Neuritis of the facial nerve, inflammation, paresis, neuritis, neuropathy, neuralgia of the facial nerve: treatment in Saratov
Facial nerve, anatomy The facial nerve, nervus facialis, 7th pair of cranial (cranial) nerves is motor
Drainage in the gum from the cheek
How long does it take for gums to heal after an incision and tooth extraction?
Home → Articles → Recommendations after gum surgery Team of dentists at the Stomatolog 11 clinic
Ulcerative-necrotizing gingivitis
Catarrhal and hypertrophic gingivitis symptoms and treatment in adults
The most common form of gingivitis is catarrhal gingivitis, which affects the gums, causing superficial inflammation.
Gutta-percha in dentistry
Little tricks of endodontics: calibrating the master pin
Gutta-percha in dentistry Gutta-percha is used as a natural material in many fields. Its product application
Panoramic shot
Panoramic photograph of teeth - orthopantomogram
OPTG or orthopantomogram is a panoramic x-ray of the entire dentoalveolar system, including the sinuses and
Changing the bite using prosthetics: analysis of a clinical case
S. M. Kochanov Ph.D., CEREC-trainer, dentist Today CEREC debunks the myth that an increase in
A chip on a front tooth was restored at Dial-Dent
Restoration of a metal-ceramic crown without removal and with removal
Problem: Patients often come to Family Dentistry who want to fix a chip on a crown. Restoration
Neurosis of the tongue - Summer
Sensation of a foreign body in the throat
In most cases, the term “neurosis” is associated with emotional lability, irritability, and a general deterioration in well-being. But
What are the dangers of premature removal of baby teeth?
PHOTO: The result of early removal of anterior milk teeth in children. Maxillary central primary incisors
Colorless and transparent ointments, gels, solutions for chickenpox
Perhaps 50 years ago, brilliant green was considered the best remedy for the treatment of chickenpox. Therefore, on
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