Teeth whitening Zoom: features, results after the first procedure at the MEDSI dental center

What is in-office teeth whitening

In-office teeth whitening is an aesthetic dental procedure that takes place in a doctor’s office under his full supervision. An important advantage of this method over home whitening is absolute safety, fast and effective results. You can get the desired result even in one procedure, while teeth whitening at home will take several weeks. Anesthesia is not required, as there is no pain during the process.

When is it better to stop whitening?

The procedure for whitening tooth enamel is not always safe for the health of teeth and the entire body. There are a number of restrictions under which it is better to postpone the procedure or abandon it altogether.

Relative contraindications:

  • inflammatory, infectious or viral diseases of the oral cavity;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • treatment of bite with braces;
  • taking potent medications.

Depending on the method of whitening, absolute contraindications may differ, but any procedure is not performed on children under 16 years of age, intoxicated, with mental disorders and the risk of allergies to the drug used.

Types of in-office whitening


A gel is applied to the teeth, which is activated by light from a halogen or ultraviolet lamp. The gel contains peroxide, which decomposes into water and oxygen. It is thanks to the effect of oxygen that dark pigments from tooth tissue are discolored, creating a whitening effect.


  • high efficiency;
  • quickly achieving the desired result;
  • safety;
  • painlessness.


  • relatively high cost.

Chemical bleaching

The essence of the procedure is to apply two mixed gels to the surface of the teeth. As a result, a chemical reaction occurs that leads to discoloration of dark pigment spots in the dental tissues. The concentration of active substances is higher than with other types of whitening, which can cause a temporary increase in tooth sensitivity.


  • safety;
  • high whitening speed.


  • dental hypersensitivity is present for 1-2 days;
  • the whiteness effect is not as pronounced as with photobleaching.

The Saint-Dent Clinic in Moscow provides all types of dental treatment. American and European equipment is used in their work; doctors have extensive experience and regularly improve their knowledge and skills through courses in the best foreign dental centers. You can find the clinic's contacts here. The section with current prices is posted here

Is laser whitening safe?

The laser gives the doctor the opportunity to select the most accurate parameters for the intensity and duration of exposure, which means the entire process becomes controlled. This is why laser whitening is considered the best of all existing systems.

As mentioned above, the laser beam, unlike lamp light, acts locally and pulsedly, which completely eliminates the possibility of thermal damage to the gums and the appearance of any discomfort during the procedure.

It is known that gels with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide are used in chemical bleaching. The laser promotes the use of whitening gel in a minimum concentration, while it penetrates the dentin as quickly as possible. As a result, the teeth acquire a snow-white tint, and the enamel does not dry out, which helps to avoid such an unpleasant complication as postoperative hyperesthesia, that is, increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure


  • achieving a good aesthetic result in just one session;
  • with proper technological execution, the procedure is absolutely safe;
  • within a week the patient will be able to return to their normal lifestyle.


  • tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods increases;
  • there is a risk of thinning the enamel;
  • the gums and mucous membrane of the tongue may become inflamed;
  • in a few years the procedure will have to be repeated again.

see also

Home teeth whitening system – Day White and Night White

Teeth whitening Zoom 4 (Zoom 4)

Deep fluoridation of teeth

Home teeth whitening with trays

Air Flow teeth cleaning

Teeth whitening Opalescence BOOST

Ultrasound teeth cleaning

Hygiene and prevention

Laser lip frenuloplasty

Laser plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue

Vestibuloplasty with laser

Laser gingivectomy

Laser dentistry

Indications and contraindications


  • dark or severely discolored teeth;
  • partial or complete internal darkening of teeth;
  • presence of fluorous spots;
  • age-related changes in tooth color.


  • numerous carious cavities;
  • the presence of an exposed neck of the tooth;
  • cracks and chips on the enamel surface;
  • increased abrasion of enamel;
  • enamel erosion or its partial absence;
  • periodontal disease;
  • allergic reactions to one of the components included in the gel;
  • oral diseases.

It is important to know. Restorative materials and crowns cannot be bleached, so after completion of the procedure it is necessary to re-do the restoration. It can be performed no earlier than 2 weeks after in-office whitening.

Not everyone can whiten their teeth to the maximum: we explain why

There are categories of patients for whom the best method of teeth whitening is the installation of microprostheses (veneers, lumineers, ultraneers, nanoeers) and crowns. Or, just a complex of professional hygiene. The fact is that traditional whitening methods are not suitable for them due to contraindications, for example, with severe fluorosis and hypoplasia, wedge-shaped defect, extensive destruction of hard tissues, increased abrasion of enamel and multiple caries.

“Since childhood, all my teeth were stained, but I really wanted a smile like the Hollywood actors have - just as white and shiny. I really counted on teeth whitening in this regard, but the doctors disappointed me... They said that in the face of a form of fluorosis like mine, none of the methods would help. They offered veneers. I thought for a long time. In the end I decided... I haven’t regretted it yet. It’s convenient that your teeth are protected, and you don’t feel any discomfort at all, which is something you can’t boast about after whitening. And the color of the overlays is always normal, no matter what I eat.”

Larinova F, review from the dental portal gidpozubam

If you have fluorosis, teeth whitening will not be effective.

According to some studies, no professional, or even more so non-professional, whitening methods will be able to maximally change the shade of enamel for people whose natural color is not yellowish, but gray.

If you already have fillings and dentures in your smile area, then it is also important to understand that they cannot be whitened. Any method known today affects only living tissue, but artificial materials remain unchanged. Therefore, after the procedure, you will have to change the restorations to new ones so that there is no discoloration.

The essence of the in-office whitening procedure

The dentist performs the following actions:

  • applies protection to the oral mucosa;
  • applies the whitening agent to the frontal area of ​​the teeth;
  • when photobleaching, I expose the gel to light from a halogen or ultraviolet lamp;
  • after a certain time (on average 15 minutes), the drug is washed off with plenty of water;
  • At the end of the procedure, the teeth are coated with a special gel that reduces their sensitivity.

Good to know. Along with the darkened areas of the teeth, useful minerals are removed. The lack of substances can be compensated for by remineralization of teeth.

Home methods for teeth whitening using specialized chemistry

Home teeth whitening methods differ from professional methods in that they use formulations with a reduced concentration of a bleaching agent - usually its content in pastes and gels for home use does not exceed 10-15%, while in professional products it is much higher - up to 35%. .

This concentration was not chosen for home whitening products by chance: when using gels and pastes independently, a person cannot properly protect the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums from the negative effects of aggressive substances, which can lead to burns.

Also, the difference between professional and home methods will be in the following nuances:

1. When using home methods, a pronounced positive result will not come so quickly: usually, to noticeably lighten the enamel, you need to use gels, pastes and aligners for at least 14-15 days. Professional chemical whitening will give the desired result in just one visit to a specialist.

2. Professional whitening uses both activators that speed up the process and substances that protect the enamel, therefore, in comparison with home technologies, it is both more effective and safer.

Home whitening products can be used either independently or under the supervision of a dentist. The second option will be the optimal solution in terms of not only efficiency, but also safety, since specialists will make individual mouth guards for the procedure and carry out a competent selection of the whitening composition.

The mechanism of action of home whitening in this case is that special acidic substances from the composition initially make the enamel coating more porous and permeable, and hydrogen peroxide eliminates darkening and plaque. Wearing individual aligners while using the whitening gel will help avoid burning sensitive tissues. If we talk about the advantages of home whitening, we can note the fact that if it is damaged, the negative effect on the enamel is to a lesser extent, but it also takes longer.

How long does the procedure take?

While the patient is in the dental chair, the doctor constantly monitors his condition and the color of the teeth being whitened. One session consists of 1-3 whitening procedures of 15 minutes each. If during the session the patient experiences any unpleasant sensations, he must notify the specialist about this. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a few days.

How much can you whiten your teeth with this type of whitening?

Changes before and after in-office whitening will be noticeable immediately. After chemical whitening, teeth become lighter by 6-8 tones, and after photo-whitening – by 8-12 tones.

How does the procedure work?

Dentists recommend the following preparatory measures before laser whitening:

  • cleaning teeth from plaque using ultrasonic and Air-Flow methods
  • treatment of gums in the presence of diseases;
  • polishing teeth with a special paste containing abrasive particles;
  • patient instruction.

Laser teeth whitening is a professional technology, so it is carried out only in an equipped clinic. The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  • examination of the oral cavity by a specialist, detection of problems that require immediate solutions, exclusion of possible contraindications;
  • preparation of the working cavity and isolation of surrounding tissues (for this, protective glasses for the eyes, lip holders, liquid photopolymer for the gums or a special latex scarf - rubber dam are used);
  • preparing a whitening gel and applying it to the teeth (it is painted in a bright color, which allows the doctor to see the distribution of the composition over the surface of the teeth);
  • activation of the gel using laser radiation (one session lasts 10-12 seconds, each tooth is illuminated by a laser, without overheating the surface of the teeth and pulp);
  • using pressurized water to thoroughly remove the gel (using a saliva ejector);
  • removal of insulating means and holders;
  • fluoridation of the surface of teeth.

At the last stage, fluoride varnish is applied to the hard tissue of the teeth: this is a painless completion of the procedure. It gives teeth a natural shine and a healthy appearance. The gel, after penetrating into the dental tissue, remains active for several more days, cleaning their surface from remaining pigments and healing the teeth.

How long does the effect last and how often should the procedure be done?

The resulting effect lasts for 2-7 years. The duration of the result depends on the type of whitening chosen, the individual characteristics of the person and his lifestyle. Teeth whitening can be repeated at least after 1-2 years.

To ensure that the whitening effect lasts as long as possible, you must follow these recommendations:

  • maintain oral hygiene;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • limit the consumption of coloring foods and drinks (you should completely avoid them in the first 7 days);
  • Visit a hygienist every six months for professional oral cleaning.

What to expect after home treatments

Many people understand that the best teeth whitening is the one that is performed under the strict supervision of a dentist. But sometimes you really want to try more budget-friendly solutions, so it’s important to know how many shades you can lighten your teeth using various home remedies, and how long the effect lasts after that. Let's talk.

The best whitening effect is provided by all sorts of strips, pencils and gels (used in conjunction with trays). They allow you to lighten the enamel by 3-5 tones, but only on condition that you have undergone thorough preparation for the procedures, and this or that product has been selected by the dentist taking into account the clinical situation. With careful oral care, positive results can be maintained for the next 6-12 months.

For whitening, the tray is filled with a special whitening composition

Whitening pastes and brushes allow you to achieve changes of 1-2 shades. However, numerous reviews say that the effect disappears immediately, as soon as you stop using these products. They cannot be used on an ongoing basis, otherwise they can make the enamel very thin and sensitive.

Those who prefer to limit themselves to traditional products, such as salt, soda, activated carbon and lemon, should not expect that their teeth will change much. Yes, if the color is initially not very dark and there is no mineralized plaque, the procedures are carried out systematically (1-2 times a week for a month) and all restrictions are observed during this period (quitting smoking, “white” diet), it is possible to whiten the enamel by 1 , maximum 1.5-2 shades. But it will not be possible to maintain the result for longer than 2-4 weeks even with very careful hygienic care of the oral cavity.

Where to get laser teeth whitening in Moscow?

At the PROFI-Dent dental clinic!

This is a safe, painless and effective procedure that will give your teeth a pearly shine. A brilliant smile has always been the standard of beauty, and if you want to get it quickly and without harm to your health, laser whitening is the best solution of all!

The result of the procedure is a gorgeous snow-white smile!

Teeth Whitening Pencils

A whitening pencil is a small tube with an enamel-lightening component, which is distributed over the surfaces of the teeth with a brush or sponge. The hydrogen peroxide content in lightening pencils is quite low - no more than ten to fifteen percent, but this is enough to severely burn the soft and sensitive tissues of the mouth if used incorrectly. It is almost impossible to choose the right pencil based on peroxide concentration on your own, since each person has individual indicators of the density of the enamel layer and sensitivity. Therefore, it is also impossible to predict negative consequences after using a whitening pencil.

If you decide to try this particular product, we advise you to choose a product with a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide and be careful when applying it.

Instructions for using teeth whitening pencils are quite simple:

  • Before using the pencil, be sure to clean your teeth with regular toothpaste and then rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Wipe dental surfaces dry with a sterile cloth.
  • Treat the surface of the teeth with whitening gel.
  • After the procedure, you should not close your mouth for 7-10 minutes (exact instructions should be read in the instructions for the specific product).

After the specified time has passed, the mouth and teeth must be cleaned of any remaining gel. Pencils, like strips, are recommended to be used in a course of two weeks. It is also worth knowing that the effectiveness of using pencils will greatly depend not only on the individual characteristics of a person’s tooth enamel, but also on the presence of a number of bad habits.

Teeth color after whitening

Over time, the enamel tends to return to its natural color. Each person has his own: some have almost snow-white teeth from birth, while others have a distinct yellow or gray tint. After laser whitening, the color will gradually begin to return. The duration of this process depends both on the person’s genetics and on the depth of bleaching. The maximum effect will last 3-5 years. In the same case, if you chose a more gentle regimen and did only one procedure, the result may seriously weaken within a year.

A separate point is the diet, addiction to hot drinks and the presence of bad habits in a person. Doctors do not recommend whitening for smokers or tea or coffee drinkers. Why undergo an expensive and harmful procedure, the effect of which will subside within six months? If you quit smoking or haven’t taken good care of your teeth in the past, then laser whitening, on the contrary, will be extremely effective. With its help, you will get rid of artificial plaque and get a beautiful smile. In this case, the rebound will be much weaker, and your teeth will change their color forever.

After laser whitening, you will have to be more careful about caring for your oral cavity. This is required both to protect weakened enamel from damage and to prevent the formation of new plaque. When cleaning, it is recommended to use not only a brush, but also dental floss. It is also recommended to have a preventative cleaning at the dental office once a year. A comprehensive approach to dental care will help you maintain a sparkling smile for as long as possible.

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