Tips for smokers: how to protect your mouth and teeth from the harmful effects of nicotine


In order to figure out how to remove plaque on teeth after smoking, you need to understand the reasons for its formation. Smoking has a direct negative effect on the entire body and, in particular, contributes to the darkening of tooth enamel.

The best solution to the problem is to completely abandon this unhealthy habit. This will protect your health and preserve the natural whiteness of your teeth. If you really can’t quit smoking, then you can reduce the consequences for tooth enamel by regularly using special hygiene methods.

The effect of smoking on teeth color

Important! Cigarette smoke contains a huge list of substances and elements, including nicotine and various tars. With regular smoking, microparticles settle on the teeth and a specific yellowish plaque forms.

At the first stage, the problem is purely aesthetic in nature, but if it is not addressed, plaque leads to the formation of tartar, and also causes inflammation of the gums and contributes to the development of caries. The plaque caused by smoking initially has a yellow tint, but over time becomes darker to grayish-brown and black.

Gum inflammation caused by this harmful habit can become serious, accompanied by bleeding, gingivitis, periodontal disease and chronic bleeding gums. Smokers are also at risk of developing tooth decay. Almost all lovers of this habit have teeth in their mouths that require treatment. Their caries develops quickly, endlessly transmitted from tooth to tooth.

In addition, there are statistics according to which four out of ten smokers completely lose their teeth by age 65. Among non-smokers this figure is two times lower.


If you have been smoking for many years, then you are almost certainly familiar with the problem of dry lips. The thing is that smokers produce less saliva (the body refuses to perceive a cigarette as something edible), so a person experiences a feeling of dryness and involuntarily licks his lips. At the same time, they lose their protective water-fat film and instantly become weathered in the air. As a result, inflammation of the red border of the lips develops - cheilitis.

Your actions. Use a special moisturizing lipstick with medicinal ingredients, such as cocoa butter, almond oil, and chamomile extract. You can also lubricate your skin with a softening baby cream with vitamins A and E before going to bed.

It is also worth paying attention to toothpaste - sometimes it worsens the condition of the lips. Pastes containing fluoride are especially aggressive on the skin and can cause persistent irritation. Give them up for a while and choose pastes with herbal anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Features of plaque from tobacco smoke

Plaque that appears on teeth can be of different colors:

  • yellow and brownish;
  • white;
  • black;
  • green.

Important! The most harmless is a white coating. It forms on the teeth quite quickly, for example, overnight or during the day. The reason for its appearance is the food consumed, as well as bacteria and microbes that multiply on the surface of the teeth.

Such plaque, if removed in a timely manner, does not pose any particular danger. It can be removed during regular brushing with a toothbrush. Green plaque is rare and mainly appears due to damage to the pellicle (the protective layer of the tooth located on the surface of the enamel). Also, this shade of plaque can be caused by a fungal infection of the oral cavity.

Yellow and brown plaque appears due to tooth pigmentation caused by smoking, as well as from excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee. This type of plaque is difficult to remove on your own. The easiest way in such a situation is to have it professionally cleaned by a dentist. Black plaque is an advanced form of pigmentation, which initially had a yellow or brown tint.

Only numbers

  • 75% of men and 21% of women in Russia smoke constantly.
  • 1-2 packs of cigarettes contain a lethal dose of nicotine. The only thing that saves the smoker is that this dose is not introduced into the body immediately, but in parts.
  • The average smoker takes 200 puffs a day. Each time he inhales more than 30 toxic chemical compounds. 25% of regular cigarette smokers will die prematurely due to smoking.
  • After 3 months of smoking, a person becomes dependent on tobacco. In women, tobacco addiction develops more rapidly than in men.

Ways to get rid of plaque

Some smokers believe that it is impossible to get rid of the yellow tint of teeth. This is wrong. It is quite possible to whiten yellowed enamel, and you can even try to do it at home. However, if the case is advanced, and the plaque has turned from yellowish to brown or even black, then folk remedies are likely to be ineffective. A dentist will help you thoroughly clean your teeth from old pigmentation.

Home whitening methods

When choosing methods for getting rid of plaque, you need to understand that home procedures will take much more time than professional cleaning at the dentist.

To remove plaque at home, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using baking soda. The abrasive properties of this substance allow you to effectively remove plaque and polish tooth enamel. To achieve results, you can use baking soda in its pure form or add it to your usual toothpaste. You can use this method no more than twice a week.
  2. Lemon peel. Rubbing the surface of the teeth with the crust of this fruit helps lighten the enamel.
  3. Cleaning with activated carbon. Crushed charcoal is applied to the brush and the teeth are cleaned with gentle movements. The method is highly effective, however, the efforts made should be controlled to avoid damage to the enamel.
  4. Using tea tree oil. This product is distinguished by its safety and has an additional antibacterial effect. After cleansing your teeth with regular toothpaste, apply a few drops of oil to your brush and gently brush your teeth again. Then rinse your mouth with water and a few drops of lemon. After the procedure, you may feel a slight numbness.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. A few drops of peroxide solution are applied to a cotton swab and wiped over the teeth. After this, you need to perform hygiene with toothpaste and then rinse your mouth thoroughly. Peroxide has a pronounced effect, but has an adverse effect on the enamel.
  6. Factory products. Effective is the use of various whitening gels applied to the teeth using a special tray. Lightening agents in the form of strips have a similar effect. When using these devices, you must be careful and strictly follow the instructions in the instructions.

In order to avoid plaque caused by a bad habit, you need to brush your teeth after every cigarette you smoke. Unfortunately, this opportunity does not always exist. Regular use of home whitening methods will help get rid of fresh plaque and prevent it from acquiring a dark shade.

Attention! In addition to the above methods, it would be useful to include solid vegetables and some types of fruits in your diet, which help clean and brighten your teeth. These include: strawberries, apples, lemons, celery and carrots.

Features of whitening with soda

When wondering how to remove plaque on teeth after smoking, many people opt for baking soda.

The method is really effective, although there are contraindications, such as:

  • tendency to bleeding gums;
  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • enamel pathologies (fluorosis, hypoplasia);
  • carious infections.

If the listed contraindications are absent, you can try this type of whitening. Procedure steps:

  1. Prepare soda in the form of a dry powder or a paste-like mixture with water. You will also need a toothbrush.
  2. Baking soda must be applied to the toothbrush (if using dry powder, the brush must be moistened with water).
  3. Brush your teeth, being careful and trying not to get it on the oral mucosa.
  4. Rinse your teeth thoroughly.

This method should not be used more than twice a week. Baking soda can be used not in its pure form, but added to regular toothpaste.

Professional teeth cleaning after smoking

Advanced forms of plaque on teeth are best left to the dentist. A professional approach to lightening enamel after smoking includes two types of procedures:

  • Professional hygiene. The procedure is carried out using soft abrasive cleaning and ultrasonic methods. During the manipulation process, teeth are even removed from old plaque and tartar.
  • Enamel whitening. This method is used when the natural color of the teeth is not satisfactory, and the patient wants to have a perfectly snow-white smile.

Sometimes combined methods are used, combining them with subsequent remineralization of tooth enamel.

Toothpastes for smokers

Cosmetologists call the change in a patient’s appearance due to smoking “tobacco transformation.”

There is another type of paste, which contains atomic oxygen and pyroxides. They make the enamel looser. This is necessary for the penetration of oxygen, which oxidizes yellow pigments. This is how teeth become whiter. But it should be remembered that the loose structure is more susceptible to the penetration of dyes, and after a while the teeth may become even yellower.


It is always easier to prevent pathology than to treat it. In order to avoid the appearance of plaque, it is best to get rid of the bad habit of smoking. If this cannot be done, then you need to at least minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke. Additional preventive measures are:

  • thorough dental hygiene at least twice a day using a toothbrush, floss and mouthwash;
  • timely replacement of the toothbrush;
  • rinsing the mouth after every meal or smoking;
  • control over the amount of coffee and strong tea consumed;
  • alternating different types of toothpaste;
  • regular oral hygiene at the dentist.

It is better to solve the problem at the stage while the above simple recommendations are effective. If you do not give up the bad habit, as well as neglect preventive measures, then plaque after smoking can lead to serious oral diseases.

Category Hygiene Published by Mister stomatolog

Mucous membrane

The influence of tobacco smoke on the mucous membrane of the mouth leads to a disease that remains invisible for a long time, since the smoker does not experience any unpleasant sensations, and the dentist does not always pay attention to the mucous membrane.

We are talking about the so-called smoker's leukoplakia or nicotine leukoplakia of the palate. This is the mucous membrane's response to smoke irritation. When you inhale it, the smoke rises up to the roof of your mouth. Constant exposure to the mucous membrane of the palate leads to changes appearing on it. At first it is just a whitish plaque that can only be noticed during a dental examination. The person does not feel any discomfort or pain. Next, the ducts of the salivary glands expand, which intensively produce the missing saliva. Then dense, bumpy formations appear on the mucous membrane. Its tissue changes, something like warts appears.

The places where leukoplakia has developed are drier, and saliva is retained less on them. In these areas, the mucous membrane does not renew, and then the process of keratinization and compaction begins: thicker cell membranes are formed due to metabolic disorders. If this disease is not treated (and the first stage of such treatment is quitting smoking), cancer may develop. When you stop smoking, even advanced leukoplakia in its final stages goes away.

Your actions. To speed up the healing process, it is useful to take vitamins A and E in tablets or capsules. Oil applications, rinsing the mouth with St. John's wort, calendula, and plantain juice have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

Don't be surprised if you notice that any wounds in your mouth are not healing well. This is also the result of the action of hot smoke, which, when smoking, irritates the mucous membrane and burns it. The chemical components of smoke absorbed into the mucous membrane suppress the formation of the enzyme that disinfects the oral cavity - lysozyme, so that any infection develops more easily. Lysozyme, in addition, is involved in the normal restoration of the mucous membrane, and when smoking this process slows down. At the same time, vitamin A metabolism is disrupted, which also reduces protection. Therefore, taking additional portions of vitamin A is absolutely necessary even for those who smoke a little and do not yet complain about anything.

General recommendations

To keep your teeth white and healthy, you not only need to whiten periodically, but also follow these rules:

  • brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, thoroughly cleaning all surfaces of the teeth and spending at least 5 minutes on the procedure;
  • use medicated paste constantly and periodically alternating it with a special whitening paste - we brush our teeth with a regular paste for 3 months and with a special whitening paste for 1 month;
  • limit the consumption of strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and other products that stain tooth enamel;
  • reduce consumption of foods containing high concentrations of sugar;
  • give up smoking - only by completely giving up smoking can you achieve whiter teeth, otherwise you will have to carry out whitening constantly, and the result will get worse every year.

More videos about whitening

Don't know how to whiten your teeth after smoking? Use the most popular folk remedies or find out what procedures modern dentistry can offer you.

There are unknown risks associated with using the recommendations in this article and achieving the desired results. You decide to apply these recommendations at your own risk.


Then you need a strategy for quitting cigarettes. With its help it will be much easier to quit.

Most smokers are familiar with the unpleasant problem of nicotine plaque on their teeth. There are many ways to get rid of this problem, both at home and by seeking help from specialists.

When is it time to see the dentist?

Doctors insist that patients see them at least once a year, regardless of whether they have any concerns. The appearance of plaque of any color that cannot be removed using a regular paste, much less the methods proposed above, requires going to the clinic outside of the plan, that is, before the expiration of a one-year period after the last visit.

There is an opinion that only cigars or cigarettes provoke plaque, and smoking, for example, a hookah does not affect the change in enamel color. This is not true: hookah provokes the appearance of plaque, and it forms even faster than if you smoke regular cigarettes. Reason: the cigarette filter retains some of the harmful tars. But the hookah does not have this filter.

How to clean your teeth from nicotine at home without harming the enamel?

Traditional methods, whitening gels and pencils, dental strips and much more are used everywhere to solve this problem. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Whitening gels

Often, in such gels, hydrogen peroxide is used as the main substance. But carbamide peroxide can also be added. Its advantage is a more gentle effect on tooth enamel. However, the disadvantages include low activity compared to hydrogen peroxide. In both cases, the whitening process is carried out by active oxygen, which is released when peroxide interacts with the enamel.

ExpertWhitening and Smile4You do the best job of whitening gels . Colgate, Opalescence and PolaDay are holding at a good level . Cheaper ones include products from Lumibrite .

The gels used by professionals in dental clinics contain the same active ingredients. But the catalyst for the chemical reaction is laser, LED or ultraviolet irradiation, called photobleaching. During this procedure, tooth enamel can be lightened up to 12 tones in one visit to a dentist.

To apply whitening gels at home, you can use regular toothbrushes and brushes. The package with the gel often contains trays that are placed on the teeth. The gel is placed in them. The duration of the whitening process at home depends on the amount of peroxide in the composition, and can last from half an hour to several hours. To achieve a noticeable result, you may need to repeat the procedure from 3 to 15 times.

But before you clean your teeth from nicotine at home, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a product and study the composition of the gels. After all, many of them contain aggressive acids that can corrode tooth enamel. The use of poor quality gels can damage the enamel, and in some cases even cause a burn to the oral cavity.

Note! Weakened and “fragile” tooth enamel is a contraindication for both teeth whitening from nicotine at home and in clinics! There is no point in performing the procedure, because... the effect will not last long. This is due to the fact that dyes penetrate damaged enamel very easily.

Whitening Pencils

Almost every manufacturer of such products offers whitening pencils. They look like simple tubes with whitening gel inside. It is applied quite simply using a brush, brush or sponge, which are included in the kit. The method of application and dosage is indicated on the packaging.

Instructions for use are as follows:

  • rinse the mouth to remove food debris;
  • wipe your teeth with a dry cloth;
  • apply the required amount of gel;
  • keep your mouth open for 1-10 minutes;
  • wash off the gel if it does not evaporate during the process;
  • You should not eat or drink for an hour after the procedure.

Important information! If you have braces, it is not recommended to resort to similar methods of teeth whitening from nicotine, because The result may be uneven. In addition, bleaching agents can corrode the metal.

Stripes of whiteness

These strips help whiten teeth by as much as 1-4 shades. The active component of these flexible plates is urea or hydrogen peroxide.

To start using it, just remove the protective sticker so that oxygen ions begin to activate:

  1. this procedure must be performed at regular intervals 1-2 times a day;
  2. the composition of the gel affects the duration of this procedure, which can last from 5 to 30 minutes;
  3. a shorter strip is glued to the lower row of teeth, and the longer one is glued to the upper row;
  4. Each strip is designed to be used only once;
  5. after removing the whitening strips, the mouth must be rinsed and then brushed with toothpaste;
  6. After this procedure, a slight softening of the enamel occurs, so it is not recommended to consume colored drinks, tea, coffee, wine, etc. over the next 2-4 weeks.

Important information! There is no such thing as perfectly white tooth enamel. Its natural shade is in any case a little yellowish or grayish, depending on genetics. There is no need to resort to teeth whitening if you are lucky and your teeth are free of plaque from nicotine, tea or coffee. This will only harm the healthy tooth surface.

Tea tree essential oil

Melaleuca oil, from the myrtle family, is considered an excellent disinfectant and can also lighten tooth enamel and fight plaque. True, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to resort to this method for a long time.

This type of teeth whitening from nicotine is the safest, even useful, because... it does not harm tooth enamel and has a beneficial effect on gums. Tea tree oil can be used at the same time as brushing your teeth. First of all, you should apply plain toothpaste, and then add 1-2 drops of tea tree essential oil. A similar result can be achieved by rinsing the mouth with boiled water with the addition of a couple of drops of this oil.

Important information! You should not use a large amount of the product, as a more saturated composition can cause an unpleasant tingling sensation in the mouth.

Activated carbon, wood ash

Due to its abrasive particles, wood ash has been used since ancient times as a teeth whitening agent. A similar result can be achieved with the help of activated carbon, which is, in its own way, loosened wood ash. You can make your own tooth whitening toothpaste from nicotine at home.

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