Tooth extraction: what instruments does the dentist use?

Dear friends, last time we talked about what wisdom teeth are like, when they need to be removed and when not. And today I will tell you in detail and in every detail how the removal of “sentenced” teeth actually takes place. With pictures. Therefore, I recommend that especially impressionable people and pregnant women press the “Ctrl +” key combination. Joke.

Where does the removal of the 8th, and, in principle, any other tooth begin?

With anesthesia.


Anesthesia (pain relief)

To minimize discomfort during an injection, you need to treat the injection site with a special anesthetic gel. This is the so-called topical anesthesia. It is very often used in pediatric dentistry, but we also use it in working with adults. As practice shows, there are fewer unpleasant sensations, and the taste is pleasant... at least some kind of joy.

When removing teeth from the upper jaw, as a rule, a simple infiltration of anesthetic into the area of ​​the tooth being removed is sufficient. It is carried out using a special syringe with specially selected anesthetics and is called infiltration .

When removing teeth on the lower jaw, infiltration anesthesia is usually not enough (with the exception of the frontal group of teeth, from canine to canine). Therefore, the anesthesia technique changes somewhat - the anesthetic, using a long but very thin needle, is applied directly to the nerve bundle responsible for the innervation of the desired areas. This anesthesia allows you to “turn off” sensitivity not only in the area of ​​the tooth being removed, but also in the lip, chin, part of the tongue, etc.

It should be noted that during and immediately after anesthesia, a number of interesting phenomena may be observed - increased heart rate, trembling of limbs, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety. Many patients begin to panic about this. But there is no need to panic! These are side effects of most modern anesthetics and go away on their own within 10-15 minutes.

Well, the anesthesia is done! Now you need to make sure that it was carried out successfully?

Those places that should ideally be numb are listed above. Also, using a special instrument and pressing on the gum in the area of ​​the operated tooth, we determine whether the pain still remains or no longer exists. The only thing that should be felt is the sensation of “something” touching the gum. That is, tactile sensations are still preserved, but pain is no longer present.

And then our actions differ depending on what type of wisdom tooth we are dealing with.

Complications after surgery

The most common complications encountered by patients who have undergone tooth root removal surgery are severe bleeding and alveolitis. Factors that can trigger bleeding include high blood pressure or decreased blood clotting. In turn, the main cause of alveolitis is non-compliance with the postoperative regimen, leading to the washing out of the protective blood clot from the socket. The development of the disease is accompanied by the occurrence of an inflammatory process, suppuration of the wound formed during the removal of the tooth root, the appearance of pain and bad breath.

Impacted wisdom tooth

These are usually the hardest eights to remove out of all the others. We have already numbed the surgical field. What's next?

It's under the gum! So, we take a scalpel in our hands and make a delicate incision in the area of ​​the tooth being removed. This creates access to the wisdom tooth being removed. It is isolated from the surrounding tissues using special instruments, and now we can visually assess its position and choose a removal technique.

If the tooth does not erupt, it means that something is preventing it. This “something” will also interfere with its removal, and this “something” could be a neighboring tooth, a bony protrusion, etc. However, you won’t also remove the seven to get to the wisdom tooth, right?

Special surgical tip for removing wisdom teeth. Rotates at the right frequency, provides the right torque, does not burn tissue or inflate emphysema. In surgery, we use only such devices.

Therefore, we divide the tooth into parts. Using a special tip with a cutter speed of 150,000 rpm - this is no longer a simple angle cutter, but not yet a turbine cutter. The latter, by the way, is highly undesirable to use for removing teeth, because at 500,000 rpm it is easy to burn everything with a hellish flame, and with air from the cooling nozzle you can also inflate emphysema over half your face. In general, for removal you need to choose the right tools; there are no trifles or compromises here and cannot be. And you should think a hundred times before removing such problematic teeth in a one-chair dental office at a rural club on the “Half-Empty Bins” collective farm.

Impacted teeth are removed mainly with an elevator, and not with forceps, as many are accustomed to thinking

So, we divide the tooth into 2-3 parts in order to remove it carefully and with little trauma to the surrounding tissues. And teeth are usually removed using an “elevator” (in the picture on the left). Forceps, which everyone associates with removal, are actually used extremely rarely.

Well, the tooth has been removed. Next, we clean the tooth socket from “sawdust” and small tooth fragments that might remain. Using a curette.

When removing wisdom teeth, no biomaterials are used; the hole is filled with a blood clot on its own, this is quite enough for normal healing.

Moreover, “pushing” biomaterials into the hole can complicate the healing process, so let the regeneration process take place naturally and simply, and not fancy, as some doctors suggest.

After removal, resorbable (absorbable) sutures are placed on the hole; most often they do not need to be removed.

The clot is in place. Next, we bring the edges of the wound together and put stitches so that food doesn’t get stuck in the wound, it doesn’t bleed too much, and it heals faster. But at the same time, the sutures should not be tight, because the wound may bleed significantly during the first 24 hours. And if you don’t create an outflow, edema often develops.

Features of postoperative care

There are a number of recommendations that can significantly speed up the healing process of a wound formed during surgery and avoid the development of complications. In particular, dentists advise:

  • during the first 24 hours, avoid too warm baths, do not go to the baths, refrain from any, even minor, physical activity, apply ice to the cheek on the side of the removed root every half hour;
  • give up alcohol and smoking, too hot and spicy food for 2 days;
  • take analgesics if pain occurs;
  • for several days, try not to chew food on the operated side, give up the habit of biting your lips or sucking in your cheeks (this creates a vacuum in the mouth that can displace a blood clot formed on the wound);
  • undergo a full course of treatment with antibacterial agents if prescribed by a dentist.

If signs indicating the development of complications appear, it is necessary to abandon attempts at self-medication and seek help from a doctor at the 24-hour A.Dent dentistry as soon as possible.

Semi-retinated tooth

In principle, the method of removing such a tooth is no different from removing a completely impacted tooth. But, as a rule, it is a little easier, because the tooth is not so deep. The main stages are essentially the same: anesthesia, creating access to the tooth (and sometimes you can do without incisions), fragmentation (dividing the tooth into parts) and, in fact, removing the teeth in parts.

After removing the lower semi-impacted tooth, sutures are placed on the socket; in the area of ​​the upper wisdom teeth, sutures are not necessary.

When is complex tooth extraction indicated?

Tooth extraction is considered difficult due to tumor or edema, periodontitis, periodontitis, abscess and gumboil. The presence of a cyst and a fistulous tract in the tooth also complicates the removal procedure. Impacted (unerupted) teeth are also indications for surgical tooth extraction. Complex cases include the removal of a dystopic wisdom tooth located outside the dentition; removal of 4 teeth to correct malocclusion; removal of baby teeth in children at an early age. Severe curvature of the roots and fracture of the apical part of the root are also indications for surgery. Please note that complex tooth extraction is not performed during pregnancy.

The method in which your tooth will be removed depends on the individual case. Only a specialist can determine the removal strategy. In any case, you should not be afraid of this procedure. A competent doctor will perform the removal correctly, and all you have to do is say “thank you”

Dystopic tooth

Removing such teeth can be called a simpler case compared to others, but only if the tooth has one straight root. Then the removal can take place quite quickly. But such clinical cases are extremely rare. And, looking at the picture, we see hooks, not roots, which, with proper pressure, can simply break. There are usually 2 roots, and in this case we just need to separate one root from the other using the same tool - the “raising” tip. And carefully remove each of the roots separately. The beginning and completion of the removal of such teeth is the same as for all others.


This is the main device that helps pull the tooth out of the socket. The doctor literally grabs the tooth with forceps and begins to swing it, which leads to the destruction of the ligaments holding the root. Next, the dentist carefully removes the tooth along with the root, again using forceps. The device looks, of course, scary, but not a single dental surgeon can do without forceps. It is noteworthy that such a seemingly simple tool is available in many variations: with inclined, thick or thin, with rounded or even flat nippers (or, in scientific terms, cheeks).

Dental forceps

And it also happens...

... that wisdom teeth block the neighboring teeth and prevent them from erupting normally. In such cases, patients are referred to a surgeon by an orthodontist.

Of course, the germ of the eighth tooth needs to be removed. This is a fairly simple and relatively comfortable operation.

Look at the pictures on the right. There is a difference of three weeks between the top and bottom. It is clearly visible from them that after removing the rudiments of the eights and “unblocking”, the seventh teeth immediately began to grow.

Wisdom tooth removed. The patient is satisfied. But the fun is yet to come. Namely, the postoperative period.

Indications, contraindications

Ultrasound is used:

  • In complex cases of extraction, when traditional surgical methods will lead to significant trauma to bone and soft tissues and cause serious psychological discomfort in the patient.
  • To quickly, accurately and painlessly remove a dystopic or impacted tooth element, without a full-fledged operation.
  • To minimize the patient's fears and suffering during simple removal.
  • With sinus lift.
  • With osteoplasty.
  • To prepare the bed for implant installation.

Ultrasound equipment is contraindicated or used with caution if the patient:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • a pacemaker is installed;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • immune diseases.

Dental contraindications are also taken into account.

Example. If teeth have large fillings, evaluate their proximity to the area that will be exposed to ultrasonic vibrations so that the restorations do not collapse due to the piezotome.

Disadvantages of classical removal methods

Classic extraction methods have several disadvantages:

  • trauma to mucous and bone tissue;
  • the likelihood of chipping on neighboring teeth, as well as fragments that will be difficult to remove;
  • the possibility of damage to the bone socket of the tooth and surrounding tissues so that it will be difficult to implant in the future;
  • the occurrence of complications in the form of inflammation of regional lymph nodes;
  • severe damage to the mucous membrane;
  • long regeneration time.

What is piezosurgery

The piezoelectric effect is the physical principle that causes quartz crystals to vibrate when an electrical current is applied. Thanks to special mechanisms for transmitting vibration generated by quartz and converted into oscillatory movements of the insert, which allows selective removal of tissue. This procedure has proven effective in various areas of surgery.

The main advantage of piezosurgery is that soft tissues that come into contact with the vibrating material are not damaged. This reduces the risk of injury to vital nerves or blood vessels.

An important property that further confirms the advantages of using piezoelectric equipment is the ability to deflect the vibration of the drug through the instrument. The achieved preparation of less hard and soft tissue allows for smaller approaches and reduces morbidity in patients undergoing apicoectomy.

Advantages of the method

  • Complex removal without general anesthesia under local anesthesia.
  • High-quality operation in hard-to-reach places.
  • The non-contact method eliminates the risk of tissue overheating during exposure. The pulp will definitely not get burned, and the patient will not get inflammation of the pulp.
  • The exact localization of the impact determines minimal injury. They destroy only hard tissues, but the mucous membrane and nerve endings are not affected.
  • Fast healing.

The cost of extracting a dental element using a piezotome is 2 times higher than the traditional one. But treating the wound surface with ultrasound has a disinfecting effect, and the patient saves on taking antibiotics. Minimizing the risk of complications eliminates the cost of their elimination and long-term rehabilitation.

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