How to whiten teeth with activated carbon at home?

In medicine and pharmaceuticals, activated carbon is used to extract and separate substances, as well as for biologically safe cleansing of the body. This is precisely what the method of lightening tooth enamel with this substance is based on - without damaging the gums, without creating a danger of burning the mucous membrane, it quickly frees the tooth surface from plaque and dark spots.

Teeth whitening with activated carbon at home can be a complete alternative to procedures performed in dental clinics.

The main thing is to follow the rules.

Does activated charcoal really whiten teeth?

Due to its structure, activated carbon powder is an excellent abrasive.

Activated carbon powder has the unique ability to absorb impressive volumes of liquid along with the toxins it contains.

Coal has another unique property.

Due to its structure, activated carbon powder is an excellent abrasive, soft and at the same time allows you to remove plaque and make the enamel several tones lighter.

The coal particles are so small that there is virtually no risk of damaging enamel and gums.

Of course, it will not be possible to achieve a salon effect, and after a couple of sessions of such home whitening, your teeth will become only two or three shades lighter, but the result will be obvious to everyone who sees your smile.

In addition, the cost of a package of activated carbon is so low that it is worth experimenting with this safe product, which can be safely used at home.

Teeth Whitening Pencil –

A teeth whitening pencil is the most ineffective and pointless way to spend your free time waiting for your teeth to lighten. Such pencils not only make teeth lighter, but also temporarily recolor their white color due to the white dye they contain. A teeth whitening pencil of the “Crestal” type (Fig. 20) costs more than 900 rubles at retail, with a purchase price of 100-150 rubles. This already says a lot...

Indications for the procedure

Abrasive particles of coal will gently remove the yellowish coating that annoys lovers of tonic drinks and tobacco.

Teeth whitening with activated carbon is a procedure that is ideal for people with naturally quite light enamel.

After all, charcoal cannot affect the shade of teeth: it will only remove plaque, which visually makes teeth darker.

If you have dark enamel, you won't be able to make it white at home.

Coal will help people who drink strong tea or coffee every day, and also smoke a lot. Abrasive particles of coal will gently remove the yellowish coating that annoys lovers of tonic drinks and tobacco.

Teeth whitening with activated carbon is worth paying attention to if you regularly visit a dental clinic and undergo professional teeth cleaning.

Regular use of charcoal will help increase the time between visits to the dentist and maintain the results achieved by the specialist.

Advice! If after cleansing your teeth with charcoal you notice black dots and streaks, it means your enamel is damaged and the method described in the article is not suitable for you. Contact your dentist: modern methods of strengthening teeth help restore the integrity of the enamel and avoid the development of caries.

Why does tartar form on teeth?

There is always a certain amount of bacteria present in the oral cavity. This is fine. Moreover, bacteria help in digestion by starting the process of decomposition of food already during chewing.

Bacteria are found on the surface of all oral tissues, including teeth. The latter are protected from the harmful effects of microorganisms by enamel. Bacteria cannot penetrate through it.

But, nevertheless, nothing prevents bacteria from accumulating on the surface of the enamel. This biofilm is easily removed with everyday hygiene - brushing, flossing and irrigating. But in some cases - for example, due to untimely removal - the plaque begins to thicken. The reasons for this are:

  • Excessive consumption of sweet foods, sugar, foods high in carbohydrates. All this creates a breeding ground for microorganisms;
  • Use of low-quality hygiene products, untimely cleaning;
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke destroys the structure of the enamel, forming roughness, cavities and cavities on its surface;
  • Irregularity of the dentition, malocclusion;
  • Diseases of the digestive system, hereditary predisposition.

Bacterial plaque is easily removed. However, at some point it begins to petrify – that is, to become denser and acquire a mineral structure. And turns into tartar.

Tartar can no longer be removed with everyday hygiene products. It cannot be brushed or flossed off, and even a waterpik cannot destroy it. At the same time, bacteria in this colony continue to destroy both the tooth and the soft tissue located next to it. As a result, itching, swelling, bleeding begins, and increased sensitivity appears.

Preparing teeth for whitening

Activated carbon is a product that can practically not harm teeth.

However, to protect yourself from possible negative consequences, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If the enamel of your teeth is thinned, it is better to avoid whitening.

    Consult your dentist before proceeding with the procedure. A specialist will be able to assess the condition of your teeth and assess possible risks;

  • If the enamel of your teeth is thinned, it is better to avoid whitening. Despite its mild effect, coal powder can have a destructive effect on thin enamel;
  • If you have recently had your braces removed, you may want to avoid any methods of teeth whitening;
  • A week before whitening, brush your teeth with a professional paste that strengthens tooth enamel. Your dentist can recommend such a paste. Thanks to such preparation, the enamel will become stronger, which means that after cleaning with charcoal, microcracks will not appear on it.

Important! Try to crush the tablets to such an extent that no large particles remain in the powder. This will help avoid damage to the enamel.

Photos before and after

If you do everything correctly, following the recommendations, the result will be. Don't expect it to appear quickly - after the first procedure. It will take 3-4 cleanings. Take a look at the photo: the first one shows teeth before whitening, the second one shows them after 2 sessions. The difference is noticeable!


For each method you will need 1-2 charcoal tablets.

Choose the method that seems most convenient to you and feel free to start cleaning:

Important! If you have sensitive teeth and thin enamel, apply the mixture to your finger rather than to your toothbrush when brushing. This will reduce the abrasive qualities of the powder and help protect the enamel from microcracks.

Stages of teeth whitening with activated carbon at home

Properties of activated carbon

The question may arise: why should activated carbon be used to clean teeth? It's all about its properties.

First of all, activated carbon has cleansing properties. In addition, it neutralizes negative substances - but only upon contact with water. Also, when brushing your teeth with its use, there is an abrasive effect on the enamel. Some people worry that this may damage the enamel, but this is not the case. If your teeth are healthy, and breaks are taken between courses of brushing your teeth with charcoal, there is no danger.

In addition to coal, the tablets contain useful organic components. The composition may contain seeds of various fruits, nut shells, etc. Of course, the composition of activated carbon is not so important if the purpose of its use is only teeth whitening. But, if the composition is rich in additional elements, it is beneficial for the gums and oral cavity - it relieves inflammation and removes unpleasant odor.

Traditional methods

If you want to not only whiten your teeth, but also strengthen your gums and enamel, then you should pay attention to folk recipes:

  • You can get a mild whitening agent by mixing charcoal powder with honey.

    Mix the powder obtained after grinding the tablets with a decoction of oak bark. Oak bark contains tannins, which strengthen the gums and help cope with their bleeding;

  • Add two to three drops of lemon juice to the paste with the addition of activated carbon powder. Essential oils contained in lemon juice additionally whiten teeth and destroy bacteria that cause caries. This method is suitable only for people whose enamel is not damaged and who do not have carious cavities;
  • You can get a mild bleaching agent by mixing charcoal powder with honey. Honey will be beneficial by strengthening the soft tissue of the gums and will also reduce tooth sensitivity.

Advice! If you use a toothbrush that is too hard or don't grind the charcoal enough, your gums may bleed after brushing your teeth. In this case, you should rinse your mouth with a glass of water to which a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide has been added. Peroxide will help quickly stop bleeding and avoid inflammation.

Properties and action

It is noteworthy that pressed coke or charcoal powder begins to exhibit its sorbent properties only when it merges with water. But, if applied locally, it serves as an abrasive material.

Therefore, when rubbing the enamel with activated carbon, its particles begin to remove plaque. However, at the same time, hard tissues are also eliminated.

In addition, for some time the drug creates a kind of protective barrier on the enamel against bacteria, which are the source of plaque formation. Due to this, the obtained result is preserved.

How not to damage the enamel?

To avoid damaging tooth enamel, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Brushing your teeth with charcoal too often is harmful: it can lead to thinning of the enamel.

    There should be 7 to 10 days between procedures. Brushing your teeth with charcoal too often is harmful: it can lead to thinning of the enamel;

  • If, after brushing, you notice yellowish stains on your teeth or, on the contrary, that stand out against the background of the teeth with their light shade, stop home whitening for a while and consult a dentist;
  • Coal powder should be as fine as possible;
  • Eat hard fruits, such as apples, every day. This will help strengthen your teeth and gums;
  • Use a soft or medium-hard brush. If your enamel is sensitive, apply charcoal powder using gauze or your finger.

Important! Charcoal powder can become lodged in the spaces between teeth. Thorough rinsing or flossing will help remove it.

Removal techniques

So, you have found black plaque on your teeth, what should you do? The first step is to make an appointment with a dentist. Depending on the degree of damage and medical history, the doctor will select a treatment method.

The fundamental factor in choosing therapy is the causes of dark plaque on the teeth, so tests and diagnostics may be required. In some cases, consultation with a specialist may be required (in the presence of chronic diseases).

Ultrasound is recognized as an effective, proven and safe way to remove black plaque on teeth. For the procedure, a special device is used - a scaler. It emits ultrasonic vibrations and transmits them through the tip to the tooth surface. Under the influence of ultrasonic vibration, deposits are destroyed and separated from the enamel.

Ultrasonic cleaning is painless, does not cause health problems, teeth do not hurt after it and you can lead a normal lifestyle. It can be carried out for both adults and children.

A reliable result is demonstrated by the procedure using Air Flow technology. It will return your teeth to their original appearance, eliminate blackening and deposits, and restore the beauty of your smile. Can be used both in the lateral and frontal zones.

This method uses the sandblasting principle of processing sand of a certain dispersion. A mixture of water, air and abrasive particles is applied to the tooth surface under high pressure. The enamel is polished, becomes smooth and is cleared of pigment and solid particles.

These were the basic tips on how to remove black plaque on teeth, but it is wiser to still use preventive measures and not lead to clinical treatment.

How to maintain the effect?

The following recommendations will help you maintain the whitening effect for a long time:

  • Eat apples or fresh carrots every day. These products help mechanically clean tooth enamel and remove plaque;
  • Don't drink more than a couple of cups of strong tea and coffee a day. If you can’t imagine your life without these drinks, try drinking them through a straw: thanks to this, less plaque is deposited on the enamel;
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening, trying to get even to hard-to-reach places. It is important to brush your teeth correctly. Your dentist can teach you how to do this;
  • After eating, chew chewing gum for two to three minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the described method include the following:

  • Teeth will not become whiter than their natural shade: charcoal will only remove plaque and return the enamel to its natural color

    simplicity and safety of the method;

  • availability of activated carbon at cost;
  • harmless to the body and no side effects;
  • quick results that become noticeable after the first use of charcoal powder.

However, activated carbon also has some disadvantages:

  • Abrasive particles can harm the enamel, especially if it is already thinned;
  • It will not be possible to achieve a salon effect. Teeth will not become whiter than their natural shade: charcoal will only remove plaque and return the enamel to its natural color;
  • Old tartar cannot be removed with charcoal. To do this you will have to resort to the services of a professional.

Advantages and disadvantages

Even home whitening techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the positive aspects:

  • The maximum price for a pack of coal is 20 rubles.
  • Can be found in almost any pharmacy.
  • Easy to use.
  • Removing surface plaque.

One of the disadvantages of such teeth whitening is the possibility of a side effect in the form of enamel hypersensitivity or bleeding gums. One more point: sometimes it is quite difficult to clean the interdental spaces from black coal. This leads to people starting to brush their teeth aggressively, pressing hard on the brush, and trying to clean out the coal with foreign objects. Such actions can also lead to undesirable consequences.

Is it possible to replace toothpaste with activated charcoal?

The toothpaste does not contain abrasive particles that could injure the enamel.

A reasonable question arises: is it possible to replace toothpaste with activated carbon?

Dentists do not advise doing this. This is due to the fact that the toothpaste does not contain abrasive particles that could injure the enamel.

Coal, when used frequently, can cause thinning of the enamel.

And thinned enamel is the cause of tooth hypersensitivity and caries.

Therefore, it is not advisable to carry out the procedure more than once a week, and the rest of the time, to maintain the result, you should use a whitening or strengthening toothpaste.

Summary – the advantages of professional home whitening

Both at-home and professional teeth whitening have been studied in many clinical studies, with interesting results. For example, it was found that the shorter the whitening course/procedure, the faster the original color of the enamel returns. Those. The disadvantage of professional whitening methods such as Zoom (where the entire procedure takes 1 hour) is the rapid color rebound.

That is why all these patients are still prescribed home whitening systems - to maintain the results of professional whitening. If the patient refuses, then within a few months the color of the teeth returns to their original state. Therefore, you should not think that home whitening products are less effective than professional ones. The products we listed above (for example, Opalescence and Crest) really allow you to whiten your teeth at home without harming your teeth. We hope that our article was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Based on personal experience with whitening, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (USA), 5., 6., 7.


Elena: “Once in my youth I had a white smile that was the envy of everyone. Then I started smoking and drinking coffee every day... As a result, I was even embarrassed to smile. I found a recipe for teeth whitening with charcoal and decided to try it. I just chewed the pills every 10 days. I can say that the enamel really became whiter; my colleagues even asked if I had my teeth whitened at the dentist. Of course, there is no perfect whiteness, but the result is excellent, especially considering the cost of coal.”

Igor: “My wife said that my teeth are terribly yellow. I have been afraid of dentists since childhood, so I agreed only to home methods. My wife told me to use activated carbon powder instead of paste once a week. The result was not particularly encouraging. No, the teeth have become lighter, but the smile is not Hollywood. But I’ve always had dark enamel, so apparently I’ll have to make an appointment with the dentist.”

Alena: “After professional cleaning, the dentist advised me to chew a charcoal tablet once a week to maintain the result. It works. Previously, I went for cleaning once every four months, now between procedures it takes from 6 to 8 months. I’m happy, the savings are significant, and my teeth are white.”

Anton: “As a dentist, I am well aware that activated carbon was used to whiten enamel by our great-grandmothers. I can say that the method really works, although only if your enamel is strong enough. Otherwise, cracks will appear on it, which means the risk of caries increases. Don’t get carried away with home procedures, even the most harmless ones at first glance, and then your teeth will be healthy and beautiful.”

Dentists' opinion

Experts do not deny the effectiveness of using activated carbon to lighten enamel. At the same time, they do not consider this technique absolutely safe for oral health.

However, no whitening method guarantees only positive results.

Based on practice, dentists claim that there are only a few people who, before experimenting with the sorbent, consulted a specialist about their condition of the hard tissues of the oral cavity.

Quite a strong abrasive - activated carbon can thin out weakened enamel and create serious problems.

However, experts agree that using a sorbent for teeth whitening is a safer method compared to using hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, and soda for the same purposes.

In this regard, dentists allow enamel lightening with compressed charcoal for those who want to get rid of dark plaque, but who are not able to carry out a professional procedure.

The video explains in detail how to use the tablets correctly.

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