There is nothing unnecessary in the mouth. A Barnaul dentist told how one rotten tooth can ruin the whole body

The health of teeth, gums and oral cavity depends on a huge number of factors that combine a person’s lifestyle in general and the influence of the environment on his health. To one degree or another, the following elements have a direct impact on dental health:

  • Nutrition. Diet, quality and nature of foods consumed affect the condition of teeth. Tooth enamel is sensitive to drinks and food that are too hot or too cold; excessively hard foods can damage the integrity of the tooth.
  • Hygiene. If the rules of oral hygiene are not followed, pieces of food that are not removed become the cause of bacterial growth, provoking the process of rotting. Improper brushing of teeth contributes to the accumulation of plaque, the formation of tartar, etc.
  • Diseases. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or nasopharynx can aggravate existing dental problems or provoke the emergence of new ones. In addition, chronic infection weakens the body's defenses, reducing immunity.
  • Environmental factors. The quality of water used for cooking and consumption directly affects the condition of the oral cavity and the body as a whole.

In our Dentistry on Shchelkovskaya Diamed, dentists successfully treat diseases of the teeth and gums. We strongly recommend that if you experience pain, inflammation or other unpleasant sensations, contact the dentist immediately! Do not delay your visit to the doctor, this way you increase the chance of saving your natural tooth and avoiding extraction. You can make an appointment with a dentist by phone or by filling out an online appointment form. We are within walking distance from Shchelkovskaya m.

Discipline and surgery

— How serious can the consequences of untreated teeth be?

“Sometimes it all starts with one tooth getting sick and ends in a hospital for maxillofacial surgery.
This happens when people don't go to the dentist for years. In the modern world, it is fashionable to take care of your oral cavity, since a healthy smile is both external aesthetics and self-confidence. The older generation is less disciplined in this sense.

Part of this, of course, is due to the fear that came from Soviet dentistry, where, let's be honest, there were not enough good painkillers or equipment. Overcoming this fear is very difficult.

Dental clinic No. 3.

If we are already talking about advanced cases of dental disease, then you can bring yourself to death. Large swelling appears, infection occurs - a bacterial inflammatory process.

— What else in the body is affected by bad teeth?

— We always say that teeth are not only beauty, but also health. The entire digestive system begins in the mouth. If something is wrong there, the quality of chewing food suffers; roughly speaking, a person begins to swallow food in chunks. You have to deny yourself some foods, and this leads to gastritis, colitis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With such diseases, the doctor must look at the tongue. This organ is a real mirror of our digestion. Based on the fly-by, you can tell how and where the failure occurs.

Dental clinic No. 3.

Cardiovascular diseases

Pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the oral cavity can negatively affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. If you ignore the problem and do not carry out timely treatment, then the infection may soon migrate from the source of inflammation through the bloodstream to the heart.

Infection provokes a number of progressive pathological processes in this organ. Metabolism is disrupted, toxic waste products of microbes are formed. As a result, infectious agents infect organ tissues and create foci of secondary infection in them. As a result, the likelihood of pericarditis, endocarditis and other diseases increases.

The vessels through which the pathogen moves to the heart also become the target of damage. Their walls become inflamed, increasing the likelihood of hemorrhages, blood clots, blood pressure surges, etc.

Tooth decay

— When should you go to the dentist?

— You should go for a consultation with a dentist when nothing hurts yet—once every six months. The doctor will tell you how to behave correctly to prevent oral diseases. Perhaps no treatment will be needed, the person will simply be informed about what problems and prospects there are.

If your tooth still hurts, you should consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise, the consequences can be severe. Of course, not everyone goes to the dentist when nothing hurts yet. But even when it already hurts, some are in no hurry.

For example, the patient had caries. It destroyed the tooth tissue and reached the nerve. A person does not sleep at night from pain. In the end, the nerve also dies from infection and begins to disintegrate. The jaw around the tooth also becomes infected and inflamed, then it comes to the bone tissue of the jaw. And then we are talking not only about preserving the tooth, but also about preserving human life.

Dental clinic No. 3.


The longer you ignore a bad tooth and hope that the problem will go away on its own, the more difficult and painful its treatment will be. To prevent oral diseases, it is recommended: 1.

  1. Carry out regular dental hygiene, annual professional teeth cleaning, and procedures to strengthen dental tissue.
  2. Watch your diet and limit sweets.
  3. Treat chronic diseases.

And of course, you should visit the dentist promptly. Even if nothing worries you, a preventative annual examination will help make sure there are no pathological processes. After all, there are diseases that make themselves felt at an advanced stage of development.

Who will not benefit from anesthesia?

— How to relieve fear of the dental office?

— 80% of success in work depends on the professionalism of the dentist, 20% on the patient’s attitude towards treatment and his psychological comfort. I see my goal as removing all fears from patients. They need to explain in as much detail as possible what we will do and what it will look like - all the treatment tactics.

Families come to us, sometimes for decades. So we, one might say, become family doctors.

In addition, visiting the dentist is now much more convenient than before. For example, the patient does not need to sit in the corridor and wait for an X-ray image; everything comes immediately to the doctor’s computer.

Dental clinic No. 3.

Dentistry is a field that is developing by leaps and bounds. Today, doctors sometimes have to redo work that someone else did 10-15 years ago. Because modern equipment and filling materials have appeared that provide a long-term guarantee of reliability.

Currently, all this is possible not only in commercial clinics, but also free of charge in the compulsory health insurance system.

— Basically, a person is afraid of pain. What innovations are there in terms of anesthesia?

“We are now working with modern drugs, they are effective and at the same time gentle. They can even be used when working with patients in the early stages of pregnancy.

Radmila Labyntseva.

There are contraindications. For example, pain relief is not possible for people with cardiac arrhythmias. But even here the doctor can choose the most suitable drug. No one now endures pain in dentistry.

“People are also scared by the fact that anesthesia does not help everyone. What are the chances that pain relief will not occur?

— It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Most often, anesthesia does not help if a person takes certain medications. For example, a toothache, and the patient does not go to the doctor for two weeks and drinks painkillers in packs. Then the effectiveness of anesthesia decreases.

The same thing happens in advanced cases when there is a large inflammatory process.

Dental clinic No. 3.


The presence of microbes in circulating blood causes a change in its rheological properties. An increase in viscosity leads to disruption of transport function, a decrease in blood flow speed, and inhibition of metabolism. In turn, metabolic disorders reduce the ability of insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Glucose concentration increases.

As a result, most people gain weight and develop diabetes. Under conditions of high sugar levels, irreversible changes occur:

  • tissue nutrition is disrupted;
  • the walls of blood vessels are damaged;
  • stagnation develops;
  • the quality and life expectancy decreases.

Can't be confused with anything

— Toothache is not always felt in the mouth. Where else can you feel it and how can you understand that its cause is a bad tooth?

— The pain can radiate to the temple, lower jaw, even to the arms. It happens that “the whole head hurts.” Sometimes there is a hole in the lower tooth, but the upper one above it hurts. Due to hidden cavities, upon visual examination the patient cannot determine which tooth hurts. Only a doctor can do this.

The cause of the headache may be neurological problems, but it is better to immediately rule out the obvious - dentistry. Sometimes patients come to us based on a neurologist’s referral.

- Why is toothache so severe?

— A tooth is not just a “bone” that cannot hurt. Inside it there is a cavity filled with nerve tissue. In addition, all the main exits of nerve endings are located on the head. Toothache is a specific pain that cannot be compared with anything.

Dental clinic No. 3.

— How do you understand whether to preserve the nerve or remove it? Why are dental nerves so important?

— Dental nerves can be removed in some cases according to indications. If the caries has reached the nerves, then we remove it, clean the canals and fill it. But the doctor is always determined to keep the tooth viable, which means that the neurovascular bundle cannot be touched.

Living tissues must be supplied with blood; such a tooth is stronger. If we remove the nerve, the tooth dies, although it can still function. It becomes fragile and easy to lose. It is easier to treat caries and prevent the tooth from eventually dying.

Radmila Labyntseva.

Periodontal diseases: the main causes of tooth loss

From the first group of diseases we can distinguish caries . If it is not treated and the carious area is not filled, tooth decay is inevitable. Caries is superficial damage to dental tissues, which gradually moves to deeper layers. Over time, if carious cavities are not removed, bacteria reach the “heart” of the tooth – its nerve. This disease is called pulpitis and also leads to tooth loss.

Tooth extraction is also indicated in the presence of jaw tumors - cysts or granulomas . These formations appear, as a rule, as a result of untreated pulpitis and form in the bone tissue near the root of the tooth. If the disease is neglected and treatment is not started at the initial stage, you can easily lose a once healthy, living tooth.

Inflammatory gum diseases are also no less dangerous. These include gingivitis and its more serious stage – periodontitis, which is incredibly dangerous for the condition of teeth. If gingivitis is a slight inflammation of the gums exclusively, then periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues around the tooth. The disease begins with inflammation of the gums, then continues with the destruction of the bone around the teeth, they become mobile, and then fall out completely. The reasons for the development of periodontitis are: stress, malocclusion pathologies, advanced dental diseases, and most importantly, improper oral care.

For courage

— Do you need to somehow prepare for going to the dentist’s office? I know that abroad a doctor can refuse a patient if he comes with bad breath.

— Yes, sometimes patients come who are not ready and do not understand at all that it would be worth brushing their teeth before the visit. For courage, many take strong drinks in the evening and come in with a fume.

We do not refuse admission, but we correctly explain that you should not smoke in front of the clinic or eat garlic and onions, that you need to respect yourself and the doctor. And if everything is said politely, then patients follow the recommendations, which is very pleasing.

How to protect teeth from falling out?

You need to pay more attention to your lifestyle and oral hygiene. The diet must be balanced; the diet must contain fresh fruits and solid foods that contribute to the natural cleansing of tooth enamel. After each meal, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity of food residues, and in the morning and evening, be sure to brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste.

If no alarming symptoms have preceded it, and teeth begin to fall out, it is immediately recommended to undergo a full examination of the body. Perhaps he is trying to draw your attention to health problems with the help of teeth.

No tooth - no problem

“Often older people think: I only have three teeth left, okay, I won’t even brush them.” Is it necessary to undergo treatment in this case?

— The oral cavity is not sterile, it has a special microflora, so it is always necessary to take care of it. Even if there are no teeth, because the mucous membrane can also be injured and lead to more serious diseases.

Radmila Labyntseva.

— It is believed that braces are a matter for children. Why does malocclusion occur in adulthood and how important is it to correct it?

— There are many reasons for malocclusion in adults. Most often these are consequences of dental development disorders in childhood. Mostly, malocclusion is diagnosed in people whose childhood was spent, again, in Soviet times.

At that time, the aesthetic component of treatment was relegated to the background; people were more concerned about health. Basically it was like this: the tooth got sick - it was removed. No tooth - no problem. If the parents had taken the child to the doctor in time, the malocclusion could have been corrected, the teeth could have been saved, and with them the health of the entire oral cavity.

In addition to external distortions, malocclusion can affect the quality of food digestion and even speech. This is also psychologically important, because a person with such a pathology is embarrassed not only to communicate, but also to open his mouth.

Dentist. Dental treatment.


Diseases of the body: impact on the condition of teeth

The second group includes chronic diseases that affect overall health - diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis.

Due to diabetes mellitus , metabolic disorders occur, since the body contains too many carbohydrates, and tooth enamel is gradually destroyed. Teeth are attacked by bacteria and caries often develops at lightning speed. With osteoporosis , bones are destroyed, calcium and fluoride disappear from dental tissues, as a result, teeth weaken, begin to crumble and fall out. Most often, this disease develops after 45 years from a lack of calcium in the body, but, fortunately, osteoporosis can be successfully treated.

Additional factors for tooth loss include smoking . Statistics show that among middle-aged people who have lost teeth, about 30% are smokers.

Why can’t the bite be corrected once and for all?

We treat teeth as something unchangeable, so many approach the issue of fixing a new position of the dentition on the jaw lightly. Hence the disappointing statistics collected by the British Orthodontic Society, according to which 70% of people who corrected their bite and tooth position with braces again need orthodontic correction after 10 years.

According to orthodontist Simon Littlewood from St. Luke's Hospital (Bretford, UK), teeth can move throughout a person's life. Thanks to this, the dental system adapts to changing operating conditions, and in adulthood, also to processes associated with aging. The theory, according to which it was believed that the bite stabilizes after the growth of the bones of the facial part of the skull has finished, is now outdated and does not correspond to the real state of affairs.

To avoid having to correct your bite throughout your life, you should seriously consider choosing a retainer or removable night guards. If self-control is not at the highest level, and by the time you go to bed you need to redo a hundred things, then it is better to secure the new position of the teeth with a special splint, which is attached to the inner surface of the teeth.

Treatment of periodontitis

Treatment includes several stages. The first and main one is tooth depulpation. It is necessary to remove necrotic tissue from the root canal. The channel is then processed and expanded.

After depulpation, surgical or conservative treatment is performed. For conservative treatment, local agents are used, which are placed in the prepared root canal. Often these are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory pastes. Additionally, mouth rinses and antibiotics may be prescribed.

Surgical treatment is carried out in cases where there is no positive dynamics with conservative treatment or in case of a large focus of inflammation.

View the dentists at our clinic who treat periodontitis.

The habits of others affect dental health

This conclusion was reached by Brenda Hilton, an expert on health policy from Boston University (USA). She found (over 200 American women took part in the experiment) that a person’s close environment—family and friends—has a strong influence on a person’s oral health. The thing is that a person shares common habits with them, including an addiction to certain foods, products, drinks, etc.

With these habits, certain dental knowledge or lack thereof is transmitted.
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Expert opinion

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Voznyuk

maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist

Experience: more than 33 years

Without proper treatment, almost any dental disease can lead to root inflammation and tooth loss. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a dentist at the slightest sign of pathology in the teeth or gums. Preventive examinations by a dentist are also mandatory, during which a specialist will identify emerging problems and will be able to eliminate them efficiently and as gently as possible.

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