Making vampire fangs with your own hands: options and instructions

What party or Halloween can take place without the presence of a vampire. The black coat and pale look have faded into the background in modern cinema, so you can match the look in regular jeans. But what you really can’t do without is the main attribute of any vampire, his fangs.

Prices for this element of a fancy dress costume are often unreasonably high, so you should think about making them yourself. There are many different ways to make teeth or jaws like a real vampire, the five most popular materials for making them are:

  1. Paper;
  2. Plastic fork;
  3. Artificial nails;
  4. Cotton wool;
  5. Clay or plasticine.

Fangs made of plastic

To make vampire teeth at home, take a bowl, spoon and plastic chopsticks. You can also use ground plastic. Place the plastic in a medium-sized bowl and fill with boiling water. When the material begins to melt, carefully pick it up with a spoon so as not to get burned. Now the plastic has softened and is easy to change.


This method was invented by Max Kirshenbaum, for which many thanks to him.

So, take a regular white piece of paper and make a square out of it.

To do this, you can use a ruler to accurately measure the sides of the square, or you can simply fold the corners of the sheet and trim off the excess protruding side. You begin to collect the future tooth using the prepared square paper form.

Bend it diagonally and fold the craft using the sides that are opposite to each other.

Keep in mind that in the end you will only be able to make one tooth, so if you are going to assemble a human skull, be patient.

Use both sides of the blank to make a three-dimensional model of the tooth. The result is a molar that stands on four legs (roots).

Since the theme of teeth is not everyone’s cup of tea, you can also make teeth for decoration, for example, for Halloween.

How to make vampire fangs at home from plastic nails?

Vampire fangs made from ordinary false nails are very convenient to produce and wear. Take nail tips, a file, scissors, nail glue, acrylic paint or white polish. From the set, you need to choose a pair of nails that are most suitable for your teeth. Most likely, these will be false nails for the little fingers. If the tips are too long, cut them off. Now use a nail file to give your nails a pointed tooth shape.

The use of special plasticine

This method will require slightly more expensive ingredients, but the end result will be fangs that are no different from store-bought horror stories and, in fact, real vampire fangs.

To make it, you will need to buy environmentally friendly plasticine, safe for health, which is sold in any children's store, or purchase polymer clay, which in its properties resembles the same plasticine.

The manufacturing method is as follows:

  • white plasticine is mixed with the addition of a small piece of yellow to give it a natural tooth shade;
  • two fangs should be sculpted from the resulting viscous mass; it is usually recommended to make blanks twice as long as real teeth;
  • You can also use dental glue or false nail fixation for attachment.

Plasticine fangs will be quite fragile. You have to be careful with them so that the vampire, at any moment, is not left without teeth. Products made from polymer clay will be stronger, but they must first be subjected to heat treatment, which will require additional effort and time.

The advantage of this option is that such fangs will look better than their counterparts made from other materials.

Apple Vampire Fangs

You're not going to a vampire themed party or Halloween, but just want to scare someone? Then you won't need scary vampire fangs glued to your own teeth. After all, the scare scam will take you very little time, and walking around with a foreign body in your mouth is not very pleasant. How to make vampire fangs without gluing them tightly? It's very simple, all you need is an ordinary apple! Only the fruit must be hard. Using a thin knife or an ink pen, you need to cut out two parts from the apple, close in size and shape to the cone. The parts just need to be put on your own teeth. But you can’t close your mouth with vampire apple fangs on your teeth. Saliva will simply ruin them. Putting on artificial teeth, quickly bring your insidious plan to fruition!

Fangs can also be made from cotton wool for a short time.

You can also use a plastic fork for this purpose.

White cocktail straw

To make sharp vampire teeth from an ordinary plastic straw, you need to choose its color to match the color of the enamel and take scissors:

  • First, you should separate two pieces from the straw, the dimensions of which should be approximately twice as long as your own teeth;
  • then you will need to use scissors to trim the edges of the blanks so that they become triangular, matching the vampire fangs;
  • after processing, the resulting product should have a rounded mount for attachment to the tooth and a fang cut out on one side.

This option is much better than the previous one in terms of the fact that the pads are removable.
They can be removed and put back on at any time. Glued blanks will not be as functional.

On the other hand, a vampire accessory made from a cocktail straw doesn't look as good as one made from false nails or plasticine.

Do-it-yourself fangs, molded from plastic

Another way to make fangs with your own hands is using plastic for modeling. Sets of various soft plastics are now widely available in stores. Using such a universal material, you can make excellent, beautiful and durable bloodsucker teeth. How to make vampire fangs at home? Of course, first buy a set of plastic. A particularly large selection is presented in stores for needlewomen involved in the fashionable hobby - handmade. Be sure to read the instructions on the package or consult the seller. Soft plastic has its own characteristics of use! Make fangs out of it that are as similar to real ones as possible. Put your imagination to work! After sculpting, immediately place the finished fangs on your own teeth so that they can adapt to the shape of the owner's jaw.

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Now you know that getting ready for a party or carnival can be quick and easy. Don't buy fangs in the store, but use your imagination and have a good time making the best vampire fangs.

Young people are trying to “keep up with fashion.” To achieve their goals, young people sometimes neglect the safety of their health. They strive to stand out from the crowd and be modern.

Informal teenagers, especially those who consider themselves goths, try to follow fashion and grow fangs. This can be done with the help of modern dentistry. This desire arises, in most cases, in adolescents aged 14–20 years.

It is rare to meet an older person who strives to grow fangs. Currently, tooth enlargement occurs using several methods.

What could be the motivation?

Fangs can be extended or restored for dental reasons or for beauty.

For medical purposes, canine extensions are necessary for the following purposes:

  • the enamel is damaged or has microcracks;
  • the tooth has damage from deep caries or the hard tissue has suffered mechanical damage;
  • the tooth wears out with age;
  • for defects that cannot be corrected aesthetically;
  • There is pronounced pigmentation on the enamel.

In order to improve (change) their appearance, each person makes an independent decision about the advisability of growing fangs.

Over the past few years, this procedure has only gained popularity. Patients are confident that restoration of certain teeth can correct their facial expression and make their smile more mysterious and unusual. They are confident that they will acquire a certain charm and novelty.

In most cases, manipulations on the fangs are performed only for decorative aesthetics.


Restrictions that future “vampires” should take into account:

  • work will not be carried out with periodontitis;
  • The patient will also receive a refusal if the bite is incorrect, if the load when eating food is not distributed evenly;
  • extension is impossible if the canine is severely damaged, in this case a crown is put on;
  • with irregular oral care;
  • if you are allergic to the material used;
  • deep caries;
  • If the enamel wears out too much, extensions will be ineffective.

Plastic fork

The basis is a standard plastic fork. The central teeth are carefully filed, and the handle is cut perpendicularly in the same way.

The end result is a piece of vampire jaw that is glued to the front teeth with dental wax. Please note that the adhesive should be applied to the concave side of the fork and secured to the jaw so that an even number of natural teeth remain in the opening between the fangs.

The advantage of this method is that, especially in the dark, the long teeth of a fork will look like ominous sharp vampire fangs, but you should be extremely careful with plastic utensils, because their sharp edges may well scratch the oral cavity.

What does modern dentistry offer?

When growing teeth, in particular fangs, depending on the situation, three methods are used.

Direct method

The growth occurs in the oral cavity. Various materials are used for dental reconstruction.

The material is applied in layers to the prepared tooth. The thickness is selected based on the patient’s wishes. After the procedure is completed, the hardened material is polished and brought to perfection.

The procedure takes a minimal amount of time, no more than one hour per tooth. When growing two fangs, the time spent will be about one and a half hours. The work will be carried out sequentially, which will save time.

Installation of veneers and other overlays

The main work takes place in the dental laboratory.

Veneers are very thin plates made of dental material that resemble enamel in properties. The surface of the tooth is prepared, after which the plates are glued to a special solution.

Instead of veneers, you can install lumineers. They are similar to tooth enamel, and thanks to a special production technology, their thickness is reduced to 0.3 mm.

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Such plates are classified as aesthetic dentistry. With their help you can hide imperfections in your teeth. Masks chips, cracks and stains on tooth enamel.

Installation of crowns

Crowns are selected according to the required size and shape, which is determined by the orthopedic dentist. The production is carried out by a dental technician.

When choosing a crown, you can choose the material from which future fangs will be made. There are also several ways to install the finished product.

The most popular crowns:

  1. Metal-ceramic . A thin layer of ceramic is applied to the metal, which allows the tooth to look more natural.
  2. Ceramic . They are made from zirconium dioxide and have the same characteristics as metal.

You can install a crown:

  • on your treated tooth;
  • if the tooth root is preserved, then it can be installed on a stump tab;
  • you can mount the pin and put it on it.

You can grow fangs with a crown by no more than 4 mm. With a more massive build-up, the oral mucosa and tongue will be injured. Permanent injuries can lead to disastrous results, including the formation of a tumor.

Extension methods

When choosing a method of extension, the dentist takes into account the degree of destruction of the canine and the patient’s wishes regarding the cost of medical services. Modern orthopedic dentistry offers several options:

  • microprosthetics using ceramic inlays (from 10 to 15 thousand rubles);
  • installation of veneers and lumineers (from 20 to 30 thousand rubles);
  • artificial crown (from 5 to 10 thousand rubles);
  • implantation (from 70 to 120 thousand rubles).


The extension is done directly in the oral cavity. Dental therapists have photopolymers (light-curing filling materials) in their arsenal. The material is applied to the prepared tooth in layers. The thickness is selected based on the anatomy of the dental system. The hardened material is ground and polished. The duration of the procedure is no more than one hour per extended tooth. Fangs grow in one and a half to two hours.

Restoration with installation of veneers

Veneers are porcelain or composite plates that replace the vestibular layer of teeth. Lumineers, or ceramic veneers, are much thinner and are fixed without grinding down the fangs. Using plates that are indistinguishable from real tooth enamel, you can mask aesthetic defects, microcracks and hide uneven tooth coloring. Artificial teeth made from veneers will last no more than ten years.

Installation of an artificial crown

If the canine is severely damaged, the patient is offered to undergo extensions using crowns, which restore the anatomical shape of the tooth. If there is no history of hypersensitivity to metals, classic metal-ceramic crowns are used. An alternative to them are crowns made of ceramics and zirconium oxide.

The restoration is carried out in stages: first, the dentist prepares the surface of the tooth, grinding and eliminating the affected areas on the outer walls; At the second stage, an impression, or impression, of the tooth is taken. Metal-ceramic crowns are one and a half times cheaper than artificial ones.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

In most cases, canine extensions are an aesthetic need. Only in rare cases is such a procedure necessary for medical reasons and it is carried out using artificial material. In many cases, it is simply necessary to restore the appearance of the tooth.

Vampire fangs are a tribute to fashion; they are common in some subcultures among young people.

What does reconstruction give:

  • aesthetic indicators increase, the smile becomes natural, snow-white and beautiful;
  • durability of materials;
  • the ability to completely restore a tooth, even if some part is missing, the main requirement is the presence of a healthy root and the presence of bone tissue in the required volume;
  • you can change your smile, appearance and image.
  • high cost of the procedure;
  • there is no one hundred percent guarantee for a long-term result; the fang can break due to improper care or when chewing hard food;
  • The procedure cannot be carried out if the root is slightly damaged.

What do extended fangs look like for girls and guys in real life:

Features of care

To increase the service life of artificial fangs, they must be properly cared for.

Care instructions:

  • Do not use cleaning products with abrasive particles;
  • A toothbrush should be used with soft or medium hardness;
  • smoking and large amounts of coffee can damage dental material;
  • You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day;
  • To increase the service life of the products, you should visit the dentist twice a year and conduct a preventive examination; if necessary, the doctor will polish the fangs and cover them with a protective varnish.

It is impossible to grow fangs professionally at home. To increase the size or restore a tooth, special dental materials are required. You will also need equipment to harden the drug.

But at home you can make temporary vampire teeth from scrap materials.

Artificial nails

To grow fangs from artificial nails, you will need to purchase nails and dental wax, sold in any pharmacy.

store. It is better to choose the color so that the fangs do not differ much from the color of natural enamel.

Then you should make and fix the inlays on the teeth, for which you need to do the following:

  • make a blank by cutting it out of a false nail;
  • sharpen the workpiece with a nail file to the required size and give the fangs the correct shape;
  • If desired, you can apply a little red food coloring along the edges of the false teeth to give the vampire jaw even more ominous bloodiness;

  • for fastening, adhesive wax is applied to the surface of the tooth and in a small amount to artificial fangs (the wax will not cause any harm to a person, and its effect will weaken a few hours after application, so if necessary, the lining can be removed quite simply);
  • then you should press the workpiece to the enamel and hold for several minutes.

The advantages of this method are obvious: teeth are made quite quickly, all the ingredients are easy to get in any store and they are cheap.

However, this option also has a disadvantage - traces of wax will remain on the enamel for several more days until they are completely washed off.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the extension procedure depends on several factors:

  • complexity of the chosen method;
  • cost of the material used;
  • the prestige of the clinic;
  • specialist qualifications.

The price range is between 4-40 thousand rubles per tooth. Cosmetic restoration will cost around 5 thousand rubles. If preliminary treatment of caries or other additional dental services is necessary, the cost will increase.

Installing crowns will cost more, but the cost will directly depend on the material chosen. Simple metal ceramics will cost 4 thousand rubles, and a completely ceramic tooth will cost no less than 20 thousand.

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The most expensive material for fang extensions is veneer. Its cost will be from 25 thousand per tooth.

Before you decide to take such a serious step, you should think everything over carefully and weigh the pros and cons. You can make an outwardly beautiful shell, but harm your health. The decision to enlarge fangs is strictly individual; there cannot be one opinion.

Movies and books about vampires have many fans. The mysterious image of mystical creatures with sharp teeth makes young people want to grow fangs. Is it worth doing this for the sake of a momentary “want” and what pitfalls await imitating vampires?

How much does it cost to grow fangs and is it worth it?

It is possible to lengthen and sharpen teeth only in a dental clinic. But this does not guarantee dental health and the absence of problems in the future. Before we name the price in monetary units, we will stipulate the intangible price that will have to be paid for this specific pleasure.

What can result from growing fangs:

· caries due to injury to tooth enamel. Violation of the integrity of the enamel leads to the development of caries, and instead of fascinating white fangs, you can get dark spots of caries on your teeth, which obviously does not add charm;

· increased tooth sensitivity to cold/hot, sweet/sour foods. Because the dentist will need to file down the enamel to shape the fang, artificial fangs can become very sensitive. Even a sharp breath of frosty air can be painful;

· discomfort when eating. The function of the canines is to bite and crush food, after which it is chewed by the chewing molars. But artificially elongated fangs no longer cope with their task fully, and poorly chopped food can cause serious harm to the stomach and intestines;

· constant risk of chipping. Extended teeth are softer than natural ones, they are easy to break even on a harmless cracker. If too much enamel is cut off, there is a possibility of not only chipping, but also complete destruction of the tooth;

· discomfort in the mouth. Elongated teeth can injure lips, gums, and even make it difficult to close your mouth. Instead of the image of a sexy vampire, you may get the image of a one-year-old child who is teething, and therefore has an open mouth with increased salivation.

If the list of possible troubles doesn’t scare you, then let’s move on to the cost of the procedure. The price varies from 2-3 thousand to 10 thousand rubles per pair and depends on the method of extension. There are two of them:

· restoration of one’s own canine by filing and extension;

· specially shaped crown.

In the first case, your own shape can be partially restored, in the second you will have to wear a crown constantly.

How to grow fangs at home? Answer: no way, because teeth are not a decorative bush that can be shaped. If you decide to change your appearance in such an extraordinary way, do not experiment at home. Contact specialists who will do this with minimal side effects.

Do not forget that with such decoration your own tooth is damaged, so think carefully before crossing the threshold of a dental clinic for such an unusual purpose.

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