Teeth whitening products: what to advise patients

You can whiten yellowed teeth at home using improvised means, but if you want to use modern dental means, then this article is for you!

Changes in the shade of teeth are inevitable and have three types: superficial , deep and age-related . Superficial staining is characterized by the consumption of foods containing dyes. Strong black tea, coffee, red wine - these are the “pests” that accumulate in small “portions” on the surface of the enamel and form a yellow coating. Among young people there are many lovers of Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta and other “coloring” drinks, which also have a detrimental effect on the color of tooth enamel. In addition to these factors, smoking contributes to the darkening and decay of teeth. For passionate lovers of tobacco and strong drinks, it is advisable to limit themselves in pleasure in order to keep their teeth not only white, but also healthy.

The causes of deep staining of teeth can be certain chemicals and medications. The most common of them is the antibiotic tetracycline , which causes persistent gray-lilac stains and is difficult to bleach. Excessive consumption of fluoride in childhood will also cause “yellowing” of the teeth, so before purchasing toothpaste for your child, make sure it does not contain fluoride. In addition, an excess of fluoride in drinking water negatively affects the color of teeth. With age, microcracks appear on the teeth, a defect in the enamel occurs, as a result of which its color changes, in a word, the teeth “age.” This process is called age-related.

Whitening toothpastes

All toothpastes remove surface plaque from enamel because they contain mild abrasives. Some toothpastes with whitening properties contain mild polishes or chemical ingredients to provide additional effectiveness in removing plaque and stains. However, with the help of whitening toothpastes, you can only remove surface plaque and lighten your teeth by only one tone, while in a dental office, using professional whitening systems, you can lighten your teeth by 3-7 tones. If the paste contains abrasive particles, you should not use it constantly, as you can injure your tooth enamel.

Desk techniques

Some methods of achieving a snow-white smile require manipulation only in a dental clinic using special equipment.
They can only be carried out by specialists who have undergone qualified training. All methods are effective and at the same time safe for the health of patients. This is confirmed by certificates and mandatory clinical trials. Lightening and bleaching methods:

  • laser cleaning – laser treatment of deposits;
  • ultrasonic cleaning. It is performed using a device that generates ultrasound (scaler). It destroys hard mineralized plaque, in other words, tartar;
  • Air Flow hardware technology also belongs to the arsenal of professional hygiene. Its essence is the effect on soft deposits of a directed stream of a mixture of water, air and the smallest granules of soda. This composition softens and washes away dirt even in the interdental spaces;
  • ZOOM-4 is a chemical option for treating enamel with hydrogen peroxide under the influence of a special lamp. Radiation is a chemical catalyst. a process in which atomic oxygen is released from hydrogen molecules and destroys pigment. This procedure is also called photobleaching, because light radiation becomes the activator of the process. The surface to be treated must first be thoroughly cleaned. It is performed with ultrasound and Air Flow hardware cleaning.

Expert opinion: it is important to distinguish between lightening and bleaching. Lightening is the achievement of a natural shade by “removing” impurities, and bleaching is the chemical destruction of natural pigment. This can make your teeth literally snow-white.

Teeth whitening strips and gels

Whitening gels are gel-like products that are applied with a brush directly to the surface of the dental crown. The instructions usually call for once or twice daily use for 30 minutes for 30 days. Sometimes, the effect is noticeable within a few days, and the final result lasts for several months.

Teeth whitening strips are very thin, almost invisible strips coated with an active substance, most often a gel with hydrogen peroxide. Strips are one of the ways to apply gel to the surface of teeth. The method of applying the strips is similar to the gel method - once or twice a day for 30 minutes, for 30 days.

The application period is indicated conditionally; it may differ for each system.

“Helium” whitening: harmful or beneficial?

“Gel” whitening is rightfully considered the best way to whiten teeth. The advantage of this method is that the negative impact on the enamel is minimized. If you use gels that do not contain acid during the whitening process, you can avoid demineralization of the enamel. Demineralization of enamel is the leaching of the main component responsible for the structure of the enamel. Whitening in an alkaline environment is the most gentle type of “gel” whitening, which promotes dental treatment. It may be hard to believe, but it is true. The secret of this technology is that it involves the use of special gels based on amorphous calcium phosphate. This component has a positive effect on the surface of the teeth.

On average, the effect of “gel” whitening lasts for 10 years, but only if you carefully monitor your oral hygiene. In general, yellow pigment is the best way to whiten teeth, since it is natural in nature; darker plaques are more difficult to process. Carrying out a home whitening session not only whitens the teeth, but also treats them with preparations that strengthen the crystal lattice of the teeth and also have an antiseptic effect.

The only absolute contraindication to “gel” whitening is the presence of allergic reactions to hydrogen peroxide or other components. Regarding age restrictions, there is a wider range of contraindications. This category includes children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly. In general, it is believed that professional teeth whitening, both in the office and at home, can be performed on people over the age of eighteen.

Teeth whitening trays

Teeth whitening systems with a special tray can be purchased either in a store or from a dentist. It is a mouthguard shaped like a bite, with a whitening gel applied to it. The mouthguard is used for a specific period of time, usually from a few hours a day (for example, while sleeping) for four weeks or more (depending on the degree of enamel discoloration and the desired tone).

The whitening kit may include a gel activator lamp, the light of which, through a transparent tray, enhances the process of releasing oxygen from the gel.

Mouthguards can be universal, or they can be made in the clinic according to an individual impression.

What do experts recommend?

Dentists advise: before choosing a way to improve the color of your teeth, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. If the problem is dark deposits from food, drinks or smoking, then you should first carry out a comprehensive professional cleaning (ultrasound + Air Flow). Perhaps pure, natural-toned enamel is the result you were expecting. If the ideal is a snow-white “Hollywood” smile, then you need to take the next step - perform ZOOM-4. The planned shade can be selected together with your doctor according to the Vita scale. To achieve a more lasting effect, experts advise carrying out this procedure first in the clinic, then performing it at home.

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Rinse liquids

Whitening liquids are one of the newest products for at-home teeth whitening. Like most mouthwashes, they freshen breath, help reduce plaque, and prevent gum disease. But these products also include ingredients, such as low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, that whiten teeth. Manufacturers claim that to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to use the liquid for 12 months, daily, twice a day before brushing your teeth. However, the rinse may not be as effective as using other whitening products because the whitening liquid only contacts the teeth for a short period of time (only 2 minutes compared to the 30 minutes required for most strips).

Below is a summary of some of the home whitening systems available on the market. The numbers indicating the concentration of the active substance given by manufacturers are not always correct. Sometimes the concentration is exaggerated for marketing purposes.

Teeth whitening strips Crest 3D White Luxe

Whitening with the Crest 3D White is carried out in the same way as with other strips - they are applied to the teeth for a certain time in accordance with the instructions. The active substance of the gel is hydrogen peroxide. The strips also contain ingredients that effectively treat stains and plaque on enamel, while the product remains safe for teeth. The company offers the following types of products:

  • Professional Effects Strips. Not only the visible surface is whitened, but also hard-to-reach areas, making the smile appear natural.
  • Supreme Flexfit. Thanks to new technology, these strips adhere better to the teeth. They can be used during the day, they do not interfere with talking, you are even allowed to drink water with these strips on your teeth.
  • Whitening system Gentle Routine. This is a good option for whitening sensitive teeth. The composition includes natural ingredients, and the active substance has a small concentration, this eliminates possible discomfort due to hypersensitivity.
  • The Vivid system is also designed specifically for sensitive teeth.
  • 1-Hour Express Strips. They are coated with a gel with a higher concentration of the active substance, the method provides a faster result, however, the system is not recommended for use in cases of increased tooth sensitivity.

Alternative Methods

We looked at the main ways to lighten an enamel coating. At the same time, there are techniques that are not classical, but can visually make a smile snow-white. These are intracanal endobleaching and microprosthetics with veneers. The intracanal bleaching technique may be necessary if the tooth has darkened due to pulp removal, trauma, or the use of a colored filling material. Endobleaching involves the introduction of a lightening gel into the cleaned canal, which destroys the pigment. If the teeth are slightly uneven, have a chip or crack, and in addition their color is far from ideal, then the best option in this case would be to install veneers. These are the thinnest plates fixed to the outer surface of the dental elements. At the same time, they are sharpened minimally, and the aesthetics of the smile changes for the better as much as possible.

Home teeth whitening White Light

White Light system is a universal and affordable product for high-quality home teeth whitening. The active gel is applied in a thin layer from the inside of the mouth guard. The mouth guard is inserted into the mouth and clamped with the upper and lower teeth; a device with a light source is fixed on the mouth guard - it is covered and held by the lips. To obtain a visible result, 10 minutes are enough; if your teeth are very yellow, you can increase the time to 30 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after breakfast, lunch and dinner for 10 minutes, or 30 minutes at a time - whichever is more convenient for you.

Teeth whitening at home Global White

Global White is a comprehensive whitening system that includes:

  • Gel. Whitening pencil;
  • Retractor to hold teeth open during the procedure;
  • Brush for applying bleach.

Whitening gel includes 3 percent or 6 percent hydrogen peroxide. It is its effect that provides the brightening effect. Another component of the gel is potassium nitrate, which is necessary to maintain tooth enamel and reduce its sensitivity. The third element is xylitol, which actively prevents the proliferation of carious bacteria.

In addition to the global white whitening system, a mouthwash and toothpaste have been developed to maintain the effect. Mouthwash, in addition to lightening the enamel in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth, also promotes its remineralization.

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Home teeth whitening using White Kiss trays

White Kiss whitening kit is another comprehensive system for home teeth whitening. The set includes 12 ml of whitening gel, toothpaste to maintain the whitening effect, and two thermoplastic trays.

The main active ingredient of the White Kiss whitening gel is carbamide peroxide 10%, a professional but safe product for teeth. To reduce the risk of developing enamel hypersensitivity after whitening procedures, the gel contains potassium fluoride and xylitol.

White Kiss toothpaste is designed to maintain the whitening effect of the gel. It is low-abrasive and contains sodium fluoride and xylitol, which effectively prevent caries. The paste also contains papain, which copes well with plaque, and pyrophosphates, which protect teeth from further plaque formation.

The set is designed for a one-week course - 7 procedures.

If we compare White Kiss with Global White, the manufacturer of White Kiss speeds up the whitening process by increasing the concentration of the active substance, which means that for sensitive teeth it is preferable to use Global White.

How the result is achieved

People who have used teeth whitening powder compare its effect to that of professional cleaning. The fact is that the powder does not allow achieving pronounced whiteness, but it returns the enamel to its natural color. At the same time, he polishes the surface of the crown, making it smooth and shiny.

The principle of operation of the powder is very simple - it consists in the fact that abrasive particles mechanically remove soft and hard deposits from the surface of the teeth, and also clean off the pigmented layer.

The main component of the powders is chalk, which is not only capable of removing plaque, but also has remineralizing properties.

To enhance the whitening effect, manufacturers add various components to the powder. One of the most popular options is lemon essential oil. The substances contained in its composition neutralize pigments. In addition, the composition includes bicarbonate of soda, which is also an abrasive. In order for the powder to freshen breath, various plant extracts are added here: ginger, mint, cinnamon and others. For a therapeutic effect, anti-inflammatory additives of plant origin are added to the powder. Usually these are extracts of licorice, St. John's wort, nettle, etc. They reduce bleeding gums and reduce other effects that arise due to periodontal inflammation.

What is better whitening paste or powder?

Today, few people use tooth powder, since most people prefer the most common remedy - toothpaste. People think about powder when they think about lightening enamel. As a bleaching agent, it can be much more effective than paste, due to the fact that the concentration of abrasive elements is much higher. Solid particles make it possible to loosen deposits much faster and remove the colored layer of the crown. Therefore, those who strive to quickly achieve the desired result turn to tooth powder. But it is worth remembering that this product should be used very carefully, as it can greatly harm the health of the enamel.

If you want to achieve a noticeable and long-term effect without risking the integrity of your teeth, you can choose the professional whitening paste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING. This safe and effective product will help neutralize surface staining of enamel. The advantages of the paste are that in just four weeks you will get visible results without damaging your teeth. The paste contains potassium citrate and hydroxypatite, which mineralize the enamel and prevent hypersensitivity. Extracts of calamus and eleutherococcus strengthen the gums and accelerate the restoration of the mucous membrane.

If you want, you can use the paste and powder together.

Recommendations for using teeth whitening powder

In order to achieve the desired result and at the same time not spoil tooth enamel, you need to take into account the features of the product, properly prepare for whitening and follow simple recommendations:

  • It is highly advisable that your dentist select the powder, since when choosing, he will take into account the general condition of the gums and teeth.
  • Try not to dip a wet brush into a box of powder, as the remaining mixture will partially absorb moisture, which may affect its properties. It is best to dilute the powder in a separate container each time before applying it to the brush until it becomes a thick paste.
  • To minimize the risk of injury to the enamel, use a brush with soft bristles.
  • Do not use the product for more than ten days.
  • After you have brushed your teeth, use a special rinse that helps restore enamel after intensive brushing. An additional bonus will be fresh breath, which will especially please people who smoke. Since powder does not always cope well with this task.

How to clean

The procedure itself is not much different from daily brushing with regular toothpaste. It should also be done twice a day, morning and evening. The duration of one cleaning should be at least 3-4 minutes.

The process itself consists of the following stages:

  • Apply the powder to a dampened brush;
  • start cleaning from the front crowns, all movements should be very careful;
  • you should move the brush along a vertical plane, this will significantly reduce the risk of scratching the enamel;
  • continue brushing for at least two minutes;
  • Apply a new portion of powder to the brush and repeat the cleansing movements for another 2 minutes.
  • After the procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly to thoroughly remove any remaining product;
  • Rinse your mouth with a special mouthwash.

Tooth powder can be used as a dental treatment. To do this, you need to dilute the substance to a liquid porridge and carefully apply it with a swab to the crowns and gums. Next, you need to wait 10 minutes and rinse off the composition with boiled water; this procedure can also be combined with standard brushing of teeth using toothpaste.

How to save the effect

During and after whitening procedures, you should take more careful care of your teeth. The fact is that no matter how careful you are, abrasive substances will still have a negative effect in addition to the benefits. In some cases, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods may increase. This should go away quickly, but if sensitivity continues to increase, be sure to consult a specialist. The same should be done if pain, gum irritation, allergies and other problems occur.

In addition, for the effect to be noticeable, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing large amounts of coloring substances. Temporarily eliminate the following foods and drinks from your diet:

  • Black tea, coffee, red wine, colored lemonades;
  • Berries - blueberries, blackberries, sea buckthorn, etc.;
  • Lemons and oranges;
  • Chocolate;
  • Etc.

Also, if you smoke, you should reduce the number of cigarettes you consume per day as much as possible.

In addition, it is useful to have a professional hygienic cleaning done once or twice a year. It is recommended by WHO, as it not only preserves dental health, but also improves the body’s immunity.

This procedure can be performed in several ways, two of the most common:

  • Cleaning using an Air Flow device, which delivers a stream of water with a fine abrasive under pressure. This procedure allows you to get rid of soft plaque and neutralize yellowness.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning removes not only soft plaque, but also tartar.

Both procedures are safe and effective. With their help, you can reveal the natural color of the enamel, getting rid of unwanted accumulations.

Alternative options

If you want to achieve a snow-white smile, you should see a dentist. The fastest and most effective methods here will be in-office whitening methods, which are carried out using a laser, cold LED lamps, ultraviolet light, etc. The essence of this whitening is approximately the same: a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth, and it is exposed to light, activating oxygen. It is this that neutralizes the yellow pigment on the enamel.

Additionally, there are many professional at-home whitening methods available. In this case, a series of procedures is also carried out using a gel, only the concentration of the active substance in it is much lower. Because of this, the whitening period is significantly extended, but each procedure is more gentle. For home whitening, the dentist prepares special trays that follow the shape of the teeth. These mouth guards contain the active substance. It is often left overnight.

ASEPTA for healthy whitened teeth

A series of professional ASEPTA products for the care and treatment of teeth and gums will help you restore enamel weakened after whitening, eliminate inflammation of soft tissues, and reduce bleeding gums. The complex includes effective toothpastes, rinses and vitamins. You can easily choose the best option.

Home whitening Amazing White

Amazing White HOME COLLECTION teeth whitening system at home with a mini LED lamp is an innovative product on the dental market that allows you to painlessly, safely and effectively change the color of your teeth at home. Allows you to avoid uncomfortable mouthguards, gum irritation and increased tooth sensitivity. Manufacturers promise comfort, ease of use and snow-white enamel. The kit contains a mouth opener, an LED lamp, the light of which will release active oxygen from the whitening gel, and two tubes with the active product.


Gel teeth whitening has side effects, so it should not be used in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Patients with caries, gum disease.
  • Allergy to the components of the product.
  • Crowns and fillings.
  • High sensitivity of teeth.

Use teeth whitening gel with caution when correcting a bite with braces. Braces are not a direct contraindication to whitening, but due to the way they are fixed to crowns, the product may be distributed unevenly and stains may appear on the teeth.

Home whitening Zoom Day White and Night White

Day White ACP is a daytime whitening system that contains an active gel based on 7.5% or 9.5% hydrogen peroxide. The composition of the Day White ACP gel also includes: amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) - adds shine to the enamel, reduces its permeability, and potassium nitrate - to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. The recommended course of whitening is up to 2 weeks, 2 times a day for 30 minutes.

Night White is a night whitening system that contains an active gel based on 16% carbamide peroxide. The gel also includes amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) to restore damaged enamel. For effectiveness, the Night White system uses custom trays made using a vacuum former. The recommended course of use of Night White is from 9 to 27 days for 5-7 hours.

Home whitening Beyond

Beyond Home Edition home whitening system is based on the Beyond Power Whitening Accelerator professional whitening system. The technology involves the use of cold light with a wavelength of 480 nanometers, which is comfortable for the patient. Using 18 high intensity light emitting diodes, this light triggers a special film and a specially formulated whitening gel. The system replicates the accelerated whitening used in the Beyond Power Whitening Accelerator system in dental offices.

Home teeth whitening with Opalescence gel

Several types of fluoride gel Opalescence PF for teeth whitening at home: with 10%, 15% and 20% concentration of carbamide peroxide. The gel does not cause pain and the development of hypersensitivity. When applied to tooth enamel, it absorbs the same amount of fluoride as when applied over the same period of time to most toothpastes from leading manufacturers. The patented gel composition begins to whiten within 30 minutes after application (from 1 to 3 daily) or whitens for the entire time for which it is applied and left, that is, from 1 to 6 hours during the day. When used at night, when the gel remains active for 8-10 hours, the desired tone can be achieved faster.

Manufacturers of the Amazing White, Zoom, Beyond, Opalescence systems recommend using this system also as a supplement after professional whitening at the dentist.

Teeth Whitening Pencil Bright White

Bright White whitening pencil is a modern development that allows you to improve the color of your tooth enamel at home in just a few procedures.

The colorless gel that is part of the Bright White whitening pencil contains the same components as the products used by professional dentists for teeth whitening, this allows you to whiten your teeth painlessly, absolutely harmlessly and professionally.

Teeth whitening pencil Luxury white

Luxury White-pro pencil was developed using modern technology and helps restore the natural color of tooth enamel. Luxury White PRO contains urea peroxide as an active ingredient, which has a gentle effect on teeth without compromising the integrity of the enamel.

Once on the surface of tooth enamel, peroxide is converted as a result of a reaction into hydrogen peroxide, which leads to its further breakdown and conversion into a portion of active oxygen, which affects tooth enamel.

After the whitening procedure, you do not need to rinse your mouth, just wipe your teeth with a soft cloth, and also refrain from eating or drinking for half an hour (maximum hour).


Gel whitening is not suitable if you have fillings or crowns. Active oxygen is able to react with pigment accumulated on the surface of the enamel, but it cannot affect filling materials or ceramics. This is due to the fact that their structure is different from natural tooth enamel.

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  1. Personal experience as a dentist;
  2. Krikheli, N.I. Teeth whitening and enamel microabrasion in aesthetic dentistry. Modern methods / N.I. Krikheli. - M.: Prakt. medicine, 2008;
  3. Semchenko, I.M. Teeth whitening techniques: method. allowance / I.M. Semchenko, A.I. Delendik. -Minsk: BSMU 2007;
  4. Terekhova, N.V. The effectiveness of clinical whitening of pulpless teeth in young people / N.V. Terekhova // Present and future of postgraduate education: materials of the rep. scientific-practical conf., dedicated 75th anniversary of BelMAPo.-2006;
  5. Addy, k The comparative tea staining potential of phenolic, chlorhexidine and anti-adhesive mouthrinses / A.Addy, J.Moran, R.Newcombe, P.Warren // J. Clin. periodontol. - 1995;
  6. Sulieman M. An overview of tooth-bleaching techniques: chemistry, safety and efficacy / M.Sulieman // Periodontology. - 2008;
  7. Vogel RI Intrinsic and extrinsic discolouration of the dentition / RI Vogel // J. Oral Med. - 1975;
  8. Watts A. Tooth discolouration and staining / A.Watts, M.Addy // Br. Dent. J. - 2001. - N 190.

Magic White home teeth whitening system

The whitening course using the Magic White Home Kit is designed for 2-3 weeks. The whitening method is based on exposure to a light beam of a certain radiation length. Unlike other teeth whitening methods, the system contains an acid-free whitening gel, which eliminates damage to the enamel. The light from the lamp activates the whitening gel, releasing oxygen, which penetrates the enamel and dentin and whitens dark pigments without changing the structure of the tooth.

What teeth should be naturally?

We can list many examples that were considered a trend at one time, but at the same time were harmful to health. For example, women's corsets, which squeezed the internal organs so that they took away their breath and disrupted the functioning of the internal organs. The situation with teeth is approximately the same. Dentists confirm that our human smile is not snow-white by nature, but yellowish. This is normal and indicates oral health.

Despite popular belief, the enamel that covers the tooth is almost transparent and not white. Beneath it is dentin, the main tissue of the tooth, which naturally has a yellowish tint. It is this that “shines through” the enamel and gives it its characteristic yellowness. And most importantly, this shade indicates the health of the teeth, their strength and resistance to caries. If a person’s teeth are naturally too white, this indicates poor enamel mineralization and requires treatment.

Therefore, the first thing when consulting a visitor with the problem of yellow teeth is to determine whether the problem is acquired or whether it is a habitual condition of the teeth.

Home teeth whitening system Dent 3D White

Dent 3D White teeth whitening technology is in many ways similar to popular home lamp whitening. In the same way, a special gel and a device that emits a light beam at a strictly defined wavelength are used to whiten teeth.

The active substance of the gel is carbamide peroxide, which releases atomic oxygen. This is the same whitening component that is used in professional whitening.

Under the influence of light, a gel with active oxygen penetrates deeply into tooth enamel, destroys pigments without changing the structure of hard tooth tissue.

The packaging design is reminiscent of the White light system, which suggests certain thoughts related to marketing.

Is it possible to whiten teeth for those who have fillings and crowns?

Whitening of pulpless (dead) teeth is a procedure that is somewhat different in nature from ordinary bleaching and is called internal . The specificity of this method is that the gel is placed inside the tooth and sealed. Thus, you can walk with this “medicine” for several days, as a result of which surface enamel whitening occurs. Fillings and crowns, in turn, are not tinted, so there is a need to change these structures. Why do you actually need to change fillings and crowns in this case? The answer is simple: for the sake of the aesthetic beauty of teeth.

White smile home whitening system

Teeth whitening system White Smile photo-whitening technology. The difference between the method is that active oxygen passes to the dentin of the tooth through the enamel matrix, where it cleans it of dark particles on which the color of the tooth depends. It is considered highly effective and completely safe even for problem teeth.

The teeth whitening process in this system is quite simple. It is necessary to apply the gel to the teeth, turn on the device emitting LED light, and point it at the teeth whitening area.

The White Smile system kit includes an LED light device, gel A, dental tray, gel B, instructions, 2 batteries.

The patented formula of White&Smile products was developed in France, production is carried out in Italy, and the products meet the safety requirements of the European Union.

Why do teeth change color?

In order to properly conduct a consultation, a pharmacist or pharmacist must find out the cause of the defect. Dentists identify a number of factors that change the color of teeth:

  1. Consumption of certain foods and drinks that contain natural or artificial colors: blueberries, chocolate, beets, black tea, coffee, dark juices, etc.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and chewing tobacco gives an unsightly yellow tint and spoils the overall condition of teeth.
  3. Insufficient hygiene. Improper and irregular tooth brushing is the main factor in changing the shade of dentin
  4. Caries and other dental diseases;
  5. Internal causes: lack or excess of fluoride, metabolic disorders, genetic diseases
  6. Fillings and restorations
  7. Aging. Dentin turns yellow with age
  8. Taking medications: tetracycline, iron and others
  9. A combination of several reasons.

A pharmacist or pharmacist can help with the first three reasons. If systemic or dental diseases are suspected, the visitor should be advised to consult a doctor.

Colgate Simply White Teeth Whitening Gel

Colgate Simply White home whitening system is a teeth whitening gel made in the USA, one of the most effective whitening products in its class. Visibly whitens teeth in just two weeks when used once a day, without damaging tooth enamel. The main whitening ingredient of the gel is 5.9% hydrogen peroxide. The composition also includes stabilizing elements (phosphates) to maintain normal acidity in the oral cavity.

After applying the gel to the teeth, it is immediately absorbed into the enamel, and the process of removing stains and yellowness begins immediately. Colgate Simply White can also be used to whiten deeper areas of enamel. To obtain the desired effect, you should refrain from eating and drinking water for only 15 minutes after applying the product to your teeth - this amount of time is more than enough for the whitening gel to adhere to the teeth and the whitening process to begin.

How to choose the best dental whiteners?

All teeth whiteners are effective when used correctly. Certain types have many additional features. In general, the choice depends on the expected results. Some of them remove plaque from the surface of teeth quickly, others more slowly, but more effectively. Some products further strengthen the enamel (its hardness) or reduce susceptibility to tooth decay. They also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. When choosing a product you should:

  • Read the instructions in detail to ensure that the purchased product meets your expectations and individual care needs.
  • Mouthguards should be predominantly silicone. This flexible material fits perfectly over your teeth and fits comfortably in your mouth.
  • The water resistance of the pads ensures their correct and safe cleaning, as well as repeated use.
  • An additional advantage is the whitening scale indicator, which allows you to independently measure the quality of teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening products are based on dental research that indicates the expected results from their use. It is worth choosing a product that satisfies several basic criteria:

  • easy way to apply to teeth;
  • fast action (one-time whitening 10-15 minutes);
  • visible effects after the first use;
  • equipping the activator with a timer signaling the end of treatment;
  • the shape of the onlays, ensuring the application of the same amount of gel to the upper and lower parts of the jaw.

It is worth remembering that finishing the whitening procedure does not mean you can stop taking care of your teeth. First of all, you should remember about proper oral hygiene and brushing your teeth at least twice a day. After completing your whitening cycle, be sure to also follow the “white diet.” Because enamel may weaken after bleaching, it is more susceptible to discoloration caused by eating colored foods.

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