How to use Night White Teeth Whitening Kit


In modern society, strict conditions are imposed on appearance. A significant part of his impeccable appearance is ensured by his beautiful smile.

Making your teeth healthy and snow-white costs a lot of money and time. But now you don’t have to undergo an expensive procedure at the dentist. You can, saving your time and a lot of money, use a special system for self-whitening.

The most effective, and most importantly safe and budget-friendly home lightening method is the Night White kit.

General presentation and equipment

N ight W hite is a set of preparations intended for lightening at home. The system consists of two components and is easy to use. It acts gently on teeth with a guarantee of lasting results.

The main active ingredients are the following compounds:

  1. Carbamide peroxide acts as a bleaching agent and quickly penetrates all layers of the enamel coating.
  2. Calcium phosphate is needed to protect the enamel from the aggressive effects of the brightening component and restore it.
  3. Potassium nitrate – helps reduce tooth sensitivity during the procedure.

Important! Despite the fact that the concentration of active ingredients is designed for safe use, and the procedure itself does not require special skills to perform, you should definitely consult a dentist before whitening.

The system is produced by the manufacturer in two versions:

  • Universal S tandart Kit – includes 6 syringes.
  • Trial M ini Kit - contains 3 injectors.

Both sets contain a mandatory list of whitening products and devices:

  • syringes with a solution of active ingredients (2.4 g each);
  • nozzles for mixing the composition;
  • instructions for use.

Each injector contains substances for 3 applications (for both jaws). This means that a standard set of 6 syringes is designed for 18 uses, and a trial set is designed for only 9.

In addition, the kit includes blank plates (2 pcs.) for making individual mouth guards, a box for storing finished products, and a card with options for shades of enamel coating to evaluate the result.

How to correctly determine the color of teeth according to the Vita scale - tips and some nuances.

Come here to take a closer look at chemical teeth whitening methods.

At this address we offer detailed information about Bleach N Smile teeth whitening.

Home whitening Day White

Day White is a modern professional daytime home whitening system. Day White gel uses 9.5% hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is effective for a short period of time and is best suited for patients who require short exposure times.

To protect and enhance the shine of enamel, Day White gel also includes active ingredients such as amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) and potassium nitrate, an anesthetic for relieving tooth sensitivity.

The Day White ACP 9.5% standard home whitening system kit includes 6 syringes (2.4 ml), 6 tips, a container for storing trays, and instructions. Special syringes allow you to mix the active ingredient of the gel with a special activator exactly at the time of application.

Syringe design

The Night White syringe used in the lightening procedure is unique in its structure. The injector contains 2 barrels, in which 2 components are located separately from each other.

To mix them, a special nozzle is used, which allows you to prepare the substance immediately before putting the mouthguard on your teeth.

The advantage of the syringe design is that a person gets rid of the need to independently prepare the composition in any container. Moreover, the mixture obtained immediately before the teeth whitening process retains its properties in full.

One of the barrels is filled with carbamide peroxide, which contains pH. The second is an activator with restoring, soothing and softening ingredients.

Auxiliary elements allow you to apply the power of urea peroxide effectively and absolutely safely. The activator also provides the viscosity necessary to obtain consistency.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for using home whitening is a person’s natural desire to have the color of the smile area several shades lighter than the original.

Dentists advise using the Night White system only in cases where the darkening was caused by:

  • dental plaque;
  • “love” for black tea, coffee, juices from berries and vegetables;
  • age-related changes;
  • smoking.

Important! If the enamel coating is naturally quite dark, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

The system performed very well. Hundreds of thousands of patients tested its effect on themselves, and everyone was satisfied with the result.

But this modern and seemingly flawless method of whitening also has its limitations.

Night White is not recommended if:

  • the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • the child is under 14 years of age;
  • elements affected by caries;
  • there is inflammation of periodontal tissues;
  • high sensitivity of the enamel coating;
  • orthodontic structures are in place or immediately after their removal.

All of the above restrictions are conditional (i.e. temporary). Minor deviations from the health norm in the case of these contraindications allow the procedure to be carried out if the causes of these pathological conditions have been identified and eliminated, and a full therapeutic course has been completed.

Particular importance is given to establishing absolute (i.e. complete) restrictions on bleaching, since the presence of such conditions is dangerous due to the manifestation of unpredictable complications.

Absolute contraindications to the use of the Night White system are:

  • intolerance to the component composition;
  • very thin enamel;
  • psychoneurological problems;
  • malignant tumors;
  • bronchial obstruction;
  • thyroid dysfunction.

Objective reviews about Beyond teeth whitening and the equipment used for the procedure.

In this publication we will discuss the intricacies of teeth whitening with cold light.

Here all the most important things about Doctor Smile laser teeth whitening.

Preparing for lightening

A visit to the dentist before teeth whitening yourself involves not only mandatory diagnostic measures and identifying contraindications, but also some other nuances.

Firstly, the kit does not include mouth guards for the procedure. These devices must be made separately, and they must exactly match the characteristics of the patient’s dentofacial apparatus.

The kit contains only special plates, with the help of which the doctor can quickly make mouth guards for a specific person.

Important! If discomfort occurs when using mouth guards, you should contact your dentist to have them adjusted.

Secondly, you need to understand that lightening can only be carried out on healthy dental elements without deposits on the enamel. Therefore, in addition to eliminating pathologies of the oral cavity, the doctor must perform dental cleaning.

Home teeth whitening White Light - reviews


Dear customers!

This remedy does not help anything - just another noodle...

After 7 uses of 30 minutes each - no result!

I don’t smoke, I don’t drink coffee, my teeth weren’t very dark—I just decided to experiment because it wasn’t very expensive.

Think well!


I bought the White Light system, although I ordered it for pennies on a Chinese website. I think they sell the same thing here, only with a huge markup. It's not worth this money. The result is doubtful. I've been using it for a month, the gel that comes in the set is complete nonsense. Used Prof. paste with active oxygen, which is used in dentistry for whitening. And I had to keep the device in my mouth for an hour or more. Only then did a small effect appear. A tone, two no more. You can't expect perfect whitening. You won't get bright white teeth.


After whitening, my teeth acquired a strange shade, whiteness bordering on blue. Plus, she became sensitive, she ate hot soup, and wrinkled, as if her teeth were shrinking from the inside. So my personal review of white light teeth whitening is not very positive. I only thought of reading the packaging after use, because it contains hydrogen peroxide, and peroxide has a very unhealthy effect on the enamel.



there are none at all


my teeth became stained and sensitive to everything!

Having again believed in miraculous whitening, I once again succumbed to deception. For which I scold myself, because again it’s money down the drain.





Ineffective, expensive, useless

Complete nonsense and a waste of money. What a shame to sell this!!! Completely ineffective, but expensive. If the natural color of the enamel differs from the desired one, this miracle remedy will not help.


Hello my dear readers. In pursuit of beauty, teeth cannot be ignored. After all, no one will refuse a healthy and beautiful snow-white smile))).

One day, a year and a half ago, after looking at my teeth in the mirror, I decided that they were not snow-white enough. ))) And I decided to google... I typed somewhere in Yandex how to whiten teeth quickly, and of course I received a whole bunch of answers...

The options were as follows:

  • go to the clinic and shell out 15 thousand rubles
  • buy a home whitening system starting from 600 rubles
  • take advantage of popular advice - it’s a shame I didn’t use them right away, because now I’ve found a reliable whitening product for myself without harm to my teeth ( and the price is 70 rubles

In general, I decided that the white light home whitening system was a cool option, I found a link where I could buy it and ordered 2 packages at once with delivery - all together it cost me 1,300 rubles. When it was delivered, happiness knew no bounds; of course, I immediately unpacked it and immediately found myself upset - for some reason, the kit did not include instructions in Russian. But after googling, I found it on the Internet.

Well, according to the manufacturer, within a week I was supposed to become the owner of a Hollywood smile. I immediately started the first procedure.

The set includes 2 tubes, a silicone mouth guard, and a flashlight nipple that is inserted into the mouth))

You need to squeeze two pastes onto the mouth guard, insert the mouth guard into your mouth, also insert a flashlight into your mouth, and sit like that for 10 to 30 minutes….

Now imagine, in your mouth there are two very sharp mint toothpastes of unknown composition..... Your tongue is burning, drooling is flowing.... In general, in contrast to the assurances of the manufacturers, the crap is disgusting.... In addition to the feeling that I was sitting like a fool with this crap, after five minutes a strong soreness appeared in my mouth ((((I think it’s tough, but you have to endure it! What can’t you do for the sake of beauty....

In general, such procedures last 20-30 minutes; I naively believed in the operation of this system and honestly spent a week in a row.... The teeth did not change in color, but they changed greatly in quality - they began to react to sweet and salty, hot and cold, the gums began to itch day and night..... In general, the system turned out to be a rare piece of crap.

Why didn’t I throw it away after the first unpleasant sensations? Apparently greed and the desire to get a snow-white smile played a role here.

The second set is still at home, in my closet, I’ll take a photo and post it….

Girls and boys, learn from my experience and do not buy dubious Chinese magic remedies!

If you want your teeth to be white without harming them, read the review, the link to which I left at the beginning of this review. Now my teeth look like this

I wish everyone good health and successful shopping!!!!

Tiger cub

A couple of years ago, in Europe, I purchased a wonderful product for whitening teeth at home, WhiteLight. The principle was very simple and convenient. Gel was applied to the mouth guard, the mouth guard was applied to the teeth, then the light transmitter was inserted and the blue light was turned on, 10 minutes a day and after a week your teeth are 3-5 shades lighter. The result was simply excellent, moreover, it has survived to this day.

When this product appeared on the Internet, I clapped my hands with joy. Hooray! There will be something to give to friends for the holiday, and it wouldn’t hurt to buy one for yourself as a preventive measure.

I confess, I was inattentive, I made an order under the influence of a familiar brand. And having received the order by mail and paid for it (2000 rubles), I still had no idea what awaited me.

The first thing that immediately surprised me was 2 gels instead of one. Yes, yes, the original system contains only ONE gel, green in color with an applicator applicator for more convenient application to the mouthguard.

The gel contains carbamide peroxide, which, under the influence of light or heat, releases active oxygen, which is what brightens, and to be precise, pushes out dark compounds from the tooth tissues.

Here the advertisement tells us about two gels, one a clarifier, the other a developer, which are mixed and the reaction begins. It's complete nonsense, if you also read the composition on the tubes of gel (on which it is the same, by the way), then this composition does not even contain substances that are activated under the influence of light. It’s on the box, but not on the tubes, it’s strange isn’t it? Could the ingredients on the outer packaging differ from the ingredients on the product? Maybe if the box is from a completely different product!

Yes, by the way, the box shows a green gel with an applicator, and the package contains ONE gel with an applicator made in the USA. Everything else is made in China. (On the back of the package at the very bottom). That is, the contents of the package do not correspond to reality at all.

Moreover, this is not a whitening gel at all, but an ordinary toothpaste (read the composition on the tube), and not the best composition, sodium hydroxide alone is worth it! This is a caustic alkali, the kind usually found in plumbing cleaning products. Well, if you quickly brush her teeth, then nothing particularly terrible will happen, but it will all lie there in a thick layer on her teeth for 10 minutes. But they even recommend 30 minutes for better results!!! Even with household chemicals, 5 minutes is usually enough for the alkali to dissolve all contaminants. And having dissolved the plaque on the teeth, the alkali will attack the enamel, by the way, and it is almost impossible to restore it.

Anyone who writes that tooth sensitivity appeared after using the system can be congratulated - the alkali has already worked on the enamel.

Well, there is no point in talking about the fact that the light transmitter is also far from the original. Enough gels. And further. No matter how much the system costs, and the prices are simply amazing with their variety from 136 rubles to 3000 (and those who offer the same thing at a higher price warn us against cheap counterfeits, they cleverly came up with this), if you see TWO gels in the composition, then know that you are being cruelly cheated, and at the same time at risk to your health!


After completing all the preparatory activities for the procedure, you can begin whitening.

All actions must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Brush and floss your teeth.
  2. Remove the syringe from the container and unscrew the cap.
  3. Place a nozzle on the injector for mixing ingredients (the nozzle is secured by screwing into the thread).
  4. Take a mouth guard and squeeze the required amount of mixture into each tooth cell. The syringe has a special scale, the divisions of which correspond to the volume of product required per cell. Do not fill the cells above the recommended dosage.
  5. The mouthguard filled with the mixture is carefully placed on the teeth. At this time, it is necessary to control the appearance of excess composition outside of it. It is considered normal if the product inside the mouth guard begins to foam. This phenomenon indicates the beginning of the reaction.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that the foam does not get on the gums. Its excess can be removed with a cotton swab or cotton swab.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the mouth guard is removed and any remaining product is removed from it (first with a dry brush, and then with a stream of running cold water).
  8. The device is dried and put into a container.
  9. Rinsing the mouth removes the remaining composition from the teeth.

The duration of keeping the whitening mixture in the mouth and its concentration should be clarified in advance with the dentist at the first consultation. It all depends on the characteristics and condition of the enamel coating and the desired result.

Thus, systems with a concentration of 16% and 10% are usually left overnight (i.e. for 6-7 hours). If a person is afraid to sleep with aligners, the mixture can be used twice a day for 2-4 hours. If teeth are highly sensitive, it is allowed to use the method, but the holding time of the bleaching solution is reduced to 2 hours.

A system with a concentration of 22% can be used for no longer than 1 hour at intervals of 1-2 times/day. It can be used in the first sessions in patients with severe darkening. This gel should not be used if the enamel coating is hypersensitive.

The video provides additional information on using the Night White home whitening system.


ZOOM (or photo whitening) is a type of so-called in-office whitening, i.e. a technique that is performed only in the dentist's office. The doctor applies a gel with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide to the surface of the teeth, and then irradiates the teeth with an ultraviolet lamp. Under the influence of light, atomic oxygen is released from the gel, which penetrates the tooth enamel and brightens it. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. As a result, teeth are whitened by 8-12 shades. The disadvantages of ZOOM whitening include a noticeable increase in enamel sensitivity, which persists for several days after the procedure.

Expected Result

Important! Home whitening has a less pronounced effect than in-office whitening. He cannot quickly and significantly change the shade of enamel. The main advantage of the home procedure is that it is a painless and gradual process.

The result visible from the procedure can occur after the first use of the mixture. During the course it will be possible to lighten the enamel by 6-8 tones. The final effect depends on individual characteristics: age, anatomical features, hygiene, condition of the teeth and their natural shade.

Whitening is allowed to be performed daily, but if pain or sensitivity occurs, the patient should consult a doctor before continuing the course. In this case, the procedures not performed must be compensated by lengthening the duration of the remaining sessions.

The enamel will acquire its final shade 10-14 days after all sessions are completed.

Upon completion of the lightening course, you can repeat the process 1-2 times, but not earlier than after 4-6 months. But, as practice shows, if the recommendations and technology are followed, a repeat course may be needed only after a few years.

Useful tips

During whitening, you need to maintain the same oral hygiene as during normal periods - brush your teeth twice a day, use mouthwash and floss after meals.

Important! During the entire period of lightening and upon completion of the course, it is not recommended to consume foods and drinks with coloring pigments (sauces, carrots, berries, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee), and you should also refrain from smoking.

In the future, in order to maintain the result for a long time and prevent unwanted consequences, you need to:

  • reduce as much as possible the consumption of chocolate, coffee, soda, tea, natural vegetable and berry juices, red wine and other coloring products;
  • rinse your mouth with water after each snack;
  • monitor the condition of the enamel.

Teeth whitening Day White/Night White - prices

Comprehensive oral examinationDiagnostics, development of treatment plan900 rubles On promotion
Individual mouthguard (1 jaw) excluding the cost of impressionsfor home whitening2500 rubles
Taking impressions to make a custom whitening tray1500 rubles
OPALESCENCE 20% PF system for home whitening (USA)3000 rubles
Home whitening kit OPALESCENCE 20% PF, tray container, toothpaste, travel bag (USA)Kit5000 rubles


Darkening of teeth is an inevitable physiological phenomenon. Its progress can be accelerated due to some actions of the person himself.

Return them to their original appearance or improve the existing one, really with the Night White system.

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