The best DIY kitchen cleaner: baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

There are universal products that can be used for medical purposes, in cosmetology, and in the household - these are baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, available to everyone. The effectiveness of their use in these areas has been tested by time and many, not succumbing to the advertising of modern cleaning products, continue to use safe “grandmother’s” products. There are simple and effective methods for cleaning kitchen utensils using baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and hydrogen peroxide.

How does hydrogen peroxide and soda treatment work?

Professor Neumyvakin argues for the effectiveness of the treatment by the fact that soda has the ability to inflame the blood; its composition normalizes 15 minutes after consumption. In addition, the main cause of all diseases is eliminated - the acid-base balance is restored to normal, the body is cleansed, and the internal organs begin to work properly.

Official medicine does not know how to confirm these statements. But this method of treatment has thousands of fans who believe that it is quite effective. The technique includes: • health procedures; • physical exercise; • drinking 1.5 liters of water daily.

It's quite simple. Neumyvakin says that taking care of your health is not difficult, but it should be done systematically.

The professor is looking for new methods of healing and believes that they are the future of medicine. Combining traditional and official medicine is the key to successful recovery, in his opinion. After all, a contaminated body can hardly be considered healthy. He is convinced that it is necessary to get rid of toxins, cleanse the liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

Contraindications and possible harm

Healer I.P. Neumyvakin believes that there are very few serious contraindications for using his method. But there are still diseases and conditions in which soda and peroxide will not be useful, but harmful. Among them:

  • tumor diseases, except the initial stage;
  • stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems, including high or low acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • HIV infection and tuberculosis;
  • anemia (moderate and severe);
  • weight deficiency;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • allergic reaction to soda or peroxide;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This method should be used with caution in the very elderly and at an early age. If you experience discomfort after using the solutions, you should immediately reduce the dose or interrupt the course.

Often there are negative reviews about the effects of the method associated with the incorrect use of soda and peroxide solutions.

Among the most common mistakes is drug overdose. It can cause headache, nausea, pain in the stomach or intestines, and diarrhea.

Diarrhea will also be caused by soda dissolved not in hot, but in cool or warm water. Dr. Neumyvakin advises strictly following the dose, method of preparing solutions and duration of treatment.

Video: Academician Olga Butakova completely disagrees with Professor Neumyvakin

Treatment at the I. V. Neumyvakin health center

Ivan Pavlovich has his own small center in the Kirov region. No more than 30 patients can be here at the same time. The course of treatment is 21 days. After completing it, people receive detailed instructions on what to do next. Thanks to this, they have the opportunity to refuse medications.

How does recovery work at the center:

  1. The first thing they will offer here is computer iridology (examination of the iris) and dowsing method (reading information from a person’s aura). In this way, the general condition of the body is determined.
  2. Toxins are removed from the body. One of the ways to get rid of it is a strong antioxidant that destroys pathogenic microflora and eliminates oxygen starvation.
  3. Bioenergetic processes are strengthened using unique techniques.
  4. After several sessions of special massage, the spine is strengthened.
  5. Specialists correct the biofield, helping a person solve everyday problems at home and at work. Patients are offered products that promote biocorrection.
  6. Treatment is carried out with soda and hydrogen peroxide, blood irradiation, and natural deposits.

After undergoing treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda, the future fate of a person is in his hands. The main thing is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow all recommendations.

How the treatment method according to Professor Neumyvakin works

Doctor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is convinced: there are no diseases. There are various malfunctions in the body that arise due to problems with metabolism and disturbances in the acid-base balance.

Over the years, a person inevitably accumulates toxins and waste, and they interfere with the normal functioning of all systems and organs. In addition, acidified blood or, on the contrary, containing excess alkali (ideal pH balance 7–7.5) also leads to serious illnesses. Therefore, the main rule of health is cleansing of toxins and maintaining a pH balance close to ideal.

The ratio of acids and alkalis in the human body must be balanced

In order to be healthy, it is not at all necessary to spend significant amounts of money on intoxication programs. It is enough to take extremely cheap but effective means.

This is what I.P. teaches. Neumyvakin . His healing method is based on taking hydrogen peroxide and regular baking soda internally and externally. These same simple substances will help get rid of already acquired diseases. They can be used in combination or separately.

A sick person leaves a lot of money in the pharmacy, and Doctor I.P. Neumyvakin says that this is unnecessary: ​​there will be no diseases if the acid-base balance is maintained

Properties of hydrogen peroxide (peroxide)

A solution of hydrogen peroxide, perhydrol, or more commonly, peroxide, is a transparent liquid that is tasteless and odorless. The drug should be in all first aid kits; it has proven itself as a disinfectant.

Most people know little about its other beneficial properties. Official medicine recommends only external use of peroxide. Dr. Neumyvakin suggested drinking H2O2 solution and even injecting it intravenously.

This compound easily breaks down into elements: water (H2) and free oxygen (O2). Thus, according to the healer, the human body will receive a fair portion of O2, which will help protect it from infections and other adverse factors.

Professor Neumyvakin advises using hydrogen peroxide both externally and internally

When ingested, hydrogen peroxide affects the body as follows:

  • kills pathogens;
  • restores acid-base balance;
  • cleanses blood vessels of deposits;
  • helps improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • actively detoxifies;
  • increases the body's immune strength;
  • includes mechanisms of self-regulation and recovery.

Released as a result of the reaction, active oxygen destroys pathogens

Why does hydrogen peroxide hiss when it hits an open wound, but there is no such reaction on whole skin? Human blood contains the enzyme catalase (or peroxidase). It instantly separates the peroxide into water and active oxygen, which is what the hissing bubbles are made of. O2 stops bleeding and disinfects the wound.

Dr. Neumyvakin recommends using hydrogen peroxide both as a preventive measure and in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Effect of baking soda on the body

Regular baking soda also has a stimulating effect on the human body. These white crystals have long been used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. A solution of sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate or bicarbonate) Na2HCO3 was once taken as an anti-aging agent. And modern doctors often advise gargling the throat and mouth with it to get rid of infections or prevent them, and to wash wounds and suppuration.

Ancient healers believed that a solution of sodium bicarbonate rejuvenates a person

Sodium bicarbonate (soda) upon contact with hot water (from 60 degrees) is converted into three substances: sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water. As a result of this reaction, a violently hissing foam is released.

Dr. Neumyvakin noticed how a white powder dissolved in hot water has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. It balances the ratio of acid and alkali, renews the main fluid of our body at the cellular level.

Baking soda is a cheap and accessible remedy that can cure diseases and maintain health.

The effect of soda solution on the body:

  • removes heavy metals and waste, including from the kidneys;
  • dissolves toxic deposits;
  • destroys parasites;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • balances pH balance;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels.

What diseases do peroxide and soda help heal?

According to the author of the method, peroxide and soda are completely interchangeable. They seem to act on the human body. Therefore, you can limit yourself to using one of these substances. But complex therapy will provide a greater stimulating and restorative effect.

There are some rules for using baking soda and peroxide together. Particular attention should be paid to those who are engaged not in prevention, but in the treatment of already acquired ailments.

What diseases can be treated with these simple remedies? According to I.P. Neumyvakina, the list is quite impressive:

  • problems with the respiratory system (sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis and emphysema);
  • periodontal disease and other oral diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • allergy;
  • fungal infections;
  • diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • diabetes;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • tumor pathologies at the initial stages.

    I. Neumyvakin and his followers believe that soda and hydrogen peroxide are an inexpensive but effective alternative to pharmacological drugs

Healer Neumyvakin emphasizes that treatment with peroxide and soda will not give results if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle: overeats, moves little, gets nervous for no reason. Health, the author of the method believes, is a harmonious combination of peace of mind and physical well-being. And peroxide and soda only help maintain it at the proper level.

Doctor Neumyvakin and his followers assure that the treatment method with peroxide and soda is supported by favorable practical experience. But there is no reliable statistical information about this. But official medicine does not recognize such therapy. Although there are positive reviews even from doctors, most believe that this type of treatment is not trustworthy.

Neumyvakin himself under no circumstances advises abandoning traditional treatment, especially when it comes to serious illnesses or emergency conditions requiring surgical intervention. He warns that his method is not a panacea.

Not everyone is recommended to take solutions of soda and peroxide orally. Often, the dosage must be selected individually, carefully monitoring the body's reactions. If your health condition worsens, you should abandon alternative therapy.

A few words about the author of the method

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin successfully combined official medicine and folk healing traditions. He received a special education, defended his doctoral dissertation, and later became a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (a public organization that unites creative scientists). Received the title of “Best Healer of Russia.”

Doctor Ivan Numyvakin became one of the pioneers of space medicine

Doctor I.P. Neumyvakin was involved in the health of aviators, and with the beginning of the space age he was invited to the Institute of Medical and Biological Research. The young scientist solved extreme problems in an unconventional way. Working with astronauts gave him rich food for thought and scope for experimentation. Over the course of 30 years, he published about two hundred articles and several books, invented health-improving devices, and developed unusual and effective treatment methods. One of his main creations, which has become especially popular among the people, is healing with soda and peroxide. He devoted separate works to these substances, and experienced their effects personally.

Healer Neumyvakin not only promotes his method, he applies it himself

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is already 89 years old (born in 1928). He himself is a shining example of the application of his method of healing. In old age, he writes books, conducts seminars, and sees patients.

Video: how to heal and live according to Dr. I. Neumyvakin

Methods of using baking tea soda and hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

It is worth starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda with small proportions. Add 1 drop of peroxide to 50 ml of water, mix everything well, take three times a day. The amount of peroxide can be increased until it reaches 10 drops. But, if discomfort is felt, then its concentration should be reduced. A 3% solution is used.

Sore throat - make a solution: 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide per 50 ml of water. Gargle with it 2 times a day, holding it a little on the tonsils. Osteochondrosis - ingestion of a special soda solution: 2 glasses of water and 0.5 tsp. soda The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, after which a break is taken on day 10 and the medication is continued again. You can also soak a napkin in hydrogen peroxide and place it on your neck for 10–15 minutes. table Toothache - rinse your mouth with a solution: 2 glasses of water and 2 tsp. peroxide. Bleeding gums, periodontal disease - mix 10 drops of lemon juice, 3 g. soda, 20 drops of peroxide. This mixture should be used to brush your teeth, leaving it on your teeth for 10 minutes before rinsing your mouth. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat for several hours. Ear pain – place 3 drops of peroxide in each ear. diabetes Take a solution three times a day: 1 drop of peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. water. The concentration should be increased daily to 10 drops per 1 tbsp. l. Prostatitis – treatment lasts 20 calendar days. The solution is taken orally: 1 drop of peroxide per 50 ml of water. Every day the amount of peroxide increases by 1 drop until it reaches ten. Varicose veins - take a solution: 1 drop of peroxide per glass of water, increasing the dosage by 1 drop daily until it reaches 30. After that, a break is taken for 10 days and treatment continues again. liver and kidney diseases - preparation is done for three days: eating fruits, enemas, avoiding proteins. Mixture use: lemon juice and 1/4 tsp. soda Take immediately after preparation on an empty stomach. Cleansing blood vessels - two hours before meals, take a solution: 1/5 tsp. soda and a glass of boiling water. The dosage of soda is gradually increased to 0.5 tsp. Runny nose - place 3 drops of peroxide into each nasal turbinate. Hypertension - half an hour before meals, take 1 tsp. soda diluted in a glass of water. Bronchial asthma – 1 tbsp. l. peroxide and 0.5 cups taken three times a day. Hemorrhoids - baths with soda: for 1 bath - 6-8 tbsp. spoons of soda.

In addition, drinking water with peroxide will relieve the following diseases: lung diseases, fungus, melanoma, joint diseases, papillomas, blood pressure problems, and so on.


Teeth should not be allowed to be “lazy”, so chewing food should be vigorous, and the food itself should be quite tough (include plant foods in the diet). Thus, a natural massage of the gums is carried out, and their cells are renewed faster. You can also massage your gums with circular movements of your thumb, and rinse your mouth with warm water before eating.

Visits to the dentist should be regular, otherwise it is extremely difficult to save teeth in advanced forms of periodontitis.

What to do if you have periodontal disease:

  • Maintain oral hygiene
  • Identify the true cause of periodontal disease (general or local causes)
  • Stop smoking
  • Change your diet (exclude sweet foods and include plant foods.)

Cleansing the body with soda according to Neumyvakin for weight loss.

If you are overweight, this is also not a problem. You can get rid of it with soda. There are two ways: • soda baths; • soda enemas; • taking soda orally.

You can combine these recipes for more effective treatment. Add 6-8 tbsp to a not too hot bath. l. soda To make an enema, dilute 1 tsp. soda in 1.5 liters of water and douche. These recommendations should be followed daily.

The professor recommends drinking soda three times a day on an empty stomach. The recipe is simple: 1|4 tsp. Soda and 200 ml. water. After three days of use, a three-day break is taken, then you can take it again, etc.

A positive effect occurs after a month of treatment. If there is an urgent need for sweets, add a small amount of honey to the solution.

Teeth whitening at home with peroxide: caution is necessary!

Having chosen hydrogen peroxide as a home whitening product, you need to be extremely careful when using this substance:

  • Do not swallow under any circumstances; if this happens accidentally, consult a doctor immediately.
  • This substance should not be used by pregnant women and children under twelve years of age;
  • stop the procedure if there is a feeling of discomfort or redness of the mucous membranes is observed;
  • It is not recommended to whiten teeth with peroxide for people with deep wounds or mouth ulcers, as well as for those who have recently had their tongue pierced;
  • choose exclusively 3% peroxide for whitening, do not use stronger concentrates;
  • Those who have intestinal or stomach diseases should also avoid peroxide;
  • check the body's reaction to peroxide before starting bleaching (apply the substance to the back of the hand for a while);
  • This type of whitening is not recommended for those who have plates or braces in their mouth;
  • do not use large amounts of peroxide, so as not to damage the integrity of the enamel;
  • do not keep the product in your mouth for more than a few seconds;
  • take breaks between whitening courses;
  • There is no need to whiten teeth with peroxide for people with caries, increased sensitivity of enamel and bleeding gums;
  • Regardless of the chosen method of whitening, after using peroxide, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly;
  • eat no earlier than half an hour after the procedure.

In order for whitening to be effective and as safe as possible, you should use only fresh peroxide, which is stored in an airtight jar. In addition, you need to understand that hydrogen peroxide will only help if your teeth have darkened as a result of any external factors. If the yellowness of teeth is hereditary or was acquired while taking antibiotics, then peroxide is powerless.

Try ASEPTA PLUS Gentle whitening paste - it effectively fights plaque and deposits, gently whitens, returning teeth to their natural color. The effect is noticeable after the first 2-3 cleanings.

Frequency of application

Hydrogen peroxide should not be used every day - it will negatively affect the skin. Those with oily skin types can make masks with peroxide at 3-day intervals. If your skin is normal, dry or combination, once a week is enough.

The duration of the course is 3 weeks. Maximum – 1 month. After this, take a break for at least 2 months.

You should absolutely not overuse peroxide. In this way, you will not speed up the expected result and will not improve its quality. I want to warn you that too frequent use of products with peroxide and soda leads to dry skin, the appearance of wrinkles and peeling.

Operating principle

When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with the skin, it begins to break down into two components - water and oxygen. A chemical reaction occurs, due to which the pigmentation layer gets burned and begins to break down, causing the skin to become clearer. Baking soda additionally has an exfoliating effect and helps cleanse the skin of residual subcutaneous fat and dead pigmentation cells. The purposes of using a mask from a combination of two folk components are as follows:

  • elimination of age spots, rashes, pimples, blackheads, acne and other cosmetic defects;
  • prevention of premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • freckle whitening;
  • the appearance of a healthy glow and even out the tone of the face;
  • deep cleansing of pores.

Hydrogen peroxide creates an immediate effect. After the first use for cosmetic purposes, the skin becomes noticeably smoother and more well-groomed. But you cannot use it in a single and undiluted form; be sure to use it only in combination with soda and other auxiliary components. Otherwise, there is a high risk of a chemical burn to the skin.

Precautionary measures

Hydrogen peroxide has many beneficial cleaning and disinfecting properties on its own. However, you need to be careful when mixing it with other substances. For example, you should not mix hydrogen peroxide with bleach, or hydrogen peroxide with white vinegar, in the same container because such mixtures can cause undesirable effects. However, you can wipe down the surface with hydrogen peroxide first and then vinegar (not mixing!) as a powerful way to combat bacteria and viruses on hard surfaces.

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