6 stages of professional teeth cleaning with before and after photos

May 22, 2020

An increasing number of people are convinced that professional teeth cleaning at the dentist, which should be done several times a year, helps keep teeth in order and helps prevent oral diseases. But doctors warn that good results can only be obtained when hygiene is carried out in a comprehensive manner. What stages should it consist of? Not everyone knows about this, so journalists from the editorial office of the UltraSmile.ru portal offer to examine the issue in detail in today’s material.

Stage No. 1. Preparation

First, the doctor prepares the patient for professional cleaning. The specialist conducts a short survey and then examines the oral cavity to identify any contraindications and assess the clinical situation. At this stage, it is very important to establish whether the patient is allergic to the components of the drugs that will be used during the procedure and to local “freezing”, whether there is asthma, breathing problems, or chronic diseases.

The doctor also needs to understand whether there are crowns, dentures, implants, fillings in the mouth, and whether there are non-carious defects and inflammations on the mucous membrane. It is important for women to tell their doctor if they are pregnant. Depending on the clinical situation and related factors, the doctor will regulate the force of the devices used and select the appropriate means to ensure hygiene is carried out in the most gentle, safe and effective manner.

Before the procedure, the patient is put on a special cap and protective glasses.

Next, the patient is given a special cap and protective glasses, which must be put on before brushing their teeth. You need to know that this is a procedure during which splashes and powder may come into contact with your face, hair and clothes. Therefore, try to come to it in the most simple and comfortable clothes, without complex makeup and intricate hairstyle, so as not to be upset later.

What is professional teeth cleaning? This is a set of measures aimed at removing all types of plaque from the enamel and from under the gums. As a result, the natural color and healthy shine of the enamel returns, bad breath goes away, and teeth and gums become stronger.

Before the procedure, many people wonder whether it hurts to have professional teeth cleaning done. We hasten to please you: it is not painful, since at the preparation stage the specialist will treat the oral cavity with a special anesthetic gel.

Stage No. 2. Removal of hard dental plaque with ultrasound

The examination was carried out, the glasses were put on, the “freezing” began to take effect. Now what? The doctor begins cleaning your teeth using an ultrasonic scaler (scaler or scaler). The photo shows how this happens.

The photo shows an ultrasonic scaler

The specialist brings the tip of the device to the areas being treated, but does not touch them, that is, cleaning is carried out without contact. Microvibrations pass through the tip, which affect hard deposits, cause them to move away from the teeth and literally crush the stone into many small particles. In parallel with ultrasound, water is supplied to the oral cavity, cooling the enamel and preventing the risk of overheating, as well as washing away deposits that have lagged behind hard tissues.

Read the article on the topic “7 problems that professional teeth cleaning can solve.”

Some clinics may offer you laser treatment instead of ultrasound treatment. This is considered safer and more gentle. In addition, the laser does not cause any discomfort at all and additionally disinfects the oral cavity. But using a laser is more expensive.

Stage No. 3. Removing soft deposits using Air-Flow

Doctors say that it is brushing teeth using the Air-Flow water-abrasive technology that makes it possible to lighten the enamel by 1-2 tones and polish it. Don't believe me? See before and after photos. The result is obvious! "Air-Flo" fights soft pigmented deposits formed after eating food and drinks with dyes, with a smoker's plaque. After the procedure, the teeth acquire their natural shade, become smooth and shiny.

The photo shows teeth before and after cleaning with the Air-Flow system

The procedure can be performed without ultrasound, but when combined with it, it is much more effective. To carry it out, you need a device into which a special fine soda-based powder is filled, as well as water. While performing Air-Flow, some patients report a feeling of slight coolness in their mouth. After Air-Flo, the unpleasant odor disappears, and your breath becomes fresh, since the powder contains different flavors (mint, cherry, peach, lemon).

Read the article on the topic “6 interesting facts about Air-Flow whitening.”


Some patients, out of ignorance, do not distinguish between teeth cleaning and teeth whitening - these are different events, each aimed at its own result. Several types of cleaning have been developed in dentistry, the most popular:

  • ultrasonic scaler;
  • laser machine;
  • "air flow";
  • hygienic (manual).

Each of these types of cleansing has pros and cons. The methods are designed to get rid of problems (according to severity level).

  • Ultrasonic cleaning optimizes the condition of the gums and stops bleeding. The scaler has several contraindications.
  • Laser cleaning kills microorganisms and has a healing property – it heals mouth ulcers.
  • “Air flow” cleaning is performed using an air stream with an abrasive. There are contraindications.
  • Hygienic cleaning is a method of removing plaque using specialized dental brushes and hooks - this is a gentle method of removing tartar. Today, hygiene procedures at the dentist are used less frequently than others.

Only a dentist can choose the right way to clean enamel. When choosing, he takes into account the method suitable for a particular patient, age, and dental condition.

Stage No. 4. Cleaning subgingival deposits with hand instruments

This stage is not for everyone, but only for those who have a large amount of plaque under their gums. This usually happens if a person rarely undergoes professional teeth cleaning or has never had one in his life and does not know what it is. Or when a patient has periodontitis and periodontal disease, accompanied by the formation of deep periodontal pockets (the gums peel off from the teeth) and the rapid accumulation of abundant bacterial deposits in them.

With closed curettage, periodontal pockets are cleaned with special hooks

The procedure is performed manually using special devices called curettes. Curettes are hand-held instruments with a hook at the end. With their help, the doctor mechanically removes deposits that could not be removed with ultrasound and Air-Flo. There are several methods of curettage - open and closed.

How often do you need to have your teeth cleaned by the dentist?

As a rule, subject to good home hygiene, professional cleaning is recommended for adults at least once every 6 months.

For those who smoke, drink a lot of coffee or are not very active in caring for their teeth at home - at least once every 3 months.

If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment - once every 3 months.

If you have inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, then after basic treatment by a periodontist, you need to carry out special (maintenance) hygiene once every 3 months. It additionally includes air-abrasive polishing of the root surface.

Stage No. 5. Polishing the enamel

In order for professional teeth cleaning to be truly effective, and for the difference between what happened before and what happened after to remain as long as possible, it is necessary to carry out the enamel polishing stage. Why is it important? The structure of the enamel is heterogeneous and porous; it contains all sorts of cracks and microcavities into which bacteria and pigment can easily penetrate. After ultrasound and Air-Flo, the enamel again loses its protective film and acquires roughness, which becomes a favorable environment1 for the re-accumulation of plaque. They need to be eliminated. If you do not make hard tissues smooth, they will quickly begin to attract and collect soft food deposits, bacteria, and food dyes.

“I have never done prof. brushing my teeth, and two years ago I decided to do it for the first time. I got excited overnight and therefore went to literally the first doctor I saw. And what do you think? After just six months, I realized that the situation before was even better than it was after! During this time, I accumulated as much plaque as I had never had in my entire life before!!!! Then, of course, it turned out that I ended up with a not very good doctor, who really gave up on polishing, and this is a very important stage. I had the cleaning done again by another specialist, with good reviews, and, you know, I was satisfied.”

Darina, fragment of a review from the dental portal gidpozubam.ru

Polishing is also necessary if the patient has fillings and composite restorations in the mouth, because they also become porous over time and can move away from the tissues of the living tooth.

The range of measures includes polishing tooth enamel

To polish the lateral and chewing surfaces, specialists use a special brush with a rotating head, as well as a paste that is selected depending on the condition of the oral cavity and the characteristics of the patient.

Stage No. 6. Strengthening hard tissues

After professional teeth cleaning, doctors perform fluoridation. What it is? A product containing fluorine is applied to the enamel, which is necessary to strengthen hard tissues, prevent hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity), and prevent dental diseases (in particular, caries).

Fluoride varnish creates a thin protective film on the surface of the teeth, but the drug needs time to adhere. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, you should not drink for half an hour or eat for an hour, and it is also not recommended to brush your teeth for 12 hours.

Fluoridation will help strengthen tooth enamel

Step-by-step method of cleaning the oral cavity

How to brush your teeth properly should be taught from childhood. Then this habit will remain for life. We must remember that the tongue and cheeks should be cleaned. Germs also accumulate in these places. Many people brush their teeth incorrectly. How to do it correctly:

  • wet the brush and apply the paste;
  • We clean the upper ones from the gums to the edge of the tooth. There are 4-5 movements near each. We start from the rear and move to the front;
  • We do the same with the inner edge;
  • We brush wide teeth from above horizontally;
  • We do the same with the bottom row;
  • in conclusion we clean our tongue;
  • We close the teeth and massage the gums in a circular motion, lightly pressing the brush.

Dentists recommend brushing from the gum to the edge to prevent food from getting stuck between the teeth.

Rehabilitation after professional hygiene is another important home stage

What rules should you follow at home:

  • avoidance of hard, hot, acidic and coloring foods in the first 2 days after the procedure. Now you know the answer to the question of whether brushing your teeth hurts. No, it is not painful, but after the procedure the enamel and mucous membranes may be sensitive and susceptible to any impact. Following this rule will help reduce the level of discomfort. In addition, this will allow the fluoride compound applied to the teeth to strengthen,
  • changing the brush: the old one contains bacteria, and if you start brushing your teeth with it, the pathogens will easily migrate back into the plaque-free oral cavity,
  • purchasing an irrigator and floss: these devices perfectly remove plaque from interdental spaces and hard-to-reach areas where a regular brush cannot reach,

    Using an irrigator will help maintain the achieved result.

  • the use of remineralizing and restoring gum paste: the hygienist will definitely advise what exactly you need to purchase specifically in your clinical case. Pastes with minerals help reduce the sensitivity of enamel and help hard tissues quickly restore their natural protective film, which is removed along with plaque during comprehensive cleaning.

Some patients believe that teeth cleaning is a procedure that allows you to get rid of plaque and tartar forever. Actually this is not true. Deposits can build up again very quickly if you do not follow basic hygiene rules.


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  1. Mikheeva E.A., Nesterova M.M. Smoothing and polishing the surface of the tooth bark as the final stage of professional teeth cleaning // Bulletin of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. – 2010.

Expert “Many doctors complete the complex of professional oral hygiene with a procedure such as fluoridation. This is not enough, because after cleaning it is important to restore and strengthen not only hard tissues, but also gums. For these purposes, it is necessary to use regenerating gels and membranes with plant extracts to restore the mucosa. Today, without this, professional hygiene cannot be considered complete.” Dental hygienist Victoria Nikolaevna Kashaeva

Consulting specialist

Kashaeva Victoria Nikolaevna

Specialization: Dental hygienist Experience: 7 years

Personal hygiene

Represents daily oral care using special products:

  • special brush;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • floss;
  • conditioner balms.

The main method of hygiene is the daily removal of food debris that harms the enamel and tooth tissue. The mucous membrane is well supplied with blood and serves as a site of colonization and infection by bacteria. If you do not pay enough attention to hygiene, active reproduction of pathogenic flora will begin.


But I’ll put implants in place of my teeth and won’t have to do any cleaning!

Artemy (06.06.2020 at 11:53) Reply to comment

    Dear Artemy, this will surprise you, but if you have implants and dentures, professional oral hygiene is also mandatory. In this case, the procedure must be carried out no less often than if you have natural teeth. Don't forget that the health of your implants largely depends on your oral health. If there is inflammation in the mouth caused by bacterial plaque (and it forms even when there are no teeth, on the gums and dentures), then the implants may be rejected.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (06/14/2020 at 09:15) Reply to comment

At what age can a child have a brushing?

Natalya (06.28.2020 at 16:54) Reply to comment

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Fluoridation or remineralization therapy

The final stage of professional dental hygiene is fluoridation and remotherapy.

The purpose of fluoridation is to strengthen tooth enamel by applying a product with a high fluoride content.

Remotherapy normalizes the mineral composition of the enamel, which increases its resistance to the acids found in the oral cavity.

These absolutely comfortable and painless procedures serve as an excellent prevention of caries and increased sensitivity of teeth. At your appointment, your dentist will recommend one way or another to strengthen your teeth.

Have you had professional oral hygiene done? What to pay attention to after the procedure? Follow the recommendations of our dentists!

Professional oral hygiene: reviews

NatalyaJanuary 07, 2021

Thank you Olga Valentinovna for the excellent work! In addition to professionalism, every movement and word conveys sincere care, which is especially valuable in our time. The procedure was comfortable, taking into account the fact that I have increased sensitivity of some teeth. I liked the detailed consultation and extensive recommendations regarding home care. I will be happy to come again and recommend to friends. Special thanks to assistant Nadezhda, administrators and coordinator Ekaterina for the competent and clear organization. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Natalya, thank you for your kind words addressed to the doctor and our entire team! Yes, we give detailed recommendations because we believe proper home care is very important! We are always happy to help you and thank you for your willingness to recommend us!

Ekaterina MaksimovaJanuary 05, 2021

I thank Konstantin Sklyarov for the brilliant professional hygiene!:) Konstantin is a professional magician! Very friendly, attentive, neat and calm doctor. He performed the work efficiently, without fuss, spoke in detail about the initial condition of the teeth, the procedures performed, and showed additional techniques for caring for the oral cavity. Konstantin, thank you for the excellent result, useful information and caring attitude! Good luck to you and further development in your profession! Always be the same great specialist! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Ekaterina, thank you for your kind words! We are very glad that you liked the professional hygiene. Come again, we are always ready to help you!

EvgeniyDecember 23, 2020

I was very afraid to go for cleaning, my teeth were sensitive, I thought it would be very painful, but no, everything turned out to be completely painless. Valeria Vladimirovna explained in great detail how to brush your teeth, where in my case you should pay special attention, etc. And of course, when you feel a kind, respectful attitude from a doctor, this in itself is like anesthesia :)

Radmila December 07, 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Konstantin Aleksandrovich and his assistant for my shiny, clean teeth. I had a cleaning procedure, and the effect was as if it had also been whitened, I’m very pleased!! In a very pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, quickly and with full consultation, without questions, the highest level! Thanks to the doctors of this clinic, I stopped being afraid of dentists, now any procedure is a joy!) Thank you!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

We are glad that you have such a great result! We do a lot for this, purchase new equipment for professional hygiene, use the most modern materials, special powders that do not spoil the enamel, but at the same time clean perfectly. Thank you very much for your feedback! Come again!

SarahDecember 03, 2020

I express my gratitude to the hygienist Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for the pearly beauty and freshness of my teeth! Hygiene was as painless and even pleasant as possible, thanks to the latest equipment, the light hands of Ekaterina Vladimirovna and assistant Daria, attentive and very neat! Recommendations and training were given on home care, choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste. THANKS A LOT! Highly recommend! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you very much for your review and willingness to recommend us! Yes, we work hard to make every procedure in our clinic stress-free. This applies to both hygiene and treatment. Thanks for appreciating this!

VladislavNovember 13, 2020

The second time I visited Dr. O.V. Kogotko. and the second time I am very pleased with the result. The doctor did everything very carefully and thoroughly, not a single hint of pain, real “light hands.” During and after the procedure I received complete instructions on dental care. I strongly recommend the doctor to my friends! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! Olga Valentinovna has really light and gentle hands, I agree with you! Good health, always happy to help!

Ekaterina November 04, 2020

Olenina Ekaterina Valentinovna you are now my tooth fairy! Thank you so much for an extraordinary 1.5 hours! I watched the film while brushing, without any unpleasant sensations and with the extraordinary care of the tooth fairy Catherine. I didn’t even expect that it was possible to achieve such a result of beautiful and clean teeth. So much useful information and gifts not only for me, but also for my daughter. What a pity that I didn’t know about such a wonderful clinic and extraordinary specialists before. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

It’s so good that you are with us now! Yes, we take professional hygiene as seriously as we take treatment. At the same time, we do everything carefully and gently. Thank you very much for noticing all this! We are always happy to help you!

KaterinaSeptember 26, 2020

I turned to Ekaterina Vladimirovna with bleeding gums. The doctor did a very good job of cleaning. After cleaning, she competently pointed out mistakes made during independent oral hygiene and advised how to avoid them in the future. Two days after visiting the doctor, the bleeding completely disappeared! Thank you very much for your professional help! And Ekaterina Vladimirovna also has very gentle hands! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you for your feedback!:) We are very glad that we helped you cope with the problem! Gentle hands are extremely important for a dentist Good health, we will always be happy to help you!

Ekaterina September 22, 2020

I express my deep gratitude to the hygienist Valeria Vladimirovna Goncharova, for her gentle hands, for her kind attitude towards patients, for her skill and qualified approach! I recommend this wonderful specialist, a master of his craft! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for such kind words! We will definitely pass them on to Valeria Vladimirovna! And good health to you!

Olga31 July 2020

“It would be happiness, but misfortune would help”... I lost a tooth, a crown on a pin, and decided to go to the clinic that I had dreamed of, but had put off visiting for a very long time. The road to treatment and recovery will be long. And I am very happy that my first appointment was with Olga Valentinovna Kogotko. Since she, no one has ever performed hygiene on me before, anywhere! In addition to the amazing result (my family and work colleagues immediately noticed brighter teeth, and this without bleaching), I want to note the affectionate, calm, non-critical attitude towards me. Having some practice of treatment in “fashionable” dentistry behind me, I realized how behind the times the technology in them is... My story in your clinic began with Olga Valentinovna and I was incredibly surprised by the high professionalism and ability to psychologically manage and calm the patient. And strangely enough, she taught me to just breathe during the no longer tiring procedure)) And I’m already waiting for the time to lie down in Olga Valentinovna’s chair again)) Bravo! And thanks to the sweet angel assistant! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! We are very happy to work with you and are always ready to help!

Victoria07 July 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for her professional approach and careful treatment! The professional cleaning procedure was painless and of high quality. Very neat and attentive doctor! The results are amazing, you don't even need to bleach! The clinic has a very pleasant atmosphere and excellent service! I will only recommend you to everyone! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM

: Victoria, thank you for your feedback and for your willingness to recommend us! We are very glad that we helped you, we are always glad to see you in our clinic!

Anna20 June 2020

I express my deep gratitude to V.V. Goncharova. The doctor performed hygienic cleaning of very sensitive teeth completely painlessly! I am very glad that I came to you. Previously, I had a very difficult time undergoing this procedure in another clinic. Now only go to her for cleaning) . Everything went very comfortably, without discomfort. Valeria Vladimirovna told me about important recommendations for dental care, for which she is very grateful!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much! We are very glad that we helped you! Yes, indeed, we know how to turn professional hygiene into a pleasant spa procedure for teeth. You are always welcome!

NatalyaJanuary 07, 2021

Thank you Olga Valentinovna for the excellent work! In addition to professionalism, every movement and word conveys sincere care, which is especially valuable in our time. The procedure was comfortable, taking into account the fact that I have increased sensitivity of some teeth. I liked the detailed consultation and extensive recommendations regarding home care. I will be happy to come again and recommend to friends. Special thanks to assistant Nadezhda, administrators and coordinator Ekaterina for the competent and clear organization. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Natalya, thank you for your kind words addressed to the doctor and our entire team! Yes, we give detailed recommendations because we believe proper home care is very important! We are always happy to help you and thank you for your willingness to recommend us!

Ekaterina MaksimovaJanuary 05, 2021

I thank Konstantin Sklyarov for the brilliant professional hygiene!:) Konstantin is a professional magician! Very friendly, attentive, neat and calm doctor. He performed the work efficiently, without fuss, spoke in detail about the initial condition of the teeth, the procedures performed, and showed additional techniques for caring for the oral cavity. Konstantin, thank you for the excellent result, useful information and caring attitude! Good luck to you and further development in your profession! Always be the same great specialist! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Ekaterina, thank you for your kind words! We are very glad that you liked the professional hygiene. Come again, we are always ready to help you!

EvgeniyDecember 23, 2020

I was very afraid to go for cleaning, my teeth were sensitive, I thought it would be very painful, but no, everything turned out to be completely painless. Valeria Vladimirovna explained in great detail how to brush your teeth, where in my case you should pay special attention, etc. And of course, when you feel a kind, respectful attitude from a doctor, this in itself is like anesthesia :)


It's nice to hear such feedback! Thank you! We are always glad to see you as a guest at the clinic! :-)

Belgravia Dental Studio Team

Radmila December 07, 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Konstantin Aleksandrovich and his assistant for my shiny, clean teeth. I had a cleaning procedure, and the effect was as if it had also been whitened, I’m very pleased!! In a very pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, quickly and with full consultation, without questions, the highest level! Thanks to the doctors of this clinic, I stopped being afraid of dentists, now any procedure is a joy!) Thank you!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

We are glad that you have such a great result! We do a lot for this, purchase new equipment for professional hygiene, use the most modern materials, special powders that do not spoil the enamel, but at the same time clean perfectly. Thank you very much for your feedback! Come again!

SarahDecember 03, 2020

I express my gratitude to the hygienist Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for the pearly beauty and freshness of my teeth! Hygiene was as painless and even pleasant as possible, thanks to the latest equipment, the light hands of Ekaterina Vladimirovna and assistant Daria, attentive and very neat! Recommendations and training were given on home care, choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste. THANKS A LOT! Highly recommend! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you very much for your review and willingness to recommend us! Yes, we work hard to make every procedure in our clinic stress-free. This applies to both hygiene and treatment. Thanks for appreciating this!

VladislavNovember 13, 2020

The second time I visited Dr. O.V. Kogotko. and the second time I am very pleased with the result. The doctor did everything very carefully and thoroughly, not a single hint of pain, real “light hands.” During and after the procedure I received complete instructions on dental care. I strongly recommend the doctor to my friends! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! Olga Valentinovna has really light and gentle hands, I agree with you! Good health, always happy to help!

Ekaterina November 04, 2020

Olenina Ekaterina Valentinovna you are now my tooth fairy! Thank you so much for an extraordinary 1.5 hours! I watched the film while brushing, without any unpleasant sensations and with the extraordinary care of the tooth fairy Catherine. I didn’t even expect that it was possible to achieve such a result of beautiful and clean teeth. So much useful information and gifts not only for me, but also for my daughter. What a pity that I didn’t know about such a wonderful clinic and extraordinary specialists before. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

It’s so good that you are with us now! Yes, we take professional hygiene as seriously as we take treatment. At the same time, we do everything carefully and gently. Thank you very much for noticing all this! We are always happy to help you!

KaterinaSeptember 26, 2020

I turned to Ekaterina Vladimirovna with bleeding gums. The doctor did a very good job of cleaning. After cleaning, she competently pointed out mistakes made during independent oral hygiene and advised how to avoid them in the future. Two days after visiting the doctor, the bleeding completely disappeared! Thank you very much for your professional help! And Ekaterina Vladimirovna also has very gentle hands! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you for your feedback!:) We are very glad that we helped you cope with the problem! Gentle hands are extremely important for a dentist Good health, we will always be happy to help you!

Ekaterina September 22, 2020

I express my deep gratitude to the hygienist Valeria Vladimirovna Goncharova, for her gentle hands, for her kind attitude towards patients, for her skill and qualified approach! I recommend this wonderful specialist, a master of his craft! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for such kind words! We will definitely pass them on to Valeria Vladimirovna! And good health to you!

Olga31 July 2020

“It would be happiness, but misfortune would help”... I lost a tooth, a crown on a pin, and decided to go to the clinic that I had dreamed of, but had put off visiting for a very long time. The road to treatment and recovery will be long. And I am very happy that my first appointment was with Olga Valentinovna Kogotko. Since she, no one has ever performed hygiene on me before, anywhere! In addition to the amazing result (my family and work colleagues immediately noticed brighter teeth, and this without bleaching), I want to note the affectionate, calm, non-critical attitude towards me. Having some practice of treatment in “fashionable” dentistry behind me, I realized how behind the times the technology in them is... My story in your clinic began with Olga Valentinovna and I was incredibly surprised by the high professionalism and ability to psychologically manage and calm the patient. And strangely enough, she taught me to just breathe during the no longer tiring procedure)) And I’m already waiting for the time to lie down in Olga Valentinovna’s chair again)) Bravo! And thanks to the sweet angel assistant! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! We are very happy to work with you and are always ready to help!

Victoria07 July 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for her professional approach and careful treatment! The professional cleaning procedure was painless and of high quality. Very neat and attentive doctor! The results are amazing, you don't even need to bleach! The clinic has a very pleasant atmosphere and excellent service! I will only recommend you to everyone! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM

: Victoria, thank you for your feedback and for your willingness to recommend us! We are very glad that we helped you, we are always glad to see you in our clinic!

Anna20 June 2020

I express my deep gratitude to V.V. Goncharova. The doctor performed hygienic cleaning of very sensitive teeth completely painlessly! I am very glad that I came to you. Previously, I had a very difficult time undergoing this procedure in another clinic. Now only go to her for cleaning) . Everything went very comfortably, without discomfort. Valeria Vladimirovna told me about important recommendations for dental care, for which she is very grateful!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much! We are very glad that we helped you! Yes, indeed, we know how to turn professional hygiene into a pleasant spa procedure for teeth. You are always welcome!

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