Lip piercing - types, how to do it step by step, caring for the puncture site, photo

The tradition of decorating the area above the upper lip with a “mole” has been around for centuries. And if in the 18th century they were made of velvet and attached with glue, then in the 20th century the fabric versions were replaced by the Monroe piercing, named after the famous beauty Marilyn Monroe. Other names: Madonna piercing or Crawford piercing have the same origin - all these movie and pop stars are owners of such attractive moles by nature. The difference is that the Monroe and Crawford piercings are done on the left side, and the Madonna piercings are done on the right.

Nowadays, Monroe piercing is no longer just the prerogative of girls - men also decorate themselves with metal moles. If you did not inherit such jewelry, piercing specialists will come to the rescue and quickly correct this “flaw.”

Description of Monroe piercing

This type of piercing is named after the famous American actress, singer and model Marilyn Monroe. It involves a puncture above the upper lip on the left or right side, into which an earring in the form of a small ball is inserted. This decoration is reminiscent of the popular mole of the Hollywood film star. Externally, the earring looks like a small dot, so you can easily wear it even to business meetings.

This type of piercing became popular in the crazy 90s thanks to hard rock performers. It is more common among women, but sometimes occurs in men.

The puncture is made approximately 1 cm above the upper lip - this distance depends on the individual characteristics of the face. All manipulations require no more than 10-20 minutes. You need to start preparing for them at least 2 days in advance.

To perform a Monroe piercing, you need a labret with an oblong barbell and a sterile catheter needle. Due to its large thickness, Gypsy is not suitable here at all, as it can injure the gums.

The decoration consists of a ball (outer part) and a barbell, which is inserted under the skin. The approximate length of the rod is 10 mm and the thickness is 1.8 mm. The thicker the skin on the face, the larger these dimensions should be.

During such manipulations, a person practically does not feel pain due to the absence of a large number of nerve endings in this area. Women tolerate this cosmetic procedure somewhat easier than men, since their skin is thinner and is pierced much faster and easier.

Discomfort and pain most often occur in singers who have developed orbicularis oris muscles. In this case, you cannot do without local anesthesia, which lasts approximately 4 hours. It is also required for sensitive, too delicate dermis.

Advice from professionals

If you are dreaming of a Monroe lip piercing, experts advise considering the following recommendations when piercing:

  1. Do the procedure only in a cosmetology salon.
  2. Choose a specialist carefully.
  3. At first, it is better to insert a labret (an earring with a long barbell) into your lip. You can change it when the wound has completely healed and no longer causes discomfort.
  4. After the puncture, be sure to follow a diet. Spicy, salty and peppery dishes are prohibited. They irritate the oral mucosa and the wound heals more slowly. You should also give up alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  5. The wound healing process depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In most cases it takes 6 weeks. All this time you need to lubricate the wound with Miramistin.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid suppuration and complications.

Monroe piercing is quite popular among young people. But remember that a puncture is a surgical operation. It should be done by a specialist using sterile instruments.

Contraindications for Monroe piercing

Monroe piercing is done only for adults; gender plays absolutely no role.
It is worth holding off on getting a puncture if you have the following health problems:

  • Blood clotting disorder
    . In this case, the risk of bleeding increases.
  • Skin problems
    . These include psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, dermatitis, eczema, etc. If present, the earring can cause an exacerbation of inflammation.
  • Predisposition to the appearance of keloid scars
    . In this situation, the wound will take longer to heal than usual, and scars are likely to remain.
  • Hepatitis types B and C, especially in acute form
    . This may be indicated by yellowing of the whites of the eyes and high bilirubin.
  • Elevated blood sugar levels
    . The ban is justified by the fact that with diabetes, wounds heal much more difficult than those of a healthy person.
  • ARVI
    . Do not do piercing if you have a severe runny nose, cough or high temperature (from 37.5°C).
  • Allergy
    . We are talking about the skin's reaction to metal products and drugs used during the procedure. It can be caused by lidocaine, barbiturates, and sulfa drugs. It manifests itself as redness and itching on the skin. Allergies practically do not occur to niobium, bioplastic and pure titanium.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases
    . These include otitis media, sinusitis, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and gastritis. This can be indicated by an increase in body temperature, runny nose, or abdominal pain.

Important! The night before your visit to the salon, have a snack of fruits, vegetables or dairy products and go to bed early.

Preparing for facial skin piercing

You need to contact a specialist in advance (about a week) so that he can assess the condition of the skin at the puncture site.
If it is inflamed and irritated, you may need soothing ointments Triderm, Advant, Elidel. They are applied to the face, evenly distributed over the surface and rubbed in with your fingers in a circular motion. There is no need to rinse off anything; the product is left until completely absorbed. Here's what you need to do 2-3 days before visiting a cosmetologist:

  1. Refrain from drinking alcohol
    . This includes even the weakest drinks - cider, shake, brandy-cola, etc.
  2. Do not take naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, or vitamin
    E. It is also better to avoid taking antibiotics; it is possible only in the most extreme cases, in consultation with a doctor.
  3. Do not drink coffee and drinks based on it (various energy drinks, colas)
    . They can be replaced with weak green tea, compote, juice.
  4. Eliminate some nutritional supplements from your diet
    . They should not contain ginseng, garlic or other active ingredients.
  5. Take vitamin
    K. You can get it from Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin, bananas, and olive oil. For gastritis, it is recommended to take special supplements containing this vitamin.
  6. Consult a dentist and have your teeth professionally cleaned
    . It will take 1-2 hours to remove tartar. This can be done either manually or using the Air Flow system. The doctor should also check the condition of the gums and, if necessary, recommend medications to eliminate their bleeding.
  7. Choose a quality earring
    . Read below how to do this.

How to choose an earring for a Monroe piercing

It is best if the Monroe piercing earring is provided by the salon where you are planning to get it done.
If you decide to choose it yourself, you should not immediately buy the precious metal. In the first months there is a high risk of its oxidation, as a result of which the work will have to be redone after 1-3 months. If you still decide on gold, then the purity should not be lower than 585. You can immediately buy a niobium earring, which is usually used 1-2 weeks after the piercing.

The ideal solution is to use titanium labrets for the first time. Their length, in order for the wound to heal faster, should be at least 5 mm and no more than 10 mm. The maximum permissible width is 1.8 mm. A ring made of the same material with a small ball is ideal. Next, be sure to make sure that there is no sample in the place where the earring will come into contact with the face. It irritates the skin and slows down the wound healing process.

Pay attention to the type of puncture: microbananas are relevant for transverse and longitudinal punctures, while vertical ones require circular and segment rings.

Before buying jewelry, attach it to the place where it will be attached. The Monroe piercing earring should not rub against the skin, otherwise there is a high risk of it becoming overgrown with surrounding tissues, and then the help of a surgeon will be needed.

Important! To avoid poisoning, you should avoid surgical steel, which contains a lot of nickel. This substance can easily enter the lymph and blood, leading to intoxication.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a Monroe piercing

Before you sit in a chair with a master, make sure he is experienced.
To do this, look at photos of his works, read reviews about him, ask questions that concern you. It is very important not to worry, which only increases the pain. If necessary, take a sedative. Next, make sure that the specialist puts on disposable sterile gloves, opens the needle in front of you, and sterilizes all the necessary instruments. This will avoid infection.

This is what the puncture procedure looks like:

  • Preparation
    . Before getting a Monroe piercing, the client is asked to sit comfortably on a couch. The head should be at approximately a 45 degree angle to the floor.
  • Disinfection
    . At this stage, the specialist treats the puncture site and surrounding tissue with an antiseptic. For this purpose, formic alcohol is usually used.
  • Pain relief
    . Anesthesia is given only at your request and is only needed if the skin is hypersensitive. To do this, the client is injected subcutaneously with lidocaine or any other painkiller. It starts working within 5-10 minutes.
  • Determining the puncture site
    . The cosmetologist marks the boundaries of the puncture and coordinates them with the client. If necessary, the zone moves up, down or to the side.
  • Puncture
    . If the needle method was chosen, the catheter needle is disinfected and lubricated with Vaseline. Next, it is gently pressed into the skin pushed to the side or forward. This is necessary so as not to injure the gums. The needle is directed upward or to the side (depending on which puncture is chosen, vertical or horizontal).
  • Installing the earring
    . The cap is removed from the end of the needle and the earring itself is threaded along the same path. At the end, the needle is carefully removed from the puncture made, and the earring is already fixed in it using tweezers. In total, this procedure takes about 15 minutes.

What do people think?

A lot of people really don't like piercings. Moreover, there are also individuals who insult people who have piercings anywhere in their body. Most people perceive piercing as an element of some subculture. They believe that it is harmful to health - both physical and moral.

There are times when the process of piercing any part of the body can be painful and even very painful, but this is rare. Most often, the earring can be removed, but it is not a fact that the piercing will not leave a scar. Monroe's piercing is no exception.

Monroe's piercing receives mixed reviews. Some are for it, but many are against it. First of all, you need to listen to your own opinion.

Features of caring for Monroe piercing

In the first 5-7 days, the wound may bleed.
After about 3 days, redness and swelling appear in the puncture area. There is nothing wrong with this, it goes away calmly within a week. If this does not happen, you should immediately contact your specialist. To recover faster, you need to stop eating solid food. Anything that requires active jaw movement is excluded. This will prevent the earring from opening and falling out.

After a puncture, it is important to treat the area with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine 3 to 5 times a day. To do this, a sterile cotton swab is soaked in the solution and the problem area is lubricated with it. The labreta should be carefully moved to the side. Your task is to remove all traces of blood and lymph from the wound, if there are any.

Here's how to care for your Monroe piercing:

  1. For 2 weeks, it is important to give up too hot and cold foods.
  2. You cannot drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks for 3 days.
  3. In the first week, you should use chlorhexidine as a mouth rinse after meals.
  4. It is important to brush your teeth carefully, without sudden movements.
  5. You must quit smoking for at least a week.
  6. You should not visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, beach or bathhouse for 10 days.

If the wound around the earring does not heal for a long time (more than a week), lubricate it with Levomekol ointment or its analogues.
At this time, you cannot change the decoration. This is done only after the first earring has taken root. On average, recovery from a Monroe piercing takes about 15 days. During this time, minor pain may occur. To eliminate them, it is enough to drink Ketanov or other analgesics.

Do not touch the puncture with dirty fingers. If the jewelry is lost, it must be replaced with a new one after a maximum of 3-7 days, so that the depression does not heal. To avoid spontaneous opening of the earring, you should sleep on the side opposite to the puncture. It is not recommended to rest your face on the bed, as the bed linen will rub your already sensitive skin.

Rules of care

How long does it take for a Monroe piercing to heal? Typically this takes about 6-8 weeks. To make healing faster, you need to do the following:

  • Use healing ointments and antibacterial agents.
  • After every meal, brush your teeth to prevent infection in your mouth.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and foods that irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Avoid oral sex and kissing.
  • When sleeping, do not lie face down on the pillow.
  • Do not touch the earring with dirty hands.

Remember, within a day the wound should stop bleeding. If this does not happen, you need to seek help from a cosmetologist.

Judging by the reviews, the Monroe piercing will take a long time to heal if you do not use the recommendations given above. Remember, this puncture is quite dangerous. In case of suppuration or other complications, the earring will have to be removed. There will certainly be a scar at the piercing site, which will be noticeable to others.

If you decide to have this puncture, try not to violate the rules for caring for the wound after a medical procedure.

How to remove an earring without problems

This should be done only when you are sure that you are no longer going to put the jewelry back on, or have decided to immediately exchange it for a more expensive one.
If you leave the puncture without it, the hole will quickly heal, and then you will need to contact a specialist again. In the first week, it is best to remove the earring in a salon, as the wound has not yet fully healed and may begin to bleed. Detailed instructions on how to deal with everything yourself:

  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap to remove any dirt and prevent infection.
  • Wear them with sterile disposable gloves.
  • Lubricate the puncture site and the area around it with alcohol.
  • Using your index finger and thumb, gently roll the lambreta in a circle, first to the left and then to the right.
  • Slowly pull the earring towards you. It should come out freely. If this does not happen, repeat the steps from step 4.
  • Treat the desired area with Miramistin, soak a cotton pad in it and pass it over the skin. Do not press on the problem area. During this time, you may experience minor discomfort and pain.

The removed earring, if you plan to use it in the future, should be stored in a small bag, away from the sun and moisture.
How to do a piercing above Monroe's lip - watch the video:

Having made a Monroe piercing above your lip, do not rush to sum it up in the first month. The decoration must first take root, only after complete restoration of the skin will it look natural and beautiful, just like the mole on the screen diva Marilyn Monroe. With it you will definitely ensure yourself a flirtatious look and intriguing looks from the opposite sex!

Consequences of lip piercing

It is worth noting that beauty requires sacrifice, this applies to piercing in the oral cavity. Lack of proper treatment or incorrectly chosen puncture site can lead to disastrous consequences.

Consequences of lip and oral cavity piercing:

  • Infection. A lot of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms live in the mouth, which can infect a wound and become an entry point for some kind of infection.
  • Bleeding. This does not always happen; most often the punctures pass without a large amount of blood. Bleeding can only occur if the area of ​​a blood vessel is affected.
  • Painful sensations and swelling. Indeed, when performing a puncture, unpleasant sensations can often occur. Swelling is a common reaction and is a variant of the norm. However, for severe swelling, it is necessary to use decongestants, as well as hormonal agents and corticosteroids, which relieve inflammation and reduce swelling.
  • The presence of chips on the teeth. Incorrectly selected jewelry, as well as constant friction in this area, leads to the appearance of cracks. Very often scratches occur on restored teeth that have crowns on them.
  • Damage and gum disease. With improper care, gums often become infected and damaged by jewelry.
  • Impaired pronunciation of certain sounds. Indeed, when talking and having earrings in an inconvenient place, difficulties may be observed, as well as diction disturbances that were not there before.
  • Infection with hepatitis b, c, d. Indeed, there are many options for contracting hepatitis directly through piercings and tattoos. Therefore, choose a proven salon with positive reviews that uses only disposable tools.

Beautiful punctures

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