Gel for gums during teething in babies: TOP-9 gels

Baby doctor

A popular gel for teething gums is Baby Doctor. It contains echinacea and chamomile, as well as plantain, marshmallow and calendula. Extracts of these herbs eliminate pain, relieve inflammation, fight pathogenic microorganisms and disinfect the oral cavity. All this contributes to the healing and strengthening of gum tissue. Irritation of the mucous membrane is removed. Natural ingredients are absolutely safe, and the baby feels much better with them. Any volume of suspension is applied to the inflamed areas of a toddler from three months of age several times a day. This Israeli product with a safe composition does not cause an allergic reaction. The resulting film protects the mucous membranes for a long time.

Kamistad-gel Baby

Even severe inflammation of the gums in a child is relieved by the drug Kamistad-Gel Baby, which is a combination medication. It contains chamomile extract. It has an antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The medicine quickly eliminates pain and acts for a long time, since it contains an anesthetic. Characteristics:

  • The children's version of the ointment contains polidocanol. This substance is safe for infants and does not cause allergies.
  • The analgesic effect is mild without tissue numbness.
  • A ball no larger than 0.5 cm should be squeezed out of the tube.
  • The product is used no more than three times a day after feeding, and also before bedtime.

German-made ointment is approved for use from the age of three months. Active substances, penetrating into the focus of the inflammatory process, block it. Children like the pleasant aroma and taste. One tube lasts a long time. The consistency of the medicine is optimal, the color is translucent with a yellowish tint.

Alternative to general anesthesia

Sedation is considered a safer alternative to general anesthesia. This procedure involves inhaling a special mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask. It makes the child feel relaxed and slightly drowsy, lifts his spirits and calms him down. At the same time, the small patient remains conscious and can interact with the dentist.

Sedation is not anesthesia, but has a slight analgesic effect. It is usually combined with an anesthetic injection. The mixture of gases is supplied through a special device that controls the duration and dosage and allows you to smoothly enter and exit the state of sedation. The effect of the procedure wears off within about 10 minutes after stopping the supply of nitrous oxide.

Dentol baby 7.5%

This children's gum gel is used by many parents. It has an immediate anesthetic effect. Its main substance is benzocaine. The composition also includes additional ingredients. The drug is manufactured in Canada. Due to its liquid consistency, it has a quick cooling effect. Available in the form of a small tube with a narrow, comfortable neck. The taste of the ointment is sweetish and pleasant. To help the little one sleep peacefully, it is used at night. The analgesic effect does not last long. The drug is applied in small doses, no more than a grain of rice.

In addition, the medicine relieves toothache in childhood. It is used for pain relief during dental treatment, as well as for aphthous stomatitis and minor lesions of the oral mucosa.


With a dental gel like Pansoral, relief comes quickly. It soothes gum tissue with medicinal plant extracts. This product is natural and has a mild effect. It does not have a pronounced effect in eliminating pain. Characteristics:

  • Consists of healing extracts of plants such as saffron and chamomile with the addition of marshmallow root.
  • A number of additional ingredients have a soothing effect on inflamed areas of the gums.
  • The drug is used when the pain is not severe.

The ointment is applied in small portions and rubbed into the mucous membranes with massaging movements. The drug is approved for use from 4 months of age. Manufacturer: French. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the gel can have an antiseptic effect. Thanks to marshmallow extract, a protective film appears on the gums. This speeds up the tissue repair process. Regular use of this product gives good results. Overdose is excluded.

How to help your baby teething

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Teething is an integral part of childhood and an important stage in a child’s development. For parents, this is new joy and new stress. Unfortunately, not all children tolerate the process of the appearance of their first teeth easily, and most parents remember this period as a series of sleepless nights. The child becomes restless, cries, sleep is disturbed, salivation increases, and the gums become swollen and red. Sometimes body temperature rises, appetite decreases and digestion is disrupted. The baby tries to put everything that comes to hand into his mouth.

On average, children erupt one new tooth every month, from 6 months of age until approximately 3 years of age, until they have a total of 20 baby teeth. The timing and order of teeth appearance may vary for each child.

Gum massage will help ease your baby's condition.

Massage can be performed either with your finger or with the help of special soft brushes and teethers. Chill the teether in the refrigerator for a short time, making sure it is cool and not cold like an ice cube. If the object is too cold, it can harm your gums and your baby. To facilitate teething, you should not give your child dry goods, bagels, a piece of apple or carrot, as crumbs can get into the respiratory tract.

Massage helps improve local microcirculation and additional anti-inflammatory effects, and coolness soothes the gums, dulling the sensitivity of the nerves that transmit pain, and gives relief to the child for a while. When massaging, you can use special dental gels for the gums.

How to choose a teething gel?

It is better to give preference to safer products based on natural ingredients. Avoid using topical anesthetics containing lidocaine as they should only be used as directed and under the supervision of a physician. Gel for gum massage “ Pansoral first teeth”

will help the child endure a difficult period easier. “Pansoral first teeth” is produced in France based on natural extracts of marshmallow, Roman chamomile and saffron. These medicinal herbs are known for their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing and softening effects. “Pansoral first teeth” is designed specifically for babies. The gel does not contain sugar, ethanol, or synthetic painkillers such as lidocaine or choline salicylate.

Recommendations for use of Pansoral first teeth

Wash your hands thoroughly and apply a small pea-sized amount of gel to your fingertip. Gently massage the gel onto your gums. "Pansoral first teeth" can be used as needed throughout the entire period of teething.

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Before use, consult a specialist.

Products by topic: [product](Pansoral)


This medicine can be used for the eruption of incisors, canines and molars. The drug was developed in Germany. The Ukrainian analogue is supplemented with thymol. This substance has a good antifungal and antimicrobial effect. The drug is prescribed as an antiviral agent. Among the indications for use:

  • Inflammation of gum tissue;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips;
  • Formation of erosive and ulcerative lesions;
  • Severe inflammatory reaction and pain during the appearance of milk units;

The combined drug is applied to the affected area. Active ingredients: chamomile, thymol, lidocaine. In addition to its anesthetic properties, the ointment improves the repair processes of oral tissue. A small pea of ​​the suspension is applied to the pathological area, rubbing it in with massage movements three times a day.

Children's teeth

Every healthy baby eventually shows its first incisors. Their appearance obeys the laws of nature, the process is accompanied by certain symptoms, which in most cases are the same and go away in a few days. If you provide the baby with comfortable conditions and help cope with unpleasant sensations, the painful period will pass almost unnoticed.

Teething symptoms

Attentive parents can notice how the behavior of a little person changes when the first dental units appear. Panic arises from not knowing what to do when teeth are being cut, because the child often cries, and mom and dad forget about night rest and peace during the day. Other characteristic features:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes and gums;
  • excessive salivation;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels and higher;
  • a constant desire to put everything in the mouth and chew due to pain or itching;
  • sleep problems;
  • tearfulness, irritability or complete apathy;
  • refusal of the mother's breast or bottle;
  • stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • redness of the throat due to increased blood flow;
  • vomiting, excessive and frequent regurgitation;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • allergic rashes (in rare cases).

The listed symptoms are not always observed. Sometimes babies are not worried at all and behave as usual, so changes that have occurred can only be detected by examining the oral cavity. In the place of future dentition, white dots are visible - parts of crowns that have not fully erupted.

The emergence of fangs is often accompanied by pain in the eyes. The baby rubs them with his hands, blinks frequently, and may experience lacrimation.


Timely treatment of baby teeth is the key to good health for the little one. Parents should show their child to the pediatric dentist at least once every six months, and more often at the birth of incisors, canines and molars. The Moldovan drug Dentissin has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Its active ingredient is lidocaine. Additional ingredients: thyme and medicinal chamomile. Applies a jelly-like substance to the gum tissue up to 3 - 6 times a day. The gel is indicated for infants from 6 months. If a child is found to be intolerant to any substance, use is discontinued.

Dentissin eliminates pain in inflamed gingival tissues and diseases of the oral mucosa. It has a uniform consistency and a yellow-brown tint. The drug is produced in convenient aluminum tubes.


The only limitation to the use of Baby Doctor “First Teeth” gel is intolerance to the components associated with the individual characteristics of the body. There are no other contraindications due to the use of natural substances of plant origin in production; the drug is not harmful.

No side effects were identified during clinical studies of the gel, which indicates the safety of the drug. The exception is episodes when individual intolerance to one of the substances in the composition is discovered. In this case, a rash may appear on the skin or intestinal function may be disrupted.

Baby Doctor's "First Teeth" actually contains practically no chemical components, unlike many analogues. However, with frequent and regular treatments, the dose of methylcellulose and methylparaben increases, which causes disruption of the digestive system. The baby's health stabilizes after stopping the drug.

Do not worry if a small amount of the drug gets inside; no cases of overdose were identified during clinical trials.

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