Fang - the seal of evil: signs and superstitions associated with teeth, some of which it’s time to stop believing

Baby teeth can “tell” about a child’s future

Every parent wants his heir to grow up handsome, rich and in good health. To understand what kind of future awaits the child, adults paid attention to the condition of his baby teeth.

It was believed that if they erupt for a long time and painfully, the child will grow up angry and scandalous. In principle, this superstition has a completely logical justification. After all, from the first months of life, a baby does not give others peace. This means that it is likely that he will behave even worse in the future.

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And if a baby’s teeth appear very late, the child will grow up talented, successful and rich. If you believe this superstition, parents should not buy nibblers for their children. Babies do not need toys that stimulate teething. The later they appear, the richer and more successful the heir will be. After all, fate must somehow compensate him for this developmental defect. It’s a pity that such a sign is nothing more than a myth.

How can they interfere?

The canines are part of the smile zone, and therefore attract attention, so the incorrect development of these teeth causes aesthetic problems for the owner. Crooked eye teeth detract from your smile, even if the rest of your teeth are fine.

Curvature leads to the formation of malocclusion, and excessive canine size can interfere with the normal development of neighboring ones.

People who have a malocclusion automatically experience health problems: in this case, food is not chewed thoroughly enough, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems with diction can also result from an incorrect bite.

Family planning

In ancient times, people did not use contraception. Women gave birth to as many children as God pleased. But mom and dad still wanted to know how many mouths they would have to feed until the heirs grew up and were able to work. The number of future children was determined by how many teeth the baby would have before one year of age.

But most modern parents do not plan to have a large number of heirs. Therefore, the sign has changed a little. Grandmothers and aunts determine the number of future children by the number of teeth on the upper jaw of a one-year-old baby.

Information contained in numbers

Number 1

Unit, a number that speaks for itself. If you have a 1 in your date of birth, you are a person with strong leadership abilities, and this is the path to loneliness. You cannot have many friends, since your environment is often jealous of you, because you always achieve your goals. You can easily plan and implement your plans, you are characterized by ingenuity. Negative traits: cynicism, dominance, stubbornness, aggression and harsh judgment.

Number 2

These are people who know how to balance between minus and plus. They are excellent companions, they know how to come to an agreement with everyone, as they have insight and a good disposition. They are generous and tactful, but only for those who are their companions. In family life, their negative traits come out. They become quarrelsome, quarrelsome, pedantic and often behave like grumps.

Number 3

An unstable number associated with past relationships intertwined with present events and future changes. Despite the fact that these are natures with a broad soul, high intelligence and financial capabilities, they are rather unstable. They are only interested in the present moment; they are not the type to waste their emotional energy.

Be prepared for the fact that such a person may have an alternate airfield for landing.

Number 4

World order and complete harmony reign here. People who have this number in their date of birth always complete the work they start. They serve as a reliable support for loved ones, they are careful and always rely only on themselves. They can be petty and stubborn, which can lead them to loneliness and poverty, because one is not a warrior in the field.

Number 5

Survive no matter what - this is the motto of the A's. Typical traits for them are: originality, restlessness. These are avid travelers who cannot sit in one place for a long time. They are characterized by impulsiveness, which often leads to trouble. They can be frivolous and irresponsible, often abandoning the work they have started without completing it.

Clean 6

These are sincere and humane people, they will always be on the side of those around them, those who fight for freedom and independence. They are fighters for justice, always on the side of the weak and in need of help. Sometimes they lose their sense of proportion, so they often give everything to the last shirt, believe in decency entirely, and often suffer losses and crises as a result.

Number 7

Highly spiritual people who love to calculate and think things through. They reason logically, without losing their humanity and their own insight. They can give good advice, which is why people often turn to them in difficult situations. They can think outside the box, which leads to independence and often provokes conflicts.

Number 8

Courageous and tenacious people with a rare business sense. You can’t fool them; they will expose the scammers to “clean water.” Loved ones are under good protection, although sometimes they can be subject to strict control. They can be overly arrogant, cruel, and arrogant.

Number 9

Rich imagination, intuition, warmth and generosity are the main features of nines. These are people of the sun who give light, energy and warmth to their surroundings. They can become depressed and selfish. They require independence and detachment.

Fangs are a sign of anger

For any modern mother, the absence of such teeth in a baby is a reason to visit a dentist. But in some African and Asian countries, fangs are a sign of anger.

If the baby's teeth erupt first, the baby and his mother are kicked out of the village so as not to bring trouble to the rest of the inhabitants of the settlement. In some tribes, it is still customary to knock out the fangs of young men so that they behave prudently, do not show aggression, and sorcerers from enemy tribes cannot turn them into animals.

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The main function of the fangs is to tear apart solid food. Due to their structure, these teeth can withstand increased loads that the front incisors cannot. However, the diet of modern people has changed significantly compared to antiquity, so some scientists consider fangs as a vestige. Indeed, we rarely have to bite off pieces of raw meat, so the load on these teeth is small.

Nevertheless, the fangs have retained their structure: on the inside of the crown there is a groove that divides it into two unequal parts. A tubercle stands out on the cutting edge, due to which the tooth has a cone-shaped shape, similar to the teeth of predators.

Some experts express the opinion that relatively soon a person will lose his fangs due to the fact that their functions are not fully used. Whether this is true or not, time will tell, but you need to keep in mind that they also serve as a supporting frame for the facial muscle. When these teeth are removed, the cheeks may sag. In addition, they also affect diction, so their vestigiality is a rather controversial issue.

Strange "seedlings"

As you know, not only children, but also adults lose teeth.

Some superstitious people do not leave lost body parts in the dentist's office, but bury them in pots of violets or geraniums. According to the sign, this will bring good luck and wealth. By the way, it is still customary for gypsies to bury extracted wisdom teeth in the cemetery. Representatives of this people believe that such a ritual brings material well-being.

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Boris Johnson

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced coronavirus infection on March 27. He decided to get tested after he developed a fever and cough - the first symptoms of COVID-19.

On Twitter, the head of government said that he was self-isolating and working from home. He thanked everyone who is helping Great Britain cope with the scourge and noted that the country will defeat the coronavirus if citizens follow the instructions of the authorities.

However, the evening news on April 5 made the British pretty nervous. A number of media reported that the condition of the 55-year-old prime minister was not improving and that, on the recommendation of the attending physician, the politician was taken to the hospital. Later, journalists stated that the head of government, Her Majesty, was urgently hospitalized and was being prepared to be put on a ventilator.

The next day, those around Boris Johnson denied the alarming reports. They called the statement about connecting the prime minister to ventilators as disinformation. The politician spent the night in the hospital comfortably; he still has a fever and a dry cough, his representatives said.

On April 13, the media reported that Boris Johnson had recovered. According to the politician, he was on the verge of life and death.

Pregnancy and tooth loss

For many years, the birth of girls was considered an unpleasant event. But mothers and fathers were very happy about the birth of boys. After all, male children played the role of breadwinners of the family. The expectant mother carefully monitored all the signs that, according to popular belief, indicated the birth of a boy. One of these characteristic signs was considered to be poor dental condition during pregnancy. People believed that the son was “taking” them away from his mother. Experts say that this sign has no relation to reality. And it does not at all indicate that the future baby is male.

Anatomical structure

The anatomy of a human tooth suggests that it is conventionally divided into 3 parts: root, neck and crown. The crown is the part that rises above the gum; it is covered with enamel - the strongest tissue that protects the tooth bone from the negative effects of acids and bacteria. There are several types of crown surfaces:

  1. The facial is the surface on the side of the lip or cheek.
  2. Occlusion is the surface in the area of ​​closure with a paired tooth, which is located on the opposite jaw.
  3. Contact - the surface of the crown, which faces the teeth located in the neighborhood.
  4. Lingual – internal part. It faces the inside of the oral cavity, that is, the surface that the tongue touches during conversation.

The neck is the part that is located between the root and the crown , connecting them, covered with cement and closed by the edges of the gums. The root is the part with which the tooth is attached to its socket. Taking into account the classification type, the root can have one or more processes.


The histological structure of all teeth is exactly the same, but all of them have a different shape, taking into account the specific function they perform.

Enamel. It is a durable fabric that consists of 95% of various salts such as zinc, magnesium, copper, strontium, fluorine and iron. And 5% consists of substances such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins. In addition, the enamel contains a liquid that participates in physiological processes.

At the same time, the enamel also has an outer shell , which is called the cuticle; it covers the chewing surface, but over time the cuticle tends to wear off and become thinner.

Refusal of dental treatment during menstruation

For many centuries, representatives of the fairer sex were considered “unclean creatures.” And during critical days they were forbidden to do certain things. Including dental treatment. Fortunately, such prejudices have long since become a thing of the past. But during menstruation, women usually feel unwell and try to avoid unpleasant procedures. Therefore, they put off visiting the dentist. But if your tooth hurts badly, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Or maybe it's easier to remove?

Sometimes healthy teeth have to be removed to correct a malocclusion, and most often it is the canines that receive this sentence. But if you can do without extraction (in most cases you can), of course, it is better to save all the teeth: they are important both for chewing and for supporting the soft tissues of the face.

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Bite correction: has it always been welcomed?

Today, many people turn to orthodontists to get rid of gaps between their front teeth. But in ancient times people were in no hurry to do this. This feature was considered a sign of happiness and prosperity. However, modern doctors, on the contrary, convince patients to correct this defect. Otherwise, the gap will begin to cause physical discomfort, which is by no means associated with a prosperous life.

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On a note

You should not go to extremes and see any toothache as a serious disease of the internal organs. It could be ordinary caries and nothing more. After all, the cause of caries can be many different or a combination of several factors: past infectious diseases, stress, lack of microelements, metabolic disorders.

During inflammatory processes in the teeth (caries, pulpitis), pain appears so acute that the person immediately grabs the pills and the pain goes away. It turns out that the signal from the diseased organ was never noticed. And the process of destruction does not slow down, foci of chronic infection arise, which can be a source of more serious disorders in the body (sometimes this can even result in a heart attack, meningitis, sinusitis). In order for the body to work smoothly, you need to contact the dentist in a timely manner. And at the same time, we should not forget that after treating a diseased tooth, it is advisable to examine the organs associated with it.


Other interesting signs

Many Russian children heard from their parents that baby teeth should be “given to the mouse.” This is done to ensure that the permanent ones grow strong and healthy. American and European children put their lost tooth under their pillow. They believed that at night the fairy would leave a coin in his place.

According to the superstition, if an adult’s tooth cracks and falls out, trouble awaits the person. In such a situation, superstitious people prefer not to tempt fate. And hold off on serious decisions, plans, events.

If a tooth was knocked out as a result of a fight, the victim, according to the sign, will experience pleasant surprises and positive emotions.

If a person spits through his teeth (especially out the window), he incurs losses and illnesses. It is better to get rid of this unpleasant habit so as not to tempt fate.

A chipped piece from a tooth was considered an unfavorable omen.

It promises problems in the family, conflicts with loved ones or friends.

If a person gets caught in the rain for the first time in a year and hears thunder, he needs to find a stone on the road. And “bite” him. Such a ritual attracts well-being.

To avoid toothaches, according to superstition, you need to take off your shoes first from your left foot and then from your right foot.

If the baby does not develop teeth for a long time, you should cut the kitchen towel with a knife.

Straight teeth

Perfectly straight teeth characterize a responsible, self-confident person who knows how to make smart decisions with the calmness of a Buddha. He has a mathematical mind and a strong desire for success.

Crooked teeth may hint that their owner is an excellent debater

, who is not going to give up his position one iota, does not like to make mistakes and is often overly demanding of himself. He tends to set super-challenging goals that seem unattainable to many, and persistently pursue them. In addition, people with crooked teeth are credited with excellent intuition and the ability to evaluate an issue or problem from all angles.

Is it worth attaching importance to signs?

There are many superstitions that modern people inherited from their ancestors. Today, some people do not attach importance to signs. Other people, on the contrary, take them seriously. Attitude towards superstitions is everyone’s personal choice. But you need to monitor the health of your teeth and oral cavity from childhood.

It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, treat diseases in a timely manner, and observe the rules of hygiene. These activities will help you maintain good health and avoid many problems.

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Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. This god was distinguished by his amazing ability to find a way out of any situation. Young Mercurians are distinguished by their restlessness and mobility. It can be difficult to calm them down. Parents need to make a lot of effort to develop perseverance and attentiveness in an energetic baby.

Those born on this day are lucky in everything - for example, in a difficult financial situation, help can come from a completely unexpected source.

In their personal lives, such people are usually distinguished by being amorous, but at the same time they demand unconditional loyalty from their partner.

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