In a dream, spitting blood: the meaning of the dream. Dream Interpretation: blood in the mouth, blood in the saliva, a lot of blood

  • August 16, 2018
  • Medicine
  • Epifantseva Anna

Dreams in which a person spits blood are warnings. This symbol predicts serious illnesses and conflicts in the family. Another meaning of the dream is the collapse of a person in the financial sector. To avoid these misfortunes in reality, you need to correctly recognize this sign and change your behavior.

Personal life

If a girl saw her boyfriend spitting blood in a dream, this portends her to meet his family in the near future.

For a married woman, seeing this performed by her husband is an indication that he is cheating on her or is secretly plotting it. When you see such a sign, you need to remember that jealousy will only make the situation worse.

In a dream, spitting blood for lovers is an indication of the desire to maintain and strengthen the relationship.

Romantic dream book: Mouth

  • Mouth - Lips alone are a sign of longing for attention from members of the opposite sex. Perhaps your partner is too busy and does not give you warmth, affection, and care.
  • Plump, bright lips symbolize a violent quarrel with a loved one. You should restrain your temper and not make decisions rashly.
  • Seeing a refined, beautiful mouth means mutual love and harmony in relationships.
  • Bright lips hint that you should pay more attention to your appearance; perhaps your partner is not happy with something about you.
  • If a married woman dreamed of her mouth full of needles and wounds, she should criticize her husband less. Stinging words hurt him painfully and make him despondent.

See also: why do you dream about lips, why do you dream about a tooth, why do you dream about a face.

From the gums

If you dream that blood in your mouth came from your gums, this symbol takes on a slightly different interpretation.

This sign predicts meetings with distant relatives. For a woman, blood in the saliva from her gums predicts that she may accidentally become pregnant in the near future. Moreover, pregnancy will be unwanted.

A dream about blood in the mouth from the gums is a reflection of the dreamer's psychological dependence. He must have become too attached to someone, and this is interfering with his personal happiness.

Seeing a lot of blood in the mouth in a dream predicts that a person will soon part with someone who is dear to him.

However, the appearance of such a symbol in night dreams on the eve of a visit to the dentist has a neutral meaning.

Mouth according to Astromeridian's dream book

Blood from the mouth

Dreaming of bleeding from your mouth, such as when you bite your tongue or have dental work done, is a bad omen that predicts discord among your family members. More specifically, this dream means that, most likely, a number of serious quarrels or disagreements will arise in your large family regarding some property or heirlooms, most likely left after the sudden death of an older relative. This disagreement will likely cause you a lot of stress and be difficult to resolve. It may even require court intervention to resolve this issue.

Beautiful mouth

In a dream you see a beautiful mouth - this is a sign that you have a crush on someone from your social circle. Perhaps your dreams and aspirations about your pure and innocent feelings of admiration mixed with curiosity for this person are being projected into your subconscious. You have some kind of barrier inside that doesn't allow you to talk about your feelings.


Having your mouth full in a dream means that your voice is being drowned out by some person. Or you will be involved in a difficult or sensitive situation with a person who enjoys being the center of attention and receiving recognition from others. In this case, you will be the one who is ignored; you will simply fade in comparison with him. You need to have the courage to speak up and make yourself known. If you don't speak up for yourself, all the loud voices can drown you out and you'll be made to look like a loser, even if you did all the work yourself.

Broken glass in mouth

Seeing broken glass in your mouth in a dream means being extremely careful in your communication. In psychoanalysis, broken glass implies the fragility of relationships, so shards of glass in the mouth show how sharp words can destroy friendships and sever bonds. Additionally, it may also indicate vanity or being overly concerned with one's self-image. You worry too much about other people's perceptions of you, making it difficult for you to express yourself authentically.

Hair in the mouth

If you dream that you see hair in your mouth, this is a sign that for some reason your nervous system does not have time to rest during sleep. You can help your body, for example, by exercising or learning breathing and meditation practices. If you dream about hair in your mouth quite often, it means you cannot or do not want to change yourself. If in your dream you are pulling hair out of your mouth, then this vision can be interpreted from a physical and emotional point of view. Sometimes such a dream can be associated with metabolic problems that cause a buildup of toxins in your body and a condition called “hairy tongue.” These subconscious visions may also indicate some emerging or existing breathing problems and sleep apnea. As for the emotional background, you may be going through a period of time that is filled with stress and constant worry about some current problems.

Worms from the mouth

Why do you dream about a mouth full of worms? Such a dream may symbolize the sudden realization that someone has treated you unfairly. You may be with someone who treats you only as an object of immediate gratification, physical or emotional. This person does not care about your feelings and well-being and it may be only after you give him pleasure that he will simply forget about you.

Your partner paid more attention to you. The symbol of rotting teeth indicates difficulties and obstacles that the dreamer will soon encounter. Putting these two symbols together, the idea of ​​a girl having your teeth could mean that someone outside of your relationship is causing your inner insecurities and imbalances. You may be jealous or angry with someone in reality.

Mouth without teeth

A dream in which you see a mouth without teeth means that in life you will feel very conflicted about a current problem. In particular, a toothless mouth represents fears and concerns that you do not communicate to your family. These fears also limit your decisions and your freedom to follow your passion.

Pulling thread from mouth

The thread that is attached to your tongue represents your struggle to express your thoughts and ideas. You're probably full of opinions, but find it difficult to put them into words for fear of being judged. On the other hand, it may also serve as a warning for you to be more careful with what you say. If you pulled the string out of your mouth, then this dream symbol represents good communication.


If a person spits out his teeth along with blood in his saliva, this promises him that in the near future he will regret the words spoken in a fit of emotion. This sign is a call to watch what he says and avoid harshness in expressions, otherwise he may harm himself.

If a person spits out ichor along with his teeth, this is an indication that the person should pay attention to his health and those closest to him, since there will soon be a risk of an accident for them.

Type of blood

Blood can look different. If her appearance attracted attention or surprised, then the meaning of the dream greatly depends on it.

  • Alaya - all your strength and health will be devoted to solving one, but very important problem.
  • Black is an enemy who, for the time being, hides her true face. The time to tear off this mask has come.
  • Blue - separation, parting forever with someone who was very dear to you. But this will not be associated with death, but with departure to distant lands, to another country, in a word, very far away.
  • Pure - now you are capable of anything, even doing the impossible. All your exploits will be aimed at the benefit of the world and your family.
  • In the form of bloody clots - this dream indicates the presence of a hidden disease.
  • Transparent as water - all worries and worries are in vain. You needn't worry, everything will be fine.
  • Cold - deep psychological trauma will lead to the need to concentrate and gather one's will into a fist.
  • Thick - to illness.
  • Dried - a sign of deep, persistent disorders and experiences. This may be the pain of the untimely death of a close relative or the suffering of a broken relationship.
  • Menstrual blood - health problems do not yet appear, but they exist. You will definitely need to make a visit to the doctor soon.
  • Blood diluted with saliva - you will be charming and charismatic like never before. Those around you will inevitably fall under your influence and charm. Hurry up to take advantage of the moment. Now anyone will follow you, even if you lead him to the ends of the earth.
  • Vomiting blood - one of the long-standing worries will end or it will lose its meaning for you.
  • Blood with pus - unfortunately, your relatives will not make you happy, but on the contrary, they will make you worry about them.


In a dream, spitting blood at someone predicts that you will soon argue, and there will be an urgent need to win the skirmish. The drama of the situation will be that the altercation will occur with a loved one, most likely related to the dreamer by family ties. This is a call to those who have received such a sign to choose their words and not allow the dispute to escalate into a large-scale conflict.

If a stranger spits blood at another person in a dream, this symbol is a call for the person to think about his decisions. In the near future, new friends will make him a rather unusual offer. An additional meaning of the dream is an indication of the instability of his reputation. Impulsive actions harm his authority.

Freud's opinion

The brilliant psychoanalyst advised everyone who dreamed of blood to take seriously the interpretation of what they saw. According to the scientist, this symbol for the subconscious has the meaning of the deep layers of the personality, the very essence of the “I”.

Freud believed that seeing yourself or someone else bleeding in a dream is a sign of problems in your sexual life. The symbol speaks of a person’s dependence on sex, his desire to diversify his own intimate life. The main thing is that the person himself takes his novels unexpectedly seriously, which does not happen often.

Additional meanings

If a sleeper spits on a person in his dreams, this predicts a quick meeting with someone who is unpleasant to him. He will find himself in a situation where he will be forced to confront this person, and communication with him for a long time will be irritated and the desire to stop the interaction as soon as possible.

According to the dream book, a stranger spitting blood, thereby leaving marks on the sleeping person, is an indication that the time has come for him to find out how his loved ones are doing and to take care of the safety of his family.

If bloody stains from saliva remain on clothes, you can actually expect a collapse in the financial sector.

Such dreams are also the personification of internal disharmony, which constantly haunts a person. Some interpreters define this symbol as a prediction of meaningless conversations and lost time. This is a warning that whoever sees this sign can tell someone the secret of one person, who will soon find out and, flaring up with anger, will fill the sleeper’s life with resentment and fear.

Miller's Dream Book

Spitting with saliva symbolizes that a person loves to intrigue and be the center of attention.

But if the saliva is completely red, it becomes a negative symbol, personifying the aggression that the sleeper has accumulated over a long period of time and which may soon begin to splash out uncontrollably.

This also predicts the loss of a trusting relationship if blood drips onto the floor in a dream. What is kept secret will come to the surface and cause pain to the partner of the person who sees such a symbol in his dreams.

If the spitting of blood took place during an argument, then this indicates the precariousness of the relationship.

Repentance for committed actions is promised by dreams in which a person wiped away traces of kisses with blood.

See a mouth full of blood

Dream Interpretation Seeing a mouth full of blood dreamed of why in a dream Seeing a mouth full of blood? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a mouthful of blood in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Positive interpretations

Nevertheless, spitting blood also symbolizes positive events.

So, according to the interpreter of housewives, they are a harbinger of a person’s change for the better: he will learn to be collected and manage his financial flows.

In the interpreter Hasse, bloody spitting is interpreted as a good symbol, which promises the sleeper to soon receive interesting news, to be invited to a social event that he dreamed of attending.

According to the lunar dream book, blood on the gums for men predicts marriage in the near future; for the older generation, this sign promises a grandson or great-grandchild.

If a person observes someone else's spitting with blood, this is actually a sign of fortune's smile. The bloody marks on the toothbrushes from the dream have the same meaning, according to Meneghetti’s interpretation.

Longo in his interpreter interprets drool with blood during the waxing Moon as a sign of the embodiment of desires into reality by a well-wisher who has appeared.

General interpretation

In most cases, dreams in which you see blood flowing from your mouth, or experience it yourself, act as harbingers of quarrels in the family, clarification of relations with relatives in the material aspect.

But we should not forget about other possible interpretations of sleep, depending on the details. In a dream you can see:

  • blood coming from a wound in the mouth;
  • blood flowing from the mouth of a dead person;
  • a man spitting blood;
  • a person coughing up blood.

If the dream showed blood oozing from a wound on a cracked lip, then the dreamer should remember all recent conversations with relatives and friends. Most likely, such a dream wants to make it clear to a person that he had the imprudence to offend this or that person with a harsh word.

A dream in which blood came from the gums should cause alarm. Such a dream warns of possible danger in relation to one of the family members. For some time, it is worth giving up long trips from home and being as close to your family as possible.

If in a dream you happen to see blood from the mouth, abundantly accumulated and filling the oral cavity, it predicts discord in the family due to financial issues - a person may face unpleasant conversations about the distribution of property.

Additional Cautions

If a person spits blood, this is a subconscious signal about the improper functioning of any internal organ of the sleeper. Having received such a sign, the best solution would be to contact specialists for examination.

The autumn interpreter points out that bloody drops in the mouth predict the sleeper to lose that person who was very close and dear.

After receiving such a symbol, you should take a close look at your potential partner, since it predicts the possibility that someone will cynically take advantage of the dreamer’s financial situation by getting married to him.

For those with serious chronic diseases, this sign promises a relapse in the near future if terrible dreams with blood in the mouth are repeated constantly.

Actions with blood

Anything you do with blood should be taken personally with a high degree of coincidence and probability.

  • To bleed - haste will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • Seeing blood means happiness and good prospects.
  • Seeing a murder with blood is a harbinger of a big disaster or a whole bunch of minor troubles.
  • Lying in a pool of blood means getting injured, injured, or having an accident.
  • Coughing up blood is a disease associated with or a complication of the lungs and respiratory tract.
  • Trying to stop the bleeding means troubles and intrigues that are becoming increasingly difficult to resist.
  • Spitting blood means experiencing disappointment in family relationships. Your loved ones can anger you to the extreme.
  • Drinking blood means suffering from your own frivolity. You will not be able to calculate in advance the possible consequences of your actions and actions, which you will later bitterly regret.
  • Washing your face with blood means there is every reason to hope for a good future.
  • Washing away blood is happiness. You deserve it more than others.
  • Taking blood means good prospects for the future. Your best hopes will come true.
  • Blood is taken from the dreamer - to experience despondency and melancholy due to forced separation from relatives.
  • To taste blood means to be a participant in unpleasant events. If you like the taste, then you personally will not suffer. If you don't like the taste, what happens will not affect you directly, but will boomerang and affect you indirectly.
  • Fight until you bleed - you should not interfere in a conflict between relatives that does not affect you. Otherwise, you won’t be able to avoid problems yourself.
  • Blood transfusion is a test of empathy and responsiveness. A loved one will find themselves in a situation where they will need your sincere and selfless help.
  • Bleeding - being isolated. A vacuum of communication will help you understand yourself better.
  • Wearing bloody clothes is a very strong surprise, up to a serious mental shock, a breakdown in relationships, etc.
  • Being a blood donor means sorting things out and feeling morally relieved after that.
  • Getting dirty with blood means great personal upheavals lie ahead.
  • Cutting the body and admiring the blood is a contagious disease among family members.
  • Shedding tears of blood means feeling longing for a long-dead relative who is now sorely missed.
  • Lick blood - you need support and protection. You need to meet or just have a heart-to-heart talk with those who love and appreciate you without any conditions.
  • Smear with blood - you will be accused by people who themselves are not worthy of trust or respect.
  • Getting filled with blood is a global catastrophe that cannot be avoided. It will affect many, including you.
  • Drawing with blood is a profit obtained in a not entirely worthy way. The risks and consequences will be too great.
  • To suck blood - to meet relatives or receive an invitation to come visit them.
  • Cooking meat with rare meat means making the right choice.
  • Making blood sausage is a simple family joy among simple, sincere people with an open soul.
  • Enter into an incestuous relationship - you cause an unhealthy attraction in men. You should behave more modestly, reconsider your behavior and style so that you can count on an adequate attitude.
  • Feeling the taste of blood in your mouth means you will soon receive news from your relatives, and maybe their appearance in person.
  • Wiping blood from the floor means the death of close relatives is possible.

In love and friendship

A marriage will turn out to be a disaster if a person dreamed that he was quarreling with his partner and a drop of blood fell on him from the mouth of his loved one.

If you see a stranger spitting blood, you should expect strange proposals from new acquaintances.

If the person sleeping in the dream had clean saliva, this is an indication that he has a sense of responsibility, but if there was blood in it, this is a sign of betrayal by his other half.

If a person had blood on the corners of his mouth, this promises a confrontation with public condemnation in reality.

Blood quantity

The depth, degree and likelihood of the dream being fulfilled depends on the amount of blood.

  • A little (a drop) - there will be a reason to meet or at least call relatives. This could be someone's birthday or a more sad visit, for example to a loved one in the hospital.
  • Average amount (wound, bloody cut) - arrange a warm welcome, a dinner party for guests who are close, if not by blood, then in spirit.
  • A lot (pool of blood) - expect guests to arrive. Very soon your relatives will honor you with a visit. The meeting will be joyful and unexpected.
  • A lot (rivers of blood) is a terrible dream that speaks of a family curse. This is the cause of a series of terrible events that happen to you and around you. It is possible that it is not you who are to blame for this, but your ancestors who passed away many years ago.
  • Blood gushing like a fountain - the birth of an unusual person who will grow up to be a genius and glorify your family.

Family ties

If spitting is painful for a person, this indicates that a loved one of the sleeping person now needs his attention, he may need help.

The presence of ichor in a dream indicates a cessation of communication with mother and father. This sign is a call to restore relationships or maintain them.

If a woman dreams of her child losing a tooth, this is a sign of worry about him in reality.

Bleeding gums promise the beginning of a dark streak in the life of a family.

Seeing a Mouth in a Dream: Idiomatic Dream Book

“Mouth to ear” - mockery, complacency, curiosity. “listen with your mouth open” - interest, surprise. “to silence or muzzle someone” - to hinder, to prevent someone from speaking, from acting. “to prove with foam at the mouth” - argument, vehemence; “look straight into the mouth” - trust, interest, naive delight. “my mouth is full of worries”; “gasp”, “open mouth” (to miss), “there are five mouths in the family” (consumers, burdensome parasites). “Don’t put it in your mouth - bullshit!” - parental moralizing and prohibition; “hair in the mouth” is a nuisance, discomfort, nuisance.

Who spat

To correctly interpret dreams, you need to take into account who the main character was.

If the person himself is spitting blood, in reality he will argue without relying on facts.

A spitting stranger, whose saliva reaches the sleeping person, symbolizes conflicts at work and a quarrelsome team in which it will not be easy to concentrate on work.

If the mother and father were spitting blood, it’s time to take care of them and ask how their health is.

If a spouse's lips are bloody, this is a symbol of his betrayal and plans to leave the family.

The presence of bloody drool on the young girl’s clothes indicates frivolity.


It is also important for the correct interpretation that the dreamer felt while observing the action.

If he was spitting blood and the pain was gripping his neck, this indicates that his enemies are currently preparing intrigues for the sleeping person in order to cause him great harm.

The feeling of fear of what is happening indicates a confrontation between negative and positive feelings in a person. The sleeper will see the result of this battle only after making a series of important decisions.

If his lips burned before the bloody spitting, in reality he would be groundlessly accused.


If the sleeper saw bloody saliva dripping onto the floor, there will actually be many rumors about him.

If you dreamed of apologizing to a stranger for clothes stained with blood, in reality the dreamer will find himself in a difficult situation.

If the sleeper licked ichor in a dream, this is an indication that he leads a meaningless, parasitic lifestyle. This sign is a call for him to think about what this will lead to.

Coughing and noticing blood in a dream promises changes in life: calm will be replaced by bright emotions.

If there was blood on the fangs of the beast, an accident was inevitable in reality.

The presence of ichor in dreams is a harbinger of doubt, as a person's decisions will cause radical changes.

Why do you dream about Mouth // dream book of I. Furtsev

Why do you dream of a mouth with teeth? This is the line between the inner and outer world. The interpretation of a mouth in a dream depends on your state of mind. You are burdened with some kind of oath that oppresses you. You want to speak out, but the promise you made to the person does not allow you to do so.

  • Seeing a mouth in a dream means wanting to share your thoughts with others. The subconscious, therefore, says that there is no need to hide information. It will be more helpful if you share your plans with other people.
  • If you dream of your mouth being stuffed with something, in reality you cannot express yourself or defend your point of view. The lack of eloquence depresses you and puts you in a difficult position.

Visit the dentist

Such dreams before visiting the dentist in life do not carry much significance, since they were a reflection of thoughts.

In other cases, bloody saliva during a visit to the dentist means a sincere story about yourself in life, acceptance of your own essence.

Spitting out a bloody tooth in a doctor’s office means in reality eliminating confrontation, avoiding annoying people around you, and finishing what you started.

The first such dream predicts good luck and profit, and if such a plot appears often in dreams, their interpretation becomes the opposite, negative.


If the sleeper spat out blood after a fight, this symbol has several interpretations. This means good opportunities that a person did not take advantage of in time. According to the second interpretation, he will have great success and receive a substantial sum of money. For a correct interpretation, you need to take into account the emotions of the sleeper: a positive aftertaste after such dreams will indicate a positive interpretation, and a negative one is a symbol of missed opportunities.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga always associated blood with family ties, kinship, and sometimes drew parallels with blood feud. According to the dream book, blood gushing from the mouth is a sign of heavy thoughts about the most pressing and secret topics . If you dreamed of a similar plot, you may be greatly grieving for a recently departed person who was very dear and close to you. Here it is important to let go of the situation, accept everything that happened and moderate your grief. It would be a good idea to visit church the day after sleep and pay tribute to the deceased by lighting a candle.

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