Cracks on the lips: urgently correct them with vitamins and home care

Vitamin deficiency is a term that has become widely used. Today many people talk about vitamin deficiency, but almost everyone has heard about it. At the same time, vitamin deficiency, as a rule, is understood more broadly compared to what medicine understands as this concept. Medicine distinguishes between two pathological conditions: vitamin deficiency - when the body lacks any vitamin (a type of vitamin deficiency in which several vitamins are missing at once is called polyavitaminosis); and hypovitaminosis – when the body lacks any vitamins. In the public consciousness, these two conditions are usually not distinguished, and any deficiency of vitamins is called vitamin deficiency. In fact, vitamin deficiency is relatively rare today; hypovitaminosis is much more common.

Vitamins are organic low-molecular substances vital for humans. Low molecular weight compounds are chemically unstable, so most vitamins are easily destroyed, for example, by heating, or by oxidizing upon contact with air. But at the same time, vitamins are involved in various metabolic processes, and their deficiency or absence leads to metabolic disorders and the development of serious pathologies.

Vitamins enter our body in several ways:

  • with food consumed;
  • produced by normal intestinal microflora;
  • Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Hair loss

It is normal to lose about 100 hairs per day. But if you notice large strands or clumps of hair on your pillow or in the shower, you may be low on iron. You are not alone. This is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. To check iron, the doctor may prescribe LVSS, Transferrin saturation with iron, Complete blood count (CBC/Diff) with leukocyte count without ESR, Reticulocyte count, Ferritin.

If you're a new mom and your hair is falling out like a waterfall, don't panic right away. During pregnancy, hair usually grows faster and thicker. After childbirth, estrogen and hair fall along with it. In a year everything should be back to normal. Iron deficiency after childbirth is quite common.

How to remove cracked lips with nutrition

If you have symptoms of vitamin deficiency, it is first of all important to adjust your diet. Doctors recommend excluding fast food, alcohol, sweets, smoked foods, as well as strong tea and coffee from the diet. To compensate for the deficiency of specific elements, there is a certain set of products.

Vitamin A will help replenish the liver of cod, beef, goose or pork, as well as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and pumpkin.

It is best to look for vitamin E in pine nuts, sea buckthorn, sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, olive oil, broccoli, asparagus, and avocado.

The lack of B2 is compensated by dairy products, whole grains, dark green vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, peas, watercress), as well as eggs, cheeses, and beef liver.

The most vitamin B7 is found in soybeans, sardines, pork and beef liver, rolled oats, barley, wheat, rice cereal, peas, as well as chicken, cod, cottage cheese, and some types of cheese with white and blue mold.

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    Lips are peeling and cracking - how to help them? 10 proven methods and recipes for homemade masks from

B12 can be found in large quantities in offal (pork and beef liver, kidneys), rabbit meat, hard cheeses, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir), seafood, fish (mackerel, sardine, herring).

Vitamin C is found in strawberries, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn, as well as sweet bell peppers, porcini mushrooms, and fresh herbs.

Cereals (barley, wheat, buckwheat), pine nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lentils, and morel mushrooms will help replenish your supply of zinc, selenium, and iron.

Sulfur is included in meat products: lean pork, lamb, beef.

Unexplained fatigue

This symptom fits almost any vitamin or mineral deficiency. It may be time to check your vitamin D levels. This vitamin is unique. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, flu, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, colon, breast and prostate cancer. Plays an important role in regulating mood, sleep and wakefulness, and preventing depression. Increases calcium and phosphorus absorption and promotes bone mineralization. Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle pain, weakness and unexplained fatigue.

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Vitamins B9 and B12 help the body produce red blood cells and chemicals that regulate sleep patterns and mood. When you don't get enough of them, you may feel forgetful, weak, and apathetic.

Causes of dry lips

Very often, dry lips are a sign that the body does not receive the required daily amount of fluid due to insufficient intake.

Cracks most often form on the lower lip or in the corners of the mouth. The causes of cracked lips can be different, but cracks in the corners of the mouth sometimes appear as a result of infection with staphylococcus, yeast, or malocclusion. Methods for eliminating all these unpleasant symptoms may be different. But don’t immediately panic and run to an expensive doctor.

Why do lips dry out in men and children?

Why do the lips of men and children dry out? The main problem is that they use skincare products much less often, including protective moisturizing balms. Therefore, lips constantly dry out and become chapped.

In children, dryness is often associated with dehydration and vitamin deficiency: children do not always monitor the amount of water and healthy foods they consume. Lips become dry when overindulging in chocolate and citrus fruits.

Dryness is also affected by temperature changes: children can spend a lot of time outside without noticing the heat or cold. No less often, lips dry out due to bacterial and viral infections.

Contour plastic surgery with Surgiderm 24XP

But not in all cases, dry lips can be dealt with only with the help of cosmetics or correction of nutrition and habits. If you have age-related dryness, and as a result, loss of fullness, volume and wrinkles on your lips, we advise you to use the possibilities of contouring.

Several injections of Surgiderm 24XP will help correct excessively thin or asymmetrical lips and fill them with moisture from the inside. The drug is based on high-viscosity hyaluronic acid, so the filler is perfect for creating volume.

Moisturizing lips: vitamins, care and home cosmetics

Author Yulia Razumnaya

27.01.2009 17:00

My family

Dry, chapped, flaky lips that you always want to lick are one of the most common problems during the off-season. Painful microcracks can occur for a number of reasons - from a lack of vitamins A and E, from stubborn lipstick, and even from fluoride-containing toothpaste.

Long-lasting lipsticks that promise makeup for several hours. The thing is

Causes of dry lips:

Cosmetologists identify three main reasons:

1. A lack of vitamins A and E can cause not only increased dryness of the lips, but also their peeling and cracking.

2. Fluoride-containing toothpastes have a dehydrating and irritating effect. Their influence is sometimes so strong that inflammation of the skin around the mouth and microcracks in the corners of the lips appear.

3. Long-lasting lipsticks that promise makeup for several hours. The fact is that such lipsticks penetrate deeper into the skin pigment, degrease the skin, and moisture evaporates from the surface of the lips faster.

So how to solve the problem?

Help for dry lips. Vitamins A and E on your table

The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin A (in terms of retinol) is 1 mg. Increase the proportion of vitamin A-rich foods in your diet.

Make carrot salads more often, eat yellow peppers, orange fruits, sea buckthorn, prepare various dishes from the liver, heart and brain.

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Vitamin A is found in products of animal origin: fish oil, butter, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk.

b-carotene (provitamin A) has the greatest activity. It is believed that 1 mg of b-carotene is equivalent in effectiveness to 0.17 mg of vitamin A (retinol).

Apricots, rose hips, black currants, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, celery tops, parsley, dill, watercress, carrots, sorrel, and green onions are rich in b-carotene.

The amount of vitamins changes according to the color of the products in a reddish-yellow color: the more intense this color, the more vitamins in the product.


Excess vitamin A also leads to cracked and rough lips.

Irritation and cracks in the corners of the mouth are often caused by a deficiency of B vitamins, found in fish, eggs, milk, liver, cheese and leafy greens. Other sources include oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, brewer's yeast and wheat bran.

Green Mama cosmetologist-consultant Olga Denisova advises:

“The most frost-sensitive area on our face is the lips. Their skin is very thin and lacks sebaceous glands. Therefore, before going out into the cold, be sure to apply a protective product to your lips.

Green Mama's regenerating and protective lip balm SPF 2 will come in handy both in the scorching heat and in the bitter cold. It softens and moisturizes lips.

If your lips are chapped or chapped, you can use improvised means - lubricate them with honey overnight, and rinse them with water in the morning. Do not use dry matte lipsticks in cold weather; now nourishing and oily lipsticks applied to a balm are more suitable. Do not lick your lips on the street, this will dry them out even more as moisture evaporates from their surface.”

Lip care. Homemade cosmetics

Honey is perfect as a nourishing lip balm at home; hold the honey on your lips for 10 minutes, then you can lick it.

Use vegetable oil as a homemade moisturizer.

“In order to keep your lips smooth and fresh for a long time, it is advisable to wipe them with the juice of some fruit or berries every day,” advises dermatologist Marina Tymchishina.

Apply cream, balm or lipstick before each time you go outside. Hygienic lipsticks and lip creams are an excellent base for lipstick.

Preparations with tea tree oil or Amur velvet extract will help prevent the appearance of herpes.

Twice a week, the cream, balm or hygienic lipstick that you use daily can also be used as a lip mask.

Apply the product to your lips in a very thick layer and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then blot the remaining cream with a napkin.

Cosmetologists advise not to use long-lasting decorative lipstick in winter.

To remove makeup from your lips, use milk to cleanse dry skin, or better yet, cosmetic cream.

If, despite all the precautions, your lips become dry and rough, do not try to remove the loose flakes of skin. Dry, dead skin should be softened with a compress of warm brewed regular black tea.

A lack of vitamins A and E can cause not only increased

Place a cotton pad soaked in tea on your lips for 15-20 minutes.

By the way, if you make a tea compress regularly, the contour of your lips, which usually blurs with age, will remain clear.

After the tea compress, use a soft brush to massage your lips to remove dry patches of skin.

You need to touch carefully. Move the brush up and down. This massage can only be done if there are no bleeding cracks on the lips.

After the massage, you can make a nourishing mask - apply linseed or mustard oil to your lips for 20 minutes.

Read beauty secrets


Vitamins that are responsible for skin condition

There are a lot of them, and they belong to different groups. Let's list the main ones:

  • A. Its task is to “delivery” collagen and elastin to the tissue: substances that slow down the aging process. In addition, vitamin A is also responsible for cellular regeneration;
  • AT 2. Provides lips with protection: they do not crack or peel. Thanks to vitamin B2, regular tissue renewal occurs;
  • AT 7. Promotes regenerative processes of the skin. With enough of it in the body, the skin becomes more elastic, healthy and smooth;
  • AT 12. If there is no deficiency, a person will always have a healthy complexion and tissues in good shape;
  • C. It is a strong antioxidant that stimulates the body’s “production” of its own collagen;
  • A kind of “guarantor” of a healthy cell life cycle. Relieves inflammatory processes, protects against them, helps strengthen the immune system;
  • E. Responsible for proper nutrition of the skin, smoothing wrinkles and slowing down the aging process in general. Like vitamin C, it is a strong antioxidant;
  • Heals wounds, eliminates inflammatory processes, the skin is smooth, does not peel or crack;
  • K. Helps improve overall blood circulation and microcirculatory processes.

If the body lacks one of these vitamins or more, the condition of the lips can deteriorate sharply.

Why do women's lips dry out?

Why do women's lips dry out most often? The problem is choosing cosmetics: the wrong selection of skincare products can cause irritation. Therefore, it is better to choose hypoallergenic products approved by dermatologists.

Also, the condition of the lips is affected by decorative cosmetics, in particular, matte lipstick: it lasts a long time, does not leave marks, but dries out the skin greatly. Therefore, it is worth using a moisturizing balm before applying it. Ideally, switch to using only balm or moisturizing lipstick.

Main reasons

The development of dryness is influenced by several factors - both external and internal.
The result is cracks, dried crusts, and pain when moving the lips. To return the skin condition to normal and get rid of discomfort, you need to eliminate the root cause. Weather conditions largely influence the condition of your lips:

  • due to frost and wind, moisture evaporates faster from the surface of the skin,
  • ultraviolet radiation negatively affects tissues, which causes dryness,
  • due to dry and hot air, the epidermis loses moisture faster,
  • sudden temperature changes also have a negative effect on the skin. This is especially noticeable in autumn and winter, when the warm air in the apartment gives way to cold air outside. The same goes for eating food that is too hot or too cold.

The appearance of dryness is also affected by:

  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking,
  • mechanical impact: biting, licking, pinching (this problem is observed among musicians who play wind instruments),
  • insufficient fluid intake,
  • deficiency of vitamins, most often A and E: because of this, the regeneration of the epidermis is disrupted,
  • pregnancy, when dryness appears due to toxicosis.

This is why lips get dry! However, the problem is not always related to external influences. Sometimes this can be a symptom of serious illnesses.

If dryness does not go away even with prolonged moisturizing, it is most likely due to internal factors. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor and identify the cause.

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