Grillz for teeth: what they are, their advantages and disadvantages

Grills are not a new and unusual dental decoration today. It’s already difficult to surprise anyone with them. Their popularity is constantly growing and many people want to get such jewelry for themselves.

Grizzlies adorn the teeth of Rihanna, Lana del Rey, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Madonna.

So, Beyonce’s ones are made of white gold in the shape of vampire fangs, and Rihanna’s ones are in the form of a machine gun.

Not only public figures, but ordinary people place jewelry on their teeth.

What are they?

Grills are decorative overlays for teeth . Translated from English, grills is a lattice. In their structure, they resemble braces, but the difference between them is that the decoration looks like a single continuous structure of false metal teeth.

Most of them are made individually, since it is difficult to accurately select these structures according to the size of the teeth. They can be removable (can be removed or put on at any time) or permanent, located on one tooth or cover the entire jaw. Manufactured in various shapes and designs.

Price for grills

If you order on Chinese websites, grills cost from 100 rubles , and those with stones cost about 600 rubles. If you make individual ones to order, grills for teeth cost from 4.5 to 20 thousand rubles . in Moscow, in Kyiv a little cheaper: 1-3 thousand UAH. The price of grills depends on the number of teeth involved and the complexity of manufacturing (laser engraving, inlay with stones). If this accessory seems too aggressive, you can consider more elegant and glamorous skyces for teeth as decoration.

History of appearance

The fashion for decorative overlays for teeth appeared in the 80s of the last century. Its creator was the American dentist Eddie Plain, a resident of Atlanta. Their first owner was rapper Just-Ice, who was looking for a new image at that time. He liked the design proposed by the dentist.

Golden grills were made especially for him. In them, he starred in a new video and then performed on stage for a long time. Thanks to this unusual accessory for that time, the rapper gained popularity and success.

This “trick” was quickly picked up by many artists, and Eddie Plein received many orders from celebrities. He constantly came up with new models: experimented with shape, materials, texture.

Until the end of the last century, the design was the prerogative of only rap musicians and hip-hoppers. But now this trend has gained popularity among a large mass of the population.

A real pro in fronts and golds. Meet Eddie Plain

Trying to unravel the mystery of the invention and the original author of the idea of ​​​​decorating teeth so extravagantly, they realized that all paths lead to the unknown Eddie Plein, the owner of the Eddie's gold teeth store, located in New York. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​putting so-called “grids” on the teeth, made of all kinds of precious metals interspersed with jewelry stones. The pioneers and trendsetters for grillz were the real giants of black culture of that time, Flava Flav (Public Enemy), Koll G Rap.

Any rap artist considers himself obligated to visit a popular dentist, certainly on the condition that this becomes known to the general public, a real pro in fronts and golds, hip-hop slang definitions of grillz. And keeping up with the times, some representatives of pop culture have purchased this accessory and are now releasing it under their own name, thereby turning a smile into a chic advertising show. This is exactly what the famous rap artist Paul Wall did.

Plein himself is in no hurry to retire and throw away the opportunity to make money from his unusual invention. Even today he continues to delight his very famous clients with these outrageous accessories. Representatives of the “Dirty South”, who have already visited the dentist, whose names are inscribed in the history of music. Among them were Ludacris, Goodie Mob.

If you get the impression that this is a purely masculine piece of jewelry, then you just have to remember the various performances of Rihanna, who shocked fans with grills of various types and colors.


The popularity of dental jewelry is growing every year. The demand is due to the fact that today they are a fashion trend. Many young people and celebrities install them in an attempt to look more stylish.

Stylists recommend putting grills on only one jaw. In combination with snow-white and healthy teeth, they look beautiful and impressive.

For some people, installing such a structure is a way to stand out from others and make a statement. Performing only a decorative function, grills are an element of their style and image.

Cost and factors that influence it

The simplest and most inexpensive options are stamped models. Their prices start at $10. But high-quality individual grills will cost more. In this case, the cost per 1 tooth will be based on the following factors:

  • creating a model from casts – 1500 rubles,
  • a simple silver item without designer inserts – from 4,500 rubles,
  • chromium-nickel grills without additional inserts – from RUB 4,000,
  • complex silver accessory with engravings and notches – from 5 thousand rubles,
  • applying gold plating to a silver item - about 2 thousand rubles.

The price of making a gold grillz is calculated individually. When calculating the total cost, it is necessary to take into account the taking of impressions, the selected material and decorative elements, the work of the master, and the complexity of the task. A shocking accessory is a great way to complement a bright look and attract attention. But don’t forget that beautiful, healthy teeth and a snow-white smile are always in fashion.

1Crispin B. Modern aesthetic dentistry. Practical Basics, 2003.


Grills come in many variations. They differ from each other in the material of manufacture, shape, method of fastening, and design.

According to the material of manufacture

In production, both inexpensive medical chromium-nickel alloy and more expensive materials are used: gold, silver, platinum.


A product made in this way does not correspond to the natural shape and size of teeth. Such linings are the most dangerous in terms of injury to the mucous and soft tissues of the gums. They most often cause thinning of the enamel, the appearance of cracks and chips on it. They have to be adjusted to the jaw configuration by bending and pressing with your fingers.

They are attached with rigid special clamps to the far teeth, which often causes damage to the enamel and the development of dental diseases.


An alloy of chromium and nickel is the standard material for making linings. Nickel-chrome products are affordable and look beautiful on the teeth, but they are not recommended to be worn every day. The reason lies in the ability of the material to quickly oxidize and disrupt the natural pH balance in the mouth.


Silver is more suitable than chromium-nickel alloy for the manufacture of high-quality and safe overlays. The main advantage of this material is its bactericidal property. Compliance with the rules of wearing the device helps disinfect the oral cavity with silver and preserve fresh breath.


Gold grills are among the top trends. This material with its various variations is chosen by all celebrities for making dental jewelry.

Do you know how to strengthen your gums at home? We have dedicated a separate article to this topic. And here you can read reviews about ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

By mounting method

Inexpensive and simple models, not made to order, attach the overlays using simple peeled wax. To do this, the wax is heated and melted with hot water, and then it is used to fix it. This option is inconvenient and dangerous.

There is always a risk that the wax may melt from warm drinks and food, causing the pad to fall off. There is a danger of accidentally swallowing jewelry that has fallen from the teeth along with food.

In custom-made grills and expensive models, fastening is provided using an internal coating. If the structures are intended for constant wear, then fastening is carried out with mini-bolts.

Grillz of rappers

Having firmly entered the rap culture, grillz did not bypass almost any of its representatives. Rappers' Grills are amazing both in appearance and in price. In a way, the performers even compete to see who has the most expensive jewelry.

One of the most talked about is
Creed's grillz made of white gold , encrusted with diamonds. True, the singer admitted that they cost less than 10 thousand USD, which is quite modest by world standards. Yegor Creed's diamond grills look expensive and harmonize well with the same chain and watch, being an ideal accessory for photo shoots and music videos. But you can hardly expect a live performance by Creed with grillz on his teeth, because... such massive plates noticeably interfere with diction. It doesn’t feel like dental veneers at all; beauty requires sacrifice, and such an accessory brings a lot of discomfort.

also pleased fans by demonstrating new grills . Multi-colored or so-called rainbow overlays with pointed teeth for 150 thousand. go well with the rapper's dark skin and skull chain around his neck. The bulky plates make it very difficult for Tekashi to speak, but this does not bother him at all.

rainbow grills , although the blogger also has gold ones with stones worth 200 thousand rubles, which he even raffled off among subscribers. However, Morgen recently chose to wear regular ceramic veneers like other stars. He installed them in a clinic in the Moscow region, where the blogger was put under anesthesia twice.

Among Western rappers, gold is more in fashion. So, the old man 50 cent , despite his love for showing off his native snow-white teeth and even bite, nevertheless, one day appeared before the public with iridescent jaws made of yellow gold. In this case, the upper one was divided into separate crowns, and the lower one was a solid plate. Lil Peep's diamond on both jaws are no less shocking.

If we consider the most exclusive and expensive grills in ascending order, we can make a small list of leaders in this area:

  1. Kanye West – 60 thousand.e.

  2. Lil Pump – 70 thousand.e.
  3. Lil Wayne – 150 thousand USD
  4. Lil uzi vert – 250 thousand.e.
  5. Quavo – 300 thousand.e.

By shape and design

The design and shape of the overlays are varied and depend only on the wishes of the client. At the request of the customer, they can be in the form of his name, have the shape of a butterfly, heart, vampire fangs, weapons, and can be supplemented with precious stones.

For decoration, engraving, notches, and diamond inserts are used. A popular type of decoration today is micro-notching, which is performed with a laser and imitates the shine of a natural diamond.

Expensive and cheap grills

The grills worn by stars can be classified as jewelry. As a rule, they are quite expensive and are made to order in aesthetic dentistry clinics from silver, gold or platinum, and are encrusted with precious stones: diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Grills at more affordable prices have a standard size, are made of inexpensive metals and are inlaid with ordinary rhinestones. Both of them can be presented in the most incredible designs: imitate an animal grin, take the form of symbolic objects, as well as letters that, for example, make up the owner’s name. There are many options!

Rules for wearing and care

There are rules to help avoid the development of unpleasant consequences from wearing grills. Compliance with them will make the use of the structure safe:

  • It is better to use a removable structure, since wearing permanent ones will lead to the development of unpleasant dental consequences.
  • Before putting on and after removing the accessory, be sure to clean it and your teeth.
  • It is recommended to remove them before eating.
  • Do not bite into hard foods.
  • Children and teenagers should not be allowed to wear them because their bite is not fully formed.
  • Do not wear often or for long periods of time.
  • Try not to touch the pads with your hands, don’t run your tongue over them, and don’t pick under them.

Important: before purchasing them, pay attention to the material. If grills were made from low-quality and cheap material, complications will not be avoided.

If your gums are bleeding, there are wounds or ulcers in the oral cavity, it is better to avoid wearing veneers until they are completely healed.

Caring for the structure is not difficult, you just need to follow simple recommendations:

  • After each removal, clean the inner and outer surfaces with toothpaste.
  • Do not use products containing abrasive particles for cleaning.
  • Wipe dry.
  • It is better to store it in a special case or wrap it in a cloth.
  • Protect the accessory from mechanical damage.

When deciding to wear grills, it is better to consult a dentist. Visiting him is especially important if you have dental diseases. Only their complete cure allows you to wear pads without harm to health.

And in the next video they will tell us and show us how to change silicone for grills:

Plates for teeth

A plate is a removable orthodontic appliance that is used to correct malocclusion in children aged 6 to 13 years. The main purpose of this device is to expand the dentition.

Expansion of the dentition occurs due to the gradual unwinding of the screw in the center of the structure

The plate has a plastic base that follows the shape of the palate and the inner surface of the teeth. One or more screws are placed in the center, due to which the correction will occur. Plates solve the most common problem of crowding of teeth due to lack of space in the child's jaw.

Correction needs to be done once every month and a half. The orthodontist will gradually unscrew the screw, each turn expanding the plate by 0.25 mm. As a rule, pressure on the jaw is felt in the first 5–15 minutes after correction.

The plate may also contain elements for correcting individual teeth, for example, to correct tilt or rotation.

The duration of treatment with plates is on average 1.5–2 years. They are worn, depending on the doctor’s recommendations, from 18 to 24 hours a day.

The plate is removed when eating and brushing teeth

Plates are individual devices that are made for each patient. Depending on the clinical cases, single-jaw or double-jaw systems are used: from the name it is clear that the former correct one jaw, the latter – both at once.

Plates can also be made with artificial teeth - they are necessary if, for some reason, the child has lost milk teeth early. Early tooth loss can cause malocclusion, for example, when neighboring teeth begin to take the place of the missing one, and over time there is no place for the molar to erupt.

Is there any harm or danger from wearing

Grillz themselves are not dangerous. But they have disadvantages associated with the manifestation of some unpleasant dental consequences for the oral cavity when wearing them:

  • Allergies, irritation of the gum mucosa - these are caused by low-quality material used in the manufacture of jewelry.
  • Inflammation of periodontal tissue caused by injury, failure to comply with or fail to comply with the rules of oral hygiene while wearing grills.
  • Development of extensive caries due to violation of hygiene rules.
  • Frequent injury to soft tissues occurs if the structure has a complex shape and is inlaid with stones.
  • Significant thinning of the enamel layer is observed with frequent and prolonged wearing of the pad.
  • A change in bite is observed in those owners of jewelry who do not remove it for a long time and even sleep with it.
  • The appearance of chips and cracks in the enamel on those teeth that have been under the structure for a long time.

The appearance of minor discomfort, unpleasant sensations when wearing grills, pain, redness is a reason to refuse to use them.


These are transparent removable mouth guards made of hypoallergenic material, which are used to correct bite in children over 12 years of age and adults. Age restrictions are due to the fact that aligners can be prescribed when jaw growth has stopped, that is, after 12–14 years.

Aligners are clear aligners that are less noticeable when worn than a plate or braces.

Aligners are prescribed when there are gaps between teeth that spoil the aesthetic appearance. They also help solve the problem of crowded teeth, change the position or inclination of each tooth, and correct crossbites or open bites. In severe cases or in very difficult cases, this orthodontic system will not be sufficient and braces may be required.

Like plates, aligners are individual for each client. They are created using a 3D model, taking into account how the position of the teeth will change step by step. That is, if the doctor adjusts the plate according to the schedule, then the aligners will simply need to be changed every 2-4 weeks on your own. A set can on average include from 8 to 40 sets, depending on the complexity of the case. As a rule, the first results become noticeable after 3-4 months of wearing.

The client receives a full set of aligners for the entire correction period

After treatment, a retention period begins, during which you need to consolidate the result with the help of retainers. If it is missed, the teeth may return to the position they were before treatment.

Aligners should be worn for 20–22 hours a day, only being removed when eating or brushing your teeth. The advantage of this device is that it does not impose dietary restrictions: for example, while wearing braces you cannot eat solid foods such as nuts, crackers, apples.

Russian Star Smile aligners have made the technology of orthodontic treatment with aligners accessible, since the final cost does not include transportation costs from abroad. In addition, their production time is reduced. The treatment process takes on average from 3 to 15 months.

Where to buy, how to choose

You can purchase onlays online or order them from a professional orthodontist.

There are many websites on the Internet offering grills for sale. Most of them are of the same type, with a standard design. Such a purchase should be approached with caution.

Firstly, the online store selling them must have an appropriate certificate confirming the safety and quality of the products.

Secondly, the selected onlay must completely fit the teeth. Based on the image alone, it is not easy to choose the size of the overlay. It is better to avoid purchasing online if the seller does not have a certificate and has a small range of goods.

It is much safer to purchase grills from an orthodontist. But this process is long (from several days to a month) and depends on the complexity of the work. They are made individually according to the impression made, followed by fitting and correction.

When choosing linings, you must follow the rules:

  • What image would you like to embody? If the goal is to create a shocking style, then massive elaborate decorations will be required for the entire front row, and maybe both.
    If you want to add a little originality to your everyday look, then you should opt for a small design for one or several teeth with a discreet design.
  • For what occasion? Daily wear involves the use of small overlays, and for special occasions, eye-catching, unusually designed jewelry is suitable.
  • Pay attention to the material of manufacture . It should be borne in mind that high-quality and safe designs are not cheap.

We will tell you what the price of fang extensions depends on, as well as what care will be needed after the procedure. By clicking on the following link:, you will find out in which vitamins for teeth an adult may experience need.

In this article you can find a description of Crest Whitestrips.

It is important to understand that grillz must fit into the image of their owner, otherwise you can become a victim of fashion.

Write a comment

  • Olga

    September 17, 2015 at 3:09 am

    To be honest, what kind of bullshit can they come up with in show business just to attract attention to their own person! I immediately had an association with gold teeth from a scoop, when this was considered a sign of wealth, but it always seemed to me a lack of taste. It’s good if the “stars” wear these things only as a stage accessory, otherwise in everyday life they probably walk around and sparkle with such a mouth))

  • Valeria

    November 30, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Really, what else can you think of? Maybe we will also remove teeth and insert diamond ones? Well, it’s beautiful. It feels like celebrities and other bourgeoisie simply can’t figure out what to spend their money on or how else to show off their wealth! I think these grizzles are just another show off for fashionistas, and clean white teeth are beautiful.

  • Irina Semenova

    April 20, 2021 at 4:31 am

    I don’t want to offend anyone, but I think this type of jewelry doesn’t look very nice. Although if they are used at themed parties, photo shoots or Halloween, then it is quite suitable. But in everyday life, it will be overkill. Although, depending on what kind of life you have, if you are a rock star, then to maintain your image you can easily afford such decoration, but if you are an office employee, then it is better to use more modest accessories for your teeth. For example, a small pebble on one tooth will look very cute.

  • Julia

    July 18, 2021 at 9:36 am

    Gorgeous thing! Not for everyday life, of course, but for photo shoots or parties, as mentioned above. However, I personally like everything unusual, shiny and bright; I would love to buy grillz with fangs, for example. But I want precious stones, and I don’t have much money yet, eh... There is an alternative option for decorating teeth - rhinestones, but to wear them you need perfectly straight and white teeth, but in order to get grills, this is not necessary, and this is a definite plus.

  • Alexander

    September 29, 2021 at 7:01 am

    This is done not only for the stars, and if you don’t like it, then it’s better to just remain silent so that you don’t be insulted, considered a redneck who has no respect for other people, if you don’t like the theme of unusual jewelry, then why the hell are you bothering here? By the way, grillz are not worn, but put on! Try to imagine grillz in clothes, for example: Down jacket, boots, pants. In my opinion, people from the Soviet Union should be ashamed of their lack of literacy...

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