No longer Hollywood: what kind of smile is trending now (expert opinion)


Another star whose smile can be said to be “perfect” is model Irina Shayk. Smooth, a natural light shade, good shape - this is exactly the kind of smile that can be called ideal today. Angelina Jolie, like Julia Roberts, was forced to wear braces as a child and often visit the dentist. However, the effect of such visits was “obvious”, or rather, on a smile. The actress's teeth look natural and well-groomed.

Healthy, beautiful teeth are the key to good self-esteem and self-confidence. After all, nowadays people are greeted not only by their clothes, but also by their smile.

What it is

In fact, the terms “photo bleaching” or “light bleaching” are not entirely accurate. The light itself has no effect on tooth enamel and is not able to in any way affect its color. The technique is based on an active chemical reaction in which light radiation is only a catalyst that stimulates the production of teeth-lightening reagents. The main bleaching agent most often is hydrogen peroxide in high concentration, from which, under the influence of light or ultraviolet radiation, a highly active form of oxygen is formed, which penetrates the dental tissue and whitens them.


  • LED is the safest, since LEDs do not produce a thermal effect on the teeth.
  • Halogen - a lamp with a halogen emitter is used, which provides minimal heating of tissues.
  • Ultraviolet is the most intense type of ultraviolet whitening, accompanied by significant heat generation and heating of the teeth.

Method 1. Express processing

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Description of the procedure

Light teeth whitening is an in-office procedure that, for patient safety reasons, is used exclusively in the dentist’s office. It is carried out in several stages and lasts on average about an hour.

  1. At the first stage, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned of plaque and tartar deposits. After that, the dentist determines the initial color of the enamel using the standardized VITA scale and discusses with the patient the result that he wishes to obtain.
  2. After preparatory manipulations, the patient’s cheeks and lips are isolated for convenience with a special retractor, and the surface of the teeth is dried. The gums are treated with protective compounds. An active gel is applied to the surface of the teeth in a uniform, thin layer. Then the entire dentition is irradiated with a light lamp for 10-20 minutes. The gel is removed and the enamel color is subsequently assessed. If necessary, the manipulations are repeated several times. But the total number of procedures should not be more than six per visit to the doctor.
  3. If the patient is not satisfied with the resulting lightening effect, the cold light teeth whitening procedure can be repeated after a week. During these 7 days, it is possible to use the systems for home use.

Photos of celebrities before and after dentist work

Many Western stars experienced serious problems with the beauty of their smile. In the photo accompanying the article you can see what they looked like before and after the dentists’ work:

  • Actress Scarlett Johansson is forced to wear veneers. Now Scarlett has one of the most beautiful smiles.
  • Matthew Lewis spent tens of thousands of dollars to make his teeth straight and white. Now Matthew Lewis's teeth are his pride.
  • Miley Cyrus wore braces for a long time. This helped make her teeth look beautiful.

Domestic stars also surprise with their beautiful smiles:

  • Dmitry Nagiyev is considered by many to be the standard of a stellar smile.
  • Timati once amazed fans with “golden” dental overlays. Perhaps the rapper previously believed that men's teeth should be exactly like this.
  • Ksenia Borodina managed to achieve a Hollywood smile with the help of veneers.
  • At the same time, Bianca’s dentition, although healthy, cannot be called ideal.

What effect does this have?

Photo teeth whitening is a fairly effective technique. During one visit to the dental office, it is possible to lighten the enamel up to 8-12 shades. But the result itself and its duration are individual for each patient. If a person has a natural yellowish tint to the enamel, then cold light bleaching will be very effective. At the same time, if the surface of the teeth is gray, then this technique will help whiten it only a few shades.

If the cause of darkening of the enamel lies in excessive consumption of coffee, coloring drinks and smoking, then the patient has every chance of returning his smile to its dazzling whiteness. But if the teeth have changed color after taking tetracycline antibiotics or excess fluoride, then the chances of success are minimal.

It is important to remember that about 5% of the population have special tooth enamel that is not amenable to modern whitening methods.

2nd place: Dmitry Nagiev, 52 years old

What has been done: ceramic crowns, dental restoration, veneers. Dmitry Nagiyev takes care of his figure, has developed his own style - he has brought his appearance to almost ideal. The teeth, of course, could have been made more modest, but he really wanted to keep his signature grin.

Expert comment: Dmitry lost almost all of his teeth, it took a long time to eliminate the consequences of caries, several teeth had to be restored or almost the entire outer part had to be restored. The chewing teeth are protected with crowns and have linings. All this cost Nagiyev a tidy sum, but it will last forever.

Cost of a smile : minimum 900 thousand rubles.

Life hack: regaining lost teeth is an expensive proposition. Good oral care can help prevent serious problems. A very wise and necessary investment in your health would be to purchase an electric toothbrush, dental floss, and a tongue scraper.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Unlike laser whitening, the use of cold light does not cause strong heating of tooth tissue and has fewer side effects. But we still cannot exclude the possibility of their occurrence:

  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel for several days after the whitening procedure.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions to the components of the gel.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth as a result of accidental contact with active substances.

In addition, the photobleaching technique, like any other medical procedure, has some contraindications:

  • Age up to 18 years.
  • The entire period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Intolerance to any substances included in the whitening system.
  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.
  • Untreated carious cavities, chips and cracks on the enamel surface.
  • Excessive abrasion of tooth enamel in congenital pathologies.

Main indications for whitening

Usually, enamel is lightened for only one purpose - to give it an aesthetic appearance. Yellow teeth with plaque cause discomfort; a person with an ugly smile may develop complexes that prevent full communication with people.

Sometimes doctors recommend a whitening procedure. For example, in cases where the client requires dental restoration or prosthetics. Thanks to preliminary cleaning of the tooth surface from deposits and stones, the dentist will be able to choose the optimal color of the crown or filling. Fillings installed after professional cleaning are completed last longer and cause fewer problems.

Photobleaching systems

Today, dentists can offer patients several modern in-office techniques for teeth whitening using light. They all have a similar principle of operation, but still have some differences, which we will try to understand further.

Beyond Polus

One of the innovative methods of teeth whitening using cold light. The original design of the Beyond Polus lamp combines two types of radiation: LED and halogen. A unique system of light filters cuts off the ultraviolet spectrum of rays, thereby preventing unwanted heating of dental tissues. Peroxide gel with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 25-40% is used as a bleach. The photobleaching procedure using Beyond Polus technology includes 3 cycles of 10 minutes each with 5-minute breaks between them. The system is able to lighten tooth enamel up to 10 tones. The result appears immediately, but complete color stabilization lasts 14 days. The whitening effect lasts for 9-12 months. A special feature of the technique is a lower risk of increased tooth sensitivity and high safety of the procedure for the patient.

Luma Cool

Luma Cool is an LED teeth whitening system. It uses a safe, cold stream of light from LED lamps that do not heat teeth and soft tissues at all during the procedure. In order to whiten tooth enamel by 5-7 shades, patients undergo 3 eight-minute cycles of applying an active gel based on 35% hydrogen peroxide. Before manipulation, the gums are isolated with a special material that hardens in air in a few seconds and completely protects the soft tissues from the aggressive effects of peroxide. After the whitening procedure, there may be a slight increase in enamel sensitivity, which can be eliminated by using special toothpastes or goes away on its own within 3 days. Teeth whiteness after using the Luma Cool system and with proper care remains for several years.


Whitening with the Zoom system is currently the most popular among patients. The essence of the technique is that a gel with hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth, which is activated by a special lamp, the main spectrum of which is in the ultraviolet range. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the gel and tooth enamel heat up, more intense penetration of oxygen into the dental tissue and whitening occurs. The disadvantages of the system are:

  • Possibility of damage to enamel and soft tissues by high temperatures.
  • Unpleasant sensations.
  • The operation lasts more than an hour.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity for 7-10 days after the procedure.

The Zoom method can whiten teeth by 6-8 shades, the effect lasts 12-18 months.

Many patients mistakenly believe that by performing the procedure once, the achieved results will last for the rest of their lives. Depending on the individual characteristics of the human body, the effect of photobleaching lasts from one to five years. If you follow the rules of dental care and regularly visit the dentist for professional hygiene, your snow-white smile will last much longer.

1st place: Cristiano Ronaldo, 34 years old

What was done: braces on the upper and lower teeth, tooth restoration with composite filling materials, mouthguard. And although Cristiano earned an army of fans with his football play, and not with a snow-white smile, a star of this level has to keep his face.

Expert comment: The football player has come a long way to perfect teeth. It is worth adding that such problems arose due to heredity and unhealthy eating behavior. The braces cost Cristiano about 100 thousand rubles. Restoration of several teeth cost from 5 thousand rubles per tooth. For some time he wore aligners (transparent aligners) for 100-150 thousand rubles. And now he does in-office whitening.

Cost of a smile : minimum 1 million rubles + annual prevention.

Life hack: in order not to let your teeth get into such a state, you need professional dental hygiene at least once a year. This is a professional cleaning during which tartar and soft plaque are removed.

How to maintain the results for a long time

In order for the results of improved aesthetics to last for a long time, special care and careful handling are required. If you have restorations and crowns, veneers and lumineers, you should not bite off excessively hard food. Limit consumption of highly colored foods and drinks. Whitened enamel also needs daily support - use special remineralizing and whitening gels, pastes and rinses. But even if you follow all the recommendations, professional whitening will fade away after 1-3 years. Therefore, veneers or lumineers are the best option.



Types of teeth whitening in dentistry

  • Laser. Using a laser, you can lighten tooth enamel to a color pre-selected by your doctor.
  • Chemical. Chemical whitening involves the use of special pastes with a pronounced abrasive effect.
  • Mechanical. Lightening by brushing teeth. For this, different methods are used: ultrasound, toothpaste, pharmaceutical preparations based on activated carbon, powders, etc. This method helps if dark plaque on the enamel appears from frequent consumption of caffeine-containing drinks, smoking, or after wearing braces for a long time.
  • Endobleaching. The method consists of cleaning the mouths of the root canals from the old filling and applying a whitening gel to the coronal part. It is used for teeth with removed roots and filled root canals, as well as in cases where several external lightening procedures have failed.
  • Photobleaching. A special gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the enamel. This gel is then shined with a halogen lamp, which releases active oxygen, which pushes pigments out of the tooth and discolors them. From time to time the procedure has to be repeated.
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