Cream for fixing dentures Lakalut: reviews, recommendations


The main problem when wearing dentures is insufficient fixation - the structure is movable when talking, laughing and eating.

For reliability of fastening and human comfort, manufacturers offer special creams, adhesive pastes and gels, with the help of which the artificial jaw is attached to the oral cavity.

One of these products is Lakalut cream. Questions immediately arise: how effective is fixation with Lacalut, its difference from analogues, advantages, wearing time and disadvantages of a fixator for dentures.

What does it represent?

This is a thick mass in a tube, with a menthol scent to refresh the oral cavity, which securely secures dentures.

The composition of the cream allows you to almost instantly secure the prosthesis without creating any excessive pain or discomfort.


In the 20s of the twentieth century, the first oral care products from the LACALUT series appeared in Germany. To date, this company has gained the trust of more than 50 countries around the world, where it is the leader in sales of dental products.

Composition and packaging

This substance for fixing dentures is available in special 40 ml tubes . The cardboard package contains one tube.

The cream consists of the following components:

  • paraffin oil;
  • a mixture of sodium and calcium salts, which also contains polymethylvinyl ether and maleic anhydride;
  • carboxymethylcellulose;
  • chemical element silicon;
  • petrolate;
  • propylparaben;
  • methylparaben;
  • various substances that give the cream aroma;
  • C.I.14720 (azorubine) is a special colorant of the cream.

Read a review of the cream for fixing dentures Protefix in a new publication.

In a separate article we will talk about the features of Akri Free removable dentures.

Follow the link let's talk about the pros and cons of using the Waterpik WP 450 E2 irrigator.


There are no significant contraindications for the use of Lacalut cream. Dentists recommend taking care or considering a different adhesive option for people prone to allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

In order to prevent overdose, it is necessary to follow the instructions for use and application of the fixing gel.

Important! Lakalut for fixation is used only on healthy mucous membranes. If there is visible inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, the use of a fixing cream is unacceptable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cream Lakalut Dent has its advantages :

  • Protects gums from various inflammatory processes. This problem is solved due to the uniform distribution of the drug under the prosthesis, which prevents food from penetrating into the cracks and creating a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • The product protects against chafing and damage to the inner lining of the oral cavity.
    The consistency of the cream helps create a soft and elastic layer between the denture and the gum, which makes it possible to fix the structure for a long time (up to a day) and prevent impact on the mucous membrane.
  • When using the cream, a person does not suffer from changes in bite, chewing function improves, and the position of the jaw remains the same.
  • Although the fixative has a menthol aroma, it does not affect the taste sensations while eating.
  • Within 5 minutes after applying the cream, you can use the structure for its intended purpose.
  • The product is available because it has a low price.

Many patients worry about how to remove the denture in the evening. The composition of the cream is selected so that the mass dissolves during the day, allowing you to remove the dentures without difficulty.

Duration of effect and possible difficulties

The manufacturer of the fixative composition Lacalut claims 24 hours of fixation for its product. As already noted, the period of active action of the composition during the day can reduce the impact of high temperatures during meals, as well as applying the product to a wet prosthesis, too thin or uneven layer of the product, the metabolic characteristics of a particular patient.

Usually, after 12-16 hours of wear, the adhesion of the prosthesis to the drug weakens enough to remove it. If this does not happen, you should not injure your mucous membrane - wait until the active substance is completely absorbed (24 hours from the moment of application) and then remove the denture, clearing the oral cavity of any remaining product.

The next day, apply a thinner layer - this way you will understand the optimal amount to apply, corresponding to the period of your activity during the day.

In what cases is it suitable?

Not all patients can consult a doctor in time when they are bothered by tooth pain or chewing function is impaired.

If the doctor recommends removable structures for various reasons, they must be fixed in some way so as not to be lost during chewing. This is what fixing creams are for.

Lakalut cream is suitable if removable or partially removable dentures are used . It cannot be used to secure metal structures or other orthodontic appliances to teeth.


The main indication for the use of Lakalut fixing paste is the loose fit of removable dentures to the soft gum tissue.

In the process of manufacturing dental inserts, the individual relief must be observed. Then the prosthesis is saturated with saliva and follows all the curves as clearly as possible, creating high adhesion between the construction material and the oral mucosa.

However, sometimes the fit between the removable structure and the alveolar process is disrupted, there is not enough saliva for fixation, and the resulting voids can only be filled with the help of a fixative composition.

Lakalut cream fills and smoothes out unevenness, the system holds securely all day, it is used for both removable and partially removable dentures. Not suitable for attaching metal or orthodontic appliances.

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This publication is all about the negative consequences of dental implantation.

Here we will talk about the causes of failure and repair of removable dentures.

Features of application

Cream for fixing dentures Lakalut has its own application characteristics . It is important to monitor how and in what quantity to apply it to the gums, for which you need to study the instructions.

Most fixation agents, including various types of adhesives, cannot be applied to wet gums or dentures. This creates additional inconvenience, since it is difficult to achieve complete dryness in the oral cavity.

It’s the same with dentures - after washing, sometimes you need to urgently attach them to the gums, but they haven’t dried yet.

Such problems do not arise with Lakalut cream; its peculiarity is that this product can be used for application to damp structures.

They just need to be blotted with a clean paper towel, after which you can safely apply the fixing cream.

Instructions for use

To securely secure dentures to your teeth, you need to adhere to some rules for using the cream:

  • Before fixing the prosthesis in the oral cavity, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it of food debris, plaque and any other contaminants.
  • The denture should be rinsed under water. It is better if it is flowing. This ensures that microparticles are washed out of the recesses of the prosthesis.
  • Apply the cream to the dental structure (sometimes it is applied like glue - in a dotted line).
  • The denture is placed on the gum and pressed firmly so that the fixation agent is evenly distributed under the denture, securing it.
    It is necessary to press for approximately 20 seconds. If there is a lot of cream and it spreads over the gums, you need to carefully collect the excess with a paper napkin to prevent an overdose of the product.
  • After installing the prosthesis in the oral cavity, you should refrain from eating for 10-20 minutes.
  • After completing the application procedure, you need to tightly close the tube with the cream so that as little air and moisture as possible get in there.

Patients are not always able to correctly calculate the amount of product needed to secure the dentures. Sometimes the dental structure fits so tightly to the gum that it is very difficult to remove.

In order not to disrupt the integrity of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, the denture should be removed carefully. Most often, after 12-16 hours, the cream begins to lose its fixation ability.

After the time required for the active substances of the drug to be absorbed, the prosthesis will fall off on its own. Sometimes this may take a whole day.

Duration of action

Lakalut cream retains its effect on fixing the prosthesis for up to 24 hours , so it can be safely used in the morning, with the expectation that the dentures will not come off until the evening.


The product must be used before the expiration date, which is indicated on the cardboard packaging and on the tube itself. After the specified date, it cannot be used, even if more than half of the liquid mass remains.

In order for the cream to be preserved for a long time, you need to avoid drying it out (which is possible if you do not close the lid in time) and protect the tube from moisture. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.


Lakalut has proven itself to be the best, which has secured a leading position in the niche of the pharmaceutical market. It has the following advantages:

  • Does not change bite height. For reliable fixation, a thin layer of the product is sufficient, which allows the patient to feel the prosthesis in the same way as natural teeth, does not interfere with chewing, and does not distort articulation.
  • Does not distort the taste of food. The active components of the product do not react with food particles, which allows the patient to enjoy the same experience as before wearing dentures.
  • Tightly fixes the prosthesis for up to 24 hours. Allows you to calmly eat, smile and speak without fear of displacement.
  • Copes with fixation even when the surface of the dentures is wet. There is no need to dry the dentures after treatment.
  • It has a relatively economical consumption , which makes its cost acceptable compared to analogues.
  • Protects the mucous membrane from damage and inflammatory processes. Thus, the product provides not only comfort, but also safety in using prostheses.

Thus, the product has all the necessary properties for fixing dentures, making its use safe, enjoyable and economically beneficial for the patient.

Proper care of dentures and popular remedies. Read here what determines the service life of nylon dentures and patient reviews of the designs.

At this address we’ll talk about the price of the cream for fixing dentures Fittident.

Side effects

If excess cream is not removed in time, it can be absorbed into the body, creating the effect of an overdose of its components.

In case of an overdose, the following conditions may occur from various systems::

  • Gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea or nausea.
  • Immune system: allergic reactions.
  • Nervous system: weakness, drowsiness, dizziness.
  • Oral cavity: excessive salivation.

If during use any of the above symptoms, discomfort or discomfort in the gums appear, you should immediately consult your doctor. In this case, it is better to temporarily abandon its use.

Any means for fixing dentures on the gums should be used as prescribed by a doctor. A specialist will help determine which cream is best for a particular patient and assess the likelihood of allergic reactions.

If side effects occur, the dentist will prescribe another cream to fix artificial structures in the oral cavity.


Regular users of Lacalut products note that after drinking hot liquids, the hold weakens somewhat.

However, this is difficult to attribute to the disadvantages of a particular product, since hot liquids, in principle, have a bad effect on the properties of fixing agents.

In addition, compared to the general background of similar products, the price of Lakalyut is quite high. However, we have already noted the cost-effectiveness of consumption, so given the total number of its advantages, it is difficult to blame the manufacturer for an inflated price.

Lakalut has a natural composition that is recommended for use for people with sensitive mucous membranes and a tendency to allergies, and its price justifies the quality and safety of its use.


If it is not possible to purchase Lakalut cream to fix dentures, there are available analogues of this product:

  • Corega – does not contain zinc, protects against food particles. The cream comes in a convenient package with a tapered spout for quick and easy application to the prosthesis. The cost of the fixing agent is approximately 220 rubles.
  • Fittident - this fixative is available in different forms (with different dosages). It is made in Austria, containing only high-quality substances. The cost of the drug ranges from 180 to 300 rubles.
  • Protefix - this cream also has a mint aroma that lasts throughout the day. It has no consequences for the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems. Its cost starts from 220 rubles, depending on the amount of product in the tube.
  • Rocks - made on the basis of natural constituent elements, has a menthol aroma. Does not contain zinc and various dyes. The price of the drug is approximately 300 – 350 rubles.
  • President - available in two versions (20 and 50 ml). Guaranteed to be effective for 12 hours. The price of the product is approximately 150 - 180 rubles.

We will tell you how to care for removable dentures in the next article.

In this material you will find reviews about the effectiveness of using President cream.

Here we will discuss how to properly care for dental implants.

Duration and storage

Considering the 24-hour duration of action of the Lacalut fixing gel for removable dental structures, you should apply it in the morning without worrying that the dentures may fall off during the day.

Storage conditions and period of effectiveness of the drug are indicated on the cardboard packaging. After the expiration date, the use of the gel is unacceptable.

Store the product away from children, preventing it from drying out and preventing moisture from getting inside the tube, that is, by screwing the lid tightly.


There are many different means for attaching dentures to the gums, not all of them are as high quality as advertised.

If you have used Lakalut cream to fix artificial teeth, please share your personal experience of how effective this product is. You can leave your feedback in the comments below.

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Tags dentures removable dentures care fixatives

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What is prosthetic glue and what is it used for?

Fixation of removable dentures occurs due to anatomical retention - compliance of the shape of the inner surface of the product with the anatomical features of the jaw. When a person puts on a prosthesis, a vacuum is created between the structure and the jaw, which holds the base. However, with prolonged wearing of prostheses, many people experience atrophy of the alveolar processes, which reduces the strength of fixation of orthopedic products.

Dentists recommend securing dentures using fixing creams and gels; the use of such products is especially necessary in cases of complete absence of teeth. They strengthen the vacuum between the mucous membrane of the gums and the structure and thereby hold it securely.

Special fixing glue is available in the form of cream, gel, paste. The advantages of such funds include:

  1. strong fixation of the structure to the gum mucosa;
  2. holding the prosthesis while smiling, talking, eating;
  3. product stabilization;
  4. protection of the mucous membrane from rubbing, damage, inflammation;
  5. hypoallergenic;
  6. biocompatibility with the body;
  7. uniform distribution of load on the gums;
  8. lack of specific taste and smell;
  9. psychological comfort of the patient;
  10. no fear that the prosthesis may become mobile at the wrong time;
  11. can be used for all types of structures (plastic, nylon).

Cream or gel for fixing dentures - differences

Creams and gels are practically no different from each other, the difference between them lies only in consistency. Creams are dense and viscous, while products in the form of a gel have greater fluidity, due to which they are applied in a thinner layer.

At the initial stages of using a prosthesis, it is better to use fixatives in the form of a cream, as they provide easier and more comfortable adaptation. In addition, gels are quite difficult to dose and distribute over the surface of the prosthesis.

Popular brands of fixing creams and gels for dentures

According to many dentists, the best and highest quality creams for fixing dentures are ROCS, Corega, President, Protefix, Lacalut DENT, Fittydent.


The Russian-Swiss-made Roks fixing agent ensures reliable fixation of the structure for 12 hours. The manufacturer claims that the effectiveness of ROCS is not affected by high or low temperature. It is evenly distributed on the mucous membrane, holds the base hermetically, and prevents food from getting under the product.

Cream "Rox" contains mint and menthol, which refreshes the oral cavity and eliminates unpleasant odor. Does not contain dyes, zinc, harmful substances. This glue can be used to install wet dentures; it does not wash out or dissolve throughout the day. The disadvantages of the product include its thick consistency and high cost.


"Corega" is a cream for artificial teeth, used for complete and partial edentia. The product prevents food debris from getting under the product, firmly fixes the prosthesis, holds it on the alveolar processes for a long time and is convenient to use.

Corega glue contains no harmful substances, does not cause an allergic reaction, is pleasant to the taste, and can be applied to wet dentures. The disadvantages of the product include its instability to high and low temperatures, susceptibility to washing out by liquid, and rapid consumption.

"The president"

Cream for fixing dentures “President” is one of the highest quality and most effective. A few seconds after application, the fixative forms a dense elastic layer on the surface of the plastic between the base and the mucosa. The advantages of the product include:

  1. excellent fixation;
  2. affordable price;
  3. large tube volume;
  4. protection against food getting under the prosthesis and damage to the mucous membrane.

The disadvantages of the “President” fixative include a rather strong specific taste, a slight decrease in the strength of the stronger


Protefix cream ensures strong attachment of the orthopedic product to the gums for 10–12 hours. The product is available in three versions: without additives, with the addition of mint or aloe. The advantages of Protefix cream include economical consumption, easy use, good fixing properties, uniform distribution, and the ability to use with increased salivation. The cream is not washed away by saliva and liquid products.

Disadvantages of Protefix include an inconvenient bottle and dispenser, the risk of product leakage, and reduced adhesion strength when drinking very hot drinks.

Lacalut DENT

Lakalut is another good adhesive for artificial teeth and complete dentures. It is produced by a German company. The manufacturer promises fixation of the orthopedic structure for at least 24 hours, but in reality it lasts a little less.

Lacalut DENT cream creates a thin layer between the structure and the gums, protects the oral tissues from rubbing and damage, helps adapt to the new denture, and does not cause discomfort. In addition, the advantages of the product include excellent fixation, pleasant taste and smell. The disadvantages are the high cost and some reduction in fastening strength when consuming hot foods.


"Fittident" is included in the list of the most effective fixing agents. It has no specific taste or smell, adheres well to the base, and has a long-lasting effect. Fittydent has a viscous consistency and is applied only to a dry denture. The disadvantages of the product include increased gum sensitivity in some users.

recommends applying the product to the structure, waiting 20 seconds until it dries a little, and only then fixing the denture in the mouth.


The best gel for fixing dentures is Fixodent. The product has a viscous consistency and ensures strong adherence of the base in the mouth throughout the day. The product does not contain dyes, bleaches or other harmful substances. The tube is equipped with a convenient tip for applying and using the gel.

Which cream or gel is better for fixing dentures?

It is better to choose a cream for fixing a denture in dentistry, since only a doctor can take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient.

People prone to allergic reactions should choose products without additives or fragrances. It should also be taken into account that the duration of fixation will be lower than what manufacturers claim, and that the fixing property of all creams is reduced when consuming hot foods or drinks.

When choosing a means for fixing dentures, the following factors must be considered:

  1. duration of fixation;
  2. efficiency;
  3. the presence of harmful substances, additives, dyes, flavors;
  4. lack of zinc, since when constantly present in the oral cavity, the microelement becomes toxic to the body;
  5. consistency of the substance;
  6. Possibility of use on dry and wet surfaces;
  7. tissue protection;
  8. dissolution in oral fluid;
  9. tube size;
  10. presence of taste and smell;
  11. Ease of use;
  12. price;
  13. popularity of the manufacturer.

How to put on and take off a prosthesis correctly

Fastening removable dentures using additional fixation means should be carried out taking into account the doctor’s recommendations and following the instructions for use. Principles for the correct use of creams and gels:

  1. The prosthesis should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before fixation. Cleaning can be done using paste, soap solution and a brush.
  2. The glue must be applied along the lines indicated in the instructions. You can determine the correct amount of cream by gradually increasing the volume of the product: if the gel or cream protrudes from under the base, it means that it has been applied in an excessive amount, which must be removed with a napkin.
  3. The removable structure is placed in the oral cavity and pressed against the gums for 40 seconds.
  4. After fixing the structure, you should not eat food for 20 minutes. Do not consume hot foods or drinks while using retainers.
  5. Before removing the structure, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water and lightly rock the product.
  6. After use, the prosthesis must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining cream, rinsed and dried.

It is recommended to use the cream once a day. With frequent use, side effects may occur in the form of stomach diseases, irritation, allergic reactions, and neurological pathologies.

Fixing dentures with gel in the absence of teeth is carried out in the same way as using cream. But since gels have a less viscous consistency, they must be applied in a thinner layer. Dentists recommend applying the gel to the inner surface of the structure, and then waiting about 30 seconds for the product to dry a little in the air. Only after this can the prosthesis be placed in the oral cavity.

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