Sanitation of the oral cavity
How to get a certificate of oral sanitation? | Dentistry As-Stom | St. Petersburg (SPb)
What is included in sanitation Stages of a full range of measures What is a certificate from a dentist
Treatment of a displaced fracture
Fractures of the lower and upper jaw: classification, signs, symptoms and treatment
The lower jaw is subject to traumatic damage much more often than other bones of the facial part of the skull. Although she
Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable aid for oral hygiene.
12/21/2021 121 740 11 minutes Co-author, editor and medical expert - Alexander Maksimov
Korean dental implants osstem: reviews from doctors and patients
Installation of dental implants is a very popular service, since such dental prostheses allow you to solve
Review of the WaterPik WP-100 Ultra oral irrigator
The oral irrigator is designed to clean teeth and interdental space, get rid of plaque, massage
Ulcers on the tonsils and tonsils: causes and treatment
Chronic tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment at home Chronic tonsillitis is an inflammatory process with
Causes of swelling after wisdom tooth removal, how to cope with swelling
The wisdom tooth is one of the most difficult teeth to treat and
Swollen under the tongue: causes and treatment at home
Pain under the tongue can serve as one of the main symptoms of a whole range of problems, from trivial
Symptoms of scarlet fever
Red dots on the palate in a child and an adult: why do they occur and how to treat?
Mechanisms of appearance The appearance of redness in the oral cavity, namely on the palate, is provoked by several factors.
The girl doesn't like oral sex
Why does there be a fishy taste in the mouth? Causes and elimination of unpleasant symptoms
Bad breath, which can become a constant companion of a person, can ruin relationships with
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