Simultaneous dental implantation (simultaneously with tooth extraction)

  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Prosthetic options
  • Stages of treatment
  • Types of implants
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Alternative Methods
  • Reasons to contact the ROOTT clinic
  • Prices
  • Work examples
  • Doctors
  • Reviews

Simultaneous implantation is a two-in-one surgical operation. It combines tooth extraction and installation of an implant, which is inserted into a fresh socket. Loading of the artificial root with a temporary crown is performed after its engraftment or immediately. In one visit to the doctor, the patient receives a new tooth instead of a lost one. Using the technique, it is possible to quickly restore chewing function and smile aesthetics, and reduce treatment time.

  • When used:
    Absence of 1 tooth
  • Type of anesthesia:
    Local anesthesia
  • Procedure time:
    from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours
  • Treatment period:
    3 to 4 days
  • Healing period:
    from 3 days to 7 days
  • Age restrictions:
    from 18 years old (in our clinic)

Conditions under which immediate implantation is not possible

The question of using the technique is decided by the doctor based on the diagnostic results. Simultaneous implantation is not used in the following cases:

  • emergency tooth extraction due to injury or acute inflammatory process;
  • damage to bone tissue during complex removal - it is important to maintain the integrity of the socket;
  • acute inflammatory processes at the root of the tooth - installing an implant under non-sterile conditions can lead to complications;
  • general contraindications to implant installation.

Comparison with the classical two-stage method

“Classics” of implant dentures is a process consisting of two successive stages. The first is an operation to integrate a titanium rod into bone tissue. To do this, the surgeon cuts the gum, forms a bed for the implant, then screws it in and sutures the surgical area. Then, osseointegration takes place over 3 to 6 months, upon completion of which the second stage is performed - prosthetics with an artificial prosthetic structure. Obviously, with this technique, surgery is performed three times: to install the implant, to attach the gum former, to install the abutment with subsequent fixation of the prosthesis.

We can conclude that the one-step method is more gentle, since tooth extraction and titanium pin implantation occur simultaneously (in one operation). As a result, the traumatic effect on bone tissue is reduced, the recovery period is shortened, and the patient’s moral discomfort is reduced. The main condition for the implementation of this method is the presence of a non-viable dental element that must be removed. It should remain in place until surgery. Otherwise, only the standard implantation option is possible.

Prosthetic options

Loading of an implant with a prosthesis can be:

  • Instant.
    A temporary crown or prosthesis is fixed to the implant immediately after its installation. In one visit, the patient receives a finished tooth. The permanent prosthesis is fixed after the artificial root has completely fused with the bone.
  • Deferred.
    The permanent prosthesis is installed after osseointegration - after 3-5 months, the implant will be overgrown with bone tissue and take on the functions of the tooth root. Before osseointegration is completed, the gum above the implant is sutured, and the person wears a removable denture.

The treatment protocol is selected by the doctor based on the complexity of the clinical case and the condition of the bone.

Single defect

When installing an implant after the removal of one tooth, it is possible to perform prosthetics using immediate and delayed loading protocols using classic two-piece implants.

When the artificial root is immediately loaded, the abutment and temporary crown are immediately fixed. It is made of plastic or metal-plastic. The crown is made lower than the rest, removed from the bite to reduce the chewing load. After osseointegration, after 3-5 months, the crown is replaced with metal-ceramic or zirconium.

With delayed loading, a temporary crown is not placed. The gum is sutured and the implant is waited for to grow into the bone. After osseointegration, the gum is dissected, a gum former is first installed on the implant for 2 weeks, then an abutment and a crown of the patient’s choice. Until this moment, the person wears a removable butterfly denture, which is attached to adjacent teeth.

The choice of treatment regimen depends on how many teeth require replacement. It is not advisable to immediately load ones, twos, sixes, and sevens with a prosthesis. They are involved in biting and chewing, which puts stress on the artificial root. Threes, fours, and fives can be immediately loaded with a temporary crown, provided they are removed from the bite.

At the request of the patient, it is possible to install a crown immediately on implants involved in chewing. But the clinic does not provide a guarantee if the implantologist’s clear recommendations are not followed.

End defect

When several teeth are removed in the chewing area, adaptation prostheses are installed three days after the implant is inserted - a one-stage technique. The metal-plastic structure is equipped with a titanium arc, which prevents the artificial roots from loosening. The crowns are made of medical plastic, which allows for adjustments to the bite.

Prosthetics using the classical protocol is also possible. After the titanium roots have engrafted, they are loaded with crowns made from the material chosen by the patient. Unlike the previous method, it is necessary to replace each extracted tooth with an implant and install a separate crown for each, which increases treatment costs. Until the completion of the stabilization period, the patient wears a partially removable denture with clasps.

Full jaw

Prosthetics on implants solves the problem of complete edentia. Titanium roots are placed in the sockets of extracted teeth. If additional implants are needed, they are inserted into the jaw using tissue puncture. The number of implants and their placement sites are selected by the doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis of the oral cavity. The operation can be performed according to two schemes:

  • classical implantation with delayed loading;
  • one-stage with installation of fixed adaptive prostheses.

The classical technique is used for significant loss of bone tissue due to resorption. Before implantation of the artificial root, the missing volume is replenished by replanting bone material. For 3-5 months, while the artificial root grows into the jaw, the patient uses a removable nylon prosthesis.

During one-stage implantation, on the third day after surgery, a lightweight prosthesis made of medical plastic with a titanium arch is installed. The patient must follow the nutritional recommendations of the implantologist for a month. The food consumed should not be too hard. After a month, you can return to your usual diet. Restrictions are imposed only on too hard foods, which create increased stress on the jaw. After implantation, you should forever give up the habit of gnawing nuts, etc.

Simultaneous implantation of the anterior teeth of the jaw


Yulia, 49 years old

When they told me that my upper tooth could not be saved, I was terribly upset. I didn’t immediately make an appointment with the surgeon, especially since the tooth didn’t hurt and the removal was planned. I decided to look for options and found the most interesting one in the dentistry of Maxim Shubnykh. At the consultation, I was offered to remove the tooth and immediately place an implant in one go. The preparation took a week, I had to change 2 fillings and undergo professional cleaning. I am satisfied with the result, I smile boldly and openly, the crown was chosen well, it is no different from the rest of the teeth.

Andrey, 37 years old

I came to the clinic with a friend as a fan, but stayed as a client. First I cured caries, and then I thought about restoring a tooth, of which only the root remained. They offered immediate implantation. I liked the name. It turned out that it is quite consistent with the essence. The whole procedure took 1.5 hours, not including preparation. That one was long and tedious, but I didn’t want to risk the implant. No contraindications were found, so the root was immediately removed and an implant and crown were installed. While it is temporary, after 2 months you can change it to permanent.

Yana, 29 years old

I broke a tooth and was in shock. They said that it cannot be restored, only deleted. So where am I going with such a gap-toothed smile? I took a week off work at my own expense, relied on my dentist and was right. I’ve been receiving treatment at the Shubnykh clinic for 4 years now, I’m confident in the quality of their work, so I spent a lot of money on myself, but chose the Nobel implant with a lifetime guarantee. There are no special health problems, so we managed to remove the tooth and implant a pin in one go. I felt a little sore for a couple of days, on the second day the swelling on the gum almost subsided, I had to slightly adjust my diet and sleep on a high pillow. But it's tolerable. Everything has taken root normally, I’m already slowly biting buns with this tooth, hoping for a barbecue. Externally, the difference between the crown and your teeth is completely invisible, thanks to the skill of the clinic’s doctor.

Nikolay, 51 years old

I agreed to express implantation at the Shubny clinic and did not regret it. We managed to restore three teeth at a normal price; we calculated the cost right away and it didn’t change, which made me happy.

Nadezhda, 37 years old

I am a supporter of traditional proven methods, especially when it comes to health. And then I decided to take a risk. For me, waiting six months for the artificial root to take root, and then cutting the gum again is too much. We discussed the options with the doctor for a long time, and decided to compromise - remove the tooth, put an implant in its place, and put on a temporary crown in a few days. Indeed, it was easier for me. The price is quite affordable, I expected it to be more expensive. I was pleasantly surprised that they calculated the amount at once, including all upcoming expenses. Because of this, I chose a mid-priced implant, refusing the budget option. I liked the clinic, I came for the second examination a week later without internal trembling, and received detailed recommendations. Now all that remains is to wait until everything heals completely and don’t forget to visit the doctor twice a year to monitor the situation.


The purpose of the preparatory stage is to assess the clinical picture and choose treatment tactics. The doctor evaluates the patient’s general health and oral cavity in order to create conditions for the safe introduction of the implant and its healing. Preparation includes the following steps:

  • Taking a medical history to assess the patient's general condition and identify potential risks of complications.
  • Examination of the oral cavity. If during the examination the patient is found to have carious lesions or bacterial plaque, they must be eliminated before surgery.
  • Computed tomography (CT) and panoramic image of the jaw (orthopantomogram) to determine the volume and density of bone tissue and diagnose inflammatory processes.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor draws up a treatment plan and selects an implantation system that is suitable for a specific clinical case.

At the ROOTT Clinic, the operation has a predictable result in advance. Our specialists draw up an action plan in advance and strictly follow the protocol at all stages of treatment.

Why is it better to choose dental implantation in our clinic?

Implantation is an expensive procedure. Yes, there are risks, but the benefits far outweigh any concerns. The key to success will be not only a thorough diagnosis and complete information about the patient’s health status, but also the high qualifications of the specialist performing implantation. By contacting Maxim Shubnykh’s dentistry, patients are confident that they will receive:

  • correct friendly attitude;
  • compliance with professional ethics;
  • full range of dental services;
  • qualified assistance in the most difficult cases;
  • modern working methods;
  • guarantees of compliance with all safety requirements for medical procedures;
  • effective pain relief;
  • no discomfort during procedures;
  • comfortable service;
  • excellent result.

You can verify the level of service and quality of treatment in person by visiting a preliminary consultation with any specialist.

Among the main criteria for choosing a clinic, the presence of a license, modern equipment, and a friendly atmosphere are necessarily mentioned. The Maxim Shubnykh Clinic in Moscow fully complies with the requirements. Our specialists guarantee a detailed examination before any procedure, offer several options for solving the problem, work only with certified implants, and regularly undergo training on new technologies and materials.

Which implants are suitable?

We use three types of ROOTT implant systems:

  • classic two-part ROOTT FORM;
  • monolithic one-piece ROOTT BASAL;
  • one-piece compression ROOTT COMPRESSIVE.

ROOTT FORM systems are installed in the upper layer of the jaw, so when bone tissue atrophies, it is replenished with bone material. The product consists of a titanium root without an abutment. After the implant is implanted, it is closed with a plug and sutures are applied. 3-5 months after surgery, a gum former is placed. After 10-14 days, an abutment is attached in its place, onto which the crown is placed. It is fixed with a screw or with cement.

The BASAL and COMPRESSIVE systems are monolithic structures, the titanium root and abutment are one-piece. The structure is implanted into the deep layers of the jaw - basal and cortical. This ensures reliable fixation even if there is a lack of bone tissue. After the operation, the abutment remains above the gum and after three days is loaded with temporary prostheses.

Article Expert

Malinovsky Igor Yurievich Implant surgeon, doctor of the highest category

Work experience: more than 13 years


We undertake guarantee obligations for the quality of services provided.

  • If a classic implant fails within 12 months after surgery, the patient is guaranteed a replacement. The exception is clinical cases when diagnostics reveal contraindications to the procedure.
  • If a one-stage implant fails within a year and before replacing the conditionally removable structure with a permanent prosthesis, the patient has the right to have the artificial root re-installed. An obstacle to the procedure is the presence of contraindications for health reasons in the patient.

The guarantee is valid if the patient complies with the requirements of the medical institution:

  • Completion of annual professional oral hygiene.
  • Compliance with the schedule of preventive examinations.
  • Follow the implantologist’s recommendations on nutrition and dental care at home.

If the requirements are violated, no warranty is provided.


It is impossible to carry out instant implantation in 1 day:

  • in the presence of acute or chronic gum or periodontal diseases;
  • if there are severe diseases of internal organs, blood clotting disorders;
  • in the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • during acute infections;
  • in all trimesters of pregnancy and during lactation;
  • if the patient has a job with an increased risk of injury or is involved in highly traumatic sports.


The cost of one-stage “turnkey” implantation includes:

  • diagnostics;
  • price of the implantation system;
  • operation to introduce an artificial root;
  • installation of an adaptive prosthesis (including the prosthesis itself);
  • routine examinations by the attending physician within 1 year.

Additional treatment increases the cost - before the procedure, complete sanitation of the oral cavity, professional oral hygiene, and bone grafting (if necessary) are performed. These services are paid separately at the preparatory stage.

The initial consultation with an implantologist and monthly preventive examinations for a year after surgery are free. The Roott Clinic provides step-by-step payment for medical services.

Free online consultation with a dentist

Simultaneous installation of a ROOTT implant (Switzerland, Trate AG): together with tooth extraction and an adaptation crownfrom 47,500 rub.

Consultation and diagnostics are free!

All prices Promotions

Advantages of the method

  • Restoring the aesthetics of the dentition in one visit to the clinic (when installing a temporary crown)
  • Reducing patient rehabilitation time
  • Possibility to give immediate load when installing a lightweight prosthesis
  • Reducing the number of surgical interventions
  • Preservation of the natural gum contour
  • Preventing atrophy and loss of bone tissue that occurs during the long-term absence of a dental element

Important: the possibility of using this technique for a particular patient is determined by the implantologist only after a hardware examination. If it is impossible to implement this technology, the specialist will offer a classic option.

The dental network offers services for immediate dental implantation. Our implantologists have high medical qualifications and regularly improve their skills in leading Russian and foreign clinics. The quality of services meets international standards. We have a system of family and cumulative discounts. If necessary, we provide reporting documents for filing tax deductions.

Branches of our orthodontic center are located in Moscow within walking distance from the metro:

  • Art. Alekseevskaya (VDNKh district, etc. Mira), address: st. 3rd Mytishchiskaya house 3, building 2;
  • Art. Shelepikha, address: Shelepikhinskaya embankment, address: building 34, building 1.

We will be able to restore the integrity of the dentition in one visit to the clinic, come and see for yourself. We are waiting for you!

Work examples

All works

Complex implantation (top and bottom)

Implantation of all teeth in the upper jaw

Simultaneous implantation of two jaws

Full dental implantation and prosthetics

Complete restoration of the upper jaw on implants

Complex restoration of both jaws on implants

Upper jaw - teeth under the crowns are destroyed, lower jaw - teeth abrasion

Periodontal disease III degree

Stage III periodontal disease: complex dental implantation

Implantation of one tooth with a single-stage load

Restoration of the upper jaw in 4 days using a single-phase method Full implantation

Restoration of the upper jaw using the ROOTT single-phase implantation system

Single-stage implantation for periodontal disease

Restoration of chewing and aesthetic function with one-stage implantation

Implantation with simultaneous removal of all teeth and installation of implants with crowns

Implantation of both jaws with ROOTT implants for stage II periodontal disease

Sinus lift with simultaneous implantation

All works

Sign up for a consultation

three ROOTT specialists + diagnostics as a gift


The technique of one-stage implantation requires the use of high-quality materials and modern equipment. In addition, the highly qualified implantologist is very important. The total cost of the procedure consists of consumables, the level of the doctor and the clinic. If the clinic has its own dental laboratory, the cost of the implant will be significantly lower. The average price for a turnkey installation is 45 thousand rubles. The service life of implants reaches 25 years, provided that high-quality materials are selected and the procedure protocol is strictly followed. The best implants are those made in Sweden, Israel and the USA.

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