Teeth whitening products: what to advise patients

You can whiten yellowed teeth at home using improvised means, but if you want to use modern dental means, then this article is for you!

Changes in the shade of teeth are inevitable and have three types: superficial , deep and age-related . Superficial staining is characterized by the consumption of foods containing dyes. Strong black tea, coffee, red wine - these are the “pests” that accumulate in small “portions” on the surface of the enamel and form a yellow coating. Among young people there are many lovers of Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta and other “coloring” drinks, which also have a detrimental effect on the color of tooth enamel. In addition to these factors, smoking contributes to the darkening and decay of teeth. For passionate lovers of tobacco and strong drinks, it is advisable to limit themselves in pleasure in order to keep their teeth not only white, but also healthy.

The causes of deep staining of teeth can be certain chemicals and medications. The most common of them is the antibiotic tetracycline , which causes persistent gray-lilac stains and is difficult to bleach. Excessive consumption of fluoride in childhood will also cause “yellowing” of the teeth, so before purchasing toothpaste for your child, make sure it does not contain fluoride. In addition, an excess of fluoride in drinking water negatively affects the color of teeth. With age, microcracks appear on the teeth, a defect in the enamel occurs, as a result of which its color changes, in a word, the teeth “age.” This process is called age-related.

What teeth should be naturally?

We can list many examples that were considered a trend at one time, but at the same time were harmful to health. For example, women's corsets, which squeezed the internal organs so that they took away their breath and disrupted the functioning of the internal organs. The situation with teeth is approximately the same. Dentists confirm that our human smile is not snow-white by nature, but yellowish. This is normal and indicates oral health.

Despite popular belief, the enamel that covers the tooth is almost transparent and not white. Beneath it is dentin, the main tissue of the tooth, which naturally has a yellowish tint. It is this that “shines through” the enamel and gives it its characteristic yellowness. And most importantly, this shade indicates the health of the teeth, their strength and resistance to caries. If a person’s teeth are naturally too white, this indicates poor enamel mineralization and requires treatment.

Therefore, the first thing when consulting a visitor with the problem of yellow teeth is to determine whether the problem is acquired or whether it is a habitual condition of the teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages of tooth powders

The principle of action of tooth powders continues to this day. All compositions contain various abrasives, usually chalk, but today various minerals, essential oils and plant extracts are added to them, this gives the powders the following advantages:

  • the effect of herbal supplements helps reduce periodontal inflammation;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums decreases;
  • when using the powder, normalization of the acid-base balance in the oral cavity is noted;
  • The powder perfectly removes soft plaque and prevents the formation of tartar;
  • during cleaning, the enamel is saturated with minerals, which is an effective prevention of caries;
  • The cleaning procedure is very simple and does not require additional instructions.

But if you plan to use tooth powder, keep in mind that the product also has its disadvantages:

  • The whitening effect is mainly achieved through abrasive, so if you apply the powder too often, there is a high risk of damaging the outer layer of the crown, which will increase the risk of caries and contribute to other unpleasant consequences.
  • Due to the powder form, some fillers cannot be added to the composition, which could enhance the whitening effect.
  • The powder is stored in unsealed packaging and in order to brush your teeth you will have to dip the brush into the mass several times, so the packaging should only be used by you. Dipping an unclean brush into the powder promotes the proliferation and accumulation of bacteria, which then enter the oral cavity.
  • This product can only be used by people with normal tooth sensitivity.
  • Essential oils that are part of the powder can cause allergies and irritation. If you notice this, stop using the product and contact a specialist.

Why do teeth change color?

In order to properly conduct a consultation, a pharmacist or pharmacist must find out the cause of the defect. Dentists identify a number of factors that change the color of teeth:

  1. Consumption of certain foods and drinks that contain natural or artificial colors: blueberries, chocolate, beets, black tea, coffee, dark juices, etc.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and chewing tobacco gives an unsightly yellow tint and spoils the overall condition of teeth.
  3. Insufficient hygiene. Improper and irregular tooth brushing is the main factor in changing the shade of dentin
  4. Caries and other dental diseases;
  5. Internal causes: lack or excess of fluoride, metabolic disorders, genetic diseases
  6. Fillings and restorations
  7. Aging. Dentin turns yellow with age
  8. Taking medications: tetracycline, iron and others
  9. A combination of several reasons.

A pharmacist or pharmacist can help with the first three reasons. If systemic or dental diseases are suspected, the visitor should be advised to consult a doctor.

Types of teeth whitening

Whitening is a cosmetic procedure aimed at changing the color of dentin. It can be professional or home. Professional whitening (chemical/ultrasonic/laser/photo whitening) is performed by a dentist in an office or clinic. These methods are considered the safest and most effective.

For home whitening, traditional methods and special products are used. It is the latter that pharmacists and pharmacists deal with. In addition, these products may be recommended by dentists as the final stage of professional whitening, usually 2 weeks after the procedure. Special whitening products are given to the patient in the clinic, or he buys them at the pharmacy as prescribed by the doctor.

Carbamide peroxide-based products are widely used in both home and professional whitening. It consists of hydrogen peroxide and urea peroxide. When it hits the surface of a tooth, the substance disintegrates to form atomic oxygen. The latter penetrates the dentin and destroys the yellow pigment.

When carrying out the procedure in the clinic, high concentrations of carbamide peroxide of 10% and above are used. You need to be careful with them, as they can cause severe burns. To enhance the effect, the gel with the active substance is irradiated with special lamps. For home use, concentrations of the active substance range from 4 to 7.5%.

It is worth saying that this substance is approved by the American and Russian Dental Associations and recommended for use. Products that contain acids or abrasives should be used with extreme caution and it is best to consult a doctor before using them.

How the result is achieved

People who have used teeth whitening powder compare its effect to that of professional cleaning. The fact is that the powder does not allow achieving pronounced whiteness, but it returns the enamel to its natural color. At the same time, he polishes the surface of the crown, making it smooth and shiny.

The principle of operation of the powder is very simple - it consists in the fact that abrasive particles mechanically remove soft and hard deposits from the surface of the teeth, and also clean off the pigmented layer.

The main component of the powders is chalk, which is not only capable of removing plaque, but also has remineralizing properties.

To enhance the whitening effect, manufacturers add various components to the powder. One of the most popular options is lemon essential oil. The substances contained in its composition neutralize pigments. In addition, the composition includes bicarbonate of soda, which is also an abrasive. In order for the powder to freshen breath, various plant extracts are added here: ginger, mint, cinnamon and others. For a therapeutic effect, anti-inflammatory additives of plant origin are added to the powder. Usually these are extracts of licorice, St. John's wort, nettle, etc. They reduce bleeding gums and reduce other effects that arise due to periodontal inflammation.

What is better whitening paste or powder?

Today, few people use tooth powder, since most people prefer the most common remedy - toothpaste. People think about powder when they think about lightening enamel. As a bleaching agent, it can be much more effective than paste, due to the fact that the concentration of abrasive elements is much higher. Solid particles make it possible to loosen deposits much faster and remove the colored layer of the crown. Therefore, those who strive to quickly achieve the desired result turn to tooth powder. But it is worth remembering that this product should be used very carefully, as it can greatly harm the health of the enamel.

If you want to achieve a noticeable and long-term effect without risking the integrity of your teeth, you can choose the professional whitening paste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING. This safe and effective product will help neutralize surface staining of enamel. The advantages of the paste are that in just four weeks you will get visible results without damaging your teeth. The paste contains potassium citrate and hydroxypatite, which mineralize the enamel and prevent hypersensitivity. Extracts of calamus and eleutherococcus strengthen the gums and accelerate the restoration of the mucous membrane.

If you want, you can use the paste and powder together.

Recommendations for using teeth whitening powder

In order to achieve the desired result and at the same time not spoil tooth enamel, you need to take into account the features of the product, properly prepare for whitening and follow simple recommendations:

  • It is highly advisable that your dentist select the powder, since when choosing, he will take into account the general condition of the gums and teeth.
  • Try not to dip a wet brush into a box of powder, as the remaining mixture will partially absorb moisture, which may affect its properties. It is best to dilute the powder in a separate container each time before applying it to the brush until it becomes a thick paste.
  • To minimize the risk of injury to the enamel, use a brush with soft bristles.
  • Do not use the product for more than ten days.
  • After you have brushed your teeth, use a special rinse that helps restore enamel after intensive brushing. An additional bonus will be fresh breath, which will especially please people who smoke. Since powder does not always cope well with this task.

How to clean

The procedure itself is not much different from daily brushing with regular toothpaste. It should also be done twice a day, morning and evening. The duration of one cleaning should be at least 3-4 minutes.

The process itself consists of the following stages:

  • Apply the powder to a dampened brush;
  • start cleaning from the front crowns, all movements should be very careful;
  • you should move the brush along a vertical plane, this will significantly reduce the risk of scratching the enamel;
  • continue brushing for at least two minutes;
  • Apply a new portion of powder to the brush and repeat the cleansing movements for another 2 minutes.
  • After the procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly to thoroughly remove any remaining product;
  • Rinse your mouth with a special mouthwash.

Tooth powder can be used as a dental treatment. To do this, you need to dilute the substance to a liquid porridge and carefully apply it with a swab to the crowns and gums. Next, you need to wait 10 minutes and rinse off the composition with boiled water; this procedure can also be combined with standard brushing of teeth using toothpaste.

How to save the effect

During and after whitening procedures, you should take more careful care of your teeth. The fact is that no matter how careful you are, abrasive substances will still have a negative effect in addition to the benefits. In some cases, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods may increase. This should go away quickly, but if sensitivity continues to increase, be sure to consult a specialist. The same should be done if pain, gum irritation, allergies and other problems occur.

In addition, for the effect to be noticeable, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing large amounts of coloring substances. Temporarily eliminate the following foods and drinks from your diet:

  • Black tea, coffee, red wine, colored lemonades;
  • Berries - blueberries, blackberries, sea buckthorn, etc.;
  • Lemons and oranges;
  • Chocolate;
  • Etc.

Also, if you smoke, you should reduce the number of cigarettes you consume per day as much as possible.

In addition, it is useful to have a professional hygienic cleaning done once or twice a year. It is recommended by WHO, as it not only preserves dental health, but also improves the body’s immunity.

This procedure can be performed in several ways, two of the most common:

  • Cleaning using an Air Flow device, which delivers a stream of water with a fine abrasive under pressure. This procedure allows you to get rid of soft plaque and neutralize yellowness.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning removes not only soft plaque, but also tartar.

Both procedures are safe and effective. With their help, you can reveal the natural color of the enamel, getting rid of unwanted accumulations.

Alternative options

If you want to achieve a snow-white smile, you should see a dentist. The fastest and most effective methods here will be in-office whitening methods, which are carried out using a laser, cold LED lamps, ultraviolet light, etc. The essence of this whitening is approximately the same: a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth, and it is exposed to light, activating oxygen. It is this that neutralizes the yellow pigment on the enamel.

Additionally, there are many professional at-home whitening methods available. In this case, a series of procedures is also carried out using a gel, only the concentration of the active substance in it is much lower. Because of this, the whitening period is significantly extended, but each procedure is more gentle. For home whitening, the dentist prepares special trays that follow the shape of the teeth. These mouth guards contain the active substance. It is often left overnight.

ASEPTA for healthy whitened teeth

A series of professional ASEPTA products for the care and treatment of teeth and gums will help you restore enamel weakened after whitening, eliminate inflammation of soft tissues, and reduce bleeding gums. The complex includes effective toothpastes, rinses and vitamins. You can easily choose the best option.

Are there any contraindications?

There are several diseases and conditions for which professional and home whitening using products containing carbamide peroxide is not recommended:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the procedure may cause increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  2. Age up to 18 years. Before this period, the procedure cannot be carried out according to the instructions.
  3. Cracks, chips. Damage and defects can cause the composition to penetrate deep into the tooth tissue and lead to a burn of the pulp.
  4. Caries and carious cavities. If this problem is not eliminated before manipulation, the application of a bleaching agent will lead to softening of the dentin and aggravation of the disease.

Is it possible to whiten teeth for those who have fillings and crowns?

Whitening of pulpless (dead) teeth is a procedure that is somewhat different in nature from ordinary bleaching and is called internal . The specificity of this method is that the gel is placed inside the tooth and sealed. Thus, you can walk with this “medicine” for several days, as a result of which surface enamel whitening occurs. Fillings and crowns, in turn, are not tinted, so there is a need to change these structures. Why do you actually need to change fillings and crowns in this case? The answer is simple: for the sake of the aesthetic beauty of teeth.

Teeth whitening products in pharmacies

The pharmaceutical market offers the following products for home whitening:

Facilities Peculiarities Examples
Toothpastes and powders The brightening effect is manifested by abrasive components (calcium compounds, aluminum oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, polyphosphates, bentonite clay, silicon oxide, dicalcium phosphate), acids, peroxide, oxygen or specific enzymes. With regular use of abrasives, it is possible to achieve a change in tooth color by 1 tone, no more, and at the same time they damage the enamel. Therefore, these products must be used carefully and for no more than a month.

Acidic, peroxide and oxygen pastes are not recommended for those with sensitive teeth.

Enzymes papain, bromelain and titanium dioxide are whitening ingredients that gently lighten and are suitable for long-term use.

Examples of non-abrasive toothpastes:
  • Blanx White Shock
  • ROCS Sensitive repair & whitening
Rinse aids The lightening quality of these products is minimal. Their release form does not allow for long-term and effective contact of the whitening components with the tooth surface. Therefore, rinses have a different role - to increase the effectiveness of toothpaste, wash away food debris, normalize pH, destroy microorganisms, freshen breath and thereby improve oral hygiene.
  • Lacalut White
  • Splat Professional
Gels Gels usually contain carbamide peroxide, a substance that breaks down the pigment in tooth dentin. Gels sold in pharmacies are inferior in effectiveness to professional ones. The percentage of the active component in them is lower and without special equipment the result will not be so obvious.

But they do not require special equipment and are safe to use, so they are popular at home.

  • Rocs Pro whitening gel
  • Global White whitening gel pencil for 3 tones 5 ml.
Mouthguards Mouthguards are not independent means for whitening; they enhance the effectiveness of gels. The whitening solution is applied to the teeth, and then the mouth guard is worn for several hours or overnight. In pharmacies you can also find kits that include LED lamps. Their task is to activate the gel and speed up the procedure.

When consulting, you need to pay attention to the size of the mouthguard. There are two types sold in pharmacies: standard or thermoplastic. The latest model, after heating under hot water, takes the shape of a human jaw and is considered more effective.

  • Blanx Oxygen Power O3
Pencils This is a whitening gel in a form that is more convenient to use. The active substance, as a rule, is the same carbamide peroxide.
  • Blanx White Shock Pen Gel
  • Global White Pen Gel
Stripes They are impregnated with a whitening composition based on carbamide peroxide and glued to the teeth overnight or for several hours. A convenient and inexpensive method that has gained great popularity. Their essence is the same as that of mouthguards - to increase the efficiency and uninterrupted supply of active components to the tooth tissues.
  • Global White
  • Blanx
Pills They clean dentures. According to the instructions, dissolve the tablet in water and immerse the prosthesis in the prepared solution. Main effects:
  • removal of plaque and food debris;
  • destruction of bacteria.

Due to this hygiene, dentures will not change color over time.

  • Corega Dental White.

Whitening strips – what are they?

To whiten teeth at home, you can use special disposable strips, which are sold in pharmacies. Compared to mouthguards, they are not as effective, but despite this factor, many people use them. The reason is their cheapness.

Teeth whitening strips - a cheap method to overcome yellow teeth

The teeth whitening procedure using strips is performed on both the upper and lower teeth. It's pretty simple. Its essence is as follows: for 5-10 days, in the morning and evening, attach the strips to your teeth for no more than half an hour, and subsequently you will get the desired result. Already on the third day you will see that your teeth have magically changed their color (from yellowish to lighter). The most important thing is that the enamel remains intact, and you can freely communicate on abstract or serious topics during the process of whitening your teeth.

Let's say you purchased whitening strips and are going to use them. What should you pay attention to first? Firstly, the inscriptions “ upper ” and “ lower ”, which mean “ upper ” and “ lower ”. Therefore, a strip with the inscription “upper” indicates that it should be worn on the upper row of teeth, and “lower” on the lower one. Secondly, make sure that you remove the protective film from the strip. Next, carefully attach the strip with the gel side to the outer surface of the teeth and press it tightly against the teeth. Under no circumstances keep the strips on your teeth for more than 30 minutes, otherwise, instead of beauty, you will get unwanted sensitivity to cold and hot food and drinks.

Take care of your teeth!
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Which method do you recommend?

The choice will primarily depend on the problem with which the visitor came to the pharmacy. If yellowness is associated with food, bad habits or insufficient hygiene, a pharmaceutical specialist may advise changing the usual paste to a whitening one and additionally offering mouth guards, gels, pencils or strips for use once a week or a short course (the course depends on the type of product).

It is also worth warning that the effect of home whitening will always be less pronounced than that of professional whitening. This will help eliminate objections in the future and prevent the formation of inflated expectations from the procedure. It is better to recommend products from the same series and line, since they usually complement each other and are compatible in composition.

When consulting, it is imperative to clarify whether the patient has caries, whether teeth have been restored or dentures have been installed. If you have cavities or black staining, it is important to recommend seeking help from a dentist. It is also necessary to refer the patient to a doctor if there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, for example, liver diseases, diabetes, oncology, etc. You can assume this problem in a person by asking questions. If previously the color of the teeth was one, but then changed and other symptoms are observed: pain in a certain area, itching of the skin, excessive urination or sweating, etc., in this case it is definitely recommended to refer the patient to a doctor.

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