Customs and signs associated with a child’s first erupted tooth

Usually teeth are not given much importance. This part of the human body, as a rule, is the least noticeable in the life of the body and does not attract much attention. The only case when teeth actually begin to interest a person is when they suffer from some kind of disease, hurt, and require therapeutic measures.

But the situation is completely different with regard to teeth when it comes to small children. If official dentistry is rather dry and does not see a big miracle in children’s first teeth, then popular wisdom treats this phenomenon completely differently.

For a long time, our people have treated teething in babies with special trepidation. Numerous signs and customs are dedicated to this event, based on which, based on the nature of how and when the first tooth came out, one can predict the fate of the child or his mother.

Of course, all this is quite naive, but, nevertheless, extremely interesting and exciting. Let's look at what interesting signs there are associated with the appearance of the first tooth in very recently born babies, what it means if a child was born with a tooth, and some other interesting beliefs and cases.

The appearance of the baby’s first tooth: signs

People have always paid special attention to the appearance of children's first teeth, which is why many beliefs, traditions and superstitions have emerged associated with this event. It was believed that the future fate of the baby and his mother could be predicted only based on the age and where the first tooth appeared.

Signs associated with the eruption of the first baby tooth can have both positive and negative interpretations. Let's start with those that do not portend anything bad :

  • The first tooth erupted earlier than the average , which means that the baby will soon have a brother or sister. In this case, a tooth on the upper jaw indicates a new addition to the family within the next year.
  • If, on the contrary, the first tooth is delayed, it means that the child will be unusual and gifted. He will become a valuable and hardworking employee in the future.
  • A wide interdental gap is interpreted in a funny way . It is believed that in the future these babies will be able to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

There are other, less positive beliefs

It is considered a bad sign if the child’s canine erupts first . In this case, the child was predicted to die soon, linking his fate with evil spirits and evil spirits.

If the first tooth is born, causing the baby great suffering , this may indicate his quarrelsome character in the future. People who are far from superstitions can give this fact a simple explanation. Parents who show excessive compassion for their child, exhausted from pain, begin to pamper him, fulfilling all his whims. The child will immediately get used to this attitude, which may subsequently become the reason for his selfishness.

If teeth do not cause trouble , and appear easily and in a timely manner, this is considered a good sign. In the future, such children will have a pleasant character and it will be easy for them to make new acquaintances and friends. Conversely, cutting through and growing too slowly may indicate communication problems in the future. It will be difficult to establish relationships with such people because of their tendency to scandals and intrigues.

Maternity hospital “teethers”

It also rarely happens that children are born with teeth. Different nations have radically different views on this matter. In medieval Europe, such an event meant only one thing (like many others, especially related to any everyday joys) - the child is a fiend of hell, the heavens are angry when looking at him and he is absolutely forbidden to live. Therefore, such children were often simply put to death.

But not every region of the world was marked by such barbarity. There were also nations in which such a special child aroused joy and admiration and was considered a great success for the parents. In fact, the only trouble it can cause is pain for the mother during breastfeeding.

What to give for the appearance of the first tooth?

The appearance of a long-awaited tooth is considered a big event in the baby’s family. Relatives are trying to mark and remember this event. Everyone wants to give a meaningful and memorable gift that will benefit a little tooth.

Traditionally, when the first tooth was discovered, the baby was given a silver spoon . It should not just be given as a gift, but should be knocked on the milk “recruit” so that in the future they do not get sick and do not cause trouble to its owner. Who exactly will give the gift, according to popular belief, is not particularly important. These could be godparents, grandparents, uncles and aunts.

Regarding silver, everything is obvious here. This semi-precious metal is considered not only the safest, but also endowed with magical properties. It is not for nothing that in church during baptism, the priest disinfects the water with a silver cross.

Giving a child a year's haircut: signs

It is not recommended to cut a child's hair until one year of age. This could bring poverty as well as misfortune. That is why there is a sign and ritual during which a child gets his hair cut at one year old.

To cut a child's hair a year, signs:

  • If you cut your hair before one year, your baby will start talking late. His parents seem to cut out his tongue.
  • The first strand was not thrown away, but kept for life. The remaining curls were thrown into a stream or buried in an anthill.
  • It was imperative to cut the strands to zero. It was believed that the baby's new hair would be thick. But scientists claim that the amount of hair is a genetically determined value and cannot be influenced. It is best for godfathers to cut strands, but not for parents.

A haircut

Newborns with teeth

The birth of a baby with one or more teeth is considered a rather . In this case, the signs vary. In some countries, this is considered a gift of fate , and a newborn with a tooth evokes only positive emotions. In others, it is a symbol of failure . So in the Middle Ages, Europeans feared such children and considered them messengers of hell.

Finishing up after a child: a sign

There is a sign that you cannot finish eating after a child, as this can cause his illness.

Finishing up after a child is a sign:

  • The child will be very weak, thin, and eat poorly. According to another superstition, it is believed that parents shorten the life of their baby.
  • Pediatricians do not see anything wrong with this, because children are often capricious and do not always eat what is offered.
  • However, this may be unsafe for parents, since even a slight excess of the calorie intake can cause excess weight.

Finishes after the baby

Popular signs

As mentioned above, the appearance of the first teeth has always been associated with various signs. Among them, the following are especially popular:

  • How many teeth a baby gets out during the first year of life, how many babies his mother will have.
  • The birth of a baby with one tooth is a good sign for representatives of some countries. They considered such a baby to have great physical strength. In the future, such a child could become an excellent warrior and protector.
  • If teeth grow frequently, without gaps , this is considered a sign that the baby will grow up to be tight-fisted and amorous.

At what age do children lose their first teeth?

According to statistics, the first baby tooth leaves the socket when the child turns 5-6 years old. The process of changing teeth occurs gradually (otherwise babies would not be able to chew).

Various factors influence the age at which a baby’s first molars appear:

  • health of baby teeth;
  • fetal development during pregnancy (the rudiments of teeth appear in the womb);
  • characteristics of the baby’s body.

Customs about tooth loss

The first tooth falling out is considered an equally significant event . There are various customs and traditions that can tell parents what to do in this case.

Our ancestors considered it necessary to throw the first tooth that fell out behind the stove so that the mouse would take it and bring a new, permanent one in return . As a game moment, it was allowed for the child himself to do this. In this case, a throw over the left shoulder was considered a mandatory requirement . This custom was aimed at ensuring that the baby’s teeth changed faster and would not cause trouble in the future.

Today there are practically no stoves left anywhere, so the ancient ritual has been slightly changed. The tooth can be thrown to any other place where the mouse can find it: in the forest or on the field.

Another ritual involves handing over a baby tooth to a brownie through a hearth or fireplace . The brownie had to keep the lost tooth and send a new one in return.

A tradition beloved by modern children, which came to us from other countries, is the transfer of a tooth to a magic fairy. In this case, you need to hide the fallen tooth under the pillow . In the morning, as compensation from the fairy, the baby must find coins to replace the lost tooth. This is just fun, so parents should take care of a nominal fee.

How to celebrate the first tooth and what is customary to give as a gift

Signs when the first tooth comes out, almost everyone agrees that a spoon made of silver should be presented as a gift for such an event. Such a gift must be given at the moment when the first incisor is cut. In the old days, godparents had to buy such a gift and tap it on the protruding edge of the tooth. Such a gesture meant that soon the baby would try a new food, for which he would need to use this cutlery. Today, parents can also buy a spoon.

Having performed such a ritual, the baby is predicted to have strong and problem-free teeth throughout his life. Also, such a gift promises the little person a happy future and consistency in it.

To avoid pain during teething, the silver cutlery must be cooled and applied to the inflamed gums. This action will greatly reduce pain and help the baby calm down.

Our ancestors tried to pay as much attention as possible to their child during this period of his life. It was believed that black spirits could take advantage of a weakened state.

Should you keep or throw away baby teeth?

Keeping or throwing away the first teeth that fall out is a personal matter for each parent . Superstitious people believe that it is better to preserve them. Because discarded teeth can be found by enemies and bring damage or the evil eye to its owner.

Many mothers keep special boxes where they put all the things that remind them of the wonderful events associated with their children. It is in such a box that you can put your child’s teeth, along with the first hairs and a tag from the maternity hospital.

Today, signs and customs associated with baby teeth are gradually fading into the background. Modern parents are increasingly approaching this issue based on a scientific point of view. But no one prevents us from sometimes turning to the traditions of our ancestors, leaving only good signs and customs in the present.

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Is the child worried?

Many parents worry that when their children lose their baby teeth, they will develop complexes. Actually this is not true. Of course, loose and falling teeth bring physical discomfort to children, however, they do not worry about the unaesthetic appearance. After all, most of their friends also walk around with lost teeth.

When a child's first tooth falls out, the baby may be bothered by the socket that appears as a result of tooth loss. The baby's curiosity inevitably develops, and he constantly tries to touch the socket and the growing molar with his tongue (or even his finger) in order to explore new sensations.

Parents definitely need to explain to their child that this should not be done: your hands can introduce an infection into the mouth, which can cause teeth and gums to become sore.

There is no need to worry if ichor comes out of the hole after a tooth falls out. In this case, you need to let the baby rinse his mouth with a soda solution. If the wound is actively bleeding, you can let the child lightly bite on a cotton pad or gauze pad.

Option 4 – give it to the tooth fairy

This tradition has purely American roots, when children put their lost tooth on a beautiful plate, and in the morning a toy, souvenir or some kind of tasty treat appears in it. This technique works especially well for those who had to have a baby tooth removed at the dentist’s office. A little pleasantness allows you to quickly switch from unpleasant sensations to positive thoughts and, accordingly, forget them as soon as possible. Again, a strong connection is formed in the brain between “a tooth fell out and a present.”

It sounds strange, but in practice, children whose parents offer such a mini-performance are less afraid of going to the doctor in the future.

How to determine the gender of a child by signs?

There are many signs regarding determining the sex of a pregnant woman's unborn child. If it is not yet time to do an ultrasound to determine the sex of the child, you can try to find out it yourself. It is believed that a woman who loves meat and a lot of salty and fatty foods is expecting a boy. If a woman prefers sweets, fruits, light foods, and dairy products, most likely she will have a girl.

How to determine the gender of a child by signs:

  • They say that you can determine the sex of a child by the shape of the belly. If it is pointed and sticks out forward, it will be a boy. If the belly is round and flattened, the baby will be a girl. You can learn a lot from a woman’s behavior in the first trimester.
  • If she often feels sick in the morning, there are a lot of female hormones in her body that provoke nausea. Most likely the baby will be a girl. If a woman feels good, cheerful, and her lifestyle has not changed, she will give birth to a boy. However, an ultrasound examination will help you find out exactly the sex of the child.
  • Many signs are associated with some subtleties. It is believed that edema in the first trimester most often appears in women who are pregnant with girls. Conversely, women who are expecting boys may lose weight in the first trimester, because a large amount of fluid leaves the body.

Under no circumstances should you step over a child when he is lying down or sleeping. It is believed that the baby will not grow up. There is some truth in this, since the parent blocks the energy flows of his child. Of course, this is unlikely to slow down the baby’s growth, but it can easily cause diseases that will negatively affect the child’s development. Therefore, he can become thin and weak.

Baby's gender

Can I just throw it away?

From the point of view of superstitious people, throwing away a baby's baby teeth is a bad idea. If you do this, they can end up with sorcerers and warlocks. For dark magicians, children's milk teeth are a very valuable material that can be used in rituals to cause damage, curses and the evil eye.

There is a belief that if a discarded baby tooth is found and swallowed by some animal, the child will acquire the features of this animal in his appearance and behavior. He may have enlarged fangs, instead of a smile there will be a predatory grin, he will become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Therefore, it is forbidden to simply throw away baby teeth, because this can lead to negative consequences.

What should you do with a lost tooth if you don’t want to keep it in your apartment? If the Fairy “took” it, you can bury the tooth in a secluded place. If a child wants to “give” it to the Mouse, he throws it out in the park or in the field.

Most modern mothers do not believe in omens about baby teeth. But you shouldn’t refuse the “help” of the Tooth Fairy or Mouse, who will take the tooth for themselves. These cute traditions will bring a little magic into your baby’s life, calm you down and teach you how to better care for your teeth.

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