How the structure of teeth affects the shape of the face and posture - stellar examples of working with the lower third of the face

A trip to the dentist causes a sharp increase in blood pressure and depression in 80% of the population. Different types of glands, an unpleasant smell and a constant buzzing - anyone will get nervous in the dentist's chair. But nowadays dentistry is so advanced that we can change the color, shape, length and width of teeth without much effort. But maybe you shouldn’t be ashamed of an imperfect smile? Many celebrities have made it their calling card!

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham, photo: Getty Images
Style icon and celebrity trendsetter. This is how we perceive Victoria Beckham. But there are those few who remember the girl from her work in the Spice Girls group, when the star had only to smile and the whole impression immediately collapsed.

The peppercorn's teeth were of different lengths. But the girl didn’t worry for long, she turned to a good clinic - and voila! Where necessary, they filed, where necessary, bleached. Miracles of dentistry.

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole A few years ago there was no star Cheryl Cole , but a simple girl Cheryl Tweedy from Newcastle, who was teased by her classmates because of her crooked and mismatched teeth. Especially let down, like Miley Cyrus, were the upper canines and incisors, which looked in different directions. Cheryl wore braces for several years, but her teeth were not perfect. According to rumors, one of the conditions that producers set for the young singer to join Girls Aloud was to clean up their act. I had to sharpen the protruding ones and build up the missing ones.

Vanessa Paradis

Vanessa Paradis, photo: Getty Images
The first place among the owners of crooked teeth is traditionally occupied by Vanessa Paradis. A gap the size of a full tooth has not embarrassed the star for many years, but only attracts new contracts and campaigns.

Many believe that it is precisely because of this imperfection that Paradis is loved by designers, photographers, stylists and everyone who has something to do with fashion and beauty.

Can braces look good?

If you look at the photos of girls with braces, you can see completely different types of orthodontic devices. Some are striking and attract the attention of others to their teeth. Others remain almost invisible. Still others make your smile more attractive.

Beautiful girls who are about to wear braces are especially worried about their smile. They turn to the dentist with a request to choose an aesthetic design with miniature onlays for the teeth so that the treatment does not spoil the appearance. Modern manufacturers of bracket systems make beautiful brackets, but it is worth remembering that beauty is an uncertain concept. It's different for everyone.

What materials do adults prefer braces from?

An adult tries to choose braces that will not draw attention to the teeth. Most patients in orthodontic departments wish to have lingual systems installed. They are attached to the inner surface of the teeth from the tongue side and are practically invisible to others. However, such designs have disadvantages. Internal braces affect speech and increase the duration of orthodontic treatment.

When choosing vestibular braces (external), adult patients prefer the following materials:

  • Plastic. The most budget option for people with braces. In the recent past, they were the most aesthetic way to correct a bite. The color of the plastic can be matched to the shade of the tooth enamel, which will make the linings unnoticeable.

  • Ceramics. Fragile plastic has been replaced by more durable ceramics. Ceramic braces are also individually matched to the color of the tooth. They are smaller in size, which makes them more aesthetically pleasing.

  • Sapphire. Orthodontic structures made of sapphire are considered the most aesthetic. They are made from material grown under artificial conditions. You can call sapphire braces a decoration for your teeth, since visually they resemble precious stones. Such castles shimmer and shine in the sun.

On a note!

This option is not suitable for all people with braces. Sapphire systems are recommended for use on snow-white teeth. In patients with yellowish enamel, they will highlight the deficiency.

Beautiful braces for children

Many teenagers with braces on their teeth are embarrassed about their appearance. Girls and young women are especially worried. You can also choose beautiful braces for children, but not all teenagers prefer aesthetic designs made of plastic or ceramics.

For girls, metal braces with multi-colored ligatures will be beautiful. Such designs are the most budget-friendly, and the presence of ligatures allows you to periodically change the color of the overlays. A girl with braces of different colors looks unusual, and individuality is the main desire of teenagers.

Plastic braces will look aesthetically pleasing on girls. If desired, such structures can be painted in different colors and even have patterns applied to them.

If girls and boys do not have any complexes or embarrassments about wearing plates on their teeth, they can use budget metal non-ligature structures. They have a lot of advantages:

  • they are almost impossible to break;
  • metal braces correct the bite faster;
  • the absence of ligatures allows you to reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst, photo: Getty Images
When Kirsten smiles, she resembles a very cute vampire. But this does not bother the girl; the actress speaks about her fangs with tenderness - they reflect her character, individuality and add sexuality.

By the way, oddly enough, it was the mother who suggested that the girl correct the defect, but Kirsten did not give in to persuasion.

Causes of uneven teeth

All reasons can be divided into three groups.

1. Hereditary. A gap or malocclusion can be inherited. If the parents have such a feature, the child can inherit it.

2. Congenital abnormalities. Prenatal development can also affect the smile. Influencing factors may include ARVI, mechanical injuries, and even insufficient amniotic fluid.

3. Acquired after birth. We are talking about bad habits, namely:

  • Prolonged sucking of the pacifier;
  • Chewing food on one side;
  • Breathing through the mouth;
  • Habit of chewing pencils and pens.

The development of pathology is also facilitated by soft food, which prevents the load on the masticatory apparatus.

Uneven teeth can be crowded, forming a diastema or trema. Misaligned teeth often accompany a malocclusion.

Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage, photo: Getty Images
Over the years, this man, like wine, becomes more handsome and respectable. In his youth, Cage was not very lucky in love and career; the actor could not get out of the shadow of his star family.

Now we think: what if it was the new teeth that helped the actor achieve success in his life?!

Braces brands that combine beauty and quality

Among the large assortment of brace systems, the best in terms of beauty and quality can be noted:

  • Inspire ICE Ormco – small sapphire overlays with high transparency;
  • Radiance American Orthodontics – ceramic ligature clasps;
  • Spirit MB Ormco – plastic ligature overlays;
  • Miso HT Corporation - miniature sapphire staples;
  • Elan – self-ligating plastic locks with a metal base;
  • In-Ovation L are metal lingual systems that are installed from the inside of the tooth.

On a note!

Ordinary metal overlays can also become original if you use colored ligatures for them.

Demmy Moor

Demi Moore, photo: Getty Images
There were rumors that Demi once posted a photo on social networks without one front tooth, signing: “This is the reality.” Maybe it was just another movie job or even a photo of a very similar girl, but the actress really had crooked and yellow teeth in her youth.

However, Moore knew her worth, and therefore did not put off going to the dentist at one time. And for good reason! Her name has been at the top of the list of the most beautiful women many times.


Among American and European stars, malocclusion, yellow or crooked teeth are not at all a defect in appearance, but a kind of highlight that helped them become who they are.

  • Brigitte Bardot. The world-famous beauty, whom millions of men prayed for, had not previously been distinguished by her attractive appearance. As a child, Bridget had strabismus, which she was able to cure. But the incorrect bite and, as a result, a slightly protruding lower lip remained with the actress forever. However, the skillful Bridget was able to turn her disadvantage into her main advantage, arousing admiration from society.

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  • Vanessa Paradis. This singer and actress not only did not correct the diastema (a gap between the front teeth), but also made it a fashionable feature.

Interesting! Many girls specially sawed out their gap in order to resemble their fashion idol.

  • Kirsten Dunst. The peculiarity of this actress is her protruding fangs, which she is not going to part with. At one of the interviews, Kirsten said that her mother repeatedly tried to tidy up her smile, but Kirsten did not follow the dentist’s recommendations and simply threw away the plates, which she does not regret at all today.

  • Johnny Depp. This actor has everything perfect except his smile. Johnny not only did not treat his teeth, but also disfigured them even more. Then he couldn’t part with the image of Jack Sparrow and wore decorative metal teeth, and then even put on gold grills.

  • Kate Moss. Another star for whom crooked teeth are not a problem. Kate, thanks to her unconventional appearance and charisma, was able to break into the world of modeling and take one of the leading positions there.

  • Amy Winehouse. The late singer had a very terrifying smile. Her teeth were crooked and her bite was wrong. After a while, when Amy began to abuse smoking, alcohol and drugs, her teeth began to fall out. As it turned out later, almost before her death, Amy began to visit the dentist and get her smile in order.

  • Keira Knightley. One of the highest paid actresses of our time is not at all embarrassed by her overbite and always smiles broadly at reporters. According to Kira herself, she has never been a fan of the perfectly straight and unnaturally white teeth that American celebrities love so much. The girl visits the dentist regularly, but only to keep her teeth in order.

  • Kate Middleton . The Duchess of Cambridge had an overbite and several uneven teeth. This state of affairs did not bother her at all until she married Prince William and became a victim of paparazzi ridicule. Kate couldn’t make up her mind for a long time, but not long ago she finally visited a famous French dentist, who gave her a natural, even smile.

Interesting! In honor of the wedding of William and Kate, a coin was issued in England with an engraving in the shape of the bride's face with a protruding chin due to an incorrect bite.

  • Karl Lagerfeld . The late designer, whose clothes all women in the world dreamed of wearing, never smiled. And all because his teeth had long since rotted and fallen out. And those that remained were crooked and yellow.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch. The performer of the role of Sherlock and Doctor Strange has always disliked his appearance, and especially his crooked teeth. However, such self-criticism did not affect his acting abilities, which overshadowed all of Benedict's shortcomings.

  • Katy Perry . For this singer, crooked teeth have become a real flaw of which she is ashamed. But Katie is in no hurry to correct this defect. She believes that braces will not suit her, and this is not an adult thing. Therefore, Perry tries to hide such a hateful smile behind his antics and constant changes of image.

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  • Madonna. The bright highlight of this singer has always been a small gap between her front teeth, which she recently corrected, giving herself the notorious Hollywood smile.

  • Lindsay Lohan. Since childhood, the actress had beautiful and perfectly straight teeth. But after she began to lead a rather wild lifestyle and became addicted to smoking, her smile became yellow-brown. Lindsay periodically removes plaque, but the effect of visiting the dentist is short-lived.

  • Ashley Smith. Her gap can be called “royal”, since it is much larger in size than Paradis’s. For the girl, the diastema also became a peculiar feature, which “let her in” to the world of modeling and made her one of the highest paid models.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise in the movie "Cast Away", photo: still from the movie "Cast Away"
Remember the movie "Cast Away"? A young guy with a strange smile and creepy teeth, wearing sleeveless denim. Who would have guessed that this was a future eligible Hollywood groom?!

Cruz does not hide the fact that he spent a lot of money on dentist services. But now his snow-white smile is reflected in the cameras and blinds women.

Bottom line

The myth that braces ruin your smile has long been dispelled. Orthodontic structures correct malocclusion, straighten teeth and make a person more attractive. However, on the path to beauty you have to go through this difficult moment and wear braces for some time. To alleviate discomfort during the treatment period, you should choose beautiful designs that their owner will like.



What does malocclusion affect?

Uneven teeth bite is a source of psychological problems. This is not only unsightly, but also negatively affects the functioning of all body systems, causing:

  • Manifestations of chronic tonsillitis;
  • Gum diseases;
  • Dysfunction of the jaw joint;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Increased risk of developing caries, as hygiene is impaired;
  • Possible distortion of speech and a negative impact on diction.
  • Problems with enamel;
  • Caries.

Crowded teeth can make it impossible to get dentures.

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