Papilloma on the frenulum of the tongue: causes, symptoms and treatment

Despite the fact that the mucous membrane is quite resistant to various types of disorders, there are times when blisters, plaque, cracks or ulcers appear on it. Any manifestations indicate some kind of abnormality, some may be completely harmless and go away on their own, others cause significant discomfort, making it difficult to speak and eat. They indicate the presence of quite serious problems. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease after studying the test results.

In addition, if there are disturbances in the digestive system or if an infection penetrates, the color of the mucous membrane may change. For example, in patients with diabetes mellitus, dry mouth may develop and red spots may appear, this is due to a disruption in the functioning of the salivary glands.

Very often, the development of a ball under the tongue indicates the presence of a ranula - this is a painless vesicle containing fluid. It is easily destroyed, but nevertheless quickly forms again. During an exacerbation of the chronic stage, ranula has the appearance of an inflamed dense nodule, and the period of relapse can range from one week to several months, followed by a stage of remission.


The presence of a ranula under the tongue indicates a formed cyst; this pathology is common, and various factors can cause its development. This indicates a disruption in the release of salivary fluid.

When the outlet narrows, secretion is produced, but cannot be excreted in full, this leads to the development of an inflammatory reaction, and in more advanced stages, saliva may not be released at all.

A narrowing of the opening can occur due to a plug (stone), caused by injury, or due to thickening of the salivary fluid or a change in its composition. A characteristic feature of the disease is that in the absence of necessary therapy, the cyst tends to gradually grow, causing increasing discomfort to the patient; in addition, the risk of complications increases.

What could be a growth on the gum?

The following factors can lead to decreased saliva production:

  • Pathologies of the mucous membrane of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature (oral candidiasis, stomatitis, herpes virus, glossitis and others). These are called primary infections.
  • Autoimmune disorders of the mucous membrane - pemphigus, which manifests itself as small blisters, the disease is caused by pathological microflora. In the absence of timely treatment, it often ends in death of the patient.
  • A developed tumor that compresses the gland.
  • Injury to the mucous membrane - can be caused under various circumstances: a toothbrush, fork or other sharp object, fish bone, teeth, braces and others. This also includes thermal and chemical burns.
  • Syphilis is a secondary infection, the appearance of a bubble as a concomitant symptom of the main pathology.
  • Serious mechanical trauma - dislocations, fractures of the jaw, which lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin; an infection penetrates through them, causing an inflammatory reaction.
  • Lipoma is a benign tumor that is most often localized on the sublingual or posterior zone of the tongue. In appearance they are round or flat. This neoplasm is characterized by an asymptomatic course in the first stages of development and slow growth. As the bladder grows, more and more discomfort occurs because the swelling interferes with speaking and eating. Treatment is carried out surgically.
  • Papilloma can form in any area, including the sublingual. The vesicle is lighter in appearance and often painful. The causative agent is the human papillomavirus. It is provoked by a sharp decrease in immunity, which can be caused by drinking alcohol, excessive smoking, psycho-emotional stress and other factors.
  • Boil - easily differentiated from other pathologies, since a red lump quickly forms, in the center of which purulent exudate develops. A characteristic feature is severe pain, which subsides after the abscess breaks through. Opening the pathology on your own often leads to infection and blood poisoning.

A number of minor factors are also highlighted:

  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Exposure to nicotine leads to thinning of the mucous membrane, making it more vulnerable.
  • Unhealthy eating.
  • The presence of scars on the frenulum of the tongue after surgical interventions.
  • Long-term infectious processes at the level of the whole organism.
  • Insufficient oral and hand hygiene
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Thyroid diseases .

All such factors lead to blockage and narrowing of the passages of the salivary glands; if a cyst is observed, then it is removed surgically.


The symptoms of a neoplasm directly depend on the cause of its occurrence. With any injury, one bubble most often forms, and it may not differ in color from the mucous membrane, sometimes with redness, and an accumulation of blood may be observed - this is a hematoma, it occurs with more severe injuries.

Typically, such blisters do not cause problems with treatment and go away on their own. But with severe injuries with an extensive hematoma, the risk of the development of pathogens with subsequent inflammation increases, since this is a very favorable environment for them.

If the neoplasm has formed as a result of an acute lack of vitamins, then when the diet is normalized and a complex of vitamins is taken, the mucous membrane is restored and the ball disappears. There is no pain syndrome in this case.

For what reasons does a lump appear on the roof of the mouth?

With the development of ranula, a dense capsule is observed, which gradually increases and leads to complications in nutrition and speech function. Diagnosis and surgery are carried out by a specialist.

Pemphigus is characterized by easy peeling under mechanical stress and palpation. When you press on the lump itself, it enlarges, and erosion is observed around the perimeter.

Stomatitis manifests itself in the form of ulcers and redness, while patients complain of pain that intensifies while eating.

What does papilloma look like on the frenulum of the tongue?

Photo of papillomas on the frenulum of the tongue

The frenulum of the tongue is located in the middle of the organ and continues it, only in case of anomalies it is located closer to its end, and in this case the diagnosis of “ankyglossia” is made. Here, papilloma can appear both above and directly below it. In such a situation, a person usually experiences some discomfort, which intensifies while eating.

The following types of papillomas can grow on the frenulum of the tongue:

  • Filiform . They do not come into close contact with the skin, connecting to it only through a thin stalk. Because of this, as a result of mechanical or chemical action, such growths often come off, which entails discomfort and bleeding. The size of this type of papillomas ranges from 0.3 mm to 1 cm.
  • Genital warts . They can mainly be seen on the genitals, but there is a possibility of such papillomas appearing in the oral cavity on the frenulum of the tongue. These formations are very easy to recognize due to their pronounced, uneven surface covered with numerous nodules. On average, their size is 1-2 cm, which makes this type of growth the largest. Their color is usually deep red, and the boundaries are not clear.
  • Flat . Such neoplasms appear mainly in several pieces and can remain unnoticed for a long time. Their surface is smooth, the color is pinkish-yellow, and the shape is regular and round. With small sizes, up to 5 mm, there is no discomfort.
  • Vulgar . Such papillomas on the frenulum of the tongue (photos can be viewed online) look like knobby growths. They have a flat base and practically do not rise above the skin. They are often mistaken for warts due to their relatively even shape and smooth surface. Their color is pink or beige.

Papillomas on the frenulum of the tongue are most often benign, but the risk of their degeneration into malignant is still present. Their symptoms include a sensation of a foreign body in the mouth, a slight burning sensation, slight bleeding, an unpleasant odor, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes.

Before treating papilloma on the frenulum of the tongue, a diagnosis is always carried out, for which the doctor collects an anamnesis, evaluates the patient’s complaints, and issues referrals for the necessary studies. Most often, histological and PCR analysis is required. The first allows you to exclude cancer cells in the structure of the growth, and the second helps to determine the degree of oncogenicity of the virus that caused the formation.


Diagnosis begins with a medical history, which is based on an examination of the patient, taking into account his complaints. The presence of concomitant diseases that could cause the formed pathology is determined; it is also necessary to make sure. That there were no complications.

During the examination, the general condition of the patient, the integrity of the skin and the presence of pathological elements are determined, regional lymph nodes are checked for enlargement and pain, and the degree of opening of the oral cavity is determined. The condition of the mucous membrane itself is noted. It is also necessary to determine the presence of liquid inside the bubble.

During palpation, cysts are determined by their softness, the presence of fluid can be determined, and sometimes an unpleasant pain symptom occurs.

After this, it is possible to prescribe additional diagnostic methods:

  • Contrast sialography is a method of x-ray examination of the salivary glands based on the absorption of x-ray radiation or an iodine-containing substance that is administered for contrast. It is considered one of the more informative ways to make a diagnosis for pathologies of the salivary glands.
  • A scraping is done to determine the pathogen that provoked the development of the disease.
  • Biopsy of the contents of the substance.

If a bubble appears under the tongue or some minor inflammation, you should immediately contact a medical facility, since such a sign may present itself as a serious illness.


Only a doctor can provide adequate treatment after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures. Therapy is prescribed based on the causes of occurrence:

  • Stomatitis - a course of physiotherapy and treatment of the tumor with antiseptic agents is prescribed. Often, the doctor recommends rinsing the mouth with Rotokan, treating with Stomatidin and sea buckthorn oil. Also suitable for the procedure are decoctions of medicinal herbs such as calendula, chamomile, and oak bark.
  • Infection - when this cause is identified, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease:
  • Herpes - Acyclovir is prescribed.
  • Candidiasis - antifungal medications (Clotrimazole, Flucanazole, Flucostat).
  • Glossitis - anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medications.
  • Syphilis - antibiotics based on Penicillin, Tetracycline.
  • Vitamin deficiency – requires nutritional adjustments and taking a complex of vitamins.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland - hormone replacement treatment and iodine-containing drugs are prescribed.
  • Cyst-like disorders - surgical removal is prescribed. Local anesthesia is performed, after which cystosialadenectomy is performed - cutting off the cyst. The operation is performed by an experienced surgeon, since there is a high risk of injuring the nerve, which will lead to serious consequences for the patient. After removal, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Methods for treating papillomas on the frenulum of the tongue

To treat papilloma on the frenulum of the tongue, you will need to use both oral medications and external agents. They can be used both in combination and separately; in the first case, the effect will be obtained faster and it should be brighter. On average, therapy lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the body’s capabilities.

Medicines for papilloma on the frenulum of the tongue

In the photo there are preparations for papillomas on the frenulum of the tongue

In order to eliminate papilloma on the frenulum under the tongue, you need to use immunostimulants, among which Viferon stands out. It costs about 300 rubles. (140 UAH), and use it in the form of an ointment. It is applied in a thin layer directly to the affected area and allowed to absorb. The permissible frequency of treatments is 2 times a day with a break of 12 hours, therapy lasts up to 10 days. Pharmacies offer the analogue Kipferon instead, but it is only available in the form of suppositories.

As immunomodulators for oral administration for papilloma on the frenulum under the tongue, we can especially note the tincture of Echinacea purpurea in alcohol and Lymphomyosot, the price of which is about 500 rubles. (220 UAH). They need to be taken 20-40 drops 1-2 times a day for 10-20 days. It is also worth paying attention to the tablets “Immunal” and “Imudon”.

For papilloma on the frenulum under the tongue, rinsing the mouth with Miramistin is useful. It is a powerful antiseptic and suppresses the activity of HPV, facilitating the process of combating the formation itself. To do this, it is recommended to use it 2-3 times a day, and the composition should not be swallowed. The cost of the solution is 200 rubles. (80 UAH).

You can also lubricate the papilloma on the frenulum under the tongue with silver nitrate, which dries out the growth well and effectively fights the virus itself. To do this, it is enough to carry out this treatment 2-3 times a day, but it is best to entrust this to a specialist to avoid burns. Instead, you can use eucalyptus oil, lubricating the growth with it three times a day using an ear stick. The duration of treatment can be 2-3 weeks. The cost of the product is 70 rubles. (30 UAH).

To eliminate papilloma on the frenulum under the tongue, vitamin deficiency, which is often detected in HPV carriers, the drugs “Perfectil”, “Vitrum”, “Alphabet”, “Supradin” are prescribed, which can successfully replace each other. On average, their price is 500 rubles. (200 UAH), and you need to take all this for about a month, but no longer. Then you need to take a break for at least 3 months.

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