The main classifications used in patients who are completely edentulous

Classification of the mucous membrane according to Supple

One of the popular and universal ones in cases of radical absence of teeth is the well-known classification according to Supple, which is focused on the condition of the mucous surface of the prosthetic bed. Within the classification, there are the following categories of compliance:

  1. The ridges of the alveoli are lined with the pliable mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed.

    The palate is equally covered with mucous membrane. Physiological folds of the mucosa are distant from the apex of the alveolar ridge. This category of mucosal compliance is suitable for a prosthesis made of any material.

  2. The atrophied mucous surface lines all the ridges of the alveoli and the palate.

    The slightly thinned shell has some inconveniences for installing structures with a metal base.

  3. The mandibular structures and hard palate are lined with an uneven mucous membrane.

    Patients quite regularly require additional treatment.

  4. The strands of the mucosal surface are mobile and move with minimal pressure.

    In such a situation, using a prosthesis will be uncomfortable. Prosthetics for such pathology are possible only as a result of excision of the alveolar edge.

The classification naturally confirms the medical assumption that when studying the condition of the mucous membrane in each specific case, it is important to take into account the patient’s physique and general health.

Classification of the mucous membrane of Kalinin

Kalinin, within the framework of his system, developed for organizing the oral cavity in the absence of teeth, defines several categories of the mucous membrane, taking into account the physique and general health of the patient. Accordingly, there are the following groups of mucous membranes:

  1. A healthy mucous surface responds well to any chewing influence.

    Atrophy of the alveolar process in this situation is insignificant and practically imperceptible. This type of mucous membrane is typical for healthy people.

  2. Thinned mucous tissue is usually observed in people with an asthenic physique.

    This condition is observed with atrophy of the alveolar process in patients of different ages with a high degree of jaw atrophy.

  3. Loose mucous tissue is observed in large patients and in people

    who have common chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus or nervous disorders.

  4. The mobile mucous membrane is localized within the ridges of the alveoli.

    This situation is observed in patients with periodontitis and occurs after injuries or atrophy of areas of the alveoli due to improper use of a denture.

Not only classification will help to identify the level of mucosal compliance. The condition of the surface of the oral cavity can be determined by means at hand: by touching a finger, using a dental mirror or the handle of a probe. Knowing the specific degree of mucosal compliance is important for the treatment process. Depending on the level of compliance, the doctor will choose a specific technology to create a functional impression and the degree of fluidity of the material.

Standards for a healthy oral cavity

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How is oral health determined? A healthy oral cavity is the absence of diseases, inflammations and pathologies. Orthodontist Farida Yusifovna Gasimova talks about the health standards of the oral cavity and dental system.

— Farida Yusifovna, how is dental health determined?

— Disorders in the dental system provoke malfunctions in the joints and muscles. Fixation of the lower jaw is carried out with the help of the muscles of the head and neck; the chewing process occurs when the temporal and masticatory muscles work. If the chewing apparatus is functioning correctly and the joints and muscles are anatomically normal, there is a distance (2 mm) between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. Disturbances in the bite occur with excessive muscle tone in a calm state, which affects not only the teeth, but also general well-being: the patient complains of frequent headaches, pain in the neck muscles, in the back, there is pinching of the facial muscles, teeth are subject to wear, chips appear at the ends, and a wedge-shaped defect is often diagnosed. Disturbances in the dental system can be of a different nature; based on external symptoms, one can more or less understand that it is necessary to consult an orthodontist. If the patient notices stiffness when moving the lower jaw, jamming of the jaw, characteristic clicks when it moves (crunching, clicking) - this indicates problems with the temporomandibular joint. The action of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is aimed at ensuring normal movement of the lower jaw. The temporomandibular joint looks like a dimple with a head, with an articular disc placed between them. The absence of disturbances is manifested in the form of the location of the head in the fossa (resting state). When the jaw moves, the head is displaced by the articular disc. If there are disorders, the articular disc is displaced, the bite is disturbed and the jaw moves incorrectly. Dysfunction of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) requires complex treatment from doctors of various specialties, including a gnathologist, an orthodontist, and a neuromuscular dentist. The condition of the dental system is significantly influenced by the patient’s spine and posture. If posture is impaired, the muscles of the face, neck, and back cannot work correctly, and this fact, in turn, affects the normal functioning of the lower jaw. The displacement of the lower jaw causes disruptions not only in the functioning of the dental system, but also in the body as a whole. An anatomically correct bite is not an indicator of a healthy dental system, as many patients think. Just like white, straight teeth. The dentofacial system generally cannot be characterized by any one of its organs, since, as I have already said, a violation in any of its components affects the entire system. The condition of the dental system is directly related to the work of the ear organs, temporomandibular joints, neck and head muscles. The psycho-emotional state of the patient also plays an important role. If pain in the neck and back periodically appears, this already indicates an existing disorder, including in the dental system. Therefore, only a dentist orthodontist in Anapa can determine its condition.

— What is the dental system?

— The dentofacial system is a complex apparatus in which the organs are anatomically united. The organs included in the dental system are bones (palatine, zygomatic, nasal, jaw), teeth, temporomandibular joints (temporomandibular joints, lips, cheeks, tongue, soft and hard palate, salivary glands, masticatory and facial muscles. Functioning separately and together, all these organs give us the opportunity to breathe, talk and eat food. I want to emphasize that in the dental system there are no “important” and “minor” organs, each individual component of the system plays its role. The growth and formation of the dental system begins in changes in the womb and throughout a person’s life. From childhood to final adulthood, modifications of the dental system are clearly noticeable, since during this period the bite changes, individual features of the cheekbones, tongue, and lips are formed. Then the changes are little noticeable, but they continue to occur. When there is a process of active formation (childhood), the Anapa orthodontist dentist can quickly correct the incorrect growth trend to an anatomically correct one, direct the growth of teeth and bones, so to speak, in the right direction. You should not wait until the jaw is fully formed (adulthood) for orthodontic treatment; in children, therapy is faster, easier, and cheaper. Dentistry Millennium Anapa Mayakovsky offers patients orthodontic services. It is also important to note the fact that a disorder in one organ inevitably affects the functioning of the entire system, therefore, if the pathology is not corrected during the period of formation and growth of the jaws, it can develop into a severe disorder in adulthood. It is necessary to undergo an examination by an orthodontist during the period of 5-7 years, which will exclude or identify a tendency to disrupt the development of the dentofacial system. A pediatric orthodontist in Anapa conducts a visual examination and diagnosis using special equipment. I repeat, it is much easier to carry out correction in a child than long-term therapy in an adult patient.

— Farida Yusifovna, how are teeth treated today?

— Treatment of the dental system must be carried out comprehensively, with mandatory visits to specialized specialists. Anapa Mayakovsky Dentistry Millennium dental treatment, in the clinic you can get a consultation with one of the best dental specialists in the city and undergo a full diagnosis of the dental system. Depending on the patient’s clinical picture, the orthodontist in Anapa prescribes consultations with doctors and computed tomography. Therapy of the dental system is always carried out according to an individual program; in case of violations, it is impossible to treat everyone according to the same scheme. Electromyography (myography) is used to identify dysfunction of the masticatory and temporal muscles and determine the affected nerve areas. Using electromyography, it is possible to determine the causes of paralysis of an individual muscle. The principle of operation of the myograph is that it records changes in the bioelectrical activity of muscles using special sensors attached to the facial muscles and connected to the myograph. Therapy of the dental system includes treatment with an occlusal guard and a splint (a removable device for correcting the bite). With the help of a mouthguard, pain in the TMJ, pinching of the lower jaw, headaches and other disorders are eliminated, the action of the occlusal splint is aimed at restoring the natural position of the muscles during the functioning of the jaw, with the help of the splint the symmetry of the face and anatomically correct muscle tone are restored. Another technique that deserves attention is electrical neurostimulation (TENS), the effect of which is aimed at relaxing the masticatory muscles that are in hypertonicity. This method effectively eliminates muscle spasms, saturates tissue cells with oxygen, ensures the correct position of the lower jaw, removes lactic acid, and restores proper muscle function. TENS therapy is carried out using a current that is passed through the patient's skin; the entire procedure takes about one hour. The facebow is used to accurately analyze the individual position of the jaws in three dimensions in order to then produce a prosthetic structure (veneers, dentures or crowns). The use of this mechanical device in dentistry can significantly reduce errors in the design of orthopedic devices. Making a structure for the dental system is a rather complex task that requires maximum attention, experience and professionalism; not only the individual characteristics of the position of the bones are taken into account, but also the dynamics of movement. When making orthopedic structures, it is very important to match the central occlusion and jaw relationship. When conducting therapy, dentists set themselves the priority tasks of restoring proper functionality, and only then the aesthetic factor. Of course, most patients are primarily interested in the beauty of a smile, but if beautiful teeth are not capable of fully chewing food, then, of course, it is much more important to recreate functionality.

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