Restoring a front tooth damaged by super glue with a CEREC inlay

A 48-year-old patient came to me with a complaint about the unsatisfactory aesthetics of tooth 1.1, this is the first upper tooth on the right


At home she had the missing part for the tooth - it was a filling, quite large, which broke off in our patient about a month ago. And the patient periodically glued the old filling with... superglue

, that is, cyanoacrylate, a substance that can cause cancer. She probably wanted to achieve this result with this glue:

But, unfortunately, such beauty “for some reason” did not work out ((. The woman glued part of her front tooth with super glue several times, and when it completely collapsed, she finally decided to consult an orthopedist. That’s how she got an appointment with me.

Why did the tooth collapse?


Cyanoacrylates are esters of cyanoacrylic acid, the main component of cyanoacrylate adhesives used for quick gluing of materials, including in everyday life. Chemical formula CH{2}=C(CN)COOR. Liquid cyanoacrylate is capable of anionic polymerization under the influence of weakly alkaline agents, including ordinary water. The continuous hardening of “superglue” in thin layers (within 0.05-0.1 mm) is caused by moisture adsorbed on the surfaces being bonded or contained in the surface layers of the material (which, along with the effect of animal amines, explains the excellent gluing of fingers on the hand, if a person gets dirty with glue).

Superglue is poisonous for the body and teeth.

Is it possible to glue a piece of tooth with this glue? Of course not. Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate, the least toxic of the cyanoacrylates, is used for medical purposes to seal wounds and stop bleeding. For different cyanoacrylates, toxicity can vary significantly.

Of course, such a careless use of super glue at home, and even in such a delicate matter as restoring a tooth in an aesthetically significant area, could not but affect the condition of the upper front tooth, which was completely destroyed due to exposure to toxic substances and chemical reactions in tooth tissues upon contact with superglue.

Therefore, the cause of complete tooth destruction

The carelessness of his owner and medical illiteracy were at the root.

Is it possible to put the old crown back?

Sometimes the doctor can replace the fallen crown in its original place. However, treatment tactics depend on the integrity of the prosthesis itself, the type of stump (pin, inlay, implant) and the degree of tooth destruction.

What to do if a temporary crown falls out

Temporary crowns are installed to protect the stump during the production of a permanent prosthesis. They are attached to temporary cement, which is gradually washed away under the influence of saliva. If a temporary plastic or ceramic crown falls out, contact your dentist to have it reinstalled. If this is not done and minimal damage appears on the stump, the permanent crown will not fit tightly and will quickly fall off.

The crown fell out, the tooth is intact

If the patient immediately consults a doctor and there is no caries on the tooth, the cost of installing a fallen crown will be minimal. The doctor will clean the stump and prosthesis from residual cement, and put the old crown in place. Small chips on the prosthesis are polished. If the damage is significant, a new crown is made.

What to do if a dental crown keeps falling out

If the crown falls off more than once, perhaps its size/shape does not match the stump or the installed pin is movable. Contact your dentist at the First Family Clinic of St. Petersburg. An experienced doctor will determine the cause of the prosthesis falling out and make the appropriate correction: in the first case, he will make a new crown, in the second, he will strengthen the support or install an inlay.

The crown fell out along with the tooth

If the tooth breaks off along with the prosthesis, but the roots are not damaged (an x-ray is prescribed for this), it is necessary to create an artificial stump using pins or an inlay, and install a new crown. The second option is desirable, since the tab is more stable than the pin. However, with curved root canals, its installation is impossible.

The crown fell out with the pin

This happens if the pin was installed too short or the patient exceeded the load on the teeth. Bacteria immediately penetrate the root canal. It is necessary to visit the dentist urgently, otherwise a cyst may form. If the pin falls out along with the crown, support for the new prosthesis is created using an inlay, provided that the roots are intact. It is stronger, and therefore will hold the crown better. If the pin is broken (a part remains in the canal) or the roots are damaged, they will have to be removed. The dentition is restored using an implant, bridge or removable denture.

The stump tab with the crown fell out

If the treatment is timely and the roots are not damaged, the doctor will make a new tab. If the roots are cracked or fractured, the tooth is removed and another type of prosthetics is recommended.

Implant installed, crown fell out

Medical tactics depend on the nature of the damage.

  • The crown has become loose due to loose threads on the abutment - contact your dentist immediately. The doctor will tighten the screw, otherwise the metal structure may break.
  • The crown has fallen off the abutment due to poor-quality cement - to prevent damage to the metal structure of the implant, immediately seek dental help. The doctor will perform the treatment and securely glue the crown into place. If the crown is damaged, a new one is made.
  • The crown is cracked - a new one will have to be made. If the abutment is damaged (extremely rare), the screw must be replaced.
  • The crown fell out along with the artificial root - this happens if a low-quality system was used, the prosthesis was incorrectly selected, or the installation technique was violated (for example, the implant is too tilted). In this case, the dentist waits for healing and implants a new prosthesis. Osteoplasty is sometimes required. If there is serious damage to the bone tissue, a bridge or removable denture is installed.

Important! Dental implants vary in the size and shape of the abutment and the type of connection. In some models, the screw and root part are monolithic. The patient must know exactly the brand of the implanted prosthesis.

Titanium implants rarely cause allergies. The engraftment process is complicated in patients who smoke, have diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases. To avoid loss of the titanium root, before implantation, the dentist carefully examines the patient’s medical history and evaluates the possibility of installing an implant.

To ensure that the crown lasts as long as possible, contact dental centers with a good reputation. Read reviews from patients who had crowns installed at the First Family Clinic of St. Petersburg. Our specialists install high-quality dentures of various types and help in cases of loss of crowns.

How the tooth was restored

The tooth was previously depulped, that is, the tooth was dead. I removed absolutely all the filling material, leaving only the healthy root:

for which we decided to make a cerec 3D design in A3 color: this is a multi-color with a color transition in one step.

The result is a tooth with a root part - our missing module. The color matched the crown so perfectly that it didn’t even have to be tinted. The manufacturing process of the CEREC module is very well shown in the following video


The tooth was glazed. In fact, the patient had her tooth restored in one visit

onto a fresh surface. Only the tooth and only the missing CEREC module in the form of a whole tooth with root.

Sergey Samsakov

What is the procedure if the crown comes off a tooth?

The problem can be resolved by visiting a dentist; you should make an appointment with him in the near future. The main thing to do before visiting a doctor:

  • Save the prosthesis.
  • Take care of the safety of the supporting unit: since the ground tooth is weakened, you should not chew on the problem side;
  • Minimize the load on the area with the fallen structure;
  • Carefully remove food particles from the dental stump and periodically rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution.

If a temporary crown comes off, you should call the clinic, explain the situation and make an appointment. You should not hesitate with this issue, so as not to provoke gum influx. Then the permanent crown may not fit correctly.

If the crown has fallen off the implant, do not delay visiting the doctor. If the fixation is made using a screw connection and it is enough to simply fix it again.

Did part of your tooth break off or decay?


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The patient was extremely satisfied!

Moreover, pay attention, next to it there is a tooth with a metal-ceramic crown and this crown has dark gums. Naturally, we cannot copy dark gums; this is not necessary.

The patient, having seen such a wonderful result, wanted to redo her already old, metal-ceramic crowns on the left and right. That is, the patient was so impressed that we made her new tooth look natural. But that is another story. ))


Sergey Samsakov

orthopedic dentist

born 02/02/1989


2011 — Graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I.Evdokimova

2012 — Internship in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I.Evdokimova

2014 - Residency in Orthopedic Dentistry, Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I.Evdokimova

Glue selection

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor may prescribe a specific adhesive for dental crowns. But you can choose the remedy yourself, testing different options. This is how their quality is checked and sensations are observed. As a result, a suitable option will remain.

There are 3 types of dental crown adhesives produced by pharmaceutical companies:

  1. Viscous.
  2. Medium viscosity.
  3. Liquid.

The latter option costs more, but is more often chosen by people who have recently had crowns installed. The reason for this is ease of use. But gradually many people acquire viscous compositions, since liquid ones take a long time to dry.

Patients do not immediately get used to wearing a prosthesis, so in the first time after installation, changes in the perception of taste may be noticeable. In order not to aggravate the situation, experts advise not to use products with fragrances until you become accustomed to the foreign body.

Some manufacturers confidently believe that their products provide fixation for half a day, and sometimes more. But there are factors due to which the duration of fixation is noticeably reduced. This arises from laughter, food composition, food consumption. According to statistics, almost every crown adhesive lasts no more than 9 hours. this indicator varies depending on the quality of the product.

More examples of treatment

Pulpless tooth Caries under filling Darkening of tooth enamel

Restoration of anterior tooth without implantation

A story about how to save a seemingly hopeless upper front tooth, avoid extraction and implantation. CEREC technology works wonders: aesthetics and reliability of the work performed.

Module crown + tooth root CEREC Professional hygiene

more details

Pulpless tooth Caries under a filling Tooth root caries

How to get dental restoration and a beautiful smile in 5 days without dental implantation

Meet patient Aryuna, she is 30 years old. She really wanted to get her beautiful smile back. To do this, she needed to restore the aesthetics of her front teeth.

Veneers Crowns Module crown + tooth root CEREC Professional hygiene

more details

Did part of your tooth break off or decay?

Always at your service - Sergey Samsakov, orthopedic dentist with more than 10 years of successful experience, Moscow. Expert in 3D digital smile modeling, veneers and CEREC technology.

Patients come to me from all over Russia:

Features of artistic restoration using composites

First of all, the patient is promptly restored to the shape of the tooth using “available” materials in order to maintain the aesthetics of the smile area during treatment. The level of today's dental materials is so high that some patients are completely satisfied with such restoration and refuse further cooperation. Therefore, for not the most motivated clients, temporary modeling is performed without achieving complete color similarity.

Then a silicone impression is taken from the damaged and temporarily restored tooth, on the basis of which a so-called key will be made, which will allow the artistic part of the work to be completed with high quality.

To achieve an ideal resemblance, the dentist, even with a small chip, has to combine from 3-4 to 5-6 shades of the photopolymer composite. If you do this at random, the patient will not be very pleased with the result: the restored part will differ from natural tissue. The key helps to accurately maintain the relationship between all layers of material of different tones, so that the saturation, lightness and transparency of the restored and natural parts completely coincide.

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