Traumeel in dentistry: injections and other forms of the drug for the treatment of gums

Forms of release of the drug

The dosage of the drug is selected individually in each specific case. The dosage depends on the disease diagnosed in the patient, as well as the form of the drug.

Traumeel is available in the form:

  • Drops. Prescribed in case of edema of various nature in soft tissues, as well as for any disease, the dosage starts from 10 drops 3 times a day (in case of edema, the dosage increases to 30 drops 3 times a day);
  • Tablets. In all cases, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day until symptoms improve;
  • Ointments for gums. Used exclusively on affected areas of the skin, rubbed three times a day; if the condition worsens, the number of daily uses of the drug can be increased;
  • Solution. Injections with the drug are intended for intramuscular, subcutaneous, intra-articular and intravenous administration, depending on the patient’s disease. Injections are given 1 to 3 times a week; in advanced cases, injections of the drug are given daily. The treatment regimen is selected depending on the diagnosed disease.

You should not use the ointment if the problem affects too large areas of the body. It is advisable to consult your doctor before using the drug.

How can you replace Traumeel?

During teething, you can use Kalgel, Dentokind, Dentinox, Baby Doctor instead of Traumeel.

For adults: Parodontocide, Cholisal, Metrogyl Denta, Asepta, Chlorhexidine, Troxevasin, Mundizal, Tsiprolet, Dental drops, Denta-drops.

Any analogue should be approved by the attending physician, and not on the advice of a pharmacist.

Composition and principle of action

Traumeel is a homeopathic drug that has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and hemostatic effect. Using the product allows you to maintain veins in good shape. When active substances enter the body, the functions of regeneration and immune defense of the body are activated.

The indicated characteristics and properties of the drug are due to the presence of the following active components:

  • Calendula. It has a general strengthening effect, helps stabilize metabolic functions in the body, accelerates blood circulation processes, soothes inflamed and irritated areas, removes toxic substances from the body, starts the processes of regeneration and restoration of damaged cells;
  • Witch hazel. It has a general antibacterial effect, prevents the occurrence of swollen areas, stabilizes the functioning of steel glands, and has a tonic effect on blood vessels;
  • Echinacea. Improves the body's immune functions, increases the protective functions of organs;
  • Chamomile. Improves the processes of restoration of damaged tissues, relieves irritation and redness of the skin, moisturizes flaky areas, promotes rapid healing of burns;
  • Daisy. Protects damaged areas from the penetration of microbes and bacteria, removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • Millennium. Promotes rapid healing of wounds, prevents infection by microbes and bacteria, reduces pain, and prevents the development of inflammation;
  • Arnica. Relieves pain, increases the rate of wound healing by relieving inflammation and improving blood circulation in the body;
  • Belladonna. Has an analgesic effect on the body;
  • St. John's wort. Stabilizes metabolic processes in the body, stops bleeding, disinfects the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni – prevents the development of inflammatory processes, relieves pain in joints and bones, alleviates rheumatism;
  • Hepar sulfuris – relieves swelling and inflammation, resolves hemorrhages, helps remove pus from wounds.

Action of the drug, composition

Traumeel (Traumeel S) is a homeopathic drug that in dentistry has the following effect:

  • reduces or eliminates pain;
  • eliminates inflammation in the diseased area;
  • stimulates tissues to quickly heal wounds and injuries;
  • increases the body's defenses against various antigens;
  • reduces tissue swelling at the site of the disease;
  • improves vascular tone, allowing blood to circulate better;
  • reduces bleeding.

The drug is widely used in complex therapy, as well as after treatment with antibiotics. According to most experts, the drug is of high quality, with a quick effect.

Traumeel contains natural substances and herbal extracts:

  • calendula relieves tissue inflammation;
  • echinacea stimulates cells to develop immunity;
  • comfrey normalizes and stimulates processes in blood vessels;
  • yarrow has an antibacterial effect;
  • chamomile reduces pain, swelling and inflammation;
  • daisy relieves inflammation;
  • St. John's wort reduces blood flow;
  • arnica heals wounds;
  • belladonna anesthetizes tissue;
  • witch hazel virginiana – reduces bleeding;
  • Aconite relieves pain.

Traumeel is available in several forms:

  • injections for injections;
  • gel, ointment;
  • pills;
  • drops.

Auxiliary components are added to different release forms: saline solution, petroleum jelly, ethanol, paraffin, magnesium.

There are two names: Traumeel C and original Traumeel. There are no differences in purpose, the difference is in the dosage forms. Traumeel is produced only in the form of a gel, and Traumeel S is also produced in other forms: ointment, tablets, and so on. The gel is made on a water basis, and the ointment is fatty. The ointment lasts longer, but the gel can be applied more often without leaving any residual greasy residue.

gel Traumeel

dosage forms Traumeel S

Manufacturer: Germany.

Application in dentistry

The homeopathic drug Traumeel is used in dentistry in the following cases:

  1. To relieve pain;
  2. Prevention of inflammatory processes in damaged areas;
  3. Stimulating tissues for the process of restoration and regeneration;
  4. Strengthening the body's immune characteristics to resist the disease;
  5. Improving vascular tone in the area of ​​damaged tissue;
  6. Prevention of hemorrhage;
  7. Improving blood circulation in the damaged area.

The drug is also prescribed by a dentist in case of treatment with antibiotics for a speedy recovery of the body.

Indications for use of Traumeel S in dentistry:

  • Periodontal disease;
  • Various dislocations in the temporomandibular region;
  • Jaw fracture;
  • Eruption of permanent teeth in childhood and wisdom teeth in adulthood;
  • Injury to the oral cavity;
  • Development of inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity;
  • Carrying out surgical operations in the oral cavity;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Purulent diseases in the oral cavity;
  • Other dental problems;
  • Preventive injections for gums.

Contraindications and side effects

Traumeel is a homeopathic medicine; it contains exclusively natural ingredients that have virtually no negative effects on the body. The only contraindication to taking the drug is hypersensitivity to the indicated active components of the drug.

When taking the drug, the patient may experience the following side effects:

  • Increased secretion of saliva in the mouth;
  • Various symptoms of an allergic reaction (itching, redness on the skin, rashes, etc.).

Information about the medicinal product is presented for informational purposes. Before use, consultation with a medical specialist is required to select the correct treatment regimen.

Injection with Traumeel

One of the most common and pressing problems in dentistry is the treatment of periodontal diseases. By periodontium we mean not only the gum itself, but also the periodontium, as well as the alveolar processes. When an infection enters one of these zones, an inflammatory process begins in it, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • an increase in the volume of tartar, especially on the inside of the tooth;
  • destruction of the tissues connecting the tooth to the gum, as a result of which it begins to wobble and “fall in” when biting, mobility appears;
  • the appearance of pathological periodontal pockets;
  • periodontal disease - thinning of the bone substance of the jaw;
  • exposure of tooth roots;
  • bleeding in the gum area;
  • bad breath.

If you experience at least some of the listed symptoms, it’s time to make an appointment with a dentist, who will conduct an examination, determine the degree of advanced disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

How and with what are periodontal diseases treated?

Until recently, the only effective treatment was the prescription of antibiotic drugs. Yes, they successfully cope with the existing infection, but such therapy can hardly be called a panacea for periodontal diseases.

Firstly, after some time, resistance almost inevitably arises, that is, addiction to a particular drug. It stops working and the dentist has to look for a replacement and adjust the treatment regimen. Secondly, taking antibiotics, even topically, is often fraught with side effects. The most common manifestations of this effect are:

  • dysbacteriosis, gastritis and colitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • allergic reactions;
  • candidiasis;
  • general decrease in immunity.

That is why today a worthy alternative to antibiotics has been found in dentistry - the homeopathic drug Traumeel. It contains plant components such as chamomile, arnica, echinacea, calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort and some others. Thanks to the plant-mineral composition, taking Traumeel is not accompanied by side effects, and the drug acts on the source of infection in the periodontium gently and effectively.

Dental clinic "Dent Prestige": treatment of periodontal diseases using progressive methods

Doctors at our clinic actively practice the treatment of pathological processes developing in the periodontal area using injections of the drug “Traumel”. Why is it better to do this in the dentist's office rather than some other method?

Due to their own busyness, lack of time and reluctance to visit medical institutions, some patients are ready to self-medicate. However, in dentistry this approach is impossible - giving an injection into the gum area is much more difficult than a conventional intramuscular one. Only a specialist knows how to do this correctly, safely, painlessly and effectively. In addition, during the treatment process, the dentist will be able to observe the body's response to treatment, noting progress or lack thereof.

Therefore, we invite everyone who has noticed the first signs of pathology in the periodontium to visit our clinic, carry out a comprehensive examination and examination, if necessary, get a prescription for injections with Traumeel and complete the entire prescribed course of treatment, with which our competent and experienced dentists. The cost of the procedure is quite affordable even for patients with low incomes, and the painlessness and effectiveness of treatment is guaranteed by the professionalism of the staff of the Dent Prestige clinic.

Drug Traumeel S

The drug belongs to the drugs that are prescribed primarily when choosing drugs for the treatment of damaged soft tissues (burns, injuries, surgeries, etc.). Traumeel is a homeopathic medicine that contains:

  • aconite (has an anti-inflammatory effect and increases vascular tone);
  • arnica montana (promotes tissue regeneration and resolves hematomas);
  • belladonna (has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects);
  • witch hazel virginiana (has the same properties as belladonna);
  • St. John's wort (used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and tonic);
  • daisy officinalis (has antifever, analgesic effect, regulates general metabolism);
  • chamomile (has antiallergic and analgesic effects, enhances wound healing);
  • comfrey (promotes bone tissue restoration);
  • common yarrow (used as a hemostatic agent for external and internal bleeding);
  • Echinacea purpurea (has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the immune system);
  • calendula (has an analgesic effect and promotes the formation of granulation tissue);
  • mercury (mercury);
  • liver is sulfuric.
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