Rating of the best tablets for cleaning dentures for 2021

Cleaning removable dentures is one of the main stages in oral care. Since over time, bacteria accumulate on the material from which the device is made, which can result in inflammation and infection of the gum tissue. In addition, using the right products will help keep your artificial teeth in perfect condition for a long time. Special tablets work best and most effectively when cleaning removable appliances. Since pharmacies offer a large selection of drugs from different manufacturers, it can sometimes be difficult to understand.

Properties of cleansing tablets

There are many different products available for cleaning dentures, which differ in form and purpose. These include special pastes, gels, foams, and toothbrushes. For deep cleaning, special ultrasonic baths are used.

Often, mechanical cleaning with a toothbrush is not enough to remove small pieces of food. Cleansing tablets are a relatively new product on the market that have gained popularity among owners of removable appliances.

Regular use of the drug helps:

  • prevent the formation of plaque and the appearance of bad breath - most patients complain about this problem;
  • clean hard-to-reach places (due to the design feature);
  • avoid inflammation and dental diseases;
  • return the original color to the crown, which darkens over time after frequent consumption of coffee and wine;
  • caring for removable structures using tablets is a salvation for smokers,
  • since the solution removes nicotine plaque;
  • prevent pieces of food from sticking to the surface;
  • dissolve the remains of fixing creams or gels;
  • prevent drying out and maintain the elasticity of the prosthetic material, which helps the structure fit snugly and ensures wearing comfort;
  • the oils in the composition make it easier to get used to when wearing structures, soften the mucous membrane, and prevent chafing;
  • protect metal elements from corrosion.

According to dentists, for high-quality care of removable systems, it is necessary to combine mechanical cleaning using a special paste, toothbrush, floss and chemical cleaning using tablets.

Question No. 3 What is better: toothpastes or gels?

According to experts, both clean teeth equally well. And besides the taste and structure (gel pastes are more transparent than regular ones due to the absence of calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide in them, which give the paste a white color), there are no significant differences between them. So whether to use toothpaste or gel is a matter of everyone’s taste! Among the most popular among patients are such dental gels as Colgate Total 12 Pro-Clean Gel, Splat Liquium-gel, Weleda paste-gel, LACALUT fluor Gel.”

What's included

Depending on the manufacturer, cleansing tablets contain various combinations of chemicals combined with refreshing or whitening additives:

  • oxidizing agents loosen and help remove plaque;
  • Chelates break down organic compounds on the surface of the structure;
  • carbonates are used in effervescent tablets;
  • active oxygen is used as a disinfectant component;
  • dyes are usually blue;
  • sodium perborate whitens crowns.

Extracts, menthol or eucalyptus oils are usually used as refreshing additives.

Corega Series

The products, which are produced by the Irish manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline under the Corega series, promote reliable fixation of the denture, prevent damage to the gums, and prevent the orthopedic structure from shifting and food debris getting under it. All varieties of these creams for attaching dentures are available in 40 ml tubes and cardboard packaging.

The composition of Corega preparations includes the following components:

  • sodium, magnesium, zinc salts of methylvenylethermaleic acids;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • gum;
  • mineral oils;
  • menthol;
  • liquid paraffin.

Coreg products can be used to secure both partial and complete removable dentures. The undoubted advantage of this series of dental products is the ability to choose a cream with a menthol additive, which maintains fresh breath, or a neutral taste.

All varieties of Corega cream are in demand:

  • Corega neutral. This denture fixation product is suitable for people prone to allergic reactions to food dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings. Unlike other dental creams, this one is not felt at all by a person while eating, and does not mix with the odors of other products. Corega neutral cream costs about 225-275 rubles.

  • Corega extra strong. This product contains plant extracts that give freshness to your breath. Thanks to the menthol contained, it is possible to muffle gag reflexes, which often occur when trying to install or remove a prosthesis. The price of this cream does not differ from the cost of the previous one.
  • Corega is refreshing. Unlike Coreg Extra Strong, this one has a subtle, laid-back minty flavor that freshens breath and eliminates minor inflammation on the roof of your mouth. The fixing agent costs about 250 rubles.

Protefix or Corega are better than most analogues, according to user reviews. Such preparations are used sparingly: as a rule, a single spot application on the inner surface of the prosthesis is quite enough for hermetically sealed fixation with the mucous membrane of the palate for 14-16 hours.

It is necessary to store such products for orthopedic structures of the oral cavity at a temperature of no more than 20 ⁰C in a place protected from direct sunlight.

All varieties of Corega cream have no special contraindications or restrictions for use. You can purchase any product from this series at the pharmacy. Corega creams for dentures are included in the list of over-the-counter medications, which indicates the absence of harmful effects of their components when used.

Such fixing compounds are allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women, since they are not absorbed into the bloodstream, which means that they are not capable of harming the fetus or infant.

The only condition under which the use of Coreg is prohibited is an allergic reaction to any substance in the product. If the first signs of individual intolerance appear, you should stop using the drug until you consult a doctor.

Based on the general description of Coreg fixing agents, their properties and application features, several main advantages can be identified:

  • Convenient release form - small 40 ml tubes you can always take with you and use the cream anywhere.
  • Not all similar series of products are represented by drugs with a neutral taste.
  • There is no health risk if a small amount of cream is accidentally swallowed.
  • Coregas act softly and delicately, without causing irritation to the gums.
  • The thick consistency of the creams facilitates long-term economical use.
  • Coreg products are in an affordable price range.

The indisputable disadvantage of preparations for fixing Corega dentures, according to some users, is the rapid wear of dental structures, which leads to a reduction in their service life, and the development of sensitivity of the teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity to the effects of hot or too cold drinks and dishes.

How to use correctly

Usually, the denture, cleaned with a brush and dental floss, is placed in a solution (1 tablet per 150 ml of water) for 20 minutes. Depending on the brand, the amount of water, preparation and time for cleansing may vary, so read the instructions carefully.

Afterwards, the denture must be thoroughly rinsed to remove any remaining product and dried. You should not use the tablets if you notice cracks or chips on the surface of the prosthesis. In this case, you can only worsen the situation.

How often to apply

Cleaning with tablets at home should be done at least 2 times a week. This will ensure high-quality removal of bacterial plaque and eliminate the causes of unpleasant odor. It is also not a good idea to use tablets too often, as this can damage the crown material.

In order for the denture to last a long time, it is necessary to take it to the dental clinic for professional cleaning from time to time.

How to use cream to fix the prosthesis?

Even a very quality denture cream does not create a strong hold if the product is applied incorrectly. To apply the cream correctly, you need to strictly adhere to a number of rules:

  • The cream must be applied clearly along the lines indicated in the instructions, and it is necessary to start using the fixing composition with a small amount. Excessive amounts of cream applied to the base of the prosthesis may compromise the strength of the attachment.
  • The prosthesis must be dry and clean - before applying the drug, it must be cleaned with a special product or regular paste and wiped dry with a soft cloth.
  • The worn removable denture is pressed tightly against the alveolar process for at least 30 seconds. When the prosthesis is fixed, it is undesirable to talk, drink and eat food for 12–17 minutes. Having removed the structure from the oral cavity, it must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining fixative cream.
  • Before putting on the prosthesis, the gums must be rinsed and wiped with a soft cloth.
  • The drugs should not be used more than once a day, and the volume should not be more than recommended. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the appearance of neurological pathologies, which are provoked by the consumption of excessive amounts of zinc, which is part of fixing drugs.

The choice of cream for fixing dentures is a personal matter for each person. But whatever drug you like, it is necessary that this product actually firmly fixes the product in the oral cavity, creates comfortable wearing of orthopedic structures, and is also accepted by the body without any side effects. Sources:

  • https://skzub.ru/preparaty/kremy-dlya-fiksatsii-protezov-korega-i-protefiks-chto-luchshe-po-otzyvam.html
  • https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/sredstva-uhoda/krem-protefiks.html
  • https://zubovv.ru/protezirovanie/sredstva-uhoda/krem-protefiks-dlya-dlitelnoy-fiksatsii.html
  • https://dr-zubov.ru/ortopediya/uxod-o/krem-protefiks-kachestvennaya-i-nadezhnaya-fiksaciya.html
  • https://zybprotez.ru/krem-dlya-zubnyh-protezov-rocs-protefix-korega-kakoj-luchshe/
  • https://stoma.guru/protezirovanie-i-implantaciya/vybiraem-silnyy-fiksiruyuschiy-ekstra-krem-dlya-zubnyh-protezov.html
  • https://vchemraznica.ru/korega-ili-protefiks-chem-otlichayutsya-sredstva-i-chto-luchshe/

How to choose a product to care for removable dentures

It is unlikely that anyone knows better than doctors all the nuances of using certain prostheses and care products. By looking at the clinical picture, a professional doctor can suggest the most effective drugs. It is also worth carefully studying the components. Despite the fact that most drugs are positioned as hypoallergenic, individual intolerance has not been canceled.

For comprehensive care, it is advisable to use products from one manufacturer (paste for mechanical cleaning and tablets). However, the patient will have to determine the ideal remedy through trial and error. You should always pay close attention to the list of contraindications. In addition, each drug must first be tested for an allergic reaction. There is no single remedy that suits everyone; if one patient does not get enough of it, then another may experience side effects from the same medicine, or, moreover, individual intolerance.

Doctors recommend carefully studying the composition of the tablets before you start using them. The instructions for the drug, which indicate side effects and contraindications, will help them with this. Most pills are considered hypoallergenic, but the human body is unpredictable and can produce an individual reaction. In addition, the compatibility of tablets for the care of removable dentures with medications that the patient takes for chronic diseases should be taken into account.

Another important point for the patient is the correct choice of oral care products, that is, toothpaste, mouthwash or protective ointment. When using partial dentures, it is best if all products are from the same brand.

Dentures come with an expense, and the price of denture maintenance tablets will also impact your budget downwards so should be taken into account. In this case, calculating the cost of a dose per use will help, usually one or two tablets. Thus, you can calculate which packaging will be more profitable.

Listen to the recommendations of experts to avoid the consequences.

Precautionary measures:

  1. There is no need to try to dissolve and swallow the medicine. This can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  2. There is a strict prohibition on rinsing your mouth with a cleansing solution.
  3. Do not use the product if you have an allergic reaction to one of the components.
  4. Do not use the tablet if there is damage to the mucous membrane.
  5. Do not use the product if the expiration date has expired. There must be a separate container for preparing the product, not used for food products.
  6. After removing the prosthesis, you need to hold it under running water.

Can fixative gel be dangerous?

Until recently, the gel contained zinc. Its excess can lead to diseases of internal organs. After customers began to complain, manufacturers removed it from the lineup.

There was little zinc. But buyers were still wary of his presence. Sales were declining. The search for an alternative solution began. Nowadays, instead of zinc, a special resin is used. It has good bonding properties and is also harmless to humans.

The cream may be dangerous to humans if its expiration date has expired. Generally, the shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Also, the gel can quickly deteriorate if stored incorrectly. It should not be kept at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius.

Rating of the best tablets for cleaning dentures

Corega Tabs Dental White ("Corega")

GlaxoSmithKline specialists have developed a series of products for the delicate care of dentures and the oral cavity. In addition, the well-known brand offers several types of creams that can be used to securely fix removable systems in the oral cavity. Corega Tabs Dental White, judging by patient reviews, does an excellent job of preserving the original color of dentures. If they become dirty or a stain appears on the artificial tooth, then the tablets will help return it to a snow-white shade. This product ideally eliminates bacterial plaque. Corega is available in two types of packaging: small, 30 tablets, and large, 72 tablets.

The approximate cost of one package is from 250 rubles.

Corega Tabs Dental White tablets


  • copes with the task of preserving the original color of the dentures;
  • eliminates bacterial plaque.


  • not detected.


On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about this product. Users believe that the main advantage is that Protefix eliminates contaminants even in the most secluded places that may be in the oral cavity. The tablets also help eliminate bad breath due to additional components in the composition - peppermint and mint.

Protefix tablets have proven their effectiveness in such matters as cleaning the denture from the remains of food stuck between the teeth, microbial plaque and stone that is dangerous for the enamel. If artificial teeth have become darkened by nicotine, strong black tea or coffee, wonderful pills will help restore the original color. In addition to the fresh smell from your mouth, which will appear thanks to the tablets, the denture will be covered with a protective film and saved from damage that may occur during cleaning.

Dentists recommend using these pills at least twice a day. You can purchase the product packaged in 32 or 66 tablets. They are carefully protected with a foil blister. A small package with 32 pills will cost the patient 200 rubles, while purchasing boxes of 66 pills is much more profitable, their price is 350 rubles.

Protefix tablets


  • eliminate impurities even in the most secluded places of the mouth;
  • help eliminate unpleasant odors.


  • not detected.

Lacalut Dent

The drug has proven itself positively due to its property of restoring the whiteness of artificial teeth. Two more advantages of the tablets are the high-quality removal of pigment and accumulated plaque. The tablets serve as a disinfectant, impart a pleasant oral odor, and eliminate organic residues. The elements present in the composition are mint, citric acid and sodium perborate. The latter has bleaching properties and gives the water a pleasant blue tint.

The product is available in the form of effervescent pills, the main purpose of which is to eliminate unwanted plaque and food debris. When dissolved in water, effective substances appear that delicately clean the surface of the removable structure, while simultaneously disinfecting it. A standard box of Lakalut contains 32 tablets.

On average, the cost of one package is 400 rubles.

Lacalut Dent tablets


  • delicate cleansing;
  • whitening properties;
  • disinfection.


  • not detected.


The manufacturer considers its product unique for the reason that the tablets are able to remove all excess from dentures, including fixing glue, which is usually insoluble in water and is not subject to other oral care products. Customers who choose Fittident are usually very pleased with the whitening properties, as well as the freshness of their breath. The main advantage of the drug is the ability to completely eliminate all remnants of the fixing agents used to secure the dentures. Its whitening components effectively combat stains from coffee and cigarettes.

If the buyer wants to purchase the product, the price for a package containing 32 pills will be approximately 300 rubles.

Fittydent tablets


  • remove all remnants of fixing agents;
  • components effectively fight stains from coffee and cigarettes.


  • not detected.

Dentipur ("Dentipur")

For indecisive clients who find it difficult to decide on the treatment of dentures at home, it is recommended to use German tablets, which have a fairly reasonable price - 140 rubles for 30 pieces. Having antiseptic properties, a whitening effect, instant dissolving and softening plaque.

Dentipur tablets


  • antiseptic properties;
  • whitening effect;
  • Contains quickly soluble and plaque-softening molecules.


  • not detected.


Chinese denture cleaner "Yakelin". The solution copes with full or partial structures without any problems. Effectively kill harmful microorganisms from surfaces, while eliminating unpleasant odors. There is no abrasive material in the composition, it perfectly removes plaque, formed stones and existing plaques. The end result is cleaned dentures with a pleasant aroma. The tablet is supposed to be used no more than once a day.

The cost of a pack of 30 tablets will be 350 rubles.

Y – Kelin tablets


  • there is no abrasive material;
  • They remove plaque very well.


  • use no more than once a day.

President denture

This product is presented in the form of effervescent capsules. A highly effective product eliminates microbial plaque on dentures and organic residues. After dissolution in water, active oxidizing agents with antimicrobial properties are released. Don't worry about the color you get. Thanks to their greenish color, they perform their functions perfectly. They are able to remove stones from hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity without leaving colored marks on the surface. Gives a light refreshing mint aroma, leaving the material in its original form.

The package contains 32 pills, the cost is 350 rubles.

President denture tablets


  • eliminates microbial plaque that appears on dentures;
  • capable of removing stones from hard-to-reach areas.


  • not detected.

Dontodent Intensive

pharmacists presented tablets whose components can have an antimicrobial effect and remove stubborn plaque and old stains. The mint extract contained in the composition freshens breath.

The active oxygen molecules contained in the composition have the ability to destroy the formed solid plaque, as well as similar deposits with food residues. Effectively cope with any coloring pigments, returning the previous whiteness. Their regular use helps protect the oral cavity from inflammatory processes and eliminate excess odors, which will increase their service life.

Despite numerous positive reviews, the use of pills has contraindications with adverse consequences. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to carefully study the attached annotation before use. Poor cleaning of the prosthesis will lead to symptoms of overdose.

Dontodent Intensive tablets


  • destroy the formed hard plaque;
  • cope with any coloring pigments;
  • helps protect the oral cavity from inflammatory processes.


  • change in sense of taste;
  • the presence of irritation and itching in the area of ​​​​contact between the gums and the prosthesis;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • restlessness and burning in the mouth.

Cream Protefix

Recommended for fixation if a person has increased salivation. It is fairly easy to apply, withstands high or low temperatures well and is odorless and tasteless. It is not washed off with saliva.

How to use Protefix

The method of application is similar to Corega. First you need to get rid of any leftover food. Then the cream is applied. The denture may be damp. Apply a thin strip of Protefix. If oily liquid appears, it is worth removing it. It does not harm the prosthesis, but interferes with the uniform distribution of the cream. Insert the prosthesis. Press onto your gums and hold for about a minute. You should not eat for some time.

What does Protefix consist of?

The cream contains the following components:

  1. sodium salt;
  2. calcium;
  3. maleic anhydrides;
  4. carboxymethylcellulose;
  5. paraffin;
  6. petrolatum;
  7. silicon;
  8. Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera is ideal for protecting gums. It helps with inflammation and irritation. When wounds appear, Aloe Vera ensures rapid healing. Enhances tissue regeneration and protects well from bacteria and microbes.

What is Protefix powder

If a person has problems with fixing the prosthesis, then powder is suitable. However, it should only be used by people with excessive drooling. The powder also has no taste or smell.

There are also Protefix gaskets

If a person is not used to the cream, then it is worth starting with pads. They are used to prevent various inflammations and irritations. Many people have abnormal jaw structure or deformed gums. Gaskets are suitable just for such cases.

Benefits of Protefix cream

  1. lack of taste or smell;
  2. you can eat any food;
  3. easy to use;
  4. fairly low price;
  5. food does not get under the prosthesis;
  6. effective at both high and low temperatures;
  7. does not cause an allergic reaction;
  8. fixation can last more than 12 hours;
  9. the tube lasts for quite a long time;
  10. does not cause side effects;
  11. does not affect the bite;
  12. can be used for both dry and wet dentures;
  13. Mint flavored cream provides fresh breath.

But there are also disadvantages

  1. the cream contains a lot of water;
  2. due to the water base, the enzymes of the cream quickly dissolve and lose their effectiveness;
  3. if you apply too much cream, it can get on the gums, causing irritation;
  4. mandatory storage in an upright position. Otherwise, the cream may leak;
  5. If you use it daily, problems with the mucous membranes of the stomach and oral cavity may occur.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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