Sapphire braces - installation, advantages and types

Braces used in modern orthodontics are made from different materials. The most common designs are metal, but they can sometimes cause allergies, and are also too noticeable on the teeth. But sapphire and ceramic braces have high aesthetics when worn. What is the difference between these materials?

In this article

  • Sapphire braces: what are they made of?
  • Advantages of sapphire braces
  • Disadvantages of sapphire braces
  • Advantages of ceramic braces
  • Cons of ceramic braces
  • Sapphire and ceramic braces: differences
  • Caring for sapphire and ceramic braces

Braces are produced from four types of materials:

  • Metal. This is the most popular and budget type of orthodontic structures, and they are also the most durable. But metal systems have their own characteristics. Firstly, they are not advantageous in terms of aesthetics - they are very noticeable on the teeth, and secondly, some people are allergic to the presence of metal in the mouth.
  • Ceramic. They are matched exactly to the color of your teeth enamel, so they are almost invisible when worn. Getting used to them occurs much faster than to metal ones, they are hypoallergenic and can even be prescribed to children. But ceramics also have their drawbacks - pigmentation from food products, fragility, high cost.
  • Sapphire. They are made from artificially grown synthetic sapphires. They are completely transparent and almost invisible on the teeth, making them easier to care for. But sapphire systems have a significant disadvantage - quite high cost. This is the most expensive type of braces.
  • Plastic. Plastic structures are almost invisible on the teeth - they are matched to the color of the enamel. Another advantage of braces made from this material is their affordable price. But they quickly become stained by food dyes, tea, coffee, and cigarettes. In addition, correction with their help is slower than with other types of braces due to the high coefficient of friction of the plastic.

Metal and plastic braces are more often chosen for installation than ceramic and sapphire braces due to their wide availability. But the last two types have incomparably higher aesthetics and other advantages. When choosing, a question often arises: what is the difference between sapphire braces and metal ones? Let's take a closer look at each type of structure to understand the difference.

The main advantages of sapphire bracket systems

For many, the term “sapphire braces” is associated with minerals of a beautiful blue hue, which are quite difficult to imagine as part of a braces system. In reality, everything is somewhat different. There is no need to worry that your mouth will turn into a chest of jewelry. Yes, the orthodontic apparatus is indeed made from sapphires, but artificially grown in laboratory conditions. Such stones have no color, which is fundamentally different from natural minerals. Among the main advantages of sapphire orthodontic systems are the following.

  • Aesthetics
    . The clasps are hardly noticeable in everyday wear and sparkle effectively in bright light.
  • Reliability.
    In terms of strength, sapphire braces are second only to diamond; they can withstand even serious loads.
  • Immune to neon lighting.
    A useful quality of the system for nightclub lovers.
  • Fast adaptation.
    The patient quickly gets used to the design, as it is polished in such a way that all corners are smoothed as much as possible.
  • Resistance to staining
    . Coloring foods and drinks will not noticeably affect the color of the system.
  • Hypoallergenic

Photo of sapphire braces on teeth

The design of sapphire braces is such that only the plates themselves, which are attached to the teeth, are made of precious mineral. The arc remains metallic, which means it will stand out. To make the bracket system even more attractive and less noticeable, modern dentistry offers a matte arch or one lined with a composite material to match the color of the enamel. Beautiful sapphire braces with a white arch look very aesthetically pleasing, they create an excellent effect of snow-white teeth.

Is it true that sapphire brect system darkens?

If we are talking about the new generation of sapphire braces, then this is not true. Previous models had their drawbacks: due to the lack of a polishing stage in the manufacture of “old” sapphire braces, their surface remained loose and dark plaque quickly accumulated on it. That is why, if a specialist really wants to achieve an ideal result in terms of function and aesthetics, he chooses the latest generation sapphire braces system for his work.

Why should you contact our clinic?

Only an orthodontist at our clinic can correctly select the most optimal brace system for you. In doing so, he will take into account several important factors:

  • your type of malocclusion and degree of malocclusion;
  • how much time you can devote to treatment;
  • whether it is necessary to remove extra teeth;
  • your financial capabilities;
  • your lifestyle.

If you decide to get serious about the beauty and health of your teeth, we are waiting for you in our clinic. Call and make an appointment right now!

Types of sapphire braces

Sapphire systems, unlike traditional ones, are not divided into external and internal. They are installed exclusively on the outside of the dentition, but, like classical appliances, they consist of the following main elements: plates that are fixed on the teeth, an orthodontic arch that connects the plates, and special fasteners - ligatures that connect the arch with the plates.

Fastenings are not always included in the bracket system; depending on their presence or absence, sapphire braces are distinguished as ligature and non-ligature. In sapphire non-ligature braces, the arch is fixed using special locks.

Sapphire braces of various brands and their features

Inspire Ice by Ormco

Ormco clear sapphire braces are considered to be some of the best on the market. The company produces two popular sapphire bracket systems: Inspire Ice and Damon Clear. Inspire Ice sapphire braces are almost invisible to others, since all the plates in the system are made of sapphire, and the arch is coated with light Teflon. The shape of the locks resembles a sphere. Inspire sapphire braces can easily withstand heavy loads and do not damage the enamel.

Damon Clear by Ormco

Damon Clear sapphire braces are more noticeable on the teeth, since only six clasps on the front teeth are made directly from sapphire, the rest are made of metal. However, they are considered more thoughtful in terms of design: for convenient removal of the system, Damon self-ligating sapphire braces feature Spintek technology, which allows you to conveniently remove the system without the risk of chipping the enamel.

Radiance from American Orthodontics

Radiance braces from this US company are quite large compared to other systems, but thanks to this they more accurately set the direction of the teeth.

Pure by Ortho Technology

Durable and elegant Pure sapphire brackets that blend in with the color of the enamel. Greater strength is provided by zirconium dioxide, which is used to process the internal groove of the sapphire plates. This also has a positive effect on treatment time.

Of all the listed systems, Ormco sapphire braces are the most popular today. However, only the attending physician, who will be aware of all the characteristics of the body and the patient’s clinical case, will help determine which sapphire braces are better in a particular case.


The price of sapphire braces in Moscow depends on various factors. On average, their cost varies from 25,000 rubles and above. If all braces are made of sapphire, then their cost increases significantly. If sapphires are installed only in visible areas, and ceramics or metal are used on distant teeth, this significantly reduces the cost of the structure. Before choosing sapphire braces, study information about them on the Internet, read people's reviews and compare the cost of products in Moscow.

Installation of sapphire braces in stages

The process of fixing the orthodontic system is a rather lengthy and scrupulous task. The result of treatment will directly depend on the accuracy of diagnosis and the level of training of the specialist. The principle of installing sapphire braces is no different from using other bracket systems. The process consists of several stages.

  1. Diagnostics:
    a thorough examination of the patient’s oral cavity is carried out, and an individual treatment plan is drawn up with sapphire braces.
  2. Sanitation of the oral cavity:
    all detected diseases are treated and tissue inflammation is eliminated.
  3. Installation of a sapphire bracket system:
    the braces are glued to the teeth using dental glue, and the glue is applied only to the central part of the plate to make it easier to remove the system. Next, an arc is inserted into each lock. Either it is secured with ligatures, or special clips included in the locks themselves are used for fastening.
  4. Follow-up visits:
    The patient should regularly visit the dentist's office to adjust the system and replace the arch with a more rigid one.
  5. Removing Braces:
    The removal procedure takes place in the dentist's office. The doctor carefully removes the elements of the braces system and the remaining adhesive material. The patient is prescribed retainers - this is a special design to consolidate the result. It should maintain the effect of treatment for about 2 - 4 years.

Stages of treatment with sapphire braces in the photo

Features of the ligature system

Sapphire braces require the presence of ligatures - special rubber bands or wires that hold the orthodontic arch in the groove. If the doctor's recommendations regarding diet are not followed, the ligatures become stained within 2-3 weeks, and then must be replaced, as they take on a yellowish appearance.

The presence of elastic ligatures obliges the patient to more often adjust the degree of force applied and regularly replace elements that tend to stretch or tear. The final decision on choosing a system should preferably be agreed upon with the treating specialist - each alignment method is selected individually depending on the complexity of the case.

The sapphire bracket system is installed by an orthodontist for mild tooth curvatures, without major anomalies in jaw development. If it is especially important for a person to maintain a beautiful appearance at the time of treatment, it is often recommended to opt for non-ligature structures.

How long to wear sapphire braces?

It is impossible to determine the duration of orthodontic treatment with an accuracy of up to a month - it all depends on the severity of the clinical case, age and individual characteristics of the patient. On average, for simple dental deformities, a sapphire brace system is worn from a year to a year and a half. How long do you need to wear sapphire braces for serious anomalies? Only the attending physician will tell you the exact timing, but sometimes the treatment period can double.

It is optimal to begin orthodontic treatment at the age of 12-13, because in adults the process of moving teeth takes longer and is more difficult. However, even in adulthood, the use of braces will give good results that are worth going through the treatment process. Moreover, when the braces on the teeth are sapphire, this will only beautify their owner.


A number of clinics use effective self-ligating structures without ligatures, thanks to which you need to come to an appointment for correction much less often than usual. There is an opinion that ligature-free braces speed up the treatment process. In fact, the timing of wearing braces directly depends on the qualifications of the doctor. The more experienced the specialist, the less time the treatment lasts.

Let's sum it up

There is no clear answer to the question of which brace systems are better; there is no fundamental difference between them. If aesthetic considerations come first for the patient, then it is rational to give preference to transparent sapphire designs, but your choice should always be agreed with a specialist. For those who most value the wear resistance of the system and its reliability, ceramics would be the optimal solution; it is better to give it their preference, but even in this case, you first need to visit a doctor for a consultation.

There is no need to be afraid of installing braces; the treatment procedure will not cause any serious discomfort, but the result will allow you to fully enjoy life and not hide your beautiful and dazzling smile.

Care instructions

Sapphire braces are transparent and plaque and food particles are very visible on them, so you need to clean your mouth after every meal. It is also worth giving up coffee, tea, chocolate, smoking, and reducing the consumption of coloring products.

Otherwise, caring for the sapphire system is the same as for the others:

  • brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day with paste and brush, using mono-beam and V-shaped brushes,
  • using an irrigator, dental floss, brushes during each home hygiene session,
  • Regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning.

What is the installation process like?

Before installing a brace system, you must first perform a complete diagnosis of the oral cavity, take images and impressions of it so that the design fits the patient as accurately as possible. In general, installation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Complete teeth cleaning and oral health, treatment of each tooth with a special substance.
  2. Applying an adhesive element to the tooth surface in order to fix the brackets. Since the bite is individual, the installation level of each part is determined separately for each tooth.
  3. Pulling an arch through the brackets, which will allow you to establish the correct position of the dentition.

At this point, the installation is completed; further success will largely depend on the patient’s compliance with basic rules of hygiene and oral care:

  • brushing and rinsing your teeth on a regular basis in order to prevent the development of caries; for this you need to purchase a special brush, brush and dental floss;
  • exclusion from the diet of any types of sticky food that can compromise the integrity of the structure;
  • ban on the use of chewing gum;
  • Each meal should be completed by rinsing your mouth.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in these rules, but following them will ensure correct and effective treatment.

How much does it cost to install sapphire braces?

Considering that the manufacture of sapphire braces requires crystals specially grown in the laboratory, the price for the design is quite high. These are the most expensive braces of all vestibular devices. However, they are cheaper than lingual ones (located on the inside of the dentition). The price of sapphire braces is influenced mainly by the manufacturer’s brand, as well as the segment of the clinic and the qualifications of the orthodontist who carries out the treatment.

Models and manufacturers of bracesAverage cost in rubles
Inspire Ice (Ormco)50 000 — 60 000
Damon Clear (Ormco)45 000 — 55 000
Perfect (Hubit)25 000 — 35 000
Aesthetic (Forestadent)45 000 — 55 000
Saphire-Miso (HT Corporation)30 000 — 40 000
Radiance (American Orthodontics)50 000 — 60 000
Pure (Ortho Technology)40 000 — 50 000

The prices in the table are indicated for a bracket system for one jaw. When planning orthodontic treatment, you should take into account that the final cost of all services will be higher. This will include the price of diagnostics (1,500 - 3,000 rubles), installation (20,000 - 30,000 rubles), correction (2,000 - 2,500 rubles per session) and retainers (10,000 - 15,000 rubles).

Prices for sapphire braces

Installing a system entirely made of sapphire costs from 82,000 rubles. Combined options, when several sapphire locks are replaced with ceramic or metal ones, will cost the patient 62,000 - 72,000 rubles.

System typeAll inclusive
Full sapphire system82,000 rub.
Combined sapphire + ceramic braces72,000 rub.
Combined sapphire + metal braces62,000 rub.

Popular manufacturers

The leadership in the manufacture of sapphire bracket systems belongs to American manufacturers. They produce their products in a wide range, and constantly update their range. German companies are more painstaking in the production of sapphire braces and conduct clinical trials for a long time. Because of this, they are slightly behind their American colleagues. But their products are distinguished by high quality and affordable prices in Moscow.

Among the well-known manufacturers of sapphire bracket systems, it is worth highlighting the following companies:

  • Ormco produces many orthodontic structures, but the most popular is the Inspire ICE braces. They are completely transparent and transmit both regular daylight and neon light well. They are characterized by high strength, durability and ease of wearing. These systems do not damage tooth enamel and can be easily and quickly removed if necessary;
  • ZM has been producing equipment for correcting malocclusion for more than half a century. Their products have earned many prestigious awards and positive reviews from customers;
  • American Orhodontics has been on the market for about 40 years and produces a wide range of all kinds of braces systems.

What is the difference between sapphire braces and ceramic braces?

Evaluating only the effectiveness of treatment, it is impossible to say whether sapphire or ceramic braces are better. They work the same way, but, unlike ceramic systems, sapphire does not have a yellowish tint, since in principle they have no color. This puts them an order of magnitude higher in terms of aesthetics. However, it is not so easy to answer unequivocally which braces are better in a particular case. Ceramics can easily be matched to the color of natural enamel, and due to its matte finish it will not glare in the light. If you have white teeth, then sapphires would definitely be a better option.

Types of ceramic products

It is impossible to take into account only personal preferences and the aesthetic aspect when choosing a suitable brace system for a patient. The expected duration of treatment and the complexity of the existing pathological change should also be considered. It is important to understand that the most difficult tasks can only be done with classic metal staples; ceramics and artificial sapphire will be ineffective. This is due to the fact that such devices are more fragile and not durable.

There are two types of ceramic braces: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The latter are in great demand both among patients and orthodontists. Not only do they most accurately replicate the shade and structure of real tooth enamel, but they also have a matte finish, making them virtually invisible even upon close examination.

Monocrystalline options are almost transparent; they also exactly imitate the color of enamel, but at the same time they have a number of significant drawbacks. This usually includes increased fragility and fragility, as well as the need for longer wearing. Both types of systems are comfortable and do not cause discomfort during use.

What to choose - sapphire or metal braces?

When it comes to whether sapphire or metal braces are better, the two main factors to decide are price and aesthetics. If appearance is a priority for the patient, preference should be given to a device made of sapphires. However, if you want to carry out treatment without severe damage to your budget, it is logical to choose a metal structure, however, here you need to take into account that not all metal structures may be suitable for patients with allergies. You may need a device made of special hypoallergenic alloys, which will affect the cost of the bracket system.

Cons of sapphire braces

Despite many advantages, the sapphire bracket system also has its disadvantages. It requires more careful handling compared to metal structures, since it is still quite fragile, and the cost of the system significantly exceeds the price of metal and ceramic analogues. Such systems are not suitable for people with yellow or gray enamel, so your teeth may need to be whitened before installing the device. If whitening does not help, you should seriously consider the feasibility of installing sapphire structures on your teeth.

Publisher: Expert magazine about dentistry

Author of the material: Ekaterina Gasparova


According to reviews from most patients, sapphire braces are easy to get used to. Already 2-3 days after their installation, the discomfort from the pressure on the teeth disappears.

Also, judging by the reviews of those who have installed sapphire braces, they do not cause pain, do not interfere with talking or eating, and are practically invisible on the teeth to others.

To summarize, it is worth noting that although sapphire braces are in great demand, they are less effective in correcting serious malocclusion pathologies. And despite the many advantages, their main disadvantage is their high cost. Therefore, the best alternative would be to install Star-Smile aligners. These orthodontic structures will correct the bite without wearing braces for a long time.

Final tables comparing types of structures

To understand which braces are best to install for defects in the dental system, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the summary information presented below:

SignVestibular bracesLingual braces
Efficacy of therapyHighSometimes it works more effectively, in other clinical cases it does not have a sufficient effect
Duration of treatment, years1,5-22-3
Design reliabilityExcellent durabilitySensitivity to external influences
PopularityVery popularInstalled less frequently due to unattractive cost
Aesthetic componentLow or mediumInvisible to others even with a wide smile
Difficulty of fixationNot difficultQuite difficult to attach
Hygienic careStandard ProceduresVery difficult to care for
Adaptation periodJust a few weeksLong, up to 3 months or more, sometimes patients never get used to the accessory
Wearing comfortDoesn't cause discomfortInconvenient
Presence of painMinor sorenessHurt

Comparative analysis of accessories made from various materials:

CharacteristicMetal bracesCeramic systems
VisibilityVisible due to contrast with enamelHiddenBarely distinguishableHidden behind teeth
Cost, thousand rubles*from 80 000from 110 000
Result in severe casesHighly effective for seemingly hopeless deformitiesEffective for most problemsCoping with advanced pathologies
ConvenienceAffects soft tissuesInjures the mucous membranes and tongue, causing diction problemsRub during the first week of wearingAfter the adaptation period, wounds can be avoided if you are careful
HygieneDifficult to cleanCleans quickly, but is fragile and requires careful handling
Main disadvantageNoticeable when communicatingExpensive

*To get accurate prices for different types of turnkey correction, go to the Dentics website, or better yet, make an appointment and find out from the orthodontist personally which option is right for you.

Metal constructions

Metal braces are considered a classic option for correcting malocclusion and are still in demand in modern dentistry. The main advantages of such designs:

  • Efficiency. Correcting a bite with metal braces has been time-tested and the techniques have been developed over many decades. Bite correction with such braces is well predictable and controllable.
  • Strength. Metal braces, due to their high strength, do not require too delicate and careful handling, and are resistant to chewing loads.
  • Easy to care for. Any type of braces must be carefully and regularly maintained. However, cleaning teeth with metal braces is somewhat easier than with structures made of other materials.
  • Affordable price. One of the most important advantages of metal braces is that they are considered one of the most affordable options for correcting malocclusion. With metal braces, you can achieve good results without shelling out a fortune for treatment.
  • Possibility to choose a hypoallergenic alloy. Metal braces can be made from alloys of different metals, so everyone can choose braces that will not provoke an allergic reaction.

The disadvantages of metal braces include:

  • Low aesthetics. Most patients find metal braces on their teeth extremely unaesthetic and undesirable. Vestibular metal braces are clearly visible during smiling, talking and eating, so you should immediately tune in to this if you want to correct your bite at an affordable price.
  • Possible discomfort while wearing. Metal structures are quite massive and can have an irritating effect on the oral mucosa. However, it is important to understand that at first any brace system can cause discomfort until you get used to the foreign object on your teeth.

The insufficient aesthetics of metal braces can be eliminated if you choose a lingual type of braces. These braces are attached to the lingual surface of the tooth and are not visible from the outside. The only disadvantage of this design is the possible appearance of minor diction disorders, since lingual braces are more massive. Also, metal lingual braces are much more expensive than regular metal braces.

According to the fixation method, the patient can choose ligature and non-ligature metal braces. A dentist who understands all the intricacies and nuances of installing braces will tell you which option is more effective in your clinical situation.

Which braces are best for adults and children?

Age must be taken into account when choosing a suitable system. The following points are also important.

  • Comfortable to wear, long adaptation period, easy to care for. The faster you get used to the staples in your mouth and the easier it is to carry out hygiene measures, the easier the treatment will be.
  • Price. You need to immediately calculate in the clinic how much the turnkey installation will cost. However, in any case, during therapy there will be additional expenses for care products and necessary procedures.
  • Time costs and effectiveness of correction. Standard metal ligature structures straighten teeth the fastest. If more aesthetically attractive models are chosen, the therapeutic period is extended by six months to a year.
  • Appearance of the system. For some people, it is extremely important whether the arches are noticeable. In this case, the speed of achieving the effect and the money spent are secondary. Other patients may not care what they look like.

For an adult

External metal braces remain the most popular. Firstly, they are reliable and efficient. Secondly, almost everyone can afford such orthodontic treatment. However, the design is visible to others, rubs soft tissues and requires high-quality hygienic care.

For greater solidity, ceramic models are recommended. If you want to completely hide the braces on your teeth, lingual systems are an ideal option. In this case, the most important point is the choice of devices with additional enamel protection. Otherwise, complications may arise in the form of carious lesions.

Child or teenager

The effectiveness of corrective measures depends on the patient’s age. The period of formation of permanent incisors, canines, premolars and molars is considered optimal for treatment.

Which braces are best installed at a very early age? Orthodontists say that bite correction can be done in children of any age, but braces should not be used before the age of 12. This is due to too much pressure from the product on the teeth, so you need to choose gentle methods.

Children's designs have a shorter duration of therapy. For orthodontic intervention, any options you like, both in terms of the location of the accessory and the material of manufacture, can be used.

Vestibular braces are most often used in medical practice. They are fixed on the outside of the coronal part. They are easier to install, adjust during scheduled visits, and clean from food debris and plaque. Lingual systems are much more expensive and affect diction. As you know, the aesthetic component and the ability to speak correctly are extremely important for teenagers. Any comments or ridicule from peers regarding unaesthetic arches can forever rid a little person of the desire to correct dental anomalies.

Staples of different colors are available on the modern market. A child can choose any shade and feel more confident.

Parents should psychologically prepare their son or daughter for the upcoming event, especially if you have settled on a vestibular model that is noticeable to others. It is also important to explain that there will be discomfort at first, which will go away after full adaptation.

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