Why and who gives a silver spoon for the first tooth?

Silver is often given to babies. This is a long-standing custom that has taken root in different countries of the world, including Russia. It was customary to bring a silver spoon as a gift to a baby at a baby’s “teeth” or birth or christening.

Some believed that a silver spoon given as a gift would bring prosperity and wealth, others believed that it should be lightly tapped on the tooth, and then the rest would grow up healthy and strong, and others were sure that silver would help protect the baby from evil spirits.

Nowadays, a silver spoon is given to children according to tradition, and few people know where this custom came from and why such a gift is needed. Let’s figure out why you should give a silver spoon for a “tooth” and how to choose one for a baby.

Why is a silver spoon given as a gift for the first tooth or Baptism?

Silver has always been considered a worthy noble metal, to which mystical properties were also attributed. Some believed that a silver object placed in a baby’s cradle would drive away evil spirits and other evil spirits. Others said that silver attracts good luck and wealth, and still others were confident in the healing power of silver. Be that as it may, in reality, various superstitions have formed into a tradition, according to which it has become customary to give a baby a silver spoon.

Historians find the origins of this custom in medieval England. This is where the famous expression “born with a silver spoon in his mouth” came from. This is what they said about children who were lucky enough to be born into a rich, prosperous family, who had more opportunities from birth. But previously, only rich families could afford to have silverware, and even more so children’s silverware. But the poor also wanted well-being for their children. Hence the custom to choose silver spoons as gifts for babies, regardless of the family into which they were born. People believed that such a gift would ensure a happy and comfortable life for the child.

In addition, they already knew about the “healing” power of metal, or more precisely about its ability to disinfect and kill pathogenic microbes. Therefore, a silver gift for a baby’s first tooth was also a concern for his health.

In Rus', it was customary to lightly tap the first tooth with a given silver spoon so that the rest would grow strong and healthy. Now this may seem a little pointless procedure, but then people believed in it and fed the child with a silver spoon.

How to choose the right gift

Before purchasing a product for a child, pay attention to the following points:

If you are planning to give a spoon for a year, it makes sense to order an engraving with the child's date of birth.

Giving a silver spoon to a child is an ancient and very common tradition. Believers put a sacred meaning into it, while the secular public puts a more utilitarian meaning into it. Whatever the purpose of choosing a gift, the most important thing to remember is the safety of the baby.


Who gives a silver spoon for a baby's first tooth?

Now anyone can give a silver spoon to a baby. And earlier, when the tradition was strictly observed, only godparents could present such a gift. In rare cases, this could be the mother, since she is the first to notice the erupted tooth.

Nowadays, the custom of choosing godparents and the rite of baptism itself is often neglected, considering it unnecessary. Therefore, anyone can give the child the first spoon at the parents’ choice - themselves, grandparents, close relatives and even family friends. Today this is not so important, the main thing is that the gift is given with love and from the heart.

What to give for the first tooth, besides a spoon?

The tradition of giving a silver spoon can be easily modernized. For example, engrave with the child's name, date and even birth weight. But many people don’t like the idea of ​​buying a spoon - it can be an expensive and sometimes useless gift. There are plenty of other options.

Teether. During teething, it becomes an absolute necessity. Teethers are needed to massage the gums, since the process of teeth appearing is accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations. You should not neglect them: if you do not give your baby a rodent, he will put everything in his mouth and can damage his gums and cause infection.

Therefore, it is so important to choose a teether that is suitable for the child’s age, of high quality and made from safe materials. There is no need to worry that the baby’s parents have already bought one – there are never enough chewers for teeth


It will never be redundant. Small children grow before their eyes, so it has to be changed very often. Romper suits, baby vests, caps, socks and sandals will definitely come in handy around the house. “Perishable” items that need to be changed frequently, such as bibs and pacifiers, also make good gifts. If you know how to knit, you can make knitted booties or overalls for walking. Another option is to give your baby “going out” clothes, be it a formal suit or a festive dress.


Rattles, educational games and construction toys - the child will definitely need all this, and you will save parents from unnecessary expenses. Many, by the way, prefer to receive just such gifts - they are practical and useful.

Children's cosmetics.

An excellent solution would be a set of children's cosmetics. Choose only proven brands, don’t waste your time on trifles: the products usually last a long time, so their effect on delicate children’s skin will be long-lasting. If you know that your mother is a fan of organic cosmetics, then it would be a good idea to purchase organic baby products for the baby as well.

When you give a silver spoon

For teething, birth and christening - on these holidays a spoon was given as a gift according to tradition.

  • At birth, a silver spoon is most often chosen and given by the parents themselves, wishing their child happiness and prosperity in life. At the same time, it was believed that it was necessary to say when donating “... so that this small silver spoon will serve as the beginning for a large family set of silver.”
  • The godparents presented the gift at the christening. In most cases, tea spoons with a religious theme were chosen, for example, with the image of Jesus, an angel or a cross. It is believed that the tradition of giving a spoon at christenings dates back to the Bible, when the wise men came to little Jesus with gifts. So our ancestors believed that a christening gift accustoms the child to accept holy gifts in the future.
  • Parents, godparents or close relatives gave gifts for the tooth. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, silver became a useful gift for a child. After all, as soon as the baby’s teeth erupt, the baby is fed, and for this he needs a separate, his personal spoon. A silver spoon, thanks to the bactericidal properties of the metal, helped to disinfect the baby’s oral cavity.

History of the tradition

In the modern world, silver cutlery is available to a wide range of people, but this was not always the case. In ancient times, this metal was very highly valued, and coins made from it served as currency in many European and Asian countries.

For a long time, only rich feudal lords and monasteries could afford silver dishes and cutlery. But after the industrial revolution, these products dropped significantly in price and became available to the people. In those days, namely in the 18-19th century, this tradition originated.

They began giving a silver spoon at christenings in England, and gradually the custom spread to other countries. In the Russian Empire, such products were expensive. If one of the peasants managed to get hold of a silver cutlery, it became a family heirloom. The spoon was kept in a separate box, rarely used for its intended purpose and left as an inheritance for the child.

The high cost of silver and the presence of ritual objects made of this metal in the church sacralized this product in the minds of the people. He was treated with great reverence and was highly valued. Not every family could boast of having a silver spoon.

Who should give

In the Orthodox tradition, godparents must bear almost all expenses for the ritual. It is believed that they should give the godson a special towel in which the baby will be wrapped after the completion of the ceremony, a pectoral cross, a chain, a shirt or a vest. Recently, a silver spoon has also been added to this list.

Godparents can split the cost between them and donate all these items or agree on who will buy which item. However, the church does not dictate strict rules regarding this custom.

Very often, cutlery is given to the child by close relatives, for example, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older sisters and brothers. In some Western European countries, this is considered a task for parents. They are the ones who should take care of the health and well-being of the baby.

The list of those who can buy a baby a silver spoon is not limited to the family. These could also be friends, co-workers and close people of the parents.

Recommendations for choosing a silver spoon for children

Nowadays it’s not difficult to choose a silver spoon for your baby. Jewelry stores and online stores are replete with various silver cutlery. And we’re not even talking about the workshops where they will make you a spoon of any shape and size to order.

But this is precisely what makes the choice so difficult. Those who have never chosen silverware for a baby often have no idea where to start or which spoon to choose.

Here are a few things to pay attention to:

  • When choosing, make sure that the device does not have sharp edges or small elements. It will be safe for the child.
  • Choose a silver coffee spoon or exclusively a souvenir item. Their size is small - 10-13 cm. You can feed your baby with a coffee spoon.
  • Choose only high-quality metal, silver of the highest standard, since the health of the child depends on your gift.
  • Buy only from trusted stores that are ready to provide the necessary certificates for the product.
  • Traditionally, it is customary to choose silver spoons of different designs for boys and girls.

Silver spoon for a girl

For a girl, you can choose interesting and original spoons. Usually these are products with a lace pattern, images of a butterfly, bows or a portrait of a girl. If a spoon is given as a gift for a christening, then an Orthodox theme is chosen - angels or images of the cross or the Mother of God.

Silver spoon for a boy

Boys also have their own designs on silver spoons. As a rule, these are classic images of bears and stars. For baptismal gifts, spoons with the ornament of a cross, chapel or image of Jesus are chosen.

Spoons for both boys and girls can be made of pure silver, gilded or decorated with precious stones.

Traditions and signs

The life of our ancestors was full of various traditions and peculiar signs. So, in ancient times, it was believed that if the first tooth “came out” too early, then there would be another baby in the family, but if, on the contrary, it was too late, the child would be talented. Well, when the process of teething was long and painful, they expected the baby to have a capricious character.

And, of course, according to tradition, they always tapped the first tooth with a donated silver spoon so that the rest would grow healthy.

Types of spoons for godchildren

You can now find a huge number of silver spoons for baptism or for the first tooth. The variety makes your eyes wide open and it is very difficult to choose something specific right away. To make your choice easier, we will tell you what types there are and their differences.

So, firstly, the product differs in weight and size - you can roughly find:

  • small spoons (they play the role of a souvenir and do not exceed 6-8 cm in length; you won’t be able to eat with such a spoon);
  • medium, coffee spoons (their weight ranges from 11 to 19 g, this type is also more decorative than practical);
  • standard teaspoon size (weight more than 23-25 ​​cm, ideal for starting complementary feeding);
  • large spoons corresponding to a dessert spoon (weight more than 35 g, suitable for older people, can be considered as an option, but keep in mind that they will be heavy for a child; this can be given to an adult who has decided to be baptized).

Perhaps the most important thing is to decide on this criterion, which directly depends on the purpose of your gift - decorative or practical. After that, you can think about other characteristics.

Images of the faces of saints and other religious subjects

If you are a respectable Christian, then, of course, you will be attracted to silver spoons, the handles of which depict various Christian subjects. As a matter of fact, it is precisely the presence of symbolism that distinguishes ordinary silver spoons from those that are customary as gifts for baptism. As a rule, any subjects are depicted either by skillful embossing on silver, or by using enamel (enamel is allowed, provided that it is on the handle of a spoon - parents simply will not give it to the baby until they are sure that he understands where to bite it is forbidden).

On the spoon there can be the faces of patron saints (it’s usually not difficult to choose by name, but you need to use not the worldly, but what is given at Baptism), the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, scenes from the Bible, Angels, Apostles. From the simpler, but no less significant and beautiful - angels, Christian crosses, Christianity, bells, cathedrals and churches.

Decorations and engravings

The Church does not prohibit decorating silver spoons with any Christian designs. He even welcomes you, because the child will look at beautiful drawings and faces with his own eyes and cultivate respect for faith.

To prevent the spoons from seeming too serious, you can decorate them with skillful carvings, all sorts of decorations (flowers, birds of paradise, butterflies) and simply beautiful monograms. But you should give up inlaying with stones - no matter how hard the craftsmen strengthen the stone, children run the risk of simply picking it out.

You can also purchase a spoon without any decorations, or with minimal inclusions. But this spoon is more suitable for adults than for children.

Engraving is not prohibited. It is recommended to include the child's name and/or a simple prayer. Let the first words that the baby consciously sees be words of appeal to God.

For boys

Boys are dynamic and active; they cannot sit still. You should not give them spoons with complex, intricate patterns. It is better to choose something simple, without pretentiousness. A simple coinage in the form of an icon, a patron saint or a cross is the best option that is suitable for boys. Another interesting point: boys are more picky than girls. Therefore, you should not choose options for them in which the design is located on the concave part of the spoon - they may simply refuse to eat with it!

For girls

Girls love more detailed drawings; they can spend hours looking at a story from the Bible, or a delicate, skillful engraving. More monograms, birds, butterflies, hearts - this is what a grown-up baby will like. An option with a beautifully engraved name is a win-win for children of both sexes. Writing a name makes the item more personal and special, which kids love.

Important! If you are timing your gift to coincide with the Sacrament of Baptism, then it is still better to choose more traditional, canonical subjects and Orthodox saints. For the first tooth, you can move away from the topic and choose a more frivolous gift.

Benefits of a silver spoon for a newborn

Silver is not only a noble and precious metal, but also useful. Its properties to destroy germs and bacteria and disinfect water have attracted people since ancient times. For this, the metal was credited with healing powers and a magical effect on the human body and soul.

Therefore, for a newborn, a gift in the form of a spoon became not just the first expensive product, but also the first necessary and useful thing. During the teething process, parents begin to feed the baby, and it is much safer to do this with a silver spoon. Silver destroys most harmful bacteria and has an antiseptic effect.

About the benefits of silver

A donated silver item is considered a powerful amulet. Among other things, the metal itself has strong antiseptic properties. Moreover, its ions can quickly destroy a number of dangerous pathogenic microorganisms. We are talking about streptococci, salmonellosis, staphylococci.

Silver was used when it was necessary to disinfect water during epidemics:

  • typhus;
  • cholera;
  • dysentery.

During the teething period, babies usually begin to put into their mouths everything that comes to hand. It is at this moment that the risk of infection increases significantly, because things are often picked up from the floor.

The children's silver spoon has multiple effects here. In particular, it allows:

  • disinfect the oral cavity;
  • cool sore gums;
  • reduce itching.

Children fed artificial formula are especially vulnerable to microbes, because the food they receive is exclusively sterile, which means their immunity is not able to resist. In this situation, boiling water with silver will improve the child’s digestion and prepare him for more adult foods.

Proper care of a silver spoon

In order for a silver spoon to retain its original appearance for many years, it should be taken care of, just like any other silver item.

  • Store silver separately, especially from steel or other hard metals, to avoid scratching the surface.
  • Wash regularly with warm soapy water. If a dark coating appears on the spoon, you can remove it with ammonia.
  • Do not use any abrasive substances to clean your silverware or place it in the dishwasher. This will cause serious damage to the appearance of your silver items.
  • To store silverware, use a separate drawer, after placing a soft cloth there.

How much does a spoon cost now?

Silver spoons intended for children are generally quite expensive. But since this gift is presented only once in a lifetime, it is better to come to terms with the need to incur significant expenses.

The price is largely influenced not so much by the weight of the precious metal, but by the work of the craftsman. The thinner the product is, the more they ask for it. Those interested can easily find budget options for 1,500 rubles, but they usually have a very ordinary design and look trivial. For 2.5-3 thousand rubles. you will receive a high-quality device of rather fine workmanship.

How to choose a spoon depending on the gender of the child

Jewelry retail chains and private workshops offer a wide range of silver spoons of different sizes and designs. You just need to choose a product to your liking. However, an individual gift looks more interesting and significant. Children's silver spoons and personalized engraving, patterns or symbols will not only decorate the gift, but will also transform it into an address one.

You can individually design a product intended for a boy or a girl. For future men, this is a strict pattern with the image of a bear, a car, and other things, and for the baby, the future lady, preference is given to ornate monograms, floral patterns, butterflies, and dolls. Some design the engraving in the form of a portrait of a baby.

It is important to note that if the child is baptized, it is desirable to have Christian attributes on the product (cross, face of Jesus, angel). The main thing is that the small spoon is not overloaded with an abundance of patterns, symbols, etc. Conciseness should be observed.

From a medical point of view

Silver dishes are not only attractive in appearance, but also beneficial for health. Modern medicine has long proven the fact that silver ions destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Silver has disinfecting properties, and its effectiveness is many times greater than the popular but unsafe chlorine and lime.

Among folk recipes, the use of “silver water” is very popular. It is obtained by soaking silver items in water for many hours. The liquid is used to prevent colds, improve general condition and strengthen the immune system.

What else do you give a baby besides silver?

If the tradition of giving a child a silver spoon for his first tooth seems old-fashioned, you can modernize it and order a spoon engraved with the name or date of birth. Or order it with a modern style design applied to the enamel. You can choose another useful gift for your baby. There is no shortage of choice; when you go to a children's store, everyone will choose the best option:

  • You can give toys and rodents. They will always come in handy, any child will be happy with them. You don’t have to worry about making a mistake with such a gift—you can never have too many toys.
  • Clothing and children's cosmetics are the most relevant and necessary gifts. The choice in the store is very large, you can choose something for every taste, and parents will be grateful, because this is the first item of expenditure for a young family.

An interesting solution would be handmade products. You can order them online with home delivery or go to a special store:

  • A diaper cake with a surprise inside, especially one made by yourself, will be a great gift. Inside you can put baby cosmetics, diapers or anything else your baby needs.
  • Parents will be pleased to receive a handmade photo album made by a master especially for their child.

If you don't know how to create your own creations, that's okay. Buying such original items is not a problem; now on the Internet there is a large selection of craftsmen working to order.

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