Orthodontic dental treatment involves a range of dental services to correct the bite and eliminate related problems.
What to do if your cheek is swollen after tooth extraction? Often after a tooth extraction procedure
What is platelet fibrin? Platelets are flat, colorless blood cells that participate in clotting.
What is a pin in dentistry? We are talking about a structure in the form of a rod that is fixed in
When is root canal treatment necessary? Treatment and filling of canals are stages of endodontic treatment. Doctor
04/25/17 Author: Clinic “It Doesn’t Hurt!” Enlarge A patient comes to the doctor with caries. Or a doctor
They are looking in the wrong place “For such patients there are special pain clinics, they select individually
How honey affects the health of the oral cavity Both tooth erosion and caries occur
It is difficult to find a person who does not dream of maintaining healthy, strong teeth until old age. After all, healthy
First, you need to decide what anesthesia is? This is a drug that temporarily disappears