We create websites for dental clinics that meet a range of requirements. A high level of professionalism and extensive practical experience allow us to create resources with a well-thought-out marketing strategy. Such a site is a ready-made tool for attracting new patients. The resource will not need to be modified in preparation for search engine promotion. He is fully ready to take top positions in search engine results. Tell us how you see your clinic’s resource. What services should be integrated, what color combinations should be used. Download the brief and find out the cost of website development.

Moscow dentistry

Finding your doctor and choosing the right clinic can be difficult. Meanwhile, dental treatment often results in serious stress. The reason for this is the high cost of many services, the duration of the upcoming treatment, and the traumatic nature of the procedures. Information from the Moscow Dentistry portal will help you evaluate the level of specialists, equipment and service in the clinic. You can easily choose a clinic near your home or close to work on our website. Check out the prices for the services you need and evaluate the professionalism of the specialists. Careful choice of clinic is the key to successful treatment without nerves and pain. The dental portal of Moscow Dentistry will help you with this.

Dental portal

On the Moscow Dentistry portal you will find information about all Moscow dental clinics. Almost every day we post information about new dental centers and update information about existing ones. Our rating is based on reviews from real patients and can be trusted. Convenient functionality will make it easy to choose a clinic that suits you based on a number of parameters: prices, location, services. Also, you can choose a specific doctor, taking into account his specialty, experience and reputation.

Choosing dentistry in Moscow is easy!

It is no secret that price is one of the decisive factors when choosing dentistry. We divided all clinics into 3 categories in accordance with their pricing policy:

  • Economy class;
  • Business Class;
  • VIP.

Also, the portal presents city dental clinics, 24-hour centers, and specialized pediatric dentistry clinics. We have done everything possible to make your choice easier and help you find a competent specialist. All information on the site is current and updated regularly.

Web server

Data center information
Hetzner Online AG AS24940 Hetzner Online AG Nuremberg Bayern Germany 49.4478, 11.0683
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4 requests sent, 4 packets received, 0 lost (0% loss)
The average ping to the server is 23.3 ms, and the average site load time is 1.15 seconds.
Web server configuration
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Date of:Sat, 25 Mar 2021 18:03:19 GMT
Expires:Mon, 1 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT
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Data are approximate* Last updated: 04/04/2017 09:57:22

What to look for when choosing a clinic

This is one of the key factors. The thing is that some types of treatment require multiple visits to the clinic. This applies to orthodontic treatment, root canal filling, and classical implantation. If the clinic is located near home or close to work, visiting it will not cause discomfort and take an excessive amount of time.

2. Specialty of doctors.

If you want to straighten your teeth, the clinic must have an orthodontist on staff; when implantation is necessary, contact an implant surgeon; when treating children, contact a pediatric dentist. That is why, before visiting the clinic, you need to make sure that a specialist of the required profile will meet you there.

3. Rating of the clinic and specialists.

The doctor’s reputation is a serious point that you should definitely pay attention to. Surely many patients have already used the services of the chosen clinic and left reviews about their work. They can be very informative, useful and will help you make the right choice.


A countryPlace in countriesVisitors %Page views %
Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, USA are the most popular countries.
RegionPlace in the regionVisitors %Page views %
Average statistics for the last 3 months
Place in the world713,825+67,885
Monthly attendance92,400-9.51%
Position by monthly traffic713,602+67,864
Page views per month546,990-2%
Position by page views593,166+11,863
Page views by 1 visitor5.92

Useful information for patients

With the development of technology, the number of dental services, procedures, materials and manipulations is constantly increasing. It can be difficult to make sense of all the abundance of information. On the Moscow Dentistry portal you will find:

  • Useful articles;
  • Recommendations from specialists;
  • Latest news from the world of dentistry;
  • Photos of the work of specialists and descriptions of clinical cases;
  • Discounts, promotions, special offers in Moscow clinics;
  • Description of medications that are available in dental treatment.

We always have a lot of new and interesting things! If you require treatment, you will find fresh and relevant data on this issue on the Moscow Dentistry portal.


  • Relevant Design

    Realistic images, no flashy elements, restrained palette and stylish look

  • Services for patients

    Order a call back, make an appointment, online consultation, integration and much more

  • Clear about the services

    A structured menu and easy navigation on a dental website are your best friends for sales.

  • Required texts

    Informative texts about complex services, materials and equipment in accessible language

Our specialists have extensive experience in creating websites for dental clinics. Thanks to our narrow specialization, we offer our clients only effective solutions that have been proven in practice. We clearly know what the site architecture should be, what sections it must include. Another core area of ​​our work is the promotion of medical websites. Thanks to this, our sites comply 100% with SEO requirements and will easily reach the top positions in Yandex results.

Online consultations

Every patient needs to “just ask” from time to time. The online consultation format is ideal for this. Competent, qualified specialists will answer your questions and help you decide on further treatment tactics. If you are in doubt or want to hear an alternative position, use the online dentist consultation service! You can ask your questions to doctors at leading Moscow clinics and receive comprehensive answers. We hope that tips from practicing doctors will help you maintain healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.

our clients

We cooperate with successful Moscow clinics and medical centers. We offer our clients effective, time-tested solutions. The POISKPROMED company is focused on long-term cooperation. We value our reputation and offer quality products that will become an effective tool for attracting new patients.

City Clinical Hospital No. 51
  • Multidisciplinary 24-hour hospital;
  • 598 beds;
  • 230 doctors;
  • 7 doctors of science;
  • 53 Ph.D.

State Clinical Hospital named after. V. V. Veresaeva
  • Multidisciplinary 24-hour hospital;
  • Modern treatment methods;
  • Comfortable conditions for patients to stay.

Dental Association

The association includes leading Moscow clinics that have been accredited by the Association of Digital Dentistry and meet, by all criteria, a modern dental clinic, capable of providing high-quality dental treatment.


MESOPROFF is a collection of injection cosmetology products created by specialists in European laboratories. The intellectual contribution of the company’s founder, Olga Selyanina, made it possible to bring the use of injection techniques to a completely new level of development!


The Andrology Clinic was founded in 1999. The clinic is a laureate of the shows: “The Best in Moscow” and “The Best in the Moscow Region” and was awarded the corresponding diplomas. Over the years, the clinic’s doctors have helped tens of thousands of men and women gain health and return to a full life.

AVANTIS CLINIC of Professor Ryakhovsky A.N.

Without false modesty, there is every reason to assert that the clinic is the first and only in Russia that comprehensively uses truly revolutionary and still unique, the most modern digital 3D technologies. Some variants of 3D technologies (for example, CAD/CAM) are also used in other clinics.


The American Dental Clinic uses all innovative technologies that make the provision of dental services painless and significantly reduce the duration of treatment for dental diseases.

Information for dental clinics

Didn't find information about your dentistry? No problem! You can add your clinic to our database. Send us photos of the clinic, answer patient questions and follow reviews of your specialists! Become part of the Moscow Dentistry community! To increase the flow of visitors, you can take advantage of our advertising offers and order special placement on the pages of the Moscow Dentistry portal.

Moscow dentistry - all information about clinics and dentists in one place!


  1. You fill out a brief - a simple questionnaire in which you talk about your requirements
  2. A website prototype is created. You make the necessary changes.
  3. The design is drawn taking into account the wishes of the clinic owner.
  4. Website programming in 1C Bitrix
  5. Filling the site with unique content
Information about doctors

A detailed story about specialists, their photos, information about education, advanced training, professional achievements and specialization will help win the trust of the user.

Information about the technologies used

Data on the implantation systems used, diagnostic methods, types of anesthesia, etc. will help you prove your level of professionalism and demonstrate your competitive advantages


We dedicate these pages to your employees - this will help you gain the user’s trust, get away from impersonality and establish “live” relationships with the user


We emphasize the convenient location of the company’s office, use a beautiful wide-format map, street panoramas and offer convenient directions

Interactive with the user

We invite the client to leave a review about the company’s work, get advice online, make an appointment with a specialist or request a call back

Post realistic images

Photos of dentists at work, photographs of offices indicating “Office of periodontology”, “Office of surgical dentistry”, etc., photos of the clinic from the outside and inside, images of the devices and medications used will make your website especially informative and solid.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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