Buy Corega cream for fixing dentures, neutral. 40ml in pharmacies


Removable dentures are an excellent alternative to missing teeth. But often wearing them is associated with discomfort.

The denture may move, irritate, or rub your gums. To solve this problem, the Russian-Swiss company DRC has developed a fixing cream ROCS


The cream contains a minimal amount of components, which significantly reduces the risk of developing allergies during its use.

The main ingredients in the product included water-soluble polymers and potassium and sodium . This combination allows you to absorb moisture into the cream and increase its total mass in a short period of time, due to which a fixing layer is formed.

Unlike other similar products, ROCS cream has aseptic properties due to the xylitol . It actively suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke diseases of dental and periodontal tissue.

Xylitol forms a protective antibacterial layer on the prosthesis, which remains on the surface for up to 12 hours.

The product also contains additional components: preservatives and menthol flavoring.

What does it represent?

ROCS cream is a product that allows you to create an elastic shock-absorbing layer in the gap formed between the denture and the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
This pillow provides a strong hold and reduces discomfort during adaptation.

Who produces?

The ROCS fixing agent was developed and produced by a group of Russian-Swiss companies DRC . The holding has its own scientific laboratory, where all data on prosthetic devices is collected and analyzed.

This allows them to create highly efficient products that meet European requirements. Two production sites of the DRC group provide fixing cream to most countries in the world.

Product quality is confirmed by relevant ISO 9001-2008 certificates.


The main components of such products are water-soluble polymers and organic sodium or potassium salts. These substances quickly absorb moisture, increasing in mass and forming the necessary layer.

Additional components include preservatives that significantly increase the shelf life of the product. The cream has a menthol flavor added to maintain fresh breath throughout the use of the prosthesis.

The difference between this cream and similar products is that it contains xylitol, a powerful aseptic component. Xylitol not only destroys germs, but also creates an invisible antibacterial film that protects the surface of the oral cavity from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.


The principle of action of the cream is no different from other means for fixing removable structures. Even with a perfectly fitted prosthesis, microgaps always form between it and the gum.

The soft cream applied to the structure is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Over time, it fills with saliva, increases in volume and increases the adhesion of the prosthesis and soft tissues.

When using a sufficient amount of the product, reliable fixation is ensured, which eliminates even minimal shifts in the structure .

In addition, the resulting elastic layer prevents excessive pressure on the gums and food particles from getting under the denture.

Instructions for use

In order to ensure reliable fixation of the removable structure, it is necessary to use the cream in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. In addition, some nuances of using this product should be taken into account.

How to fix the prosthesis?

Fixing the product with ROCS cream takes little time and takes just a few steps:

  1. Clean the denture from plaque and dirt using a toothbrush and paste. To clean the structure, use a soft brush and a paste with a low abrasive index.
  2. Rinse the denture with water and dry. You can use a cloth or paper towel for drying.
    The drying procedure is not necessary, since the product adheres well to a wet prosthesis. But users note that when applying the cream to a dry surface, the fixation was stronger.
  3. Means apply in small sections. As a rule, three strips are enough for high-quality fixation: one in the side segments and one in the front part of the structure.
    Each strip is placed on the inside of the denture, on the midline of the jaw arch. During the first use, it is necessary to apply approximately 1 cm long sections.

    In the future, the amount of cream used can be adjusted: reduced or increased. Both spot application and filling along the entire line of the jaw arch are allowed.

  4. After applying the product, the structure is placed in the mouth so that it sits completely on the gums, and the jaws are clenched tightly for at least 15 seconds.
    During this period, the mass increases in volume and fills the space between the prosthesis and the mucosa. Final fixation and complete filling will occur only after 15 minutes. During this time, you should not eat food to avoid getting particles.

How to remove the prosthesis?

The prosthesis is removed from the oral cavity as follows:

  1. The thumbs are placed on the lateral crowns of the structure on the lingual side, and the index fingers on the vestibular side .
  2. If the prosthesis is on the upper jaw, then you should press your index fingers on the structure, moving it down . If the lower prosthesis is removed, then press upwards .
  3. Removing a complete upper denture can be difficult in some cases. In this situation, it is necessary to place a moistened cotton swab on the labial frenulum. In this case, moisture from the roller should reach the line where the prosthesis adheres to the gum. After this, it should be removed without problems.
  4. If removal was not possible and the prosthesis is fixed very tightly, you should not apply force, as you can injure the mucous membrane. It is necessary to leave the structure in the mouth overnight .
    After some time, the effect of the cream will weaken and it will be possible to remove the product without any problems. Most often, this situation occurs as a result of excessive use of the product .

Calculations of how much it costs to insert a front tooth. Detailed table for all types of prosthetics.

The complete process for making metal-plastic crowns is described in this article.

The link lists the disadvantages of Akri Fri dentures.

Precautionary measures

During the period of using ROCS cream, it is necessary to adhere to certain precautions that will ensure reliable fixation, extend the service life of the prosthesis and protect the mucous membrane from injury.

What can't you do?

During use, it is necessary to take into account some points that can lead to the loss of the properties of the cream:

  1. Do not leave it open or with the lid loose. This will cause drying and reduced absorbency. In addition, the product will be difficult to apply to the surface of the prosthesis.
  2. The dispenser spout should always remain dry , as moisture promotes the accumulation of germs.
  3. Do not store the cream in a cold place . In its structure, it resembles a very dense mass, and a low temperature quickly leads to its hardening, which complicates the application process.
  4. Too hot products lead to weakening of the fixing properties .

Oral care after removal

After removing the prosthesis, not only it, but also the oral cavity needs careful care. Since during wearing the mucous membrane is constantly exposed to the structure and cream, it is necessary to carry out regular rehabilitation procedures :

  • after removal, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with anti-inflammatory decoctions prepared from medicinal plants. Sage, chamomile, oak bark and calendula help well in this case;
  • in addition to decoctions, it is recommended to carry out aseptic treatment using miramistin or chlorhexidine ;
  • in order to prevent the development of gum inflammation, it is necessary to apply medicinal gels Metrogil-Dent or Cholisal .

In the absence of measures to rehabilitate the mucous membrane, it may be subject to constant irritation or rubbing, which will result in severe inflammation.

In this video, experts talk about proper oral care for patients who wear removable dentures, including fixing and removing the structure:

Care after removal

The oral cavity, like dentures, requires special care. When wearing the product, the mucous membrane is rubbed by the structure and is regularly irritated by the product.

Oral care

To reduce injury, you will need to perform restorative procedures:

  1. After removing the dental structure, rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions that relieve inflammation. Medicinal herbs such as sage, marigold, oak bark, and chamomile have proven themselves well here.
  2. In addition to anti-inflammatory rinses, antibacterial treatments using cationic antiseptics with antimicrobial action such as Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are effective.
  3. To prevent inflammatory processes on the gum tissue, it is recommended to treat the area where the prosthesis adheres to the mucous membrane with medicinal masses in the form of a gel. Inexpensive drugs such as Metrodent and Muntizal have performed well.

If you do not carry out procedures aimed at rehabilitating the mucosa, it will be constantly injured, which will inevitably result in a serious inflammatory process.

Caring for your prosthesis

Prosthesis care consists of several stages and is carried out daily:

  1. After removal, the prosthesis is washed under running water , trying to avoid it falling, as an impact can lead to breakage.
  2. To thoroughly clean the denture, rinsing alone is not enough . Once a day, the product is cleaned with a toothbrush using a gentle tooth powder or paste with a low abrasive content. It is acceptable to use liquid soap or detergents for kitchen utensils.
  3. The tissues of the prosthetic bed need rest, so they need to be removed at night. Some dentures require constant moisture to maintain their shape. After removing the product for several hours, it is placed in a special liquid for prosthetic structures, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  4. At this stage of development of prosthetics, manufacturers offer consumers a lot of devices and means for caring for dental structures .
    These include effervescent tablets that dissolve plaque and disinfect the product, ultrasonic baths that allow high-quality cleaning of tartar and pigment plaque, which eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant odor.


This product cannot be used in a number of cases:

  • the presence of extensive ulcerations in the area covered by the prosthesis;
  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • high sensitivity of periodontal tissue.

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General information

The use of a denture involves the formation of a gap between the product and the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The Rocs product allows you to qualitatively fill this space and, under the influence of moisture, form an elastic protective layer. The strength of the layer prevents the entry of food debris and reduces irritation of the mucous membrane.

The Russian-Swiss holding company DRC is the manufacturer of this product and has its own institution conducting experimental scientific and technical activities and laboratories that collect and analyze the components included in fixing creams for dentures.

This fact allows the manufacturer to be a leader in creating highly efficient products according to European standards.

Side effects

The manufacturer claims that the cream has no side effects and is safe if swallowed. But with excessive daily dosage, some negative consequences may still occur:

  • nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • allergy.


On the market of dental products intended for the care of dentures, in addition to ROCS cream, there are similar fixing products from other manufacturers, each of which has its own feature:

  1. Lacalut. Designed for long-term fixation up to 24 hours. The product has a pleasant smell and forms a very thin layer when applied. The drug can only be fixed on a dry structure and loses its effect when consuming hot foods. Cost - from 280 to 400 rubles.
  2. Protefix. The main purpose is to fix the structure for 12 hours.
    A whole series of Protefix is ​​put on sale, which includes a hypoallergenic cream with no dyes or fragrances, an anti-inflammatory cream based on aloe extract, and a soothing cream with mint essential oil.

    In addition, Protefix can be purchased in both standard and mini versions - a 24 gram tube costing 140 rubles.

  3. Cream for fixing dentures Fittident. The cheapest option, unlike other products.
    Its cost is 140 – 230 rubles. Intended for application to dry surfaces only. May cause a slight burning sensation during use. Unlike other fixatives, it has a more viscous consistency.
  4. The president. It contains petroleum jelly, which helps protect the mucous membranes from chafing and irritation.
    The cream has a pronounced menthol taste, which persists throughout the entire period of wearing. The maximum fixation period is about 10 hours. The product is sold in a large tube, which is 10 ml larger than similar drugs. The average market price ranges from 200 to 250 rubles.
  5. Corega. It is a hypoallergenic product because it does not contain dyes, and the components used are considered completely safe for use. Corega cream is intended for fixation of dentures using dry and wet methods.

If the product is not suitable

Typically, those who use Rox cream for dentures leave good reviews about it, and are in no hurry to buy other formulations with a similar principle of action. However, for completeness of information, it will be useful to know that there are analogues of the drug in pharmacies. Such as Lakalut, Fittident tooth cream, Protefix or Corega. All these drugs compete with Rox, which is known on the domestic market as a cream-gel.

“I’ve been wearing removable teeth for a long time and couldn’t find the perfect option to keep it in my mouth. Everything the doctors prescribed only caused discomfort. It got to the point that I became embarrassed to go outside - it seemed that my “teeth” would fall out at the most inopportune moment. Before buying Rox denture fixation cream, I spent a long time reading all sorts of reviews on the Internet. But when I decided, happiness knew no bounds. I won’t experiment anymore, I found something that suits me. Therefore, I am writing my review in the hope that it will be useful.”

Lyudmila Viktorovna, Moscow, from correspondence on the forum


The average market price of ROCS cream is 240 - 380 rubles . This price range exceeds the cost of similar products.

It is worth considering that only this product is capable of fixing the prosthesis for 24 hours.

In addition, the dense consistency of the product allows it to be used very economically. The volume of one tube is enough for 2 months of daily use.

Advantages and disadvantages

The ROCS fixative has become quite popular in a short period of time.

Such competitiveness was determined by quite significant advantages :

  • The product can be used on both dry and wet dentures. This does not diminish its effectiveness;
  • the cream quickly increases in volume, significantly saving time;
  • the composition is completely safe even if swallowed;
  • fixation is designed for 12 hours;
  • no dyes;
  • Can be used on both partial and removable dentures.

For information on choosing removable dentures and methods of caring for them, watch the video:

It is especially important for people suffering from osteoporosis, thyroid and kidney diseases that the fixing cream does not contain fluoride.

The disadvantages of the product include its price. Its cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of similar products from other brands.


Cream for removable structures ROCS receives the highest reviews due to the quality of fixation and the absence of allergenic components. We invite everyone to share their feedback about this product in the comments to this article.

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Tags ROCS cream for dentures cream for dentures ROCS

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It is necessary to use the cream when the following discomfort occurs when wearing a dental structure:

  • weak fastening;
  • the design rubs soft tissues and causes irritation;
  • food particles get clogged under the denture;
  • the period of adaptation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • dental units have been damaged by tooth enamel due to long-term use of products containing fluoride (fluorosis);
  • disturbances in the composition of the bacterial microflora of the oral cavity.

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