Electric toothbrush: benefits, cleaning effectiveness, contraindications

Beautiful teeth are a guarantee of health Total body. One of the conditions their good condition is compliance oral hygiene.
This is facilitated by high-quality and regular teeth cleaning.

An electric toothbrush can clean them much more efficiently and quickly than a regular manual toothbrush.

Electric brush: pros and cons, pros and cons. It penetrates into the most inaccessible corners of the oral cavity, affects the enamel coating more evenly and accurately maintains the duration of the procedure .

Reference! Over more than a quarter of a century of operation of these devices, reliable information has been obtained about their beneficial effects on teeth, reducing dental diseases and reducing the risk of caries.

What is an electric toothbrush?

A distinctive feature of this product are moving or vibrating elements.

Classic shape brush with rechargeable battery and charge indicator

Devices are divided into several types. The differences are in the following characteristics:

  • type of movement - vibrating bristles or rotating head;
  • power type - battery or little finger battery;
  • speed of movement of the bristles - classical, sonic and ultrasonic.

In addition, there are brushes created specifically for a certain category of people (children, adults, people with gingivitis, etc.).

Children's brush

Unlike a regular toothbrush, an electric toothbrush removes more plaque. The most modern ultrasonic models are capable of removing plaque even at a distance of 5 millimeters.

They do a great job with problem areas between teeth and allow you to brush your teeth much faster.

The effectiveness of an electric toothbrush lies in its special effect on remote and hard-to-reach areas of the dentition. But if a person suffers from hypersensitivity or dental disease, then using the device may be contraindicated.

Possible variations of devices with a classic shape

A little bit of history

If the history of a regular toothbrush goes back more than a million years, then its electric version appeared relatively recently, in 1954, in Switzerland. Thanks to the ingenuity of Dr. Philippe Guy Voog, the world learned about the first corded toothbrush under the Broxodent brand. This device was mainly used by patients with hand motor disorders or those who corrected their bite with braces. However, already in the early 60s, General Electric introduced a cordless, battery-powered toothbrush that anyone could use. Over the next decades, perhaps, only the lazy did not conduct experiments on this device. Until 1998, about three thousand electric models were patented. The development of this indispensable device continues to this day. Innovative brushes of the latest generations can clean teeth in 10 seconds or teach children the rules of hygiene while listening to music. I wonder what miracle devices await us in the near future?

In what cases can it be used

Indications for use are the following conditions:

  • periodontal diseases;
  • presence of braces;
  • the presence of dentures and crowns.

A person with absolutely healthy teeth can also brush their teeth with an electric toothbrush. However, it is worth consulting with a dentist: a specialist will definitely tell you about the advisability of using an electric brush, based on the individual characteristics of the person.

Experts recommend paying more attention not to the brush, but to the method of cleaning your teeth. It is important to perform all the steps correctly and devote enough time to this procedure.

Even with an electric toothbrush, you won't be able to get to the plaque between your molars if the wrong brushing technique is used.

Before you start using the device, you should carefully study the list of prohibitions. An electric toothbrush has contraindications that are not recommended to be ignored.

When it is prohibited to use

There are a number of contraindications that prevent you from brushing your teeth with an electric brush. It cannot be used:

  • after operations in the oral cavity;
  • with stomatitis;
  • with severe tooth mobility;
  • with hypertrophic gingivitis.

An electric toothbrush has no contraindications that would accompany a person throughout his life. All pathologies can be eliminated, after which you can start using it. If a person experiences discomfort when brushing his teeth, then he should stop using vibrating brushes.


The price for such a device starts from 1,500 rubles and can reach 4,500–8,000 rubles. The cost will depend on the type of head movements, the number of cleaning modes, replaceable heads, the type of power source, as well as the manufacturing company. More expensive models have extensive functionality, but this does not mean that they are better than affordable brushes. The last thing you need to consider when choosing an electric toothbrush is cost. The main thing is to choose the one that will be convenient for you.

Benefits of using an electric toothbrush

The benefit of this device is that it is possible to remove plaque much faster and more efficiently. This is an excellent prevention of caries. Electric toothbrushes work better on the cervical area of ​​the teeth (the area between two teeth where tooth decay most often occurs).

In addition to more effective cleaning, the product helps fight simple gingivitis. With regular use, it is possible to get rid of severe bleeding gums. After the disease is cured, the effect of vibrating bristles on the gum area will prevent gingivitis.

Devices operating at ultrasonic frequencies manage to destroy dental plaque, including tartar and other cosmetic defects. This allows you to keep your teeth in excellent condition without the need for professional cleaning by a specialist.

The product, which operates at an ultrasonic frequency of over 20,000 Hz, creates more than 2 million movements per minute. This allows you to effectively get rid of the most difficult deposits and heavy plaque. It is advisable to use the ultrasonic mode only when necessary, so as not to harm the enamel. After purchasing an electric brush, you need to carefully study the instructions.

What harm can an electric toothbrush cause?

Some dentists have a negative attitude towards this type of device. An electric toothbrush can actually harm teeth if a person uses it incorrectly or does not consult a specialist before purchasing it.

The main negative effect of using this product is the thinning of tooth enamel. If a person has problems with enamel (fluorosis, demineralization), then the aggressive effects of the device will harm it. This will not happen if the choice is made in favor of a product with soft bristles.

In other cases, harm is caused only if a person has not studied the contraindications for use. When used for infectious periodontitis or after oral surgery, an electric brush has a negative effect. It can complicate the course of the disease or interfere with the healing process after the intervention. The best solution to the problem in the presence of an infectious inflammation or wound is to postpone using the product for a short period of time.

Problems can also arise if you do not change the brush head for a long time. Even with proper storage, a huge number of microbes accumulate on it over time, which, when vibrating, will actively spread throughout the oral cavity. In addition, the fibers wear out and lose their effectiveness. This element needs to be replaced on time. It is recommended to do this at least once every 3 months. If desired, replacement can be made more often.

Benefits of use

Among the obvious advantages are:

  • more effective cleaning;
  • cleansing of pigmentation that arose due to bad habits;
  • comprehensive cleaning of the entire oral cavity;
  • fight against tartar;
  • less time spent.

Thanks to more effective cleaning, it is possible to spend much less time on the procedure in the morning and evening. Also, when using an electric toothbrush, the entire oral cavity is cleaned, including the gums.

A wide range of different types of replacement heads will help you choose the right option

Depending on the type of brush, there may be more or less benefits. Professional options have wide functionality, but cost a lot of money.

To get the maximum benefits, you need to entrust the choice of product to a professional. If you contact your dentist, he will be able to advise you on the type of device you need, based on the individual characteristics of your teeth, gums and the entire oral cavity.


If there is a problem with factory non-compliance with standards, the brush is replaced with one of similar cost. Some stores will refund the amount paid.

The warranty period is usually 2 years, but some devices remain under warranty for 1.5 years.

If the device was subjected to unusual mechanical stress, was kept in improper conditions, or was used for purposes other than its intended purpose, the store will not replace spare parts free of charge.

If the service center, during diagnostics, determined that the breakdown occurred due to premature wear of the device parts, then free repairs within the framework of the provided warranty occur within one week.

If the replacement of a part takes longer than the specified period, contact the central service center to resolve the situation.

Self service

If the product is no longer under warranty, but a breakdown has occurred, then contact the service center. If they cannot help there, then use the services of the repair center of the store where the purchase was made.

In this case, troubleshooting work costs money, but it turns out to be much cheaper than buying a new unit.

When the breakdown is not serious, repair work is carried out independently.

Failures that at first glance seem simple can pose an additional threat (poorly executed insulation, direct electrical connection of the battery and charger wires).

Sometimes you just need to replace a worn-out part. It will not be possible to find the necessary component in a regular store, since this is a specific product. But some spare parts are ordered online.

It is better to trust service centers in this matter, since the device requires special equipment and skills to fix the breakdown.


The product has advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage of an electric toothbrush is its high cost. You will need to periodically change the head with bristles, which also costs a large sum.

In addition, the following disadvantages of the device can be identified:

  • inability to use for certain dental diseases;
  • abrasion of enamel when brushing too hard.

The ultrasonic type of devices has its drawback, which is that fillings, restorations and veneers can be damaged during cleaning. Therefore, the ultrasonic cleaning mode must be used with great care. Any ultrasonic electric brush has the ability to turn on and off the enhanced operation mode.

The product has far fewer disadvantages than advantages. This suggests that if you have free funds and a desire to closely monitor oral hygiene, purchasing an electric toothbrush is a good decision.


Important: You should choose devices from trusted manufacturers, products from which dentists recommend using.
Among the popular brands of electric brushes, devices from the following manufacturers have proven themselves well:

  1. Oral-B;
  2. Philips;
  3. OMRON;
  4. Panasonic.

Each of them has a wide selection of devices in different price categories, which will allow you to choose an electric brush for any budget. More information about models, manufacturers and what

a modern
electric toothbrush
in the article

How to use it correctly

To minimize the disadvantages of using an electric brush, you need to use it correctly. An important point is that you should not press the product on your teeth during the cleansing procedure, otherwise you can harm the enamel. Every person has the ability to regulate the pressure. When using an electric toothbrush, there is little to no pressure required.

How to use any brush correctly

People spend very little time on the back row of teeth and the inside of them. This is a big mistake. Because of this, caries and other diseases often develop.

You need to thoroughly clean the space between your teeth and don’t forget about your gums.

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