Professional teeth cleaning: methods, stages, recommendations

Carrying out oral hygiene by professionals

The health of the teeth, as well as the body as a whole, depends on personal oral hygiene.
However, if a person neglects scheduled preventive examinations at the dentist, and is also negligent in oral hygiene, the appearance of caries, periodontitis and other unpleasant ailments is guaranteed. You can conduct a preventive examination, complete professional oral hygiene, and also overcome various dental diseases in the city of Shchelkovo, Moscow Region, at the address: Tsentralnaya Street, 80 (near the Voronok railway station) - at the Sanident dental clinic. Our medical institution has many regular clients who are satisfied with the results obtained.

At home, using even the best toothbrush and toothpaste will not help completely get rid of plaque. It is simply impossible to clean the spaces between teeth completely; very quickly the plaque hardens and becomes a stone, resulting in inflammation of the gums and caries.

Dentists recommend undergoing professional oral hygiene procedures at least once every six months.

Professional oral hygiene allows you to remove soft and hard dental deposits, tartar and dark plaque even in hard-to-reach places.

To carry out cleaning, hygienists use modern ultrasonic devices. The use of water and ultrasound in this technique allows you to most effectively and painlessly clean teeth from deposits. After such cleaning, all surfaces of the tooth are polished; due to this, deposits do not attach to the tooth enamel for a long time.

Special price for ultrasonic cleaning - 1,800 rubles.

Comprehensive teeth cleaning

Professional comprehensive teeth cleaning is a procedure consisting of removing dental plaque with ultrasound, removing plaque using an Air-Flow device, polishing and applying a gel to strengthen the enamel (fluoridation).⠀

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning with a skyler includes: - removal of supragingival calculus; — removal of subgingival stone. ⠀ Air-Flow procedure (brushing teeth with a special device using an air-water-powder mixture):

! carried out contactless!

- ideally removes plaque; — removes pigmentation; — gives a slight whitening effect (1-2 tones); — recommended for smokers, as well as those who abuse coffee, tea and wine. ⠀ Polishing: - prevents the appearance of dental plaque for a long time; — paste taste of the patient’s choice. ⠀ Strengthening enamel (fluoridation of teeth): - increases the hardness of enamel; — extends the service life of previously installed fillings; - reduces the likelihood of secondary caries; - reduces hypersensitivity of tooth necks.

The video shows how complex cleaning is carried out at the Medix Clinic:

After the procedure of professional cleaning of the oral cavity, patients of the Medix Clinic receive advice from a hygienist on the selection of professional products for proper home hygiene, taking into account the individual needs of the patient.

The hygienist will help you understand the variety of dental accessories for oral care and correctly select the appropriate products, namely toothbrushes, toothpastes, irrigators, dental floss, foams and rinses. You can purchase them directly at the clinic.

Professional cleaning is a preventive measure and will significantly save money, because caries treatment can be much more expensive.

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How is professional teeth cleaning done in Shchelkovo?

Before professional oral hygiene, the doctor carefully examines the patient. Only after assessing the condition of the gums, mucous membranes and the oral cavity as a whole, the dentist will be able to begin the procedure for removing plaque and tartar. Qualified specialists at the Sanident clinic recommend carrying out such manipulations twice a year in order to prevent caries, inflammatory processes and other ailments.

Professional teeth cleaning in Shchelkovo will help solve the following problems:

  • Bad breath.
  • Plaque that distorts the natural color of teeth.
  • Inflammation of the gums.
  • The presence of black or brown surrounding teeth near the gums.
  • Roughness of the surface of the teeth.
  • Caries.

When the doctor has fully carried out hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity, he will also give recommendations to the patient on the selection of toothpaste, brushes and other dental products, based on individual characteristics.

How to brush your teeth properly video

Video about how to properly brush your teeth. If you do not take care of your oral cavity, you can develop serious dental diseases. Proper hygiene and preventive dental examinations will keep your teeth healthy for life.

0:00 → Not only children, but also adults do not always know how to brush their teeth correctly. Let's now try to understand this issue.

Hello! In this video you will learn how to properly brush your teeth and keep them healthy for life. Please watch this video to the end to get a reminder on how to use a tongue scraper, dental floss, irrigator, and mouth rinse. Let's divide our teeth into segments. The first segment is your right posterior teeth, leading to the central incisor. Next comes the second segment - these are the left chewing teeth. And so clockwise down to the left lower chewing teeth, and then we close it all with the right chewing teeth.

1:06 → If some piece of food gets between the gum and the tooth, we can easily pick it up with the bristles and pull it out. We clean the chewing surface of the teeth with horizontal movements back and forth. It is necessary to make 10-15 such movements. We can complete the cleaning by closing the teeth tightly and brushing them in a circular motion 10-15 times. The next rule: you need to brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes, and even better, a little more, bringing the brushing to 5 minutes. It is also important to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue and cheeks. This is due to the fact that a large amount of bacterial plaque accumulates on the mucous membrane of the cheeks and tongue, and if it is not cleaned off, this plaque will very quickly spread to your teeth.

2:32 → Therefore, please come to the doctor and tell us in a timely manner about any problems with your gums or bleeding, so that the doctor can find the cause of all this and eliminate it. Now let's note how not to brush your teeth. Under no circumstances should you clean them with horizontal movements, thereby clogging plaque and food debris into the interdental spaces. It will then be extremely difficult to remove plaque from these spaces, and this can lead to caries. And please don't press too hard on the brush. The quality of teeth cleaning does not depend on the force of pressure on the brush, so please do not press the brush too hard on your teeth.

3:28 → After eating, if you don't have the opportunity to brush your teeth, you can always use mouthwash or chewing sugar-free gum. If you have dental implants installed or wear any orthodontic construction, your doctor will always advise you to use an irrigator. It is also necessary to remember that, even using an ultrasonic brush and all the methods that we have just talked about, it is impossible to clean your teeth 100% at home, so I recommend regularly, once every six months, to have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist. By following all these simple rules, you can keep your teeth healthy for life. NovaDent specialists have accumulated extensive experience in teaching children and adults proper oral hygiene. Therefore, if you do not want to visit the dentist often for serious reasons, come and we will teach you how to keep your teeth healthy.

Make an appointment with a doctor (Shchelkovo dentistry “Sanident”). Solving hygiene problems

Before you go to the dentist for an appointment, it is better to make an appointment in advance. This action is guaranteed to ensure a visit to the doctor and will significantly save personal time.

Teeth cleaning in the clinic occurs in several stages:

  • Carrying out mechanical or chemical cleaning. This procedure is aimed at removing dental plaque, including stones.
  • Carrying out grinding. The manipulation is carried out using special brushes, a mechanical tip, and a special prophylactic paste.
  • Carrying out tooth polishing. It is carried out similarly to polishing fillings. The procedure prevents the accumulation of plaque.
  • Application of special substances containing fluorine. The procedure strengthens tooth enamel and saturates the tooth with minerals.

Making an appointment with a doctor, Shchelkovo dentistry (Sanident clinic) will allow you to plan your visit to the doctor at the most convenient time for you.

Professional oral hygiene is an absolutely harmless procedure for teeth and gums, which helps in the fight against the occurrence of dental diseases by preventing their occurrence. Also, your smile will become dazzling and whiter after a visit to the dental office, because the presence of plaque, which specialists can easily remove, significantly worsens the color of the teeth, making them yellow.

Stages of the teeth cleaning procedure

As previously mentioned, dental cleaning is a complex procedure. The stages of oral hygiene include:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning of tartar – removing large plaque from the enamel and cleaning out the turf pocket.
  • Air flow or air-water cleaning - used for sticky residue, which is typical for smokers.
  • The “Vector” device cleans plaque on the neck of teeth in the pre-gingival zone, while polishing the enamel.
  • Polishing pastes - the surface is polished with a brush, which removes uneven enamel that formed after removing plaque.
  • Varnish coating is a protective coating with fluoride and calcium that protects teeth from damage to the enamel and the negative effects of plaque.

What types of toothbrushes and toothpastes are there?

In any store or pharmacy you can see several varieties of toothbrushes and toothpastes. Such diversity was not invented without reason, because these funds should be selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular person.

Toothbrushes differ in their degree of hardness:

  • The soft bristles do not injure the gums and are therefore suitable for people with increased sensitivity and patients with periodontal disease.
  • Hard brushes provide good plaque removal, but can damage your gums.
  • Medium-hard bristles are universal and suitable for most people.

If you don’t know which brush you need, your dentist will help you choose it after he conducts an examination.

What toothpaste should you use to make your teeth white? How do different pastes differ from each other?

Toothpastes may contain abrasives (help remove plaque and slightly whiten the enamel), fluoride, anti-inflammatory components and other ingredients. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a toothpaste based on the oral condition of a particular person. For example, various pastes can be used to eliminate bleeding gums, their inflammation, or to reduce sensitivity. If you have such problems, you need to select a certain type of toothpaste that your dentist can recommend.

What happens if you don't brush your teeth?

Microparticles of food get stuck between the teeth and remain in hard-to-reach places, even if you regularly brush your teeth yourself. Food debris on teeth serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. Due to the waste products of bacteria, a person’s breath smells bad, caries and plaque form . If you don’t clean off the plaque in time, it hardens and turns into stone , which you definitely won’t be able to remove on your own.

In an effort to completely destroy the tooth, hard plaque penetrates the roots and provokes inflammation of the tissues around the tooth . Teeth become less strong and are easily injured by hard food. The gums hurt, bleed and fester . Gum diseases (for example, periodontal disease and gingivitis) appear.

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