How to have your teeth treated by a private owner and not pay a penny

Publication date: November 25, 2017 Update date: November 24, 2019 Number of views: 9971

Author: Kavalyauskas Vasily Anatolyevich Leading lawyer of the Legal Agency of St. Petersburg Articles written: 20

Dental treatment is an expensive pleasure. Many citizens deliberately put off visiting the dentist because they are sure that there is little choice. The treatment will be either bad and free, or good and expensive. The first is in a budget clinic, the second is at a private dentist. If there is no money for “good”, they endure it steadfastly. And in vain. A compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) allows you to receive high-quality dental services for free, including in commercial institutions.

To a private clinic - under the compulsory medical insurance policy

This is not the first year that the state has attracted private companies to work on compulsory medical insurance. Treatment centers submit applications for inclusion in the compulsory medical insurance register voluntarily. Participation in the program for them is a guarantee of a stable income: if the flow of paying clients for some reason becomes scarce, there are always plenty of people willing to be treated under the policy, and payment for patients comes from the Federal Fund without delay. According to Alexey Starchenko, head of the National Agency for Patient Safety, private dentists receive very decent funding under compulsory medical insurance. Therefore, confidently apply for free services to commercial clinics. Having an insurance policy gives you this right.


The cost of dentures for pensioners and veterans is calculated individually, depending on the chosen technique and consumables, as well as the amount of work to prepare the oral cavity. We offer elderly people special prices for all services, as well as the opportunity to receive government compensation for treatment in the form of a tax deduction.

To qualify for a partial refund of the cost of prosthetics, you must:

  • find out if it is possible to obtain a certificate at our clinic;
  • issue a payment to any working relative;
  • collect the necessary documents: receipts for payment, a declaration, a copy of the clinic’s license and an agreement for the provision of prosthetic services.

If everything is assembled correctly, the relative will receive a tax deduction, which is 13% of the cost of the prosthesis itself and the doctor’s work.

The times when older people were forced to hide their smile due to missing teeth are long gone. Today, installation of modern, comfortable and beautiful prostheses is available to everyone. Call and make an appointment at the Two Dentists clinic - take the first step towards the smile of your dreams.

Will everyone be treated for free?

The holder of a compulsory medical insurance policy will be treated for caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease, a diseased tooth will be removed, a filling will be placed, purulent inflammation will be eliminated, and physiotherapeutic procedures will be performed. Anesthesia and x-rays for medical reasons will also be provided free of charge. Every six months you can come to the clinic for a preventive examination and have your teeth cleaned of tartar - mechanically, using a special bur (ultrasonic cleaning is performed for money). Children are provided with orthodontic treatment. Territorial programs of some regions may include additional services. Therefore, do not rush to take out your wallet - check first to see if your problem is being solved for free.

Prosthetics, implantation, teeth whitening, treatment with laser technologies and some other procedures are not included in the compulsory medical insurance program. The exception is the preferential category of patients, consisting of combatants, victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, and World War II veterans. Prosthetics for them are paid for from the state budget.

Types of dental prosthetics for pensioners

The capabilities of modern dentistry have made it possible to step far beyond the level of uncomfortable removable dentures, which have long been considered an invariable attribute of an elderly person. Now neither age, nor complete edentia, nor long-term absence of teeth with bone atrophy are limitations for orthopedists. Our clinic offers comfortable and at the same time affordable prosthetic methods that provide excellent results in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

Acrylic dentures

This is the most budget-friendly type of removable dentures, the basis for which is durable and lightweight acrylic. The product is made to individual measurements, has a natural appearance and is securely fixed in the oral cavity. The prosthesis is easy to remove for hygiene purposes, easy to clean and just as easy to put on. To monitor the condition of the oral cavity, preventive dental examinations twice a year are sufficient.

Nylon dentures

Unlike completely rigid acrylic models, this version of the prosthesis has a flexible base that carries crowns made of durable plastic. Due to its softness, the structure is easily fixed on the gums due to the resulting vacuum, does not injure soft tissues and provides maximum comfort for the patient. The product is as easy to take off and put on as an acrylic prosthesis.

Clasp dentures

The structures are classified as conditionally removable. The attachment is not permanent, but only a dentist can remove or put on the prosthesis. Classic models are metal fasteners (hooks, arches, staples), which serve as the basis for prostheses made of ceramic or plastic. Healthy or pre-ground teeth serve as the basis for fixing the prosthesis. The main advantages of such models are strength and naturalness. Cleaning is done with a regular toothbrush.

Non-removable metal-ceramic products

Most often, prostheses of this type are installed on a depulped and ground tooth with a intact root, with significant destruction of its coronal part. The basis of the product is a durable metal frame, onto which a layer of ceramic is applied that imitates enamel. The finished prosthesis has sufficient strength for long service and a decent appearance. In addition to individual crowns, metal ceramics can be used to make bridges. In this case, one or more elements are fastened together and fixed on the ground healthy teeth along the edges of the defect.

The choice of prosthetic technique depends on the patient’s age, oral condition, number of remaining teeth, concomitant diseases and preferred price range.

Consumables - unlimited

Patients may have legitimate concerns about the quality of services. Will the policy help in a situation that has become the norm for district clinics: “We can only install a cement filling for free, a more expensive and high-quality one - for money”? Will help. The rates at which medical institutions are paid include the cost of consumables. At the same time, the state guarantee program does not provide for any restrictions on their prices and types. This means that the dentist is obliged to provide the patient with everything that is required during treatment and is included in the compulsory medical insurance program, in accordance with modern standards. If a filling is necessary, you have the right to insist on using a light-curing filling as it is strong, non-toxic and durable.

Features of the service

Dental prosthetics for elderly patients requires a special approach from the dentist. In the process of choosing a method for restoring elements of the dentition, it must take into account a lot of specific features:

  • lack of a large number of teeth: often older people turn to the dentist only when almost all their teeth are lost or are in poor condition;
  • bone tissue atrophy and sparseness due to osteoporosis;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases that limit the possibilities of surgical intervention and the use of anesthesia.

Often you also have to choose an option that will be comfortable in cost, because not all older people can afford to spend a large amount on dental care, even the most modern one.

Refused? Call the insurer

If the dentist attempts obvious extortion and ignores your arguments, dial the number of the insurance company that issued the policy. The insurance agent in such situations is your consultant and lawyer. His duty is to protect the patient's right to receive quality medical care. It happens that a doctor uses a visit from a free patient as an excuse to impose additional paid services. If in any doubt, call the phone number indicated on the policy. It is very unprofitable for medical institutions to come under the scrutiny of insurance companies. This is fraught with serious inspections and large fines.

Stages of the procedure

The first visit to the dentist ends with an examination and diagnosis. The doctor draws up a treatment plan after collecting anamnesis. The amount of work directly depends on the number of lost teeth in a row.

The prosthetics algorithm consists of the following stages:

  1. removal of destroyed units;
  2. sanitation of the oral cavity;
  3. therapy in case of detection of inflammatory processes;
  4. taking impressions;
  5. definition with a hint of future teeth;
  6. fabrication of the structure;
  7. fitting.

After this, the prosthesis is installed and secured.

Which dental clinics provide treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

If you have a question about the possibility of treatment under the policy, you can contact the registry of the selected institution or look for information on the official website. Private companies from among the program participants are required to post information about the provision of services within the framework of compulsory medical insurance (with a list of types of assistance provided) in the public domain. Cases of violations of this requirement can be reported to Roszdravnadzor. You will find a complete list of commercial companies willing to provide services for free in the register of medical organizations on the website of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund of your locality.

General overview

Prosthetics is an already routine procedure that allows you to quickly and painlessly restore the integrity of the dentition. Removable and conditionally removable structures, installed using implantation, plate or traditional methods, recreate the natural structure and functionality of the jaw. Dental prosthetics for pensioners is an excellent opportunity to get rid of the discomfort and problems that arise with the development of adentia.

If your health condition does not allow you to wait in line

The law describes exceptional cases when teeth are installed free of charge and urgently. This rule applies to people with serious illnesses.

These include:

  • malignant changes in some organs (hematopoietic, for example);
  • oncological lesions of the digestive system, jaw;
  • complex surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trauma resulting in complete or severe loss of teeth.

In order to have teeth inserted urgently and free of charge, you must provide certificates and extracts from the hospital proving the exceptional circumstances.

Are there any restrictions on receiving benefits?

Preferences do not apply to expensive materials . However, if a Russian wants to install high-quality prostheses, he can pay the difference in the price of preferential and expensive materials himself. Preferences for dental prosthetics can be obtained once every 5 years. The warranty on installed prostheses is 12 months.

Since the number of applicants for preferences is quite large, and the number of funds from the budget is strictly limited, prosthetics for beneficiaries are made from inexpensive materials, using plastic and acrylic acid. If the chewing function is completely lost, a prosthesis is made, which is fixed using a special fixative.

If a Russian beneficiary suffers from an allergic reaction to plastic, then if he has a medical certificate that confirms such an allergy, a more expensive prosthesis can be made for him . This can be a clasp hypoallergenic prosthesis, which is secured to the jaw with clasps, or an overlay made of nylon thermal paste, fixed with soft hooks.

After installation of the denture product, the citizen is given a guarantee, according to which he has the right to repair or replace the prosthesis within a specified period. Usually it is 6-12 months, but a citizen can take advantage of the warranty only if there is evidence that the product broke through not his fault or as a result of improper use.

Services that are not provided within the framework of the preference include:

  1. Installation and production of metal-ceramic prostheses.
  2. Installation of implants.
  3. Restoration of products made of expensive metals.
  4. Repairing and manufacturing permanent structures that prevent abrasion of tooth enamel.

Applying for a subsidy for prosthetics

The procedure for assigning preferences for dental prosthetics in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is standard and practically does not differ in different regions of the country.

To receive the benefit you must:

  1. Visit the nearby territorial office of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. Employees of a government institution will advise the pensioner on whether the subject of the country provides preferences for the installation of dentures for the group of Russians to which the pensioner belongs.
  2. Get in line (if it is provided for by the legislative norms of the Russian region).
  3. Wait in line and make a visit to the appropriate medical institution.

Further, it all depends on whether compensation for dental prosthetics was prescribed or a “benefits in kind” was issued. The pensioner needs to draw up an agreement with the social security institution and sign the necessary papers.

The complete list of papers for assigning benefits is as follows:

  1. Medical certificate from a medical institution.
  2. Photocopies of SNILS, identification document, insurance policy.
  3. Statement of family composition. This document can be issued at a passport office, a multifunctional center for the provision of public services, a management company, or a homeowners association.
  4. An application submitted to a social security institution.
  5. A document that confirms the income for each family member. If a person works, a certificate can be obtained from the employer. Otherwise, you need to visit a social security institution.

After collecting all the papers and presenting them to the employees of the government institution, the pensioner will receive a coupon for a visit to a medical institution at the appointed time. The selection of a medical institution where dental prosthetics will be performed is carried out by social protection employees. A citizen does not have the right to choose his own doctor.

Attention! Dental prosthetics refers to medical services that certain groups of citizens have the right to receive free of charge or at a reduced cost. Benefits here are divided into federal and regional. You can find out whether you belong to the category of beneficiaries at the nearest social security institution.

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