Dentistry prices for tooth extraction in Moscow and Khimki

Conduction anesthesia is considered the most effective method of pain relief in dental practice. The essence is to block nerve impulses that are directly responsible for pain syndromes in the brain.

After the administration of the anesthetic, the pain threshold is reduced to zero. This allows the necessary operation to be carried out smoothly. The advantages of this method are good tolerability and high efficiency. In addition, after the intervention, the pain syndrome continues to remain at a minimal level.

Features and principle of action of conduction anesthesia

Conduction anesthesia is a local anesthesia and involves the introduction of a drug into the peripheral region of the nerve that ensures the functioning of this part of the body. Dentists in most cases use conduction anesthesia to treat teeth located in the lower jaw.

The technique is aimed at blocking impulses transmitted from nerves to the brain. As soon as the drug enters the nerve, sensitivity is reduced to a minimum level. The duration of action of the anesthetic depends on the substance used.

A number of features of conduction anesthesia can be distinguished:

  • The injection is carried out with drugs, the concentration of which reaches 2%. Compared to other methods of pain relief, the content of active substances is at a high level.
  • Loss of sensitivity does not occur at the site of drug administration, but in the nerve that is located in this area of ​​the body.
  • Conduction anesthesia has a minimal number of complications and side effects.
  • The method allows you to control the duration of pain relief and the area of ​​effect of the drug.

Prices for tooth extraction at Apex-D dentistry

Opening an abscess500
Abscess drainage350
Removal of a single root tooth2000
Removal of a double-rooted tooth2500
Removal of a three-root tooth3000
Removal of the third molar “wisdom tooth” of the upper jaw3000
Removal of the third molar “wisdom tooth” of the lower jaw3500
Root separation350
Socket curettage300
Tamponade with iodoform turunda300
Cystectomy with resection of the apex of one root, frontal group4500
Cystectomy with resection of the apex of one root, chewing group5500
Cystectomy, resection of each subsequent apex1500
Cyst removal1000
Closed curettage1000
Open curettage of one tooth area1500

Modern dental practice makes it possible in most cases to prevent tooth extraction. The doctor’s rule is to prescribe tooth extraction surgery only as a last resort, when all available treatment methods have been tried and it is no longer possible to save the tooth, or in the event that the problematic tooth is the cause of the development of more serious complications.

Indications for conduction anesthesia

  • Implantation.
  • Carrying out surgical intervention (removal of cysts, granulomas, ulcers and benign neoplasms).
  • Therapy of dental diseases.
  • Preparation before surgery.
  • Removal of teeth or roots.
  • Inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • Carrying out preventive procedures to prevent periodontal diseases and caries.
  • Inability to use general anesthesia.

Which anesthetic to choose?

While a healthy person can afford almost any method of anesthesia, patients with serious diseases of the body must be extremely careful in choosing the drug. Thus, it is necessary to warn the dentist, who will anesthetize the oral cavity, about such health problems as disruptions in the endocrine system, high blood pressure, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

  • Allergy sufferers and asthmatics can be given anesthetics that do not contain preservatives.
  • For diabetics and patients with an enlarged thyroid gland, anesthesia that does not contain vasoconstrictor components - adrenaline and epinephrine - is recommended.
  • For patients with compensated heart disease and a tendency to moderate increases in blood pressure, anesthesia is indicated, in which the concentration of vasoconstrictor components (epinephrine, adrenaline) is 1:200,000.
  • Patients with progressive diseases of the cardiovascular system can be treated with drugs that do not contain adrenaline and epinephrine.

Contraindications to conduction anesthesia

  • Poor blood clotting. This feature can lead to bleeding.
  • Allergy to used painkillers.
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, ischemia, tachycardia, heart valve defects, etc.). These pathologies are not compatible with adrenaline, which can be used to constrict blood vessels.
  • The presence of inflammation or ulcers at the injection sites of the anesthetic drug.
  • Open wounds, infectious inflammations and contaminated wound surfaces on the patient’s extremities.
  • Childhood.
  • Mental disorders, unstable psycho-emotional background of the patient.
  • Patient refusal to use this type of anesthesia.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to dental anesthesia are:

  • Allergic reactions to substances included in anesthetics;
  • History of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system organs;
  • Some types of severe injuries of the maxillofacial area.

Side effects of anesthesia in dentistry

Whether the doctor is a professional in his field, complications with local anesthesia in dentistry are very unlikely. There are some things that worry patients after dental treatment and, in principle, are a variant of the norm: swelling of the lip or swelling of the cheek, pain in the gums or even a headache for several hours.

However, all these symptoms should go away within 1-3 days after treatment. If you see that the situation is not improving or even worsening, contact the dentist who performed the procedure.

Methods of administering conduction anesthesia

Methods of administering conduction anesthesia can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Extraoral. Used in the presence of inflammatory foci in the oral cavity. These include:
  • Submandibular. The pain medication blocks the inferior alveolar nerve.
  • Podzykulova. The drug is injected under the edge of the cheekbone arch.
  • Mandibular. The mandibular foramen loses sensitivity.

Once the anesthetic is injected into the treated area, the numbing effect occurs within 15 minutes. The duration of the anesthetic effect depends on the type of medication used.

  1. Intraoral. These include:
  • Apodactylous. The alveolar nerve is blocked.
  • Torusal. The anesthetic is injected into the mandibular ridge. Molars and premolars lose sensitivity.
  • Tuberal. Anesthesia is injected into the area of ​​the molars located on the upper jaw.
  • Infraorbital. It is used to block sensitivity in the anterior wall of the maxillary bone, mucous membrane and alveolar process.
  • Palatine. The palate and alveolar process are anesthetized.
  • Incisive. The anesthetic is injected between the upper canine and incisor. The hard palate, nasopalatine nerve and soft tissues surrounding the tooth become numb.

When administered intraorally, the effect occurs 10 minutes after injection.

Preparation for conduction anesthesia

Before performing the operation under general anesthesia, it is necessary to undergo a standard examination. During diagnosis, special attention should be paid to the patient’s neurological condition, his psyche and behavior.

Before the procedure, the specialist will explain in simple, accessible words about the sequence and method of administering anesthesia, as well as the sensations that may accompany the patient during pain relief. In addition, the doctor will definitely check the patient’s reaction to the anesthetic drug to make sure there is no allergic reaction.

The anesthesiologist must follow the rules when administering conduction anesthesia:

  • First of all, it is necessary to numb the skin using a gentle method.
  • The needle must be fixed in a strictly defined place in order for the anesthetic to reach the desired area.
  • Paresthesia must be present. It indicates that pain relief was carried out correctly and sensitivity has decreased.
  • Drugs should be administered in portions with aspiration samples to prevent them from entering the bloodstream.
  • During anesthesia, it is necessary to continuously monitor the patient's blood pressure and pulse.
  • The room in which the procedure is performed must be equipped with all the necessary instruments for pain relief, as well as means of resuscitation and treatment of possible complications.

Stages of administration of conduction anesthesia

  1. A consultative appointment, during which a specialist determines the presence of chronic diseases and evaluates test results that may become contraindications to pain relief.
  2. Detection of nerve endings that need to be anesthetized.
  3. Disinfection of the skin puncture area with a special solution.
  4. Injection of anesthetic into certain areas. At the same time, the rate of administration of the anesthetic is observed and the volume of the injected substance is controlled.
  5. Monitoring the patient after pain relief.
  6. Before the start of surgery, the patient is asked control questions to determine the level of sensitivity.

The duration of the analgesic effect depends on the drug used and its dosage. Modern painkillers retain their effect for up to 40-60 minutes.

Drugs used

The success of conduction anesthesia depends not only on the technique used, but also on the drugs used. The following medications are used for this pain relief technique:

  1. Solutions of the Articaine series. They have a long lifespan and high efficiency. These include:
  • Ultracaine.
  • Septanest.
  • Ubistezin.
  1. Lidocaine. It is a highly effective anesthetic and at the same time contains a minimal amount of toxic substances.
  2. Melivacaine. The duration of action of this drug is about 40 minutes. Melivacaine has no contraindications for use.
  3. Novocaine. This is perhaps the most frequently used remedy. It is characterized by low toxicity and rapid hydrolysis in the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of conduction anesthesia


  • The drug can be administered outside the surgical site.
  • Anesthesia has a long-lasting effect. A specialist can monitor the duration of action of the medication.
  • To achieve the desired effect, small doses of painkillers are sufficient.
  • There is no deformation of soft tissues in the operated area.
  • When exposed to conduction anesthesia, salivary activity decreases.
  • The technique is safe, so it can be used from the age of 12, and also in some cases in pregnant and lactating women.
  • The cost of the procedure is affordable.


  • In order for anesthesia to pass without complications, the specialist must have certain skills and sufficient experience.
  • There is a high probability of the anesthetic entering a blood vessel.
  • Restricted use by age (only from 12 years old).
  • Risk of injury to nerves or blood vessels.

What to do if you are afraid of anesthesia?

Patients who experience fear and anxiety before any dental procedures can take a course of medications before treatment that can reduce nervousness. Speaking of over-the-counter formulations, dentists highlight Afobazole. It is taken in a course, which is recommended to be started a week before the dreaded trip to the doctor. The advantages of the drug include not only effectiveness, but also the absence of the negative side effect of many “sedatives” - drowsiness.

Also in this case, tinctures of peony, valerian, motherwort or Corvalol help. They are also taken as a course, but unlike Afobazole, they can cause increased drowsiness, which is extremely undesirable for driving and work.

If the patient is afraid of injection anesthesia due to the pain of the injection itself, he can pre-treat his gums with an applicative anesthetic.

Possible complications

In the practice of specialists at the World of Dentistry clinic, severe complications after conduction anesthesia occur in extremely rare cases. Negative effects include neuropathy and an inadequate response of the body to the administered drug. Complications that are normal and go away on their own include:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Goosebumps effect.
  • Partial loss of sensitivity.

The above symptoms disappear without a trace a maximum of a month after the procedure. Damaged nerves are completely restored.

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