require a quick solution

If your body temperature has risen, a purulent fistula has appeared, a flux has formed, an abscess has formed in the oral cavity, a cyst has begun to fester, or a jaw fracture has occurred, then know that there is emergency dentistry under the compulsory medical insurance policy. This means that you will be accepted at the clinic where you are assigned, without an appointment, that is, right on the day of your visit. The only thing is that you have to wait in a live queue, and the wait can last for several hours.

On a note! According to some studies, 35-40%[1] of citizens are not satisfied with the quality and procedure for the provision of free medical services under compulsory medical insurance. Is there a way out? You can improve the situation and significantly expand the list of services provided with the help of a Voluntary Medical Insurance (VHI) policy. Executing such a document will not be cheap (there are different programs), but the expenses will be worth it in the long run, plus you can get a tax deduction of 13% for the expenses. Some employers also issue VHI policies to their employees.

If dental problems that require an urgent solution arose during a business trip when you are in a foreign city, then you can contact any public dentistry. But it is better to first call the insurance company where the document was issued and find out the list of institutions with which it cooperates in a particular city.

“I hate our free healthcare. Once I had a really bad toothache, I just couldn’t stand it. The pills didn’t help at all... It was evening. We found out via the Internet that there is a dentist on duty, where they accept patients according to the policy even at night. Go. And what do you think: three hours in line, complete indifference of doctors... But that’s not all! The only treatment option that they offered, without even conducting a full examination, was tooth extraction!!!! That's it! Very unpleasant…"

Galina T, review from the dental portal

Are there any benefits of compulsory medical insurance treatment for children?

Free pediatric dentistry under compulsory medical insurance is available to everyone. In this case, you can count on the following:

  • the doctor will accept and perform a dental examination;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • will place a dental filling;
  • removes plaque;
  • will do splinting;
  • cure diseases of the salivary glands;
  • remove the tooth;
  • will place the plate;
  • will do an x-ray.

The advantage of treatment is that it is possible to cure dental diseases for free. However, such services include the most basic treatment options. You will have to pay for using imported materials.

Free dental treatment under compulsory medical insurance can also be of high quality.

Paid and free on-duty dental centers in St. Petersburg

On this page you will find the addresses and telephone numbers of municipal and private dentists working 24 hours. There is also information on prices for services that are performed on an emergency basis in various clinics. The cost of the intervention depends on the complexity of each case.

Prices for basic urgent procedures in 24-hour dentistry:

  • Removal of one tooth - from 1,500 to 4,500 rubles;
  • Treatment of three-channel pulpitis - from 7,500 to 14,000 rubles.

The cost of a doctor’s services in dentists working at night depends on his qualifications. The cost is also influenced by the type of materials and painkillers used, and the volume of surgical intervention. A consultation with a doctor on duty costs from 350 to 100 rubles; in some centers the doctor examines you for free. X-rays are also paid separately.

Services under the compulsory medical insurance policy: what is required and what is not

Let us consider in detail the list of services that can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance in dentistry in 2021:

  • examination, consultation and diagnostics from doctors in various fields of dentistry: therapist, surgeon, orthopedist and orthodontist,
  • treatment of caries, pulpitis and periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontitis, installation of fillings,
  • treatment and healing of jaw fractures,
  • removal of mineralized plaque mechanically,
  • tooth extraction, treatment of alveolitis, cysts, abscesses and pericoronitis,
  • radiography: only targeted two-dimensional images can be taken free of charge,
  • physiotherapeutic procedures,
  • enamel remineralization procedures, orthodontic bite correction with plates and production of temporary stamped crowns for children.

It must be emphasized that to carry out manipulations free of charge, doctors use exclusively domestically produced materials.

And here is a list of what is not covered under the compulsory medical insurance policy in dentistry:

  • installation of light-curing fillings, pins,
  • use of imported materials and glass ionomer cements,
  • surgical methods of treating periodontal tissues (curettage, tissue regeneration, osteoplastic surgery, vestibuloplasty),
  • tooth-preserving operations (cystectomy, root apex resection),
  • prosthetics, dental implantation,
  • orthodontic bite correction using braces, mouth guards and other devices,
  • imported anesthesia, sedation and anesthesia,
  • teeth cleaning using ultrasound and Air-Flow, fluoridation,
  • whitening,
  • computed tomography and other types of 3D studies.

Important! Some services, for example, preferential prosthetics, are available only to certain categories of citizens. But again, it is important to understand that to receive them you need to collect the necessary papers, stand in line at the relevant social services and wait. In addition, only prostheses made from inexpensive materials - metal, acrylic, nylon - can be supplied free of charge. Who is eligible for the service and how to get it? More details about this in the feature article on the website.

What to pay attention to

It is important to know that where treatment is provided free of charge under compulsory medical insurance, additional paid services are also provided. In many public dentistry, doctors have a list of not only domestic, but also paid imported materials, and carry out procedures for which they will then have to pay.

So that the news about the need to pay for treatment at a municipal clinic does not come as a shock to you, check with specialists in advance whether the service you need is included in the list of free services approved by the insurance program in the region. If the doctor offers any additional manipulations, then do not hesitate to clarify whether it is paid or free.

It should be taken into account that sometimes situations arise when it is better to pay extra for materials than to carry out treatment completely free of charge. Let's give a few examples.

Wisdom teeth removal

If you need to remove a wisdom tooth, then if you have a compulsory medical insurance document and want to be treated, you will be given a domestic anesthetic for free. However, it is far from certain that it will completely eliminate pain. Of course, in this case, it is better for the patient to pay for imported anesthesia, which has a minimum of side effects, high efficiency and a long exposure time.

Important! In free medicine, doctors often use painkillers such as Novocaine and Lidocaine. These drugs can cause individual intolerance, allergic reactions and side effects (especially in people with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension, and elderly patients).

When filling

If you want to have your teeth filled with high quality, it is better to pay extra for the installation of an imported filling made from light-curing composites. Firstly, the material hardens very quickly, which means the patient has fewer restrictions after treatment. Secondly, the restoration looks more beautiful and natural in comparison with domestic phosphate cements, silicates and composites. Thirdly, imported materials will last several times longer, because they have high strength and wear resistance.

In the treatment of pulpitis

If you are undergoing dental treatment under a compulsory medical insurance policy, in particular for pulpitis, then it is important to understand what is included in the service. In government institutions, patients with pulpitis first kill the nerve using arsenic paste, which must be worn in the tooth for several days in a row.

Preparations containing arsenic are quite toxic; they should not be overexposed or swallowed. While they are in the tooth, many experience very unpleasant painful sensations. Often arsenic does not completely remove the nerve, and then during subsequent dental procedures you can feel severe pain.

Many patients who have had their teeth treated this way admit that they are left with a strong fear of dentists. If you do not want to encounter such problems, then it is easier, again, to pay extra for materials and treatment methods that allow you to remove the nerve in one visit to the clinic and without arsenic paste.

Features of emergency and 24-hour dentistry

Dentistry at night admits patients without an appointment in cases of sharp and sudden pain in the teeth and jaw.
As a rule, a general practitioner is on duty at night; less often, a dental surgeon stays overnight with him or instead of him in specialized centers. The working hours of the doctors on duty are from eight in the evening to eight in the morning. On, read about situations when urgent intervention is required at night, what problems are addressed to doctors and how much an appointment costs.

How to attach to a specific clinic

As mentioned above, admission under compulsory medical insurance is provided by any public dentistry. If you have chosen an institution where you want to undergo treatment, you must register there. To do this, you need to come directly to the clinic with a list of documents: insurance policy, passport or birth certificate of the child (if you need to register the child), SNILS.

The dentist will also ask you to write an application for registration and consent to medical intervention, after which they will create an individual card for you - from now on you have the right to receive the entire list of free services.

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