16 unexpected ways to use toothpaste at home

To maintain the beauty and health of their teeth, millions of people use toothpaste every day. This hygiene product is available in every home, but not everyone knows about its hidden additional capabilities. In fact, there are at least 10 non-standard ways to use toothpaste that can make life much easier for housewives.

Remove stubborn stains from clothes

Got a coffee stain on a light blouse? Or did you stain your shirt with lipstick? Or maybe your pen leaked right in your pocket? If you apply the treasured product to the stain, rub it a little and only then wash the item in the machine, it will be much easier to get rid of such a difficult stain. However, if you let the stain dry out and become old, then even toothpaste will not help you.

By the way

If you put a stain on a colored item, then it is better to bypass this advice: when rubbing, you risk bleaching and washing out part of the dye, which will result in leaving a light stain on the item.

How can toothpaste help in the bathroom and toilet?

When you start cleaning the bathroom, don’t forget to put a tube of toothpaste nearby. You will need it to:

Wash the tiles until they are shiny and streak-free.

Clean all chrome surfaces until they are shiny.

Clean the plumbing fixtures – taps, sink, bathtub and toilet.

To prevent mirrors and glass surfaces in the bathroom from fogging up, dilute a little toothpaste in water and treat them with this solution.

A tube of the cheapest mint toothpaste can serve as an excellent air freshener. You need to make several holes in it and place it at the bottom of the cistern. With each flush, some of the paste will be washed out of the tube, keeping the toilet fresh.

Refresh your leather surfaces

It is enough to drop ketchup on a light leather sofa or spill a little wine on it - and removing the stain will be problematic. Even if you wipe the surface immediately and the skin does not have time to stain, small particles of dirt will clog into the microfolds of the skin structure and will betray your carelessness. Rub the stain with a toothbrush and a little toothpaste and your skin will look as good as new! The same applies, for example, to white leather boots whose microcracks have been ingrained by street dirt, light-colored gloves or bags with scuffs, as well as light-colored leather car interiors.

Clean silver jewelry or dishes

Silver tends to darken and tarnish over the years, and some people even build a business on professional polishing of silver items. But you can polish them yourself with any fine abrasive, and where can you find abrasive particles finer than in toothpaste? In this case, it is better not to use a brush, but some kind of cloth: a microfiber cloth, a piece of felt, or even a cotton scarf. This method of polishing will take a lot of time, but the shine of heirloom cutlery is worth it!


Toothpaste is a mass similar in consistency to jelly, intended for cleaning teeth from plaque and food debris.

And every person, from early childhood, actively uses this attribute at least once a day.

But, did you know that in addition to its direct purpose, toothpaste can also be useful for other purposes?

Do not know? Then remember.

Toothpaste - use in folk medicine

Toothpaste can easily replace a bunch of medications. It can be safely used as a remedy...

• ...from burns. If you accidentally get burned by touching a hot frying pan or iron, immediately apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the painful area. This measure will alleviate pain and avoid the formation of blisters in the affected area. After an hour, rinse off the remaining paste with warm water. But if a wound has formed from a burn, this method will not work;

• ...from bruises. To speed up the resorption of the hematoma, smear the glowing bruise with toothpaste;

• ... when calluses form from shoes. Surely everyone has had the experience of rubbing calluses with new or uncomfortable shoes, which develop into blisters - an unpleasant and painful thing, however. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the formed callus and after just a couple of minutes the pain will subside slightly, and the swollen blister will dry out and gradually decrease;

• ...from insect bites. If after being bitten by a mosquito or other bug you feel itching and your skin is red and swollen, apply a little paste to the affected area and you will immediately feel relief;

• ...for acne or herpes. Lubricate a pimple that appears on the skin of your face with a small amount of ordinary white toothpaste (without any additives) at night and it will evaporate by the morning. Just remember to wash off the paste in the morning with warm water. The same measure will prevent the growth of herpes on the lips. But for very sensitive skin and if the body is prone to allergic manifestations, such procedures are contraindicated;

Toothpaste - household use

• ...to remove yellowness from nails. Since toothpaste can easily remove yellow plaque from our teeth, it can easily remove yellow stains from our nails. It is enough to rub your nails with a brush with paste applied to it. But that's not all the wonders that toothpaste is capable of. It can also be used for household purposes. For example, using toothpaste you can easily...

• …remove tea marks on a desk or computer desk. Who among us doesn’t like to drink tea while sitting at the computer? Of course, sometimes furniture suffers from such habits. If you accidentally spill tea on the table, rub the contaminated area with toothpaste, then wipe with a dampened napkin;

• ...to disguise scratches on computer disks, watch glasses and cell phone screens. Often, if these items are handled carelessly, they will develop defects in the form of scratches. Shallow scratches can be removed using the same toothpaste. Apply the composition in a thin layer to the affected surface and, using a soft cloth, carefully sand it with light movements from the middle to the edge;

• …remove stains on clothes, carpet and furniture, including lipstick stains. Apply a small layer of paste to the contaminated area of ​​clothing and leave for fifteen minutes. Then rub thoroughly and rinse in warm water. If you are trying to clean a white item, use a bleaching paste for best results. It will no longer be suitable for colored items, since it will certainly leave whitish marks. When furniture and carpet are dirty, in the same way, first lubricate the dirty area with toothpaste and scrub thoroughly using a brush, then wipe with a generously moistened napkin;

• ...restore the original whiteness of worn leather goods (bags, furniture, belts, shoes). Squeeze toothpaste (preferably whitening) onto the worn areas of the leather item and rub with a soft cloth. After about twenty minutes, wipe with a slightly damp cloth;

• ...clean up dark dirty spots on the white soles of shoes. It is enough to apply a little paste to the contaminated area of ​​the sole and rub it with a brush, and it will become white again. All that remains is to wipe it with a damp cloth or rinse with warm water;

• ...remove plaque from the keys of a piano, grand piano, accordion or button accordion. Apply a little paste to a damp (lint-free) cloth, rub the keys with it, then go over with a clean damp cloth and finish the process with a dry cloth;

• ...remove plaque from sink taps. During your usual daily morning (or evening) exercise, scrub the faucet with your toothpaste, using a separate brush for this. You'll see, the plaque will disappear instantly;

• ...to erase traces of felt-tip pens and pencils on painted walls. If there is a young artist growing up in your house who shows his talent with drawings on the walls, then do not rush to run for new paint to re-paint the walls. Apply toothpaste to a damp cloth and thoroughly rub the painted areas until they disappear;

• ...remove deposits on the soleplate of the iron. The silicon contained in the toothpaste can easily clean the smooth, shiny surface of the iron if you rub the soleplate of the device with a soft cloth with the paste applied to it;

• ...remove dirt from the surface of the cooker. If your milk escaped while boiling or you stained the stove while cooking, apply toothpaste to the stuck food residues and scrub with a damp washcloth. Then all you have to do is carry out the usual wet cleaning of the entire surface of the slab, and it will shine like new again;

• …eliminate unpleasant odors. After fiddling with fish, onions and garlic, as a rule, your hands smell for a long time of the absorbed odors from such odorous products. Wash your hands with a small amount of toothpaste, and there will be no trace of odors left. In the same way, you can eliminate the smell of sour milk from baby bottles by washing them with a brush coated with paste;

• …remove dark deposits from silver and cupronickel items. For this purpose, dissolve toothpaste in water and place objects in this solution for a short time. Then rub the product with a soft cloth until shiny. If you have time, coat silver or cupronickel items with toothpaste and leave overnight. In the morning, rub them with a dry cloth and they will shine like new again.

These, in fact, are all the miracles that ordinary toothpaste, available in every home, is capable of. This is exactly what we wanted to tell you about. It’s up to each of you to believe it or not and how to use the information received. What prevents you from checking it through your own experiments?


Polish metal and chrome items

And again we sing an ode to microscopic abrasive particles: barely noticeable grooves on a faucet, small scratches on a metal sink from cleaning with coarse powders or marks from a metal sponge on an expensive stainless steel pan can be easily removed by polishing with a cloth and toothpaste!


There is no point in carrying out all polishing work with gel or baby pastes, since abrasive particles are usually not added to them.

Choosing paste for masks

When choosing a toothpaste, you should carefully read the composition , since it is the only one that matters. Pastes with a whitening effect can be eliminated immediately. Expensive products often contain abrasive substances and a high fluoride content, which precludes their use as a skin care product.

For masks, you should choose a paste without fluoride and dyes , since instead of benefit you can get irritation. The presence of menthol is not important. Natural ingredients such as medicinal herbs and oak bark will only be beneficial.

Choosing a toothpaste

Get rid of unpleasant odor

Did you take coffee with milk in a thermos to work and forget to wash it? the flowers stood in the vase for a couple of weeks, and no one changed the water in it? You've chopped onions on a board, and now you're wondering how to cut fruit for dessert? A quick way to get rid of unpleasant odors is to wipe or rinse the source with toothpaste! After all, she copes with bad breath with a bang, which means she can cope here too.

The history of the first toothpaste

Brush and paste are the basis of oral hygiene. Now everyone has such a set, but there were times when such devices were considered a real luxury. In Ancient Egypt, sand, ash, ground stones and animal horns were used to clean teeth. Instead of a brush, use your own finger. In the 4th century BC. Hippocrates advised for this purpose to use more gentle mixtures of pumice and wine vinegar. Until the 18th century, the British brushed their teeth with a powder made from crushed bricks, coal chips and crushed bark.

The Americans were the first to improve cleaning powder in the 19th century. It was a mixture prepared on the basis of chalk powder and neutral soap with the addition of fragrances. In 1873, Colgate released the first toothpaste in glass jars, and only 20 years later it began to be sold in convenient tubes. But Soviet people brushed their teeth with chalk-based powder until the 50s of the last century - at that time the first tubes were just beginning to appear on store shelves.

The photo shows the first paste in a glass jar from Colgate

Remove dirt from nails

Do you like to tinker in the garden? Or in the garage? Or have you peeled a couple of dozen tangerines and your nails have taken on an orange tint? Wipe off any dirt, oil or ether by brushing your nails with a toothbrush and some toothpaste! We assure you that your nails will not only become clean, but will also acquire an attractive shine.

By the way

Many girls have already included cleaning their nails with toothpaste in their list of beauty procedures: the nails are simultaneously cleaned, polished and whitened, while the cuticles are delicately exfoliated. Agree, not every professional manicure product has such an effect!

Causes of tooth enamel destruction

Healthy teeth have strong enamel and healthy gums. But negative external and internal factors can lead to gum inflammation and enamel destruction. To avoid this, you need to take comprehensive measures, which include: oral care, getting rid of bad habits, replenishing the body with essential minerals and vitamins, as well as regular visits to the dentist for preventive examination and dental treatment (which includes professional teeth cleaning and whitening teeth).

Teeth deteriorate for the following reasons:

— Incorrect and irregular oral care.

— Diseases of the teeth and gums (caries, periodontal disease, etc.).

— Brushing your teeth with coarse abrasives (they severely scratch the enamel and can lead to the development of caries in the future).

— All types of whitening (healthy enamel has a yellowish tint).

— Sudden changes in temperature (eating hot and cold foods).

— Eating foods high in sugar and acids.

- Smoking.

— Incorrect bite (enamel wears off).

— Age (with age, the enamel becomes thinner and wears off, degenerative changes occur in the gums).

— Hormonal disorders (pregnancy, lactation).

— Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Polish gadget screens or the surface of old disks

A new phone or tablet looks simply hypnotic with this smooth and pristine black mirror of the screen. But a couple of months pass and the display no longer looks so fresh, although there seem to be no scratches on it. It's all about micro-scratches, which can be removed by polishing with paste: 2-3 minutes of rubbing with a cloth over the display - and the screen or disks will become almost perfectly smooth!

We recommend: How can you quickly remove the smell of dampness and mold in an apartment or house?

Get rid of stains on carpets

Removing a stain on a light-colored carpet is problematic, so we advise you to rely on the method of removing stains using toothpaste. To do this, immediately apply the product to the dirt, brush the stain, and then clean the residue with a clean brush in several passes. Naturally, the sooner you start cleaning the stain, the better the result will be, although bleaching pastes can cope even with old stains on light-colored carpets.

The best toothpaste – homemade

Commercial toothpastes are often very harsh and contain many harmful preservatives and additives, so homemade toothpaste can be a good alternative. This is especially true for those with sensitive teeth, because it is very difficult for them to find a good working paste without harmful side components.

Making your own toothpaste is an excellent opportunity to get a product with the effect you need. This paste will perform all its tasks: clean teeth from plaque, destroy pathogenic bacteria, whiten and strengthen enamel and freshen breath. Before moving on to recipes, you need to understand what is good and what is bad for your teeth.

Save white walls from children's drawings

What child doesn't love leaving a masterpiece with pencils or markers on the wall? But this makes parents more upset than happy. Don't worry, you don't have to re-stick or repaint a white wall if you use the right toothpaste for cleaning. If the wall is painted, then a small amount of paste and a cloth will help remove drawings even from water-based emulsion. However, for water-based paint this only works on white walls, so lovers of the Scandinavian style in the interior are in luck. If the walls have vinyl wallpaper, then you can clean any colors: they do not allow moisture to pass through, so the pattern will come off without harming the wallpaper. The main thing is not to rub too hard.

Impressive number of alternative uses, isn't it? Who would have thought that paste can not only take care of the cleanliness and health of the oral cavity, but also restore beauty and even polish minor scratches! Well, now is the time to try out all these household tricks and share the results!

Rules of use for home

After nails and screws are driven in, small holes appear in the wall, which sometimes have to be masked as unnecessary. For these purposes, a homogeneous white toothpaste without unnecessary impurities is suitable. If the walls are colored, then you can rub the dried product with chalk of a suitable shade.

If mold appears on the tile joints, it can be easily removed using the same cleaning agent. To make work easier, some housewives use a rotating brush.

To clean a kitchen cutting board from persistent unpleasant odors, you need to thoroughly rub it with paste and then rinse with warm running water. You can use a regular sponge to apply the product. After such simple manipulations, the foul odor will completely disappear.

Toothpaste is ideal for cleaning baby dishes and bottles intended for milk and formula. This product perfectly removes plaque on the walls and threads of lids. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the cleaned items upon completion of work.

To clean the iron from scorch marks, both toothpaste and gel are suitable. This product does not damage the surface and does not leave scratches. You need to use it as follows:

  • Apply to cooled soles and immediately wipe with a soft, damp cloth;
  • After treatment, heat the iron to clear clogged holes with a stream of hot steam.

In order to remove small scratches on a CD, you need to apply the paste to it in a circular motion. Then polish the treated surface with a dry soft cloth. To remove stubborn residues, the disc can be rinsed under running water.

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